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Yahoo! UI Library

Storage  2.8.1

Yahoo! UI Library > Storage > StorageEngineHTML5.js (source view)
 * HTML limitations:
 *  - 5MB in FF and Safari, 10MB in IE 8
 *  - only FF 3.5 recovers session storage after a browser crash
 * Thoughts:
 *  - how can we not use cookies to handle session
(function() {
	// internal shorthand
var Y = YAHOO.util,
	YL = YAHOO.lang,

	 * Required for IE 8 to make synchronous.
	_beginTransaction = function(engine) {
		if (engine.begin) {engine.begin();}

	 * Required for IE 8 to make synchronous.
	_commitTransaction = function(engine) {
		if (engine.commit) {engine.commit();}

	 * The StorageEngineHTML5 class implements the HTML5 storage engine.
	 * @namespace YAHOO.util
	 * @class StorageEngineHTML5
	 * @constructor
	 * @extend YAHOO.util.Storage
	 * @param location {String} Required. The storage location.
	 * @param conf {Object} Required. A configuration object.
	Y.StorageEngineHTML5 = function(location, conf) {
		var _this = this;
		Y.StorageEngineHTML5.superclass.constructor.call(_this, location, Y.StorageEngineHTML5.ENGINE_NAME, conf);// not set, are cookies available
		_this._engine = window[location];
		_this.length = _this._engine.length;
		YL.later(250, _this, function() { // temporary solution so that CE_READY can be subscribed to after this object is created

	YAHOO.lang.extend(Y.StorageEngineHTML5, Y.Storage, {

		_engine: null,

		 * Implementation to clear the values from the storage engine.
		 * @see YAHOO.util.Storage._clear
		_clear: function() {
			var _this = this;
			if (_this._engine.clear) {
			// for FF 3, fixed in FF 3.5
			else {
				for (var i = _this.length, key; 0 <= i; i -= 1) {
					key = _this._key(i);

		 * Implementation to fetch an item from the storage engine.
		 * @see YAHOO.util.Storage._getItem
		_getItem: function(key) {
			var o = this._engine.getItem(key);
			return YL.isObject(o) ? o.value : o; // for FF 3, fixed in FF 3.5

		 * Implementation to fetch a key from the storage engine.
		 * @see YAHOO.util.Storage._key
		_key: function(index) {return this._engine.key(index);},

		 * Implementation to remove an item from the storage engine.
		 * @see YAHOO.util.Storage._removeItem
		_removeItem: function(key) {
			var _this = this;
			_this.length = _this._engine.length;

		 * Implementation to remove an item from the storage engine.
		 * @see YAHOO.util.Storage._setItem
		_setItem: function(key, value) {
			var _this = this;
			try {
				_this._engine.setItem(key, value);
				_this.length = _this._engine.length;
				return true;
			catch (e) {
				return false;
	}, true);

	Y.StorageEngineHTML5.ENGINE_NAME = 'html5';
	Y.StorageEngineHTML5.isAvailable = function() {
		return window.localStorage;

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