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Yahoo! UI Library

DataTable Widget  2.6.0

Yahoo! UI Library > datatable > RecordSet.js (source view)

(function () {

var lang   = YAHOO.lang,
    util   = YAHOO.util,
    widget = YAHOO.widget,
    Dom    = util.Dom,
    Ev     = util.Event,
    DT     = widget.DataTable;


 * A RecordSet defines and manages a set of Records.
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class RecordSet
 * @param data {Object || Object[]} An object literal or an array of data.
 * @constructor
YAHOO.widget.RecordSet = function(data) {
    // Internal variables
    this._sId = "yui-rs" + widget.RecordSet._nCount;
    this._records = [];
    //this._length = 0;

    if(data) {
        if(lang.isArray(data)) {
        else if(lang.isObject(data)) {

    YAHOO.log("RecordSet initialized", "info", this.toString());

var RS = widget.RecordSet;

 * Internal class variable to name multiple Recordset instances.
 * @property RecordSet._nCount
 * @type Number
 * @private
 * @static
RS._nCount = 0;

RS.prototype = {

    // Private member variables
     * Unique String identifier assigned at instantiation.
     * @property _sId
     * @type String
     * @private
    _sId : null,

     * Internal counter of how many Records are in the RecordSet.
     * @property _length
     * @type Number
     * @private
     * @deprecated No longer used
    //_length : null,

    // Private methods

     * Adds one Record to the RecordSet at the given index. If index is null,
     * then adds the Record to the end of the RecordSet.
     * @method _addRecord
     * @param oData {Object} An object literal of data.
     * @param index {Number} (optional) Position index.
     * @return {YAHOO.widget.Record} A Record instance.
     * @private
    _addRecord : function(oData, index) {
        var oRecord = new YAHOO.widget.Record(oData);
        if(YAHOO.lang.isNumber(index) && (index > -1)) {
        else {
            //index = this.getLength();
            //this._records[index] = oRecord;
            this._records[this._records.length] = oRecord;
        return oRecord;

     * Sets/replaces one Record to the RecordSet at the given index.  Existing
     * Records with higher indexes are not shifted.  If no index specified, the
     * Record is added to the end of the RecordSet.
     * @method _setRecord
     * @param oData {Object} An object literal of data.
     * @param index {Number} (optional) Position index.
     * @return {YAHOO.widget.Record} A Record instance.
     * @private
    _setRecord : function(oData, index) {
        if (!lang.isNumber(index) || index < 0) {
            index = this._records.length;
        return (this._records[index] = new widget.Record(oData));
        if(lang.isNumber(index) && (index > -1)) {
            this._records[index] = oRecord;
            if((index+1) > this.getLength()) {
                this._length = index+1;
        else {
            this._records[this.getLength()] = oRecord;
        return oRecord;

     * Deletes Records from the RecordSet at the given index. If range is null,
     * then only one Record is deleted.
     * @method _deleteRecord
     * @param index {Number} Position index.
     * @param range {Number} (optional) How many Records to delete
     * @private
    _deleteRecord : function(index, range) {
        if(!lang.isNumber(range) || (range < 0)) {
            range = 1;
        this._records.splice(index, range);
        //this._length = this._length - range;

    // Public methods

     * Returns unique name of the RecordSet instance.
     * @method getId
     * @return {String} Unique name of the RecordSet instance.
    getId : function() {
        return this._sId;

     * Public accessor to the unique name of the RecordSet instance.
     * @method toString
     * @return {String} Unique name of the RecordSet instance.
    toString : function() {
        return "RecordSet instance " + this._sId;

     * Returns the number of Records held in the RecordSet.
     * @method getLength
     * @return {Number} Number of records in the RecordSet.
    getLength : function() {
            //return this._length;
            return this._records.length;

