YUI recommends YUI 3.
YUI 2 has been deprecated since 2011. This site acts as an archive for files and documentation.
* The YUI test tool
* @module yuitest
* @namespace YAHOO.tool
* @requires yahoo,dom,event,logger
// TestRunner object
* Runs test suites and test cases, providing events to allowing for the
* interpretation of test results.
* @namespace YAHOO.tool
* @class TestRunner
* @static
YAHOO.tool.TestRunner = (function(){
function TestRunner(){
//inherit from EventProvider
* The test objects to run.
* @type Array
* @private
this.items /*:Array*/ = [];
//create events
var events /*:Array*/ = [
for (var i=0; i < events.length; i++){
this.createEvent(events[i], { scope: this });
YAHOO.lang.extend(TestRunner, YAHOO.util.EventProvider, {
// Constants
* Fires when a test case is opened but before the first
* test is executed.
* @event testcasebegin
TEST_CASE_BEGIN_EVENT /*:String*/ : "testcasebegin",
* Fires when all tests in a test case have been executed.
* @event testcasecomplete
TEST_CASE_COMPLETE_EVENT /*:String*/ : "testcasecomplete",
* Fires when a test suite is opened but before the first
* test is executed.
* @event testsuitebegin
TEST_SUITE_BEGIN_EVENT /*:String*/ : "testsuitebegin",
* Fires when all test cases in a test suite have been
* completed.
* @event testsuitecomplete
TEST_SUITE_COMPLETE_EVENT /*:String*/ : "testsuitecomplete",
* Fires when a test has passed.
* @event pass
TEST_PASS_EVENT /*:String*/ : "pass",
* Fires when a test has failed.
* @event fail
TEST_FAIL_EVENT /*:String*/ : "fail",
* Fires when a test has been ignored.
* @event ignore
TEST_IGNORE_EVENT /*:String*/ : "ignore",
* Fires when all test suites and test cases have been completed.
* @event complete
COMPLETE_EVENT /*:String*/ : "complete",
* Fires when the run() method is called.
* @event begin
BEGIN_EVENT /*:String*/ : "begin",
// Private Methods
* Runs a given test case.
* @param {YAHOO.tool.TestCase} testCase The test case to run.
* @return {Object} Results of the execution with properties passed, failed, and total.
* @method _runTestCase
* @private
* @static
_runTestCase : function (testCase /*YAHOO.tool.TestCase*/) /*:Void*/{
//object to store results
var results /*:Object*/ = {};
//test case begins
this.fireEvent(this.TEST_CASE_BEGIN_EVENT, { testCase: testCase });
//gather the test functions
var tests /*:Array*/ = [];
for (var prop in testCase){
if (prop.indexOf("test") === 0 && typeof testCase[prop] == "function") {
//get the "should" test cases
var shouldFail /*:Object*/ = testCase._should.fail || {};
var shouldError /*:Object*/ = testCase._should.error || {};
var shouldIgnore /*:Object*/ = testCase._should.ignore || {};
//test counts
var failCount /*:int*/ = 0;
var passCount /*:int*/ = 0;
var runCount /*:int*/ = 0;
//run each test
for (var i=0; i < tests.length; i++){
//figure out if the test should be ignored or not
if (shouldIgnore[tests[i]]){
this.fireEvent(this.TEST_IGNORE_EVENT, { testCase: testCase, testName: tests[i] });
//variable to hold whether or not the test failed
var failed /*:Boolean*/ = false;
var error /*:Error*/ = null;
//run the setup
//try the test
try {
//run the test
//if it should fail, and it got here, then it's a fail because it didn't
if (shouldFail[tests[i]]){
error = new YAHOO.util.ShouldFail();
failed = true;
} else if (shouldError[tests[i]]){
error = new YAHOO.util.ShouldError();
failed = true;
} catch (thrown /*:Error*/){
if (thrown instanceof YAHOO.util.AssertionError) {
if (!shouldFail[tests[i]]){
error = thrown;
failed = true;
} else {
//first check to see if it should error
if (!shouldError[tests[i]]) {
error = new YAHOO.util.UnexpectedError(thrown);
failed = true;
} else {
//check to see what type of data we have
if (YAHOO.lang.isString(shouldError[tests[i]])){
//if it's a string, check the error message
if (thrown.message != shouldError[tests[i]]){
error = new YAHOO.util.UnexpectedError(thrown);
failed = true;
} else if (YAHOO.lang.isObject(shouldError[tests[i]])){
//if it's an object, check the instance and message
if (!(thrown instanceof shouldError[tests[i]].constructor) ||
thrown.message != shouldError[tests[i]].message){
error = new YAHOO.util.UnexpectedError(thrown);
failed = true;
} finally {
//fireEvent appropriate event
if (failed) {
this.fireEvent(this.TEST_FAIL_EVENT, { testCase: testCase, testName: tests[i], error: error });
} else {
this.fireEvent(this.TEST_PASS_EVENT, { testCase: testCase, testName: tests[i] });
//run the tear down
//update results
results[tests[i]] = {
result: failed ? "fail" : "pass",
message : error ? error.getMessage() : "Test passed"
//update counts
failCount += (failed ? 1 : 0);
passCount += (failed ? 0 : 1);
//add test counts to results
results.total = runCount;
results.failed = failCount;
results.passed = passCount;
//test case is done
this.fireEvent(this.TEST_CASE_COMPLETE_EVENT, { testCase: testCase, results: results });
//return results
return results;
* Runs all the tests in a test suite.
