YUI recommends YUI 3.
YUI 2 has been deprecated since 2011. This site acts as an archive for files and documentation.
Yahoo! UI Library > datatable > ScrollingDataTable.js (source view)
(function () {
var lang = YAHOO.lang,
util = YAHOO.util,
widget = YAHOO.widget,
ua = YAHOO.env.ua,
Dom = util.Dom,
Ev = util.Event,
DS = util.DataSourceBase,
DT = widget.DataTable,
Pag = widget.Paginator;
* The ScrollingDataTable class extends the DataTable class to provide
* functionality for x-scrolling, y-scrolling, and xy-scrolling.
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class ScrollingDataTable
* @extends YAHOO.widget.DataTable
* @constructor
* @param elContainer {HTMLElement} Container element for the TABLE.
* @param aColumnDefs {Object[]} Array of object literal Column definitions.
* @param oDataSource {YAHOO.util.DataSource} DataSource instance.
* @param oConfigs {object} (optional) Object literal of configuration values.
widget.ScrollingDataTable = function(elContainer,aColumnDefs,oDataSource,oConfigs) {
oConfigs = oConfigs || {};
// Prevent infinite loop
if(oConfigs.scrollable) {
oConfigs.scrollable = false;
widget.ScrollingDataTable.superclass.constructor.call(this, elContainer,aColumnDefs,oDataSource,oConfigs);
// Once per instance
this.subscribe("columnShowEvent", this._onColumnChange);
var SDT = widget.ScrollingDataTable;
// Public constants
lang.augmentObject(SDT, {
* Class name assigned to inner DataTable header container.
* @property DataTable.CLASS_HEADER
* @type String
* @static
* @final
* @default "yui-dt-hd"
CLASS_HEADER : "yui-dt-hd",
* Class name assigned to inner DataTable body container.
* @property DataTable.CLASS_BODY
* @type String
* @static
* @final
* @default "yui-dt-bd"
CLASS_BODY : "yui-dt-bd"
lang.extend(SDT, DT, {
* Container for fixed header TABLE element.
* @property _elHdContainer
* @type HTMLElement
* @private
_elHdContainer : null,
* Fixed header TABLE element.
* @property _elHdTable
* @type HTMLElement
* @private
_elHdTable : null,
* Container for scrolling body TABLE element.
* @property _elBdContainer
* @type HTMLElement
* @private
_elBdContainer : null,
* Body THEAD element.
* @property _elBdThead
* @type HTMLElement
* @private
_elBdThead : null,
* Offscreen container to temporarily clone SDT for auto-width calculation.
* @property _elTmpContainer
* @type HTMLElement
* @private
_elTmpContainer : null,
* Offscreen TABLE element for auto-width calculation.
* @property _elTmpTable
* @type HTMLElement
* @private
_elTmpTable : null,
* True if x-scrollbar is currently visible.
* @property _bScrollbarX
* @type Boolean
* @private
_bScrollbarX : null,
// Superclass methods
* Implementation of Element's abstract method. Sets up config values.
* @method initAttributes
* @param oConfigs {Object} (Optional) Object literal definition of configuration values.
* @private
initAttributes : function(oConfigs) {
oConfigs = oConfigs || {};
SDT.superclass.initAttributes.call(this, oConfigs);
* @attribute width
* @description Table width for scrollable tables. Note: When setting width
* and height at runtime, please set height first.
* @type String
this.setAttributeConfig("width", {
value: null,
validator: lang.isString,
method: function(oParam) {
if(this._elHdContainer && this._elBdContainer) {
this._elHdContainer.style.width = oParam;
this._elBdContainer.style.width = oParam;
* @attribute height
* @description Table body height for scrollable tables, not including headers.
* @type String
this.setAttributeConfig("height", {
value: null,
validator: lang.isString,
method: function(oParam) {
if(this._elHdContainer && this._elBdContainer) {
this._elBdContainer.style.height = oParam;
* @description CSS color value assigned to header filler on scrollable tables.
