YUI recommends YUI3.
YUI 2 has been deprecated since 2011. This site acts as an archive for files and documentation.
This documentation is no longer maintained.
This example demonstrates how you can transform the look of your TreeView Control simply by changing the CSS rules on the page. Here, the TreeView instance has a "folder style" applied to it such that branch nodes appear as open or closed folders depending on their expand/collapse state.
The key change we've made in this example of the TreeView Control is that we've applied a supplementary CSS file:
This CSS redefines the look of branch nodes so they appear as folders. The folder-style CSS accompanies your YUI download and can be found in the yui/examples/treeview/assets
Beyond the link
element referenced above, the following markup is on the page for this example:
Based on that markup, we use the following JavaScript code to create our TreeView instance, populate its nodes, and add expand/collapse functionality:
Note: Logging and debugging is currently turned off for this example.
All YUI 2.x users should review the YUI 2.8.2 security bulletin, which discusses a vulnerability present in YUI 2.4.0-2.8.1.
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