     * Returns Record by ID or RecordSet position index.
     * @method getRecord
     * @param record {YAHOO.widget.Record | Number | String} Record instance,
     * RecordSet position index, or Record ID.
     * @return {YAHOO.widget.Record} Record object.
    getRecord : function(record) {
        var i;
        if(record instanceof widget.Record) {
            for(i=0; i<this._records.length; i++) {
                if(this._records[i] && (this._records[i]._sId === record._sId)) {
                    return record;
        else if(lang.isNumber(record)) {
            if((record > -1) && (record < this.getLength())) {
                return this._records[record];
        else if(lang.isString(record)) {
            for(i=0; i<this._records.length; i++) {
                if(this._records[i] && (this._records[i]._sId === record)) {
                    return this._records[i];
        // Not a valid Record for this RecordSet
        return null;


     * Returns an array of Records from the RecordSet.
     * @method getRecords
     * @param index {Number} (optional) Recordset position index of which Record to
     * start at.
     * @param range {Number} (optional) Number of Records to get.
     * @return {YAHOO.widget.Record[]} Array of Records starting at given index and
     * length equal to given range. If index is not given, all Records are returned.
    getRecords : function(index, range) {
        if(!lang.isNumber(index)) {
            return this._records;
        if(!lang.isNumber(range)) {
            return this._records.slice(index);
        return this._records.slice(index, index+range);

     * Returns a boolean indicating whether Records exist in the RecordSet at the
     * specified index range.  Returns true if and only if a Record exists at each
     * index in the range.
     * @method hasRecords
     * @param index
     * @param range
     * @return {Boolean} true if all indices are populated in the RecordSet
    hasRecords : function (index, range) {
        var recs = this.getRecords(index,range);
        for (var i = 0; i < range; ++i) {
            if (typeof recs[i] === 'undefined') {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Returns current position index for the given Record.
     * @method getRecordIndex
     * @param oRecord {YAHOO.widget.Record} Record instance.
     * @return {Number} Record's RecordSet position index.

    getRecordIndex : function(oRecord) {
        if(oRecord) {
            for(var i=this._records.length-1; i>-1; i--) {
                if(this._records[i] && oRecord.getId() === this._records[i].getId()) {
                    return i;
        return null;


     * Adds one Record to the RecordSet at the given index. If index is null,
     * then adds the Record to the end of the RecordSet.
     * @method addRecord
     * @param oData {Object} An object literal of data.
     * @param index {Number} (optional) Position index.
     * @return {YAHOO.widget.Record} A Record instance.
    addRecord : function(oData, index) {
        if(lang.isObject(oData)) {
            var oRecord = this._addRecord(oData, index);
            YAHOO.log("Added Record at index " + index +
                    " with data " + lang.dump(oData), "info", this.toString());
            return oRecord;
        else {
            YAHOO.log("Could not add Record with data" +
                    lang.dump(oData), "info", this.toString());
            return null;

     * Adds multiple Records at once to the RecordSet at the given index with the
     * given object literal data. If index is null, then the new Records are
     * added to the end of the RecordSet.
     * @method addRecords
     * @param aData {Object[]} An object literal data or an array of data object literals.
     * @param index {Number} (optional) Position index.
     * @return {YAHOO.widget.Record[]} An array of Record instances.
    addRecords : function(aData, index) {
        if(lang.isArray(aData)) {
            var newRecords = [],

            index = lang.isNumber(index) ? index : this._records.length;
            idx = index;

            // Can't go backwards bc we need to preserve order
            for(i=0,len=aData.length; i<len; ++i) {
                if(lang.isObject(aData[i])) {
                    var record = this._addRecord(aData[i], idx++);
            YAHOO.log("Added " + newRecords.length + " Record(s) at index " + index +
                    " with data " + lang.dump(aData), "info", this.toString());
           return newRecords;
        else if(lang.isObject(aData)) {
            var oRecord = this._addRecord(aData);
            YAHOO.log("Added 1 Record at index " + index +
                    " with data " + lang.dump(aData), "info", this.toString());
            return oRecord;
        else {
            YAHOO.log("Could not add Records with data " +
                    lang.dump(aData), "info", this.toString());
            return null;

