- private static boolean
Determines if a default header of
Content-Type of 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
will be added to client HTTP headers sent for POST
- private static boolean
The default header value for the label
"X-Requested-With". This is sent with each
transaction, by default, to identify the
request as being made by YUI Connection Manager.
- private static object
Property modified by setForm() to set a reference to the HTML
form node if the desired action is file upload.
- private static boolean
Determines if custom, default headers
are set for each transaction.
- private static boolean
Determines if HTTP headers are set.
- private static boolean
Determines whether YAHOO.util.Event is available and returns true or false.
If true, an event listener is bound at the document level to trap click events that
resolve to a target type of "Submit". This listener will enable setForm() to determine
the clicked "Submit" value in a multi-Submit button, HTML form.
- private static object
Object literal of HTTP header(s)
- private static boolean
Property modified by setForm() to determine if a file(s)
upload is expected.
- private static boolean
Property modified by setForm() to determine if the data
should be submitted as an HTML form.
- private static array
Array of MSFT ActiveX ids for XMLHttpRequest.
- private static object
Collection of polling references to the polling mechanism in handleReadyState.
- private static int
The polling frequency, in milliseconds, for HandleReadyState.
when attempting to determine a transaction's XHR readyState.
The default is 50 milliseconds.
- private static string
Property modified by setForm() to set the HTML form data
for each transaction.
- private static string
Tracks the name-value pair of the "clicked" submit button if multiple submit
buttons are present in an HTML form; and, if YAHOO.util.Event is available.
- private static object
Queue of timeout values for each transaction callback with a defined timeout value.
- private static int
A transaction counter that increments the transaction id for each transaction.
- private static boolean
Determines if a default header of
Content-Type of 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
will be added to any client HTTP headers sent for POST
- private static boolean
Determines if a default header of
'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest'
will be added to each transaction.