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Yahoo! UI Library

Container  2.2.0

Yahoo! UI Library > container > Dialog.js (source view)

Copyright (c) 2006, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Code licensed under the BSD License:
Version 0.12.2

* Dialog is an implementation of Panel that can be used to submit form data. Built-in functionality for buttons with event handlers is included, and button sets can be build dynamically, or the preincluded ones for Submit/Cancel and OK/Cancel can be utilized. Forms can be processed in 3 ways -- via an asynchronous Connection utility call, a simple form POST or GET, or manually.
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class Dialog
* @extends YAHOO.widget.Panel
* @constructor
* @param {String}	el	The element ID representing the Dialog <em>OR</em>
* @param {HTMLElement}	el	The element representing the Dialog
* @param {Object}	userConfig	The configuration object literal containing the configuration that should be set for this Dialog. See configuration documentation for more details.
YAHOO.widget.Dialog = function(el, userConfig) {
	YAHOO.widget.Dialog.superclass.constructor.call(this, el, userConfig);

YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.widget.Dialog, YAHOO.widget.Panel);

* Constant representing the default CSS class used for a Dialog
* @property YAHOO.widget.Dialog.CSS_DIALOG
* @static
* @final
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.Dialog.CSS_DIALOG = "dialog";

* Initializes the class's configurable properties which can be changed using the Dialog's Config object (cfg).
* @method initDefaultConfig
YAHOO.widget.Dialog.prototype.initDefaultConfig = function() {

	* The internally maintained callback object for use with the Connection utility
	* @property callback
	* @type Object
	this.callback = {
		* The function to execute upon success of the Connection submission
		* @property callback.success
		* @type Function
		success : null,
		* The function to execute upon failure of the Connection submission
		* @property callback.failure
		* @type Function
		failure : null,
		* The arbitraty argument or arguments to pass to the Connection callback functions
		* @property callback.argument
		* @type Object
		argument: null

	// Add form dialog config properties //
	* The method to use for posting the Dialog's form. Possible values are "async", "form", and "manual".
	* @config postmethod 
	* @type String
	* @default async
	this.cfg.addProperty("postmethod", { value:"async", handler:this.configPostMethod, validator:function(val) { 
													if (val != "form" && val != "async" && val != "none" && val != "manual") {
														return false;
													} else {
														return true;
												} });

	* Object literal(s) defining the buttons for the Dialog's footer.
	* @config buttons
	* @type Object[]
	* @default "none"
	this.cfg.addProperty("buttons",		{ value:"none",	handler:this.configButtons } );

* Initializes the custom events for Dialog which are fired automatically at appropriate times by the Dialog class.
* @method initEvents
YAHOO.widget.Dialog.prototype.initEvents = function() {

	* CustomEvent fired prior to submission
	* @event beforeSumitEvent
	this.beforeSubmitEvent	= new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("beforeSubmit");
	* CustomEvent fired after submission
	* @event submitEvent
	this.submitEvent		= new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("submit");

	* CustomEvent fired prior to manual submission
	* @event manualSubmitEvent
	this.manualSubmitEvent	= new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("manualSubmit");

	* CustomEvent fired prior to asynchronous submission
	* @event asyncSubmitEvent
	this.asyncSubmitEvent	= new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("asyncSubmit");

	* CustomEvent fired prior to form-based submission
	* @event formSubmitEvent
	this.formSubmitEvent	= new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("formSubmit");

	* CustomEvent fired after cancel
	* @event cancelEvent
	this.cancelEvent		= new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("cancel");

* The Dialog initialization method, which is executed for Dialog and all of its subclasses. This method is automatically called by the constructor, and  sets up all DOM references for pre-existing markup, and creates required markup if it is not already present.
* @method init
* @param {String}	el	The element ID representing the Dialog <em>OR</em>
* @param {HTMLElement}	el	The element representing the Dialog
* @param {Object}	userConfig	The configuration object literal containing the configuration that should be set for this Dialog. See configuration documentation for more details.
YAHOO.widget.Dialog.prototype.init = function(el, userConfig) {
	YAHOO.widget.Dialog.superclass.init.call(this, el/*, userConfig*/);  // Note that we don't pass the user config in here yet because we only want it executed once, at the lowest subclass level

	YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(this.element, YAHOO.widget.Dialog.CSS_DIALOG);

	this.cfg.setProperty("visible", false);

	if (userConfig) {
		this.cfg.applyConfig(userConfig, true);

	this.showEvent.subscribe(this.focusFirst, this, true);
	this.beforeHideEvent.subscribe(this.blurButtons, this, true);

	this.beforeRenderEvent.subscribe(function() {
		var buttonCfg = this.cfg.getProperty("buttons");
		if (buttonCfg && buttonCfg != "none") {
			if (! this.footer) {
	}, this, true);


