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Yahoo! UI Library

Container  2.2.0

Yahoo! UI Library > container > YAHOO.widget.Module

Class YAHOO.widget.Module

Known Subclasses:
Module is a JavaScript representation of the Standard Module Format. Standard Module Format is a simple standard for markup containers where child nodes representing the header, body, and footer of the content are denoted using the CSS classes "hd", "bd", and "ft" respectively. Module is the base class for all other classes in the YUI Container package.


YAHOO.widget.Module ( el , userConfig )
el <String> The element ID representing the Module OR
el <HTMLElement> The element representing the Module
userConfig <Object> The configuration Object literal containing the configuration that should be set for this module. See configuration documentation for more details.


body - HTMLElement

The body element, denoted with CSS class "bd"

browser - String

String representing the current user-agent browser

cfg - YAHOO.util.Config

The Module's Config object used for monitoring configuration properties.

contructor - Function

The class's constructor function

element - HTMLElement

The main module element that contains the header, body, and footer

footer - HTMLElement

The footer element, denoted with CSS class "ft"

header - HTMLElement

The header element, denoted with CSS class "hd"

id - String

The id of the element

imageRoot - String

The String representing the image root

isSecure - Boolean

Boolean representing whether or not the current browsing context is secure (https)

platform - String

String representing the current user-agent platform

YAHOO.widget.Module.CSS_BODY - static final String

Constant representing the module body

YAHOO.widget.Module.CSS_FOOTER - static final String

Constant representing the module footer

YAHOO.widget.Module.CSS_HEADER - static final String

Constant representing the module header

YAHOO.widget.Module.CSS_MODULE - static final String

Constant for the default CSS class name that represents a Module

YAHOO.widget.Module.IMG_ROOT - static final String

Constant representing the prefix path to use for non-secure images

YAHOO.widget.Module.IMG_ROOT_SSL - static final String

Constant representing the prefix path to use for securely served images

YAHOO.widget.Module.RESIZE_MONITOR_SECURE_URL - static final String

Constant representing the url for the "src" attribute of the iframe used to monitor changes to the browser's base font size



void appendToBody ( element )
Appends the passed element to the body. If no body is present, one will be automatically created.
element <HTMLElement> The element to append to the body
Returns: void


void appendToFooter ( element )
Appends the passed element to the footer. If no footer is present, one will be automatically created.
element <HTMLElement> The element to append to the footer
Returns: void


void appendToHeader ( element )
Appends the passed element to the header. If no header is present, one will be automatically created.
element <HTMLElement> The element to append to the header
Returns: void


void configMonitorResize ( type , args , obj )
Default event handler for the "monitorresize" configuration property
type <String> The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
args <Object[]> The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
obj <Object> The scope object. For configuration handlers, this will usually equal the owner.
Returns: void


void configVisible ( type , args , obj )
Default event handler for changing the visibility property of a Module. By default, this is achieved by switching the "display" style between "block" and "none". This method is responsible for firing showEvent and hideEvent.
type <String> The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
args <Object[]> The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
obj <Object> The scope object. For configuration handlers, this will usually equal the owner.
Returns: void


void destroy ( )
Removes the Module element from the DOM and sets all child elements to null.
Returns: void


void hide ( )
Hides the Module element by setting the visible configuration property to false. Also fires two events: beforeHideEvent prior to the visibility change, and hideEvent after.
Returns: void


void init ( el , userConfig )
The Module class's initialization method, which is executed for Module and all of its subclasses. This method is automatically called by the constructor, and sets up all DOM references for pre-existing markup, and creates required markup if it is not already present.
el <String> The element ID representing the Module OR
el <HTMLElement> The element representing the Module
userConfig <Object> The configuration Object literal containing the configuration that should be set for this module. See configuration documentation for more details.
Returns: void


void initDefaultConfig ( )
Initializes the custom events for Module which are fired automatically at appropriate times by the Module class.
Returns: void


void initEvents ( )
Initializes the custom events for Module which are fired automatically at appropriate times by the Module class.
Returns: void


void initResizeMonitor ( )
Initialized an empty IFRAME that is placed out of the visible area that can be used to detect text resize.
Returns: void


void onDomResize ( e , obj )
Event handler fired when the resize monitor element is resized.
e <DOMEvent> The DOM resize event
obj <Object> The scope object passed to the handler
Returns: void


