YUI recommends YUI3.
YUI 2 has been deprecated since 2011. This site acts as an archive for files and documentation.
This documentation is no longer maintained.
var Y = YAHOO,
Y_DOM = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Y_UA = Y.env.ua,
Y_Lang = Y.lang,
Y_DOC = document,
Y_DOCUMENT_ELEMENT = Y_DOC.documentElement,
Y_DOM_inDoc = Y_DOM.inDocument,
Y_mix = Y_Lang.augmentObject,
Y_guid = Y_DOM.generateId,
Y_getDoc = function(element) {
var doc = Y_DOC;
if (element) {
doc = (element.nodeType === 9) ? element : // element === document
element.ownerDocument || // element === DOM node
element.document || // element === window
Y_DOC; // default
return doc;
Y_Array = function(o, startIdx) {
var l, a, start = startIdx || 0;
// IE errors when trying to slice HTMLElement collections
try {
return Array.prototype.slice.call(o, start);
} catch (e) {
a = [];
l = o.length;
for (; start < l; start++) {
return a;
Y_DOM_allById = function(id, root) {
root = root || Y_DOC;
var nodes = [],
ret = [],
if (root.querySelectorAll) {
ret = root.querySelectorAll('[id="' + id + '"]');
} else if (root.all) {
nodes = root.all(id);
if (nodes) {
// root.all may return HTMLElement or HTMLCollection.
// some elements are also HTMLCollection (FORM, SELECT).
if (nodes.nodeName) {
if (nodes.id === id) { // avoid false positive on name
nodes = EMPTY_ARRAY; // done, no need to filter
} else { // prep for filtering
nodes = [nodes];
if (nodes.length) {
// filter out matches on node.name
// and element.id as reference to element with id === 'id'
for (i = 0; node = nodes[i++];) {
if (node.id === id ||
(node.attributes && node.attributes.id &&
node.attributes.id.value === id)) {
} else {
ret = [Y_getDoc(root).getElementById(id)];
return ret;