     * Sets or replaces one Record to the RecordSet at the given index. Unlike
     * addRecord, an existing Record at that index is not shifted to preserve it.
     * If no index is specified, it adds the Record to the end of the RecordSet.
     * @method setRecord
     * @param oData {Object} An object literal of data.
     * @param index {Number} (optional) Position index.
     * @return {YAHOO.widget.Record} A Record instance.
    setRecord : function(oData, index) {
        if(lang.isObject(oData)) {
            var oRecord = this._setRecord(oData, index);
            YAHOO.log("Set Record at index " + index +
                    " with data " + lang.dump(oData), "info", this.toString());
            return oRecord;
        else {
            YAHOO.log("Could not set Record with data" +
                    lang.dump(oData), "info", this.toString());
            return null;

     * Sets or replaces multiple Records at once to the RecordSet with the given
     * data, starting at the given index. If index is not specified, then the new
     * Records are added to the end of the RecordSet.
     * @method setRecords
     * @param aData {Object[]} An array of object literal data.
     * @param index {Number} (optional) Position index.
     * @return {YAHOO.widget.Record[]} An array of Record instances.
    setRecords : function(aData, index) {
        var Rec   = widget.Record,
            a     = lang.isArray(aData) ? aData : [aData],
            added = [],
            i = 0, l = a.length, j = 0;

        index = parseInt(index,10)|0;

        for(; i < l; ++i) {
            if (typeof a[i] === 'object' && a[i]) {
                added[j++] = this._records[index + i] = new Rec(a[i]);

        // Backward compatibility for bug 1918245
        YAHOO.log("Set "+j+" Record(s) at index "+index, "info",

        if (a.length && !added.length) {
            YAHOO.log("Could not set Records with data " +
                    lang.dump(aData), "info", this.toString());

        return added.length > 1 ? added : added[0];

     * Updates given Record with given data.
     * @method updateRecord
     * @param record {YAHOO.widget.Record | Number | String} A Record instance,
     * a RecordSet position index, or a Record ID.
     * @param oData {Object} Object literal of new data.
     * @return {YAHOO.widget.Record} Updated Record, or null.
    updateRecord : function(record, oData) {
        var oRecord = this.getRecord(record);
        if(oRecord && lang.isObject(oData)) {
            // Copy data from the Record for the event that gets fired later
            var oldData = {};
            for(var key in oRecord._oData) {
                if(lang.hasOwnProperty(oRecord._oData, key)) {
                    oldData[key] = oRecord._oData[key];
            oRecord._oData = oData;
            YAHOO.log("Record at index " + this.getRecordIndex(oRecord) +
                    " updated with data " + lang.dump(oData), "info", this.toString());
            return oRecord;
        else {
            YAHOO.log("Could not update Record " + record, "error", this.toString());
            return null;

     * @method updateKey
     * @deprecated Use updateRecordValue
    updateKey : function(record, sKey, oData) {
        this.updateRecordValue(record, sKey, oData);
     * Sets given Record at given key to given data.
     * @method updateRecordValue
     * @param record {YAHOO.widget.Record | Number | String} A Record instance,
     * a RecordSet position index, or a Record ID.
     * @param sKey {String} Key name.
     * @param oData {Object} New data.
    updateRecordValue : function(record, sKey, oData) {
        var oRecord = this.getRecord(record);
        if(oRecord) {
            var oldData = null;
            var keyValue = oRecord._oData[sKey];
            // Copy data from the Record for the event that gets fired later
            if(keyValue && lang.isObject(keyValue)) {
                oldData = {};
                for(var key in keyValue)  {
                    if(lang.hasOwnProperty(keyValue, key)) {
                        oldData[key] = keyValue[key];
            // Copy by value
            else {
                oldData = keyValue;

            oRecord._oData[sKey] = oData;
            YAHOO.log("Key \"" + sKey +
                    "\" for Record at index " + this.getRecordIndex(oRecord) +
                    " updated to \"" + lang.dump(oData) + "\"", "info", this.toString());
        else {
            YAHOO.log("Could not update key " + sKey + " for Record " + record, "error", this.toString());