Boolean render ( appendToNode , moduleElement )
Renders the Module by inserting the elements that are not already in the main Module into their correct places. Optionally appends the Module to the specified node prior to the render's execution. NOTE: For Modules without existing markup, the appendToNode argument is REQUIRED. If this argument is ommitted and the current element is not present in the document, the function will return false, indicating that the render was a failure.
appendToNode <String> The element id to which the Module should be appended to prior to rendering OR
appendToNode <HTMLElement> The element to which the Module should be appended to prior to rendering
moduleElement <HTMLElement> OPTIONAL. The element that represents the actual Standard Module container.
Returns: Boolean
Success or failure of the render


void setBody ( bodyContent )
Sets the Module's body content to the HTML specified, or appends the passed element to the body. If no body is present, one will be automatically created.
bodyContent <String> The HTML used to set the body OR
bodyContent <HTMLElement> The HTMLElement to append to the body
Returns: void


void setFooter ( footerContent )
Sets the Module's footer content to the HTML specified, or appends the passed element to the footer. If no footer is present, one will be automatically created.
footerContent <String> The HTML used to set the footer OR
footerContent <HTMLElement> The HTMLElement to append to the footer
Returns: void


void setHeader ( headerContent )
Sets the Module's header content to the HTML specified, or appends the passed element to the header. If no header is present, one will be automatically created.
headerContent <String> The HTML used to set the header OR
headerContent <HTMLElement> The HTMLElement to append to the header
Returns: void


void show ( )
Shows the Module element by setting the visible configuration property to true. Also fires two events: beforeShowEvent prior to the visibility change, and showEvent after.
Returns: void


String toString ( )
Returns a String representation of the Object.
Returns: String
The string representation of the Module



appendEvent ( )
CustomEvent fired when the Module is appended to the DOM


beforeHideEvent ( )
CustomEvent fired before the Module is hidden


beforeInitEvent ( classRef )
CustomEvent fired prior to class initalization.
classRef <class> class reference of the initializing class, such as this.beforeInitEvent.fire(YAHOO.widget.Module)


beforeRenderEvent ( )
CustomEvent fired before the Module is rendered


beforeShowEvent ( )
CustomEvent fired before the Module is shown


changeBodyEvent ( content )
CustomEvent fired when the body content of the Module is modified
content <String/HTMLElement> String/element representing the new body content


changeContentEvent ( )
CustomEvent fired when the content of the Module is modified


changeFooterEvent ( content )
CustomEvent fired when the footer content of the Module is modified
content <String/HTMLElement> String/element representing the new footer content


changeHeaderEvent ( content )
CustomEvent fired when the header content of the Module is modified
content <String/HTMLElement> String/element representing the new header content


destroyEvent ( )
CustomEvent fired when the Module is destroyed


hideEvent ( )
CustomEvent fired after the Module is hidden


initEvent ( classRef )
CustomEvent fired after class initalization.
classRef <class> class reference of the initializing class, such as this.beforeInitEvent.fire(YAHOO.widget.Module)


renderEvent ( )
CustomEvent fired after the Module is rendered


showEvent ( )
CustomEvent fired after the Module is shown


YAHOO.widget.Module.textResizeEvent ( )
Singleton CustomEvent fired when the font size is changed in the browser. Opera's "zoom" functionality currently does not support text size detection.

Configuration Attributes

effect - Object

Object or array of objects representing the ContainerEffect classes that are active for animating the container.
Default Value: null

monitorresize - Boolean

Specifies whether to create a special proxy iframe to monitor for user font resizing in the document
Default Value: true

visible - Boolean

Specifies whether the Module is visible on the page.
Default Value: true

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