YUI recommends YUI 3.

YUI 2 has been deprecated since 2011. This site acts as an archive for files and documentation.

Yahoo! UI Library

Menu  2.8.0r4

Yahoo! UI Library > menu > menuitem.js (source view)
(function () {

* Creates an item for a menu.
* @param {String} p_oObject String specifying the text of the menu item.
* @param {<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-
* one-html.html#ID-74680021">HTMLLIElement</a>} p_oObject Object specifying 
* the <code>&#60;li&#62;</code> element of the menu item.
* @param {<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-
* one-html.html#ID-38450247">HTMLOptGroupElement</a>} p_oObject Object 
* specifying the <code>&#60;optgroup&#62;</code> element of the menu item.
* @param {<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-
* one-html.html#ID-70901257">HTMLOptionElement</a>} p_oObject Object 
* specifying the <code>&#60;option&#62;</code> element of the menu item.
* @param {Object} p_oConfig Optional. Object literal specifying the 
* configuration for the menu item. See configuration class documentation 
* for more details.
* @class MenuItem
* @constructor
YAHOO.widget.MenuItem = function (p_oObject, p_oConfig) {

    if (p_oObject) {

        if (p_oConfig) {
            this.parent = p_oConfig.parent;
            this.value = p_oConfig.value;
            this.id = p_oConfig.id;


        this.init(p_oObject, p_oConfig);



var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
    Module = YAHOO.widget.Module,
    Menu = YAHOO.widget.Menu,
    MenuItem = YAHOO.widget.MenuItem,
    CustomEvent = YAHOO.util.CustomEvent,
    UA = YAHOO.env.ua,
    Lang = YAHOO.lang,

	// Private string constants

	_TEXT = "text",
	_HASH = "#",
	_HYPHEN = "-",
	_HELP_TEXT = "helptext",
	_URL = "url",
	_TARGET = "target",
	_EMPHASIS = "emphasis",
	_STRONG_EMPHASIS = "strongemphasis",
	_CHECKED = "checked",
	_SUBMENU = "submenu",
	_DISABLED = "disabled",
	_SELECTED = "selected",
	_HAS_SUBMENU = "hassubmenu",
	_CHECKED_DISABLED = "checked-disabled",
	_HAS_SUBMENU_DISABLED = "hassubmenu-disabled",
	_HAS_SUBMENU_SELECTED = "hassubmenu-selected",
	_CHECKED_SELECTED = "checked-selected",
	_ONCLICK = "onclick",
	_CLASSNAME = "classname",
	_HREF = "href",
	_DIV = "DIV",
	_START_HELP_TEXT = "<em class=\"helptext\">",
	_START_EM = "<em>",
	_END_EM = "</em>",
	_START_STRONG = "<strong>",
	_END_STRONG = "</strong>",
	_PREVENT_CONTEXT_OVERLAP = "preventcontextoverlap",
	_OBJ = "obj",
	_SCOPE = "scope",
	_NONE = "none",
	_VISIBLE = "visible",
	_SPACE = " ",
	_MENUITEM = "MenuItem",
	_CLICK = "click",
	_SHOW = "show",
	_HIDE = "hide",
	_LI_LOWERCASE = "li",
	_ANCHOR_TEMPLATE = "<a href=\"#\"></a>",

        ["mouseOverEvent", "mouseover"],
        ["mouseOutEvent", "mouseout"],
        ["mouseDownEvent", "mousedown"],
        ["mouseUpEvent", "mouseup"],
        ["clickEvent", _CLICK],
        ["keyPressEvent", "keypress"],
        ["keyDownEvent", "keydown"],
        ["keyUpEvent", "keyup"],
        ["focusEvent", "focus"],
        ["blurEvent", "blur"],
        ["destroyEvent", "destroy"]

		key: _TEXT, 
		value: _EMPTY_STRING, 
		validator: Lang.isString, 
		suppressEvent: true 