* Performs the submission of the Dialog form depending on the value of "postmethod" property.
* @method doSubmit
YAHOO.widget.Dialog.prototype.doSubmit = function() {
	var pm = this.cfg.getProperty("postmethod");
	switch (pm) {
		case "async":
			var method = this.form.getAttribute("method") || 'POST';
			method = method.toUpperCase();
			var cObj = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest(method, this.form.getAttribute("action"), this.callback);
		case "form":
		case "none":
		case "manual":

* Prepares the Dialog's internal FORM object, creating one if one is not currently present.
* @method registerForm
YAHOO.widget.Dialog.prototype.registerForm = function() {
	var form = this.element.getElementsByTagName("FORM")[0];

	if (! form) {
		var formHTML = "<form name=\"frm_" + this.id + "\" action=\"\"></form>";
		this.body.innerHTML += formHTML;
		form = this.element.getElementsByTagName("FORM")[0];

	this.firstFormElement = function() {
		for (var f=0;f<form.elements.length;f++ ) {
			var el = form.elements[f];
			if (el.focus && ! el.disabled) {
				if (el.type && el.type != "hidden") {
					return el;
		return null;

	this.lastFormElement = function() {
		for (var f=form.elements.length-1;f>=0;f-- ) {
			var el = form.elements[f];
			if (el.focus && ! el.disabled) {
				if (el.type && el.type != "hidden") {
					return el;
		return null;

	this.form = form;

	if (this.cfg.getProperty("modal") && this.form) {

		var me = this;
		var firstElement = this.firstFormElement || this.firstButton;
		if (firstElement) {
			this.preventBackTab = new YAHOO.util.KeyListener(firstElement, { shift:true, keys:9 }, {fn:me.focusLast, scope:me, correctScope:true} );
			this.showEvent.subscribe(this.preventBackTab.enable, this.preventBackTab, true);
			this.hideEvent.subscribe(this.preventBackTab.disable, this.preventBackTab, true);

		var lastElement = this.lastButton || this.lastFormElement;
		if (lastElement) {
			this.preventTabOut = new YAHOO.util.KeyListener(lastElement, { shift:false, keys:9 }, {fn:me.focusFirst, scope:me, correctScope:true} );
			this.showEvent.subscribe(this.preventTabOut.enable, this.preventTabOut, true);
			this.hideEvent.subscribe(this.preventTabOut.disable, this.preventTabOut, true);


* The default event handler fired when the "close" property is changed. The method controls the appending or hiding of the close icon at the top right of the Dialog.
* @method configClose
* @param {String} type	The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]}	args	The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj	The scope object. For configuration handlers, this will usually equal the owner.
YAHOO.widget.Dialog.prototype.configClose = function(type, args, obj) {
	var val = args[0];

	var doCancel = function(e, obj) {

	if (val) {
		if (! this.close) {
			this.close = document.createElement("DIV");
			YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(this.close, "close");

			if (this.isSecure) {
				YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(this.close, "secure");
			} else {
				YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(this.close, "nonsecure");

			this.close.innerHTML = "&#160;";
			YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(this.close, "click", doCancel, this);	
		} else {
			this.close.style.display = "block";
	} else {
		if (this.close) {
			this.close.style.display = "none";

* The default event handler for the "buttons" configuration property
* @method configButtons
* @param {String} type	The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]}	args	The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj	The scope object. For configuration handlers, this will usually equal the owner.
YAHOO.widget.Dialog.prototype.configButtons = function(type, args, obj) {
	var buttons = args[0];
	if (buttons != "none") {
		this.buttonSpan = null;
		this.buttonSpan = document.createElement("SPAN");
		this.buttonSpan.className = "button-group";

		for (var b=0;b<buttons.length;b++) {
			var button = buttons[b];

			var htmlButton = document.createElement("BUTTON");
			htmlButton.setAttribute("type", "button");

			if (button.isDefault) {
				htmlButton.className = "default";
				this.defaultHtmlButton = htmlButton;

			YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(htmlButton, "click", button.handler, this, true);

			button.htmlButton = htmlButton;

			if (b === 0) {
				this.firstButton = button.htmlButton;

			if (b == (buttons.length-1)) {
				this.lastButton = button.htmlButton;



	} else { // Do cleanup
		if (this.buttonSpan) {
			if (this.buttonSpan.parentNode) {

			this.buttonSpan = null;
			this.firstButton = null;
			this.lastButton = null;
			this.defaultHtmlButton = null;