* @type String
* @default "#F2F2F2"
this.setAttributeConfig("COLOR_COLUMNFILLER", {
value: "#F2F2F2",
validator: lang.isString,
method: function(oParam) {
this._elHdContainer.style.backgroundColor = oParam;
* Initializes DOM elements for a ScrollingDataTable, including creation of
* two separate TABLE elements.
* @method _initDomElements
* @param elContainer {HTMLElement | String} HTML DIV element by reference or ID.
* return {Boolean} False in case of error, otherwise true
* @private
_initDomElements : function(elContainer) {
// Outer and inner containers
if(this._elContainer && this._elHdContainer && this._elBdContainer) {
if(this._elHdTable && this._elTable) {
///this._initColgroupEl(this._elHdTable, this._elTable);
this._initTheadEl(this._elHdTable, this._elTable);
// Primary TBODY
// Message TBODY
if(!this._elContainer || !this._elTable || !this._elColgroup || !this._elThead || !this._elTbody || !this._elMsgTbody ||
!this._elHdTable || !this._elBdThead) {
YAHOO.log("Could not instantiate DataTable due to an invalid DOM elements", "error", this.toString());
return false;
else {
return true;
* Destroy's the DataTable outer and inner container elements, if available.
* @method _destroyContainerEl
* @param elContainer {HTMLElement} Reference to the container element.
* @private
_destroyContainerEl : function(elContainer) {
Dom.removeClass(elContainer, DT.CLASS_SCROLLABLE);
SDT.superclass._destroyContainerEl.call(this, elContainer);
this._elHdContainer = null;
this._elBdContainer = null;
* Initializes the DataTable outer container element and creates inner header
* and body container elements.
* @method _initContainerEl
* @param elContainer {HTMLElement | String} HTML DIV element by reference or ID.
* @private
_initContainerEl : function(elContainer) {
SDT.superclass._initContainerEl.call(this, elContainer);
if(this._elContainer) {
elContainer = this._elContainer; // was constructor input, now is DOM ref
Dom.addClass(elContainer, DT.CLASS_SCROLLABLE);
// Container for header TABLE
var elHdContainer = document.createElement("div");
elHdContainer.style.width = this.get("width") || "";
elHdContainer.style.backgroundColor = this.get("COLOR_COLUMNFILLER");
Dom.addClass(elHdContainer, SDT.CLASS_HEADER);
this._elHdContainer = elHdContainer;
// Container for body TABLE
var elBdContainer = document.createElement("div");
elBdContainer.style.width = this.get("width") || "";
elBdContainer.style.height = this.get("height") || "";
Dom.addClass(elBdContainer, SDT.CLASS_BODY);
Ev.addListener(elBdContainer, "scroll", this._onScroll, this); // to sync horiz scroll headers
this._elBdContainer = elBdContainer;
* Creates HTML markup CAPTION element.
* @method _initCaptionEl
* @param sCaption {String} Text for caption.
* @private
_initCaptionEl : function(sCaption) {
// Not yet supported
/*if(this._elHdTable && sCaption) {
// Create CAPTION element
if(!this._elCaption) {
this._elCaption = this._elHdTable.createCaption();
// Set CAPTION value
this._elCaption.innerHTML = sCaption;
else if(this._elCaption) {
* Destroy's the DataTable head TABLE element, if available.
* @method _destroyHdTableEl
* @private
_destroyHdTableEl : function() {
var elTable = this._elHdTable;
if(elTable) {
Ev.purgeElement(elTable, true);
// A little out of place, but where else can we null out these extra elements?
///this._elBdColgroup = null;
this._elBdThead = null;
* Initializes ScrollingDataTable TABLE elements into the two inner containers.
* @method _initTableEl
* @private
_initTableEl : function() {
// Head TABLE
if(this._elHdContainer) {
// Create TABLE
this._elHdTable = this._elHdContainer.appendChild(document.createElement("table"));
// Body TABLE
SDT.superclass._initTableEl.call(this, this._elBdContainer);
* Initializes ScrollingDataTable THEAD elements into the two inner containers.
* @method _initTheadEl
* @param elHdTable {HTMLElement} (optional) Fixed header TABLE element reference.
* @param elTable {HTMLElement} (optional) TABLE element reference.