		key: _HELP_TEXT,
		supercedes: [_TEXT], 
		suppressEvent: true 

		key: _URL, 
		value: _HASH, 
		suppressEvent: true 

		key: _TARGET, 
		suppressEvent: true 

		key: _EMPHASIS, 
		value: false, 
		validator: Lang.isBoolean, 
		suppressEvent: true, 
		supercedes: [_TEXT]

		value: false, 
		validator: Lang.isBoolean, 
		suppressEvent: true,
		supercedes: [_TEXT]

		key: _CHECKED, 
		value: false, 
		validator: Lang.isBoolean, 
		suppressEvent: true, 
		supercedes: [_DISABLED, _SELECTED]

		key: _SUBMENU,
		suppressEvent: true,
		supercedes: [_DISABLED, _SELECTED]

		key: _DISABLED, 
		value: false, 
		validator: Lang.isBoolean, 
		suppressEvent: true,
		supercedes: [_TEXT, _SELECTED]

		key: _SELECTED, 
		value: false, 
		validator: Lang.isBoolean, 
		suppressEvent: true

		key: _ONCLICK,
		suppressEvent: true

		key: _CLASSNAME, 
		value: null, 
		validator: Lang.isString,
		suppressEvent: true
		key: "keylistener", 
		value: null, 
		suppressEvent: true

	m_oMenuItemTemplate = null,

    CLASS_NAMES = {};

* @method getClassNameForState
* @description Returns a class name for the specified prefix and state.  If the class name does not 
* yet exist, it is created and stored in the CLASS_NAMES object to increase performance.
* @private
* @param {String} prefix String representing the prefix for the class name
* @param {String} state String representing a state - "disabled," "checked," etc.
var getClassNameForState = function (prefix, state) {

	var oClassNames = CLASS_NAMES[prefix];
	if (!oClassNames) {
		CLASS_NAMES[prefix] = {};
		oClassNames = CLASS_NAMES[prefix];

	var sClassName = oClassNames[state];

	if (!sClassName) {
		sClassName = prefix + _HYPHEN + state;
		oClassNames[state] = sClassName;

	return sClassName;

* @method addClassNameForState
* @description Applies a class name to a MenuItem instance's &#60;LI&#62; and &#60;A&#62; elements
* that represents a MenuItem's state - "disabled," "checked," etc.
* @private
* @param {String} state String representing a state - "disabled," "checked," etc.
var addClassNameForState = function (state) {

	Dom.addClass(this.element, getClassNameForState(this.CSS_CLASS_NAME, state));
	Dom.addClass(this._oAnchor, getClassNameForState(this.CSS_LABEL_CLASS_NAME, state));


* @method removeClassNameForState
* @description Removes a class name from a MenuItem instance's &#60;LI&#62; and &#60;A&#62; elements
* that represents a MenuItem's state - "disabled," "checked," etc.
* @private
* @param {String} state String representing a state - "disabled," "checked," etc.
var removeClassNameForState = function (state) {

	Dom.removeClass(this.element, getClassNameForState(this.CSS_CLASS_NAME, state));
	Dom.removeClass(this._oAnchor, getClassNameForState(this.CSS_LABEL_CLASS_NAME, state));


MenuItem.prototype = {

    * @property CSS_CLASS_NAME
    * @description String representing the CSS class(es) to be applied to the 
    * <code>&#60;li&#62;</code> element of the menu item.
    * @default "yuimenuitem"
    * @final
    * @type String
    CSS_CLASS_NAME: "yuimenuitem",

    * @property CSS_LABEL_CLASS_NAME
    * @description String representing the CSS class(es) to be applied to the 
    * menu item's <code>&#60;a&#62;</code> element.
    * @default "yuimenuitemlabel"
    * @final
    * @type String
    CSS_LABEL_CLASS_NAME: "yuimenuitemlabel",

    * @property SUBMENU_TYPE
    * @description Object representing the type of menu to instantiate and 
    * add when parsing the child nodes of the menu item's source HTML element.
    * @final
    * @type YAHOO.widget.Menu
    SUBMENU_TYPE: null,

