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YUI Library Examples: Carousel Control: Pagination template example

Carousel Control: Pagination template example

This example uses the YUI Carousel Control to showcase how to customize and display pagination information.

Using the Carousel Widget To Display Customized Pagination Information

Here we will use the YUI Carousel Control's private pagination configuration setting to display customized pagination information.

This example has the following dependencies:

This example uses progressive enhancement; the Carousel is built from an existing ordered list.

Make sure all carousel items have a width and height.

After Carousel instantiation, we use the public registerPagination method to register a text and/or HTML template containing any one of the following Carousel tokens: numVisible, numPages, numItems, selectedItem, currentPage, firstVisible, and/or lastVisible. Carousel's public updatePagination is then called automatically and substitutes each token with its respective data. The method continues to be called every time Carousel's state changes.

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