* @param {YAHOO.tool.TestSuite} testSuite The test suite to run.
* @return {Object} Results of the execution with properties passed, failed, and total.
* @method _runTestSuite
* @private
* @static
_runTestSuite : function (testSuite /*:YAHOO.tool.TestSuite*/) {
//object to store results
var results /*:Object*/ = {
passed: 0,
failed: 0,
total: 0
//fireEvent event for beginning of test suite run
this.fireEvent(this.TEST_SUITE_BEGIN_EVENT, { testSuite: testSuite });
//iterate over the test suite items
for (var i=0; i < testSuite.items.length; i++){
var result = null;
if (testSuite.items[i] instanceof YAHOO.tool.TestSuite) {
result = this._runTestSuite(testSuite.items[i]);
} else if (testSuite.items[i] instanceof YAHOO.tool.TestCase) {
result = this._runTestCase(testSuite.items[i]);
if (result !== null){
results.total += result.total;
results.passed += result.passed;
results.failed += result.failed;
results[testSuite.items[i].name] = result;
//fireEvent event for completion of test suite run
this.fireEvent(this.TEST_SUITE_COMPLETE_EVENT, { testSuite: testSuite, results: results });
//return the results
return results;
* Runs a test case or test suite, returning the results.
* @param {YAHOO.tool.TestCase|YAHOO.tool.TestSuite} testObject The test case or test suite to run.
* @return {Object} Results of the execution with properties passed, failed, and total.
* @private
* @method _run
* @static
_run : function (testObject /*:YAHOO.tool.TestCase|YAHOO.tool.TestSuite*/) /*:Void*/ {
if (YAHOO.lang.isObject(testObject)){
if (testObject instanceof YAHOO.tool.TestSuite) {
return this._runTestSuite(testObject);
} else if (testObject instanceof YAHOO.tool.TestCase) {
return this._runTestCase(testObject);
} else {
throw new TypeError("_run(): Expected either YAHOO.tool.TestCase or YAHOO.tool.TestSuite.");
// Protected Methods
* Fires events for the TestRunner. This overrides the default fireEvent()
* method from EventProvider to add the type property to the data that is
* passed through on each event call.
* @param {String} type The type of event to fire.
* @param {Object} data (Optional) Data for the event.
* @method fireEvent
* @static
* @protected
fireEvent : function (type /*:String*/, data /*:Object*/) /*:Void*/ {
data = data || {};
data.type = type;
TestRunner.superclass.fireEvent.call(this, type, data);
// Public Methods
* Adds a test suite or test case to the list of test objects to run.
* @param testObject Either a TestCase or a TestSuite that should be run.
add : function (testObject /*:Object*/) /*:Void*/ {
* Removes all test objects from the runner.
clear : function () /*:Void*/ {
* Runs the test suite.
run : function (testObject /*:Object*/) /*:Void*/ {
var results = null;
//an object passed in overrides everything else
if (YAHOO.lang.isObject(testObject)){
results = this._run(testObject);
} else {
results = {
passed: 0,
failed: 0,
total: 0
for (var i=0; i < this.items.length; i++){
var result = this._run(this.items[i]);
results.passed += result.passed;
results.failed += result.failed;
results.total += result.total;
results[this.items[i].name] = result;
this.fireEvent(this.COMPLETE_EVENT, { results: results });
return new TestRunner();