    // Private member variables

    * @property _oAnchor
    * @description Object reference to the menu item's 
    * <code>&#60;a&#62;</code> element.
    * @default null 
    * @private
    * @type <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-
    * one-html.html#ID-48250443">HTMLAnchorElement</a>
    _oAnchor: null,
    * @property _oHelpTextEM
    * @description Object reference to the menu item's help text 
    * <code>&#60;em&#62;</code> element.
    * @default null
    * @private
    * @type <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-
    * one-html.html#ID-58190037">HTMLElement</a>
    _oHelpTextEM: null,
    * @property _oSubmenu
    * @description Object reference to the menu item's submenu.
    * @default null
    * @private
    * @type YAHOO.widget.Menu
    _oSubmenu: null,

    * @property _oOnclickAttributeValue
    * @description Object reference to the menu item's current value for the 
    * "onclick" configuration attribute.
    * @default null
    * @private
    * @type Object
    _oOnclickAttributeValue: null,

    * @property _sClassName
    * @description The current value of the "classname" configuration attribute.
    * @default null
    * @private
    * @type String
    _sClassName: null,

    // Public properties

    * @property constructor
	* @description Object reference to the menu item's constructor function.
    * @default YAHOO.widget.MenuItem
	* @type YAHOO.widget.MenuItem
	constructor: MenuItem,

    * @property index
    * @description Number indicating the ordinal position of the menu item in 
    * its group.
    * @default null
    * @type Number
    index: null,

    * @property groupIndex
    * @description Number indicating the index of the group to which the menu 
    * item belongs.
    * @default null
    * @type Number
    groupIndex: null,

    * @property parent
    * @description Object reference to the menu item's parent menu.
    * @default null
    * @type YAHOO.widget.Menu
    parent: null,

    * @property element
    * @description Object reference to the menu item's 
    * <code>&#60;li&#62;</code> element.
    * @default <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level
    * -one-html.html#ID-74680021">HTMLLIElement</a>
    * @type <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-
    * one-html.html#ID-74680021">HTMLLIElement</a>
    element: null,

    * @property srcElement
    * @description Object reference to the HTML element (either 
    * <code>&#60;li&#62;</code>, <code>&#60;optgroup&#62;</code> or 
    * <code>&#60;option&#62;</code>) used create the menu item.
    * @default <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/
    * level-one-html.html#ID-74680021">HTMLLIElement</a>|<a href="http://www.
    * w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-one-html.html#ID-38450247"
    * >HTMLOptGroupElement</a>|<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-
    * Level-1-20000929/level-one-html.html#ID-70901257">HTMLOptionElement</a>
    * @type <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-
    * one-html.html#ID-74680021">HTMLLIElement</a>|<a href="http://www.w3.
    * org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-one-html.html#ID-38450247">
    * HTMLOptGroupElement</a>|<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-
    * Level-1-20000929/level-one-html.html#ID-70901257">HTMLOptionElement</a>
    srcElement: null,

    * @property value
    * @description Object reference to the menu item's value.
    * @default null
    * @type Object
    value: null,

    * @property browser
    * @deprecated Use YAHOO.env.ua
	* @description String representing the browser.
	* @type String
	browser: Module.prototype.browser,

    * @property id
    * @description Id of the menu item's root <code>&#60;li&#62;</code> 
    * element.  This property should be set via the constructor using the 
    * configuration object literal.  If an id is not specified, then one will 
    * be created using the "generateId" method of the Dom utility.
    * @default null
    * @type String
    id: null,

    // Events

    * @event destroyEvent
    * @description Fires when the menu item's <code>&#60;li&#62;</code> 
    * element is removed from its parent <code>&#60;ul&#62;</code> element.
    * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent

    * @event mouseOverEvent
    * @description Fires when the mouse has entered the menu item.  Passes 
    * back the DOM Event object as an argument.
    * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent

    * @event mouseOutEvent
    * @description Fires when the mouse has left the menu item.  Passes back 
    * the DOM Event object as an argument.
    * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent

    * @event mouseDownEvent
    * @description Fires when the user mouses down on the menu item.  Passes 
    * back the DOM Event object as an argument.
    * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent

    * @event mouseUpEvent
    * @description Fires when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse 
    * is over the menu item.  Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.
    * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent

    * @event clickEvent
    * @description Fires when the user clicks the on the menu item.  Passes 
    * back the DOM Event object as an argument.
    * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent

    * @event keyPressEvent
    * @description Fires when the user presses an alphanumeric key when the 
    * menu item has focus.  Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.
    * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent

    * @event keyDownEvent
    * @description Fires when the user presses a key when the menu item has 
    * focus.  Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.
    * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent

    * @event keyUpEvent
    * @description Fires when the user releases a key when the menu item has 
    * focus.  Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.
    * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent

    * @event focusEvent
    * @description Fires when the menu item receives focus.
    * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent

    * @event blurEvent
    * @description Fires when the menu item loses the input focus.
    * @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent

    * @method init
    * @description The MenuItem class's initialization method. This method is 
    * automatically called by the constructor, and sets up all DOM references 
    * for pre-existing markup, and creates required markup if it is not 
    * already present.
    * @param {String} p_oObject String specifying the text of the menu item.
    * @param {<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-
    * one-html.html#ID-74680021">HTMLLIElement</a>} p_oObject Object specifying 
    * the <code>&#60;li&#62;</code> element of the menu item.
    * @param {<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-
    * one-html.html#ID-38450247">HTMLOptGroupElement</a>} p_oObject Object 
    * specifying the <code>&#60;optgroup&#62;</code> element of the menu item.
    * @param {<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-
    * one-html.html#ID-70901257">HTMLOptionElement</a>} p_oObject Object 
    * specifying the <code>&#60;option&#62;</code> element of the menu item.
    * @param {Object} p_oConfig Optional. Object literal specifying the 
    * configuration for the menu item. See configuration class documentation 
    * for more details.
    init: function (p_oObject, p_oConfig) {

        if (!this.SUBMENU_TYPE) {
            this.SUBMENU_TYPE = Menu;

        // Create the config object

        this.cfg = new YAHOO.util.Config(this);


        var oConfig = this.cfg,
            sURL = _HASH,

        if (Lang.isString(p_oObject)) {


            oConfig.queueProperty(_TEXT, p_oObject);

        else if (p_oObject && p_oObject.tagName) {

            switch(p_oObject.tagName.toUpperCase()) {

                case _OPTION:


                    oConfig.queueProperty(_TEXT, p_oObject.text);
                    oConfig.queueProperty(_DISABLED, p_oObject.disabled);

                    this.value = p_oObject.value;

                    this.srcElement = p_oObject;


                case _OPTGROUP:


                    oConfig.queueProperty(_TEXT, p_oObject.label);
                    oConfig.queueProperty(_DISABLED, p_oObject.disabled);

                    this.srcElement = p_oObject;



                case _LI_UPPERCASE:

                    // Get the anchor node (if it exists)
                    oAnchor = Dom.getFirstChild(p_oObject);

                    // Capture the "text" and/or the "URL"

                    if (oAnchor) {

                        sURL = oAnchor.getAttribute(_HREF, 2);
                        sTarget = oAnchor.getAttribute(_TARGET);

                        sText = oAnchor.innerHTML;


                    this.srcElement = p_oObject;
                    this.element = p_oObject;
                    this._oAnchor = oAnchor;

                        Set these properties silently to sync up the 
                        configuration object without making changes to the 
                        element's DOM

                    oConfig.setProperty(_TEXT, sText, true);
                    oConfig.setProperty(_URL, sURL, true);
                    oConfig.setProperty(_TARGET, sTarget, true);





        if (this.element) {

            sId = (this.srcElement || this.element).id;

            if (!sId) {

                sId = this.id || Dom.generateId();

                this.element.id = sId;


            this.id = sId;

            Dom.addClass(this.element, this.CSS_CLASS_NAME);
            Dom.addClass(this._oAnchor, this.CSS