* @private
_initTheadEl : function(elHdTable, elTable) {
elHdTable = elHdTable || this._elHdTable;
elTable = elTable || this._elTable;
// Scrolling body's THEAD
// Standard fixed head THEAD
SDT.superclass._initTheadEl.call(this, elHdTable);
* SDT changes ID so as not to duplicate the accessibility TH IDs.
* @method _initThEl
* @param elTh {HTMLElement} TH element reference.
* @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} Column object.
* @private
_initThEl : function(elTh, oColumn) {
SDT.superclass._initThEl.call(this, elTh, oColumn);
elTh.id = this.getId() +"-fixedth-" + oColumn.getSanitizedKey(); // Needed for getColumn by TH and ColumnDD
* Destroy's the DataTable body THEAD element, if available.
* @method _destroyBdTheadEl
* @private
_destroyBdTheadEl : function() {
var elBdThead = this._elBdThead;
if(elBdThead) {
var elTable = elBdThead.parentNode;
Ev.purgeElement(elBdThead, true);
this._elBdThead = null;
* Initializes body THEAD element.
* @method _initBdTheadEl
* @param elTable {HTMLElement} TABLE element into which to create THEAD.
* @return {HTMLElement} Initialized THEAD element.
* @private
_initBdTheadEl : function(elTable) {
if(elTable) {
// Destroy previous
var elThead = elTable.insertBefore(document.createElement("thead"), elTable.firstChild);
// Add TRs to the THEAD;
var oColumnSet = this._oColumnSet,
colTree = oColumnSet.tree,
elTh, elTheadTr, oColumn, i, j, k, len;
for(i=0, k=colTree.length; i<k; i++) {
elTheadTr = elThead.appendChild(document.createElement("tr"));
// ...and create TH cells
for(j=0, len=colTree[i].length; j<len; j++) {
oColumn = colTree[i][j];
elTh = elTheadTr.appendChild(document.createElement("th"));
this._elBdThead = elThead;
YAHOO.log("Accessibility TH cells for " + this._oColumnSet.keys.length + " keys created","info",this.toString());
* Populates TH element for the body THEAD element.
* @method _initBdThEl
* @param elTh {HTMLElement} TH element reference.
* @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} Column object.
* @private
_initBdThEl : function(elTh, oColumn) {
elTh.id = this.getId()+"-th-" + oColumn.getSanitizedKey(); // Needed for accessibility
elTh.rowSpan = oColumn.getRowspan();
elTh.colSpan = oColumn.getColspan();
// Assign abbr attribute
if(oColumn.abbr) {
elTh.abbr = oColumn.abbr;
// TODO: strip links and form elements
var sKey = oColumn.getKey();
var sLabel = lang.isValue(oColumn.label) ? oColumn.label : sKey;
elTh.innerHTML = sLabel;
* Initializes ScrollingDataTable TBODY element for data
* @method _initTbodyEl
* @param elTable {HTMLElement} TABLE element into which to create TBODY .
* @private
_initTbodyEl : function(elTable) {
SDT.superclass._initTbodyEl.call(this, elTable);
// Bug 2105534 - Safari gap
elTable.style.marginTop = "-"+this._elTbody.offsetTop+"px";
* Sets focus on the given element.
* @method _focusEl
* @param el {HTMLElement} Element.
* @private
_focusEl : function(el) {
el = el || this._elTbody;
var oSelf = this;
// http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/index.php?title=Key-navigable_custom_DHTML_widgets
// The timeout is necessary in both IE and Firefox 1.5, to prevent scripts from doing
// strange unexpected things as the user clicks on buttons and other controls.
// Bug 1921135: Wrap the whole thing in a setTimeout
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
try {
catch(e) {
}, 0);
* Internal wrapper calls run() on render Chain instance.
* @method _runRenderChain
* @private
_runRenderChain : function() {
* Stores scroll positions so they can be restored after a render.
* @method _storeScrollPositions
* @private
_storeScrollPositions : function() {
this._nScrollTop = this._elBdContainer.scrollTop;
this._nScrollLeft = this._elBdContainer.scrollLeft;
* Restores scroll positions to stored value.
