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Yahoo! UI Library

yuitest  2.3.0

Yahoo! UI Library > yuitest > TestSuite.js (source view)

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// TestSuite object

 * A test suite that can contain a collection of TestCase and TestSuite objects.
 * @param {String} name The name of the test fixture.
 * @namespace YAHOO.tool
 * @class TestSuite
 * @constructor
YAHOO.tool.TestSuite = function (name /*:String*/) {

     * The name of the test suite.
    this.name /*:String*/ = name || YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId(null, "testSuite");

     * Array of test suites and
     * @private
    this.items /*:Array*/ = [];


YAHOO.tool.TestSuite.prototype = {
     * Adds a test suite or test case to the test suite.
     * @param {YAHOO.tool.TestSuite||YAHOO.tool.TestCase} testObject The test suite or test case to add.
    add : function (testObject /*:YAHOO.tool.TestSuite*/) /*:Void*/ {
        if (testObject instanceof YAHOO.tool.TestSuite || testObject instanceof YAHOO.tool.TestCase) {

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