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Yahoo! UI Library

Storage  2.8.1

Yahoo! UI Library > Storage > YAHOO.util.Storage

Class YAHOO.util.Storage

The Storage class is an HTML 5 storage API clone, used to wrap individual storage implementations with a common API.


YAHOO.util.Storage ( location , conf )
location <String> Required. The storage location.
conf <Object> Required. A configuration object.


_cfg - protected {Object}

The configuration of the engine.

_location - protected {String}

The location for this instance.

_name - protected {String}

The name of this engine.

CE_CHANGE - {String}

The event name for when the storage item has changed.

CE_READY - {String}

The event name for when the storage item is ready.

DELIMITER - {String}

The delimiter uesed between the data type and the data.

isReady - protected {String}

This engine singleton has been initialized already.

length - {Number}

The current length of the keys.



protected void _clear ( )
Implementation of the clear login; should be overwritten by storage engine.


protected void _createValue ( s )
Converts the object into a string, with meta data (type), so it can be restored later.
s <Object> Required. An object to store.


protected String|NULL _getItem ( key )
Implementation of the getItem login; should be overwritten by storage engine.
key <String> Required. The key used to reference this value.
Returns: String|NULL
The value stored at the provided key.


protected void _getValue ( s )
Converts the stored value into its appropriate type.
s <String> Required. The stored value.


protected String|NULL _key ( index )
Implementation of the key logic; should be overwritten by storage engine.
index <Number> Required. The index to retrieve (unsigned long in HTML 5 spec).
Returns: String|NULL
Required. The key at the provided index (DOMString in HTML 5 spec).


protected void _removeItem ( key )
Implementation of the removeItem login; should be overwritten by storage engine.
key <String> Required. The key to remove.


protected Boolean _setItem ( key , data )
Implementation of the setItem login; should be overwritten by storage engine.
key <String> Required. The key used to reference this value.
data <Object> Required. The data to storage at key.
Returns: Boolean
True when successful, false when size QUOTA exceeded.


void clear ( )
Clears any existing key/value pairs.


String|NULL getItem ( key )
Fetches the data stored and the provided key.
key <String> Required. The key used to reference this value (DOMString in HTML 5 spec).
Returns: String|NULL
The value stored at the provided key (DOMString in HTML 5 spec).


String getName ( )
Fetches the storage object's name; should be overwritten by storage engine.
Returns: String
The name of the data storage object.


Boolean hasKey ( key )
Tests if the key has been set (not in HTML 5 spec); should be overwritten by storage engine.
key <String> Required. The key to search for.
Returns: Boolean
True when key has been set.


String key ( index )
Retrieve the key stored at the provided index; should be overwritten by storage engine.
index <Number> Required. The index to retrieve (unsigned long in HTML 5 spec).
Returns: String
Required. The key at the provided index (DOMString in HTML 5 spec).


void setItem ( key )
Remove an item from the data storage.
key <String> Required. The key to remove (DOMString in HTML 5 spec).

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