* @method _retoreScrollPositions
* @private
_restoreScrollPositions : function() {
// Reset scroll positions
if(this._nScrollTop) {
this._elBdContainer.scrollTop = this._nScrollTop;
this._nScrollTop = null;
if(this._nScrollLeft) {
this._elBdContainer.scrollLeft = this._nScrollLeft;
this._nScrollLeft = null;
* Helper function calculates and sets a validated width for a Column in a ScrollingDataTable.
* @method _validateColumnWidth
* @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} Column instance.
* @param elTd {HTMLElement} TD element to validate against.
* @private
_validateColumnWidth : function(oColumn, elTd) {
// Only Columns without widths that are not hidden
if(!oColumn.width && !oColumn.hidden) {
var elTh = oColumn.getThEl();
// Unset a calculated auto-width
if(oColumn._calculatedWidth) {
this._setColumnWidth(oColumn, "auto", "visible");
// Compare auto-widths
if(elTh.offsetWidth !== elTd.offsetWidth) {
var elWider = (elTh.offsetWidth > elTd.offsetWidth) ?
oColumn.getThLinerEl() : elTd.firstChild;
// Grab the wider liner width, unless the minWidth is wider
var newWidth = Math.max(0,
(elWider.offsetWidth -(parseInt(Dom.getStyle(elWider,"paddingLeft"),10)|0) - (parseInt(Dom.getStyle(elWider,"paddingRight"),10)|0)),
var sOverflow = 'visible';
// Now validate against maxAutoWidth
if((oColumn.maxAutoWidth > 0) && (newWidth > oColumn.maxAutoWidth)) {
newWidth = oColumn.maxAutoWidth;
sOverflow = "hidden";
// Set to the wider auto-width
this._elTbody.style.display = "none";
this._setColumnWidth(oColumn, newWidth+'px', sOverflow);
oColumn._calculatedWidth = newWidth;
this._elTbody.style.display = "";
* For one or all Columns of a ScrollingDataTable, when Column is not hidden,
* and width is not set, syncs widths of header and body cells and
* validates that width against minWidth and/or maxAutoWidth as necessary.
* @method validateColumnWidths
* @param oArg.column {YAHOO.widget.Column} (optional) One Column to validate. If null, all Columns' widths are validated.
validateColumnWidths : function(oColumn) {
// Validate there is at least one TR with proper TDs
var allKeys = this._oColumnSet.keys,
allKeysLength = allKeys.length,
elRow = this.getFirstTrEl();
// Reset overhang for IE
if(ua.ie) {
if(allKeys && elRow && (elRow.childNodes.length === allKeysLength)) {
// Temporarily unsnap container since it causes inaccurate calculations
var sWidth = this.get("width");
if(sWidth) {
this._elHdContainer.style.width = "";
this._elBdContainer.style.width = "";
this._elContainer.style.width = "";
//Validate just one Column
if(oColumn && lang.isNumber(oColumn.getKeyIndex())) {
this._validateColumnWidth(oColumn, elRow.childNodes[oColumn.getKeyIndex()]);
// Iterate through all Columns to unset calculated widths in one pass
else {
var elTd, todos = [], thisTodo, i, len;
for(i=0; i<allKeysLength; i++) {
oColumn = allKeys[i];
// Only Columns without widths that are not hidden, unset a calculated auto-width
if(!oColumn.width && !oColumn.hidden && oColumn._calculatedWidth) {
todos[todos.length] = oColumn;
this._elTbody.style.display = "none";
for(i=0, len=todos.length; i<len; i++) {
this._setColumnWidth(todos[i], "auto", "visible");
this._elTbody.style.display = "";
todos = [];
// Iterate through all Columns and make the store the adjustments to make in one pass
for(i=0; i<allKeysLength; i++) {
oColumn = allKeys[i];
elTd = elRow.childNodes[i];
// Only Columns without widths that are not hidden
if(!oColumn.width && !oColumn.hidden) {
var elTh = oColumn.getThEl();
// Compare auto-widths
if(elTh.offsetWidth !== elTd.offsetWidth) {
var elWider = (elTh.offsetWidth > elTd.offsetWidth) ?
