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Yahoo! UI Library

Slider Widget  2.8.1

Yahoo! UI Library > slider > YAHOO.widget.DualSlider

Class YAHOO.widget.DualSlider - uses YAHOO.util.EventProvider

A slider with two thumbs, one that represents the min value and the other the max. Actually a composition of two sliders, both with the same background. The constraints for each slider are adjusted dynamically so that the min value of the max slider is equal or greater to the current value of the min slider, and the max value of the min slider is the current value of the max slider. Constructor assumes both thumbs are positioned absolutely at the 0 mark on the background.


YAHOO.widget.DualSlider ( minSlider , maxSlider , range , initVals )
minSlider <Slider> The Slider instance used for the min value thumb
maxSlider <Slider> The Slider instance used for the max value thumb
range <int> The number of pixels the thumbs may move within
initVals <Array> (optional) [min,max] Initial thumb placement


activeSlider - Slider

The currently active slider (min or max). read only

isHoriz - boolean

Is the DualSlider oriented horizontally or vertically? read only

maxSlider - Slider

A slider instance that keeps track of the upper value of the range. read only

maxVal - int

The current value of the max thumb. read only.

minRange - int

Pixel distance to maintain between thumbs.
Default Value: 0

minSlider - Slider

A slider instance that keeps track of the lower value of the range. read only

minVal - int

The current value of the min thumb. read only.



protected void _bindKeyEvents ( )
Set up the listeners for the keydown and keypress events.


private void _cleanEvent ( o , evt )
Clean up the slideEnd event subscribers array, since each one-time callback will be replaced in the event's subscribers property with null. This will cause memory bloat and loss of performance.
o <EventProvider> object housing the CustomEvent
evt <string> name of the CustomEvent


private void _handleDrag ( )
Overrides the onDrag method for both sliders


protected void _handleKeyDown ( e )
Delegate event handling to the active Slider. See Slider.handleKeyDown.
e <Event> the mousedown DOM event


protected void _handleKeyPress ( e )
Delegate event handling to the active Slider. See Slider.handleKeyPress.
e <Event> the mousedown DOM event


private void _handleMaxChange ( )
Executed when the max slider fires the change event


private void _handleMinChange ( )
Executed when the min slider fires the change event


protected void _handleMouseDown ( e )
Delegates the onMouseDown to the appropriate Slider
e <Event> mouseup event


protected void _handleMouseUp ( e )
Delegates the onMouseUp to the active Slider
e <Event> mouseup event


private void _handleSlideEnd ( )
Executed when one of the sliders fires the slideEnd event


private void _handleSlideStart ( )
Executed when one of the sliders fires the slideStart event


private void _oneTimeCallback ( o , evt , fn )
Schedule an event callback that will execute once, then unsubscribe itself.
o <EventProvider> Object to attach the event to
evt <string> Name of the event
fn <Function> function to execute once


private void selectActiveSlider ( e )
A background click will move the slider thumb nearest to the click. Override if you need different behavior.
e <Event> the mousedown event


void setMaxValue ( max , skipAnim , force , silent )
Set the max thumb position to a new value.
max <int> Pixel offset for max thumb
skipAnim <boolean> (optional) Set to true to skip thumb animation. Default false
force <boolean> (optional) ignore the locked setting and set value anyway. Default false
silent <boolean> (optional) Set to true to skip firing change events. Default false


void setMinValue ( min , skipAnim , force , silent )
Set the min thumb position to a new value.
min <int> Pixel offset for min thumb
skipAnim <boolean> (optional) Set to true to skip thumb animation. Default false
force <boolean> (optional) ignore the locked setting and set value anyway. Default false
silent <boolean> (optional) Set to true to skip firing change events. Default false


void setValues ( min , max , skipAnim , force , silent )
Sets the min and max thumbs to new values.
min <int> Pixel offset to assign to the min thumb
max <int> Pixel offset to assign to the max thumb
skipAnim <boolean> (optional) Set to true to skip thumb animation. Default false
force <boolean> (optional) ignore the locked setting and set value anyway. Default false
silent <boolean> (optional) Set to true to skip firing change events. Default false


private void updateValue ( silent )
Executed when one of the sliders is moved
silent <boolean> (optional) Set to true to skip firing change events. Default false



change ( dualslider )
Event that fires when either the min or max value changes
dualslider <DualSlider> the DualSlider instance


ready ( dualslider )
Event that fires when the slider is finished setting up
dualslider <DualSlider> the DualSlider instance


slideEnd ( activeSlider )
Event that fires when one of the thumbs finishes moving
activeSlider <Slider> the moving slider


slideStart ( activeSlider )
Event that fires when one of the thumbs begins to move
activeSlider <Slider> the moving slider

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