     * Replaces all Records in RecordSet with new object literal data.
     * @method replaceRecords
     * @param data {Object || Object[]} An object literal of data or an array of
     * data object literals.
     * @return {YAHOO.widget.Record || YAHOO.widget.Record[]} A Record instance or
     * an array of Records.
    replaceRecords : function(data) {
        return this.addRecords(data);

     * Sorts all Records by given function. Records keep their unique IDs but will
     * have new RecordSet position indexes.
     * @method sortRecords
     * @param fnSort {Function} Reference to a sort function.
     * @param desc {Boolean} True if sort direction is descending, false if sort
     * direction is ascending.
     * @return {YAHOO.widget.Record[]} Sorted array of Records.
    sortRecords : function(fnSort, desc) {
        return this._records.sort(function(a, b) {return fnSort(a, b, desc);});

     * Reverses all Records, so ["one", "two", "three"] becomes ["three", "two", "one"].
     * @method reverseRecords
     * @return {YAHOO.widget.Record[]} Reverse-sorted array of Records.
    reverseRecords : function() {
        return this._records.reverse();

     * Removes the Record at the given position index from the RecordSet. If a range
     * is also provided, removes that many Records, starting from the index. Length
     * of RecordSet is correspondingly shortened.
     * @method deleteRecord
     * @param index {Number} Record's RecordSet position index.
     * @param range {Number} (optional) How many Records to delete.
     * @return {Object} A copy of the data held by the deleted Record.
    deleteRecord : function(index) {
        if(lang.isNumber(index) && (index > -1) && (index < this.getLength())) {
            // Copy data from the Record for the event that gets fired later
            var oData = widget.DataTable._cloneObject(this.getRecord(index).getData());
            YAHOO.log("Record deleted at index " + index +
                    " and containing data " + lang.dump(oData), "info", this.toString());
            return oData;
        else {
            YAHOO.log("Could not delete Record at index " + index, "error", this.toString());
            return null;

     * Removes the Record at the given position index from the RecordSet. If a range
     * is also provided, removes that many Records, starting from the index. Length
     * of RecordSet is correspondingly shortened.
     * @method deleteRecords
     * @param index {Number} Record's RecordSet position index.
     * @param range {Number} (optional) How many Records to delete.
     * @return {Object[]} An array of copies of the data held by the deleted Records.     
    deleteRecords : function(index, range) {
        if(!lang.isNumber(range)) {
            range = 1;
        if(lang.isNumber(index) && (index > -1) && (index < this.getLength())) {
            var recordsToDelete = this.getRecords(index, range);
            // Copy data from each Record for the event that gets fired later
            var deletedData = [];
            for(var i=0; i<recordsToDelete.length; i++) {
                deletedData[deletedData.length] = widget.DataTable._cloneObject(recordsToDelete[i]);
            this._deleteRecord(index, range);

            YAHOO.log(range + "Record(s) deleted at index " + index +
                    " and containing data " + lang.dump(deletedData), "info", this.toString());

            return deletedData;
        else {
            YAHOO.log("Could not delete Records at index " + index, "error", this.toString());
            return null;

     * Deletes all Records from the RecordSet.
     * @method reset
    reset : function() {
        this._records = [];
        //this._length = 0;
        YAHOO.log("All Records deleted from RecordSet", "info", this.toString());

// Custom Events

// RecordSet uses EventProvider
lang.augmentProto(RS, util.EventProvider);

 * Fired when a new Record is added to the RecordSet.
 * @event recordAddEvent
 * @param oArgs.record {YAHOO.widget.Record} The Record instance.
 * @param oArgs.data {Object} Data added.

 * Fired when multiple Records are added to the RecordSet at once.
 * @event recordsAddEvent
 * @param oArgs.records {YAHOO.widget.Record[]} An array of Record instances.
 * @param oArgs.data {Object[]} Data added.

 * Fired when a Record is set in the RecordSet.
 * @event recordSetEvent
 * @param oArgs.record {YAHOO.widget.Record} The Record instance.
 * @param oArgs.data {Object} Data added.

 * Fired when multiple Records are set in the RecordSet at once.
 * @event recordsSetEvent
 * @param oArgs.records {YAHOO.widget.Record[]} An array of Record instances.
 * @param oArgs.data {Object[]} Data added.

 * Fired when a Record is updated with new data.
 * @event recordUpdateEvent
 * @param oArgs.record {YAHOO.widget.Record} The Record instance.
 * @param oArgs.newData {Object} New data.
 * @param oArgs.oldData {Object} Old data.

 * Fired when a Record is deleted from the RecordSet.
 * @event recordDeleteEvent
 * @param oArgs.data {Object} A copy of the data held by the Record,
 * or an array of data object literals if multiple Records were deleted at once.
 * @param oArgs.index {Object} Index of the deleted Record.

 * Fired when multiple Records are deleted from the RecordSet at once.
 * @event recordsDeleteEvent
 * @param oArgs.data {Object[]} An array of data object literals copied
 * from the Records.
 * @param oArgs.index {Object} Index of the first deleted Record.

 * Fired when all Records are deleted from the RecordSet at once.
 * @event resetEvent

 * @event keyUpdateEvent    
 * @deprecated Use recordValueUpdateEvent     

 * Fired when a Record value is updated with new data.
 * @event recordValueUpdateEvent
 * @param oArgs.record {YAHOO.widget.Record} The Record instance.
 * @param oArgs.key {String} The updated key.
 * @param oArgs.newData {Object} New data.
 * @param oArgs.oldData {Object} Old data.


 * The Record class defines a DataTable record.
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class Record
 * @constructor
 * @param oConfigs {Object} (optional) Object literal of key/value pairs.
YAHOO.widget.Record = function(oLiteral) {
    this._nCount = widget.Record._nCount;
    this._sId = "yui-rec" + this._nCount;
    this._oData = {};
    if(lang.isObject(oLiteral)) {
        for(var sKey in oLiteral) {
            if(lang.hasOwnProperty(oLiteral, sKey)) {
                this._oData[sKey] = oLiteral[sKey];

// Private member variables

 * Internal class variable to give unique IDs to Record instances.
 * @property Record._nCount
 * @type Number
 * @private
YAHOO.widget.Record._nCount = 0;

YAHOO.widget.Record.prototype = {
     * Immutable unique count assigned at instantiation. Remains constant while a
     * Record's position index can change from sorting.
     * @property _nCount
     * @type Number
     * @private
    _nCount : null,

     * Immutable unique ID assigned at instantiation. Remains constant while a
     * Record's position index can change from sorting.
     * @property _sId
     * @type String
     * @private
    _sId : null,

     * Holds data for the Record in an object literal.
     * @property _oData
     * @type Object
     * @private
    _oData : null,

    // Public member variables

    // Public methods

     * Returns unique count assigned at instantiation.
     * @method getCount
     * @return Number
    getCount : function() {
        return this._nCount;

     * Returns unique ID assigned at instantiation.
     * @method getId
     * @return String
    getId : function() {
        return this._sId;

     * Returns data for the Record for a field if given, or the entire object
     * literal otherwise.
     * @method getData
     * @param sField {String} (Optional) The field from which to retrieve data value.
     * @return Object
    getData : function(sField) {
        if(lang.isString(sField)) {
            return this._oData[sField];
        else {
            return this._oData;

     * Sets given data at the given key. Use the RecordSet method setValue to trigger
     * events. 
     * @method setData
     * @param sKey {String} The key of the new value.
     * @param oData {MIXED} The new value.
    setData : function(sKey, oData) {
        this._oData[sKey] = oData;


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