oColumn.getThLinerEl() : elTd.firstChild;
// Grab the wider liner width, unless the minWidth is wider
var newWidth = Math.max(0,
(elWider.offsetWidth -(parseInt(Dom.getStyle(elWider,"paddingLeft"),10)|0) - (parseInt(Dom.getStyle(elWider,"paddingRight"),10)|0)),
var sOverflow = 'visible';
// Now validate against maxAutoWidth
if((oColumn.maxAutoWidth > 0) && (newWidth > oColumn.maxAutoWidth)) {
newWidth = oColumn.maxAutoWidth;
sOverflow = "hidden";
todos[todos.length] = [oColumn, newWidth, sOverflow];
this._elTbody.style.display = "none";
for(i=0, len=todos.length; i<len; i++) {
thisTodo = todos[i];
// Set to the wider auto-width
this._setColumnWidth(thisTodo[0], thisTodo[1]+"px", thisTodo[2]);
thisTodo[0]._calculatedWidth = thisTodo[1];
this._elTbody.style.display = "";
// Resnap unsnapped containers
if(sWidth) {
this._elHdContainer.style.width = sWidth;
this._elBdContainer.style.width = sWidth;
* Syncs padding around scrollable tables, including Column header right-padding
* and container width and height.
* @method _syncScroll
* @private
_syncScroll : function() {
if(ua.opera) {
// Bug 1925874
this._elHdContainer.scrollLeft = this._elBdContainer.scrollLeft;
if(!this.get("width")) {
// Bug 1926125
document.body.style += '';
* Snaps container width for y-scrolling tables.
* @method _syncScrollY
* @private
_syncScrollY : function() {
var elTbody = this._elTbody,
elBdContainer = this._elBdContainer;
// X-scrolling not enabled
if(!this.get("width")) {
// Snap outer container width to content
this._elContainer.style.width =
(elBdContainer.scrollHeight > elBdContainer.clientHeight) ?
// but account for y-scrollbar since it is visible
(elTbody.parentNode.clientWidth + 19) + "px" :
// no y-scrollbar, just borders
(elTbody.parentNode.clientWidth + 2) + "px";
* Snaps container height for x-scrolling tables in IE. Syncs message TBODY width.
* @method _syncScrollX
* @private
_syncScrollX : function() {
var elTbody = this._elTbody,
elBdContainer = this._elBdContainer;
// IE 6 and 7 only when y-scrolling not enabled
if(!this.get("height") && (ua.ie)) {
// Snap outer container height to content
elBdContainer.style.height =
// but account for x-scrollbar if it is visible
(elBdContainer.scrollWidth > elBdContainer.offsetWidth ) ?
(elTbody.parentNode.offsetHeight + 18) + "px" :
elTbody.parentNode.offsetHeight + "px";
// Sync message tbody
if(this._elTbody.rows.length === 0) {
this._elMsgTbody.parentNode.style.width = this.getTheadEl().parentNode.offsetWidth + "px";
else {
this._elMsgTbody.parentNode.style.width = "";
* Adds/removes Column header overhang as necesary.
* @method _syncScrollOverhang
* @private
_syncScrollOverhang : function() {
var elBdContainer = this._elBdContainer,
// Overhang should be either 1 (default) or 18px, depending on the location of the right edge of the table
nPadding = 1;
// Y-scrollbar is visible, which is when the overhang needs to jut out
if((elBdContainer.scrollHeight > elBdContainer.clientHeight) &&
// X-scrollbar is also visible, which means the right is jagged, not flush with the Column
(elBdContainer.scrollWidth > elBdContainer.clientWidth)) {
nPadding = 18;
* Sets Column header overhang to given width.
* @method _setOverhangValue
* @param nBorderWidth {Number} Value of new border for overhang.
* @private
_setOverhangValue : function(nBorderWidth) {
var aLastHeaders = this._oColumnSet.headers[this._oColumnSet.headers.length-1] || [],
len = aLastHeaders.length,
sPrefix = this._sId+"-fixedth-",
sValue = nBorderWidth + "px solid " + this.get("COLOR_COLUMNFILLER");
this._elThead.style.display = "none";
for(var i=0; i<len; i++) {
Dom.get(sPrefix+aLastHeaders[i]).style.borderRight = sValue;
this._elThead.style.display = "";
* Returns DOM reference to the DataTable's fixed header container element.
* @method getHdContainerEl
* @return {HTMLElement} Reference to DIV element.
getHdContainerEl : function() {
return this._elHdContainer;
* Returns DOM reference to the DataTable's scrolling body container element.
* @method getBdContainerEl
* @return {HTMLElement} Reference to DIV element.
getBdContainerEl : function() {
return this._elBdContainer;
* Returns DOM reference to the DataTable's fixed header TABLE element.
* @method getHdTableEl
* @return {HTMLElement} Reference to TABLE element.
getHdTableEl : function() {
return this._elHdTable;
* Returns DOM reference to the DataTable's scrolling body TABLE element.
* @method getBdTableEl
* @return {HTMLElement} Reference to TABLE element.
getBdTableEl : function() {
return this._elTable;
* Disables ScrollingDataTable UI.
* @method disable
disable : function() {
var elMask = this._elMask;
elMask.style.width = this._elBdContainer.offsetWidth + "px";
elMask.style.height = this._elHdContainer.offsetHeight + this._elBdContainer.offsetHeight + "px";
elMask.style.display = "";
* Removes given Column. NOTE: You cannot remove nested Columns. You can only remove
* non-nested Columns, and top-level parent Columns (which will remove all
* children Columns).
* @method removeColumn
* @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} Column instance.
* @return oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} Removed Column instance.
removeColumn : function(oColumn) {
// Store scroll pos
var hdPos = this._elHdContainer.scrollLeft;
var bdPos = this._elBdContainer.scrollLeft;
// Call superclass method
oColumn = SDT.superclass.removeColumn.call(this, oColumn);
// Restore scroll pos
this._elHdContainer.scrollLeft = hdPos;
this._elBdContainer.scrollLeft = bdPos;
return oColumn;
* Inserts given Column at the index if given, otherwise at the end. NOTE: You
* can only add non-nested Columns and top-level parent Columns. You cannot add
* a nested Column to an existing parent.
* @method insertColumn
* @param oColumn {Object | YAHOO.widget.Column} Object literal Column
* definition or a Column instance.
* @param index {Number} (optional) New tree index.
* @return oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} Inserted Column instance.
insertColumn : function(oColumn, index) {
// Store scroll pos
var hdPos = this._elHdContainer.scrollLeft;
var bdPos = this._elBdContainer.scrollLeft;
// Call superclass method
var oNewColumn = SDT.superclass.insertColumn.call(this, oColumn, index);
// Restore scroll pos
this._elHdContainer.scrollLeft = hdPos;
this._elBdContainer.scrollLeft = bdPos;
return oNewColumn;
* Removes given Column and inserts into given tree index. NOTE: You
* can only reorder non-nested Columns and top-level parent Columns. You cannot
* reorder a nested Column to an existing parent.
* @method reorderColumn
* @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} Column instance.
* @param index {Number} New tree index.
reorderColumn : function(oColumn, index) {
// Store scroll pos
var hdPos = this._elHdContainer.scrollLeft;
var bdPos = this._elBdContainer.scrollLeft;
// Call superclass method
var oNewColumn = SDT.superclass.reorderColumn.call(this, oColumn, index);
// Restore scroll pos
this._elHdContainer.scrollLeft = hdPos;
this._elBdContainer.scrollLeft = bdPos;
return oNewColumn;
* Sets given Column to given pixel width. If new width is less than minWidth
* width, sets to minWidth. Updates oColumn.width value.
* @method setColumnWidth
* @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} Column instance.
* @param nWidth {Number} New width in pixels.
setColumnWidth : function(oColumn, nWidth) {
oColumn = this.getColumn(oColumn);
if(oColumn) {
// Validate new width against minWidth
if(lang.isNumber(nWidth)) {
nWidth = (nWidth > oColumn.minWidth) ? nWidth : oColumn.minWidth;
// Save state
oColumn.width = nWidth;
// Resize the DOM elements
this._setColumnWidth(oColumn, nWidth+"px");
YAHOO.log("Set width of Column " + oColumn + " to " + nWidth + "px", "info", this.toString());
// Unsets a width to auto-size
else if(nWidth === null) {
// Save state
oColumn.width = nWidth;
// Resize the DOM elements
this._setColumnWidth(oColumn, "auto");
YAHOO.log("Column " + oColumn + " width unset", "info", this.toString());
YAHOO.log("Could not set width of Column " + oColumn + " to " + nWidth + "px", "warn", this.toString());
* Displays message within secondary TBODY.
* @method showTableMessage
* @param sHTML {String} (optional) Value for innerHTMlang.
* @param sClassName {String} (optional) Classname.
showTableMessage : function(sHTML, sClassName) {
var elCell = this._elMsgTd;
if(lang.isString(sHTML)) {
elCell.firstChild.innerHTML = sHTML;
if(lang.isString(sClassName)) {
Dom.addClass(elCell.firstChild, sClassName);
// Needed for SDT only
var elThead = this.getTheadEl();
var elTable = elThead.parentNode;
var newWidth = elTable.offsetWidth;
this._elMsgTbody.parentNode.style.width = this.getTheadEl().parentNode.offsetWidth + "px";
this._elMsgTbody.style.display = "";
this.fireEvent("tableMsgShowEvent", {html:sHTML, className:sClassName});
YAHOO.log("DataTable showing message: " + sHTML, "info", this.toString());
// Private Custom Event Handlers
* Handles Column mutations
* @method onColumnChange
* @param oArgs {Object} Custom Event data.
_onColumnChange : function(oArg) {
// Figure out which Column changed
var oColumn = (oArg.column) ? oArg.column :
(oArg.editor) ? oArg.editor.column : null;
// Private DOM Event Handlers
* Syncs scrolltop and scrollleft of all TABLEs.
* @method _onScroll
* @param e {HTMLEvent} The scroll event.
* @param oSelf {YAHOO.widget.ScrollingDataTable} ScrollingDataTable instance.
* @private
_onScroll : function(e, oSelf) {
oSelf._elHdContainer.scrollLeft = oSelf._elBdContainer.scrollLeft;
if(oSelf._oCellEditor && oSelf._oCellEditor.isActive) {
oSelf.fireEvent("editorBlurEvent", {editor:oSelf._oCellEditor});
var elTarget = Ev.getTarget(e);
var elTag = elTarget.nodeName.toLowerCase();
oSelf.fireEvent("tableScrollEvent", {event:e, target:elTarget});
* Handles keydown events on the THEAD element.
* @method _onTheadKeydown
* @param e {HTMLEvent} The key event.
* @param oSelf {YAHOO.widget.ScrollingDataTable} ScrollingDataTable instance.
* @private
_onTheadKeydown : function(e, oSelf) {
// If tabbing to next TH label link causes THEAD to scroll,
// need to sync scrollLeft with TBODY
if(Ev.getCharCode(e) === 9) {
setTimeout(function() {
if((oSelf instanceof SDT) && oSelf._sId) {
oSelf._elBdContainer.scrollLeft = oSelf._elHdContainer.scrollLeft;
var elTarget = Ev.getTarget(e);
var elTag = elTarget.nodeName.toLowerCase();
var bKeepBubbling = true;
while(elTarget && (elTag != "table")) {
switch(elTag) {
case "body":
case "input":
case "textarea":
// TODO: implement textareaKeyEvent
case "thead":
bKeepBubbling = oSelf.fireEvent("theadKeyEvent",{target:elTarget,event:e});
if(bKeepBubbling === false) {
else {
elTarget = elTarget.parentNode;
if(elTarget) {
elTag = elTarget.nodeName.toLowerCase();
oSelf.fireEvent("tableKeyEvent",{target:(elTarget || oSelf._elContainer),event:e});
* Fired when a fixed scrolling DataTable has a scroll.
* @event tableScrollEvent
* @param oArgs.event {HTMLEvent} The event object.
* @param oArgs.target {HTMLElement} The DataTable's CONTAINER element (in IE)
* or the DataTable's TBODY element (everyone else).