* The default event handler used to focus the first field of the form when the Dialog is shown.
* @method focusFirst
YAHOO.widget.Dialog.prototype.focusFirst = function(type,args,obj) {
	if (args) {
		var e = args[1];
		if (e) {

	if (this.firstFormElement) {
	} else {

* Sets the focus to the last button in the button or form element in the Dialog
* @method focusLast
YAHOO.widget.Dialog.prototype.focusLast = function(type,args,obj) {
	if (args) {
		var e = args[1];
		if (e) {

	var buttons = this.cfg.getProperty("buttons");
	if (buttons && buttons instanceof Array) {
	} else {
		if (this.lastFormElement) {

* Sets the focus to the button that is designated as the default. By default, his handler is executed when the show event is fired.
* @method focusDefaultButton
YAHOO.widget.Dialog.prototype.focusDefaultButton = function() {
	if (this.defaultHtmlButton) {

* Blurs all the html buttons
* @method blurButtons
YAHOO.widget.Dialog.prototype.blurButtons = function() {
	var buttons = this.cfg.getProperty("buttons");
	if (buttons && buttons instanceof Array) {
		var html = buttons[0].htmlButton;
		if (html) {

* Sets the focus to the first button in the button list
* @method focusFirstButton
YAHOO.widget.Dialog.prototype.focusFirstButton = function() {
	var buttons = this.cfg.getProperty("buttons");
	if (buttons && buttons instanceof Array) {
		var html = buttons[0].htmlButton;
		if (html) {

* Sets the focus to the first button in the button list
* @method focusLastButton
YAHOO.widget.Dialog.prototype.focusLastButton = function() {
	var buttons = this.cfg.getProperty("buttons");
	if (buttons && buttons instanceof Array) {
		var html = buttons[buttons.length-1].htmlButton;
		if (html) {

* The default event handler for the "postmethod" configuration property
* @method configPostMethod
* @param {String} type	The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
* @param {Object[]}	args	The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
* @param {Object} obj	The scope object. For configuration handlers, this will usually equal the owner.
YAHOO.widget.Dialog.prototype.configPostMethod = function(type, args, obj) {
	var postmethod = args[0];

	YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(this.form, "submit", function(e) {
													  }, this, true); 


* Built-in function hook for writing a validation function that will be checked for a "true" value prior to a submit. This function, as implemented by default, always returns true, so it should be overridden if validation is necessary.
* @method validate
YAHOO.widget.Dialog.prototype.validate = function() {
	return true;

* Executes a submit of the Dialog followed by a hide, if validation is successful.
* @method submit
YAHOO.widget.Dialog.prototype.submit = function() {
	if (this.validate()) {
		return true;
	} else {
		return false;

* Executes the cancel of the Dialog followed by a hide.
* @method cancel
YAHOO.widget.Dialog.prototype.cancel = function() {

* Returns a JSON-compatible data structure representing the data currently contained in the form.
* @method getData
* @return {Object} A JSON object reprsenting the data of the current form.
YAHOO.widget.Dialog.prototype.getData = function() {

    var oForm = this.form;

    if(oForm) {

        var aElements = oForm.elements,
            nTotalElements = aElements.length,
            oData = {},

        for(var i=0; i<nTotalElements; i++) {

            sName = aElements[i].name,
            oElement = aElements[sName];

            if(oElement) {

                if(oElement.tagName) {

                    var sType = oElement.type,
                        sTagName = oElement.tagName.toUpperCase();

                    switch(sTagName) {

                        case "INPUT":

                            if(sType == "checkbox") {
                                oData[sName] = oElement.checked;
                            else if(sType != "radio") {
                                oData[sName] = oElement.value;

                        case "TEXTAREA":

                            oData[sName] = oElement.value;


                        case "SELECT":

                            var aOptions = oElement.options,
                                nOptions = aOptions.length,
                                aValues = [],

                            for(var n=0; n<nOptions; n++) {

                                oOption = aOptions[n];

                                if(oOption.selected) {

                                    sValue = oOption.value;

                                    if(!sValue || sValue === "") {

                                        sValue = oOption.text;


                                    aValues[aValues.length] = sValue;


                            oData[sName] = aValues;



                else {

                    var nElements = oElement.length,
                        sType = oElement[0].type,
                        sTagName = oElement[0].tagName.toUpperCase();

                    switch(sType) {

                        case "radio":

                            var oRadio;

                            for(var n=0; n<nElements; n++) {

                                oRadio = oElement[n];

                                if(oRadio.checked) {

                                    oData[sName] = oRadio.value;



                        case "checkbox":

                            var aValues = [],

                            for(var n=0; n<nElements; n++) {

                                oCheckbox = oElement[n];

                                if(oCheckbox.checked) {

                                    aValues[aValues.length] = oCheckbox.value;


                            oData[sName] = aValues;





    return oData;


* Returns a string representation of the object.
* @method toString
* @return {String}	The string representation of the Dialog
YAHOO.widget.Dialog.prototype.toString = function() {
	return "Dialog " + this.id;

Copyright © 2007 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.