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Yahoo! UI Library

dom  2.2.2

Yahoo! UI Library > dom > YAHOO.util.Dom

Class YAHOO.util.Dom

Provides helper methods for DOM elements.



void addClass ( el , className )
Adds a class name to a given element or collection of elements.
el <String | HTMLElement | Array> The element or collection to add the class to
className <String> the class name to add to the class attribute
Returns: void


HTMLElement | Array batch ( el , method , o , override )
Returns an array of elements that have had the supplied method applied. The method is called with the element(s) as the first arg, and the optional param as the second ( method(el, o) ).
el <String | HTMLElement | Array> (optional) An element or array of elements to apply the method to
method <Function> The method to apply to the element(s)
o <Any> (optional) An optional arg that is passed to the supplied method
override <Boolean> (optional) Whether or not to override the scope of "method" with "o"
Returns: HTMLElement | Array
The element(s) with the method applied


String | Array generateId ( el , prefix )
Generates a unique ID
el <String | HTMLElement | Array> (optional) An optional element array of elements to add an ID to (no ID is added if one is already present).
prefix <String> (optional) an optional prefix to use (defaults to "yui-gen").
Returns: String | Array
The generated ID, or array of generated IDs (or original ID if already present on an element)


HTMLElement | Array get ( el )
Returns an HTMLElement reference.
el <String | HTMLElement |Array> Accepts a string to use as an ID for getting a DOM reference, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements.
Returns: HTMLElement | Array
A DOM reference to an HTML element or an array of HTMLElements.


Int getClientHeight ( )
Returns the height of the client (viewport).
Returns: Int
The height of the viewable area of the page.
Deprecated Now using getViewportHeight. This interface left intact for back compat.


Int getClientWidth ( )
Returns the width of the client (viewport).
Returns: Int
The width of the viewable area of the page.
Deprecated Now using getViewportWidth. This interface left intact for back compat.


Int getDocumentHeight ( )
Returns the height of the document.
Returns: Int
The height of the actual document (which includes the body and its margin).


Int getDocumentWidth ( )
Returns the width of the document.
Returns: Int
The width of the actual document (which includes the body and its margin).


Array getElementsBy ( method , tag , root )
Returns a array of HTMLElements that pass the test applied by supplied boolean method. For optimized performance, include a tag and/or root node when possible.
method <Function> - A boolean method for testing elements which receives the element as its only argument.
tag <String> (optional) The tag name of the elements being collected
root <String | HTMLElement> (optional) The HTMLElement or an ID to use as the starting point
Returns: Array
Array of HTMLElements


Array getElementsByClassName ( className , tag , root )
Returns a array of HTMLElements with the given class. For optimized performance, include a tag and/or root node when possible.
className <String> The class name to match against
tag <String> (optional) The tag name of the elements being collected
root <String | HTMLElement> (optional) The HTMLElement or an ID to use as the starting point
Returns: Array
An array of elements that have the given class name


Region | Array getRegion ( el )
Returns the region position of the given element. The element must be part of the DOM tree to have a region (display:none or elements not appended return false).
el <String | HTMLElement | Array> Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements.
Returns: Region | Array
A Region or array of Region instances containing "top, left, bottom, right" member data.


String | Array getStyle ( el , property )
Normalizes currentStyle and ComputedStyle.
el <String | HTMLElement |Array> Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements.
property <String> The style property whose value is returned.
Returns: String | Array
The current value of the style property for the element(s).


Int getViewportHeight ( )
Returns the current height of the viewport.
Returns: Int
The height of the viewable area of the page (excludes scrollbars).


Int getViewportWidth ( )
Returns the current width of the viewport.
Returns: Int
The width of the viewable area of the page (excludes scrollbars).


String | Array getX ( el )
Gets the current X position of an element based on page coordinates. The element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false).
el <String | HTMLElement | Array> Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements
Returns: String | Array
The X position of the element(s)


Array getXY ( el )
Gets the current position of an element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false).
el <String | HTMLElement | Array> Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements
Returns: Array
The XY position of the element(s)


String | Array getY ( el )
Gets the current Y position of an element based on page coordinates. Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false).
el <String | HTMLElement | Array> Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements
Returns: String | Array
The Y position of the element(s)


Boolean | Array hasClass ( el , className )
Determines whether an HTMLElement has the given className.
el <String | HTMLElement | Array> The element or collection to test
className <String> the class name to search for
Returns: Boolean | Array
A boolean value or array of boolean values


Boolean inDocument ( el )
Determines whether an HTMLElement is present in the current document.
el <String | HTMLElement> The element to search for
Returns: Boolean
Whether or not the element is present in the current document


Boolean isAncestor ( haystack , needle )
Determines whether an HTMLElement is an ancestor of another HTML element in the DOM hierarchy.
haystack <String | HTMLElement> The possible ancestor
needle <String | HTMLElement> The possible descendent
Returns: Boolean
Whether or not the haystack is an ancestor of needle


void removeClass ( el , className )
Removes a class name from a given element or collection of elements.
el <String | HTMLElement | Array> The element or collection to remove the class from
className <String> the class name to remove from the class attribute
Returns: void


void replaceClass ( el , oldClassName , newClassName )
Replace a class with another class for a given element or collection of elements. If no oldClassName is present, the newClassName is simply added.
el <String | HTMLElement | Array> The element or collection to remove the class from
oldClassName <String> the class name to be replaced
newClassName <String> the class name that will be replacing the old class name
Returns: void


void setStyle ( el , property , val )
Wrapper for setting style properties of HTMLElements. Normalizes "opacity" across modern browsers.
el <String | HTMLElement | Array> Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements.
property <String> The style property to be set.
val <String> The value to apply to the given property.
Returns: void


void setX ( el , x )
Set the X position of an html element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned. The element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false).
el <String | HTMLElement | Array> Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements.
x <Int> The value to use as the X coordinate for the element(s).
Returns: void


void setXY ( el , pos , noRetry )
Set the position of an html element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned. The element(s) must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false).
el <String | HTMLElement | Array> Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements
pos <Array> Contains X & Y values for new position (coordinates are page-based)
noRetry <Boolean> By default we try and set the position a second time if the first fails
Returns: void


void setY ( el , x )
Set the Y position of an html element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned. The element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false).
el <String | HTMLElement | Array> Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements.
x <Int> To use as the Y coordinate for the element(s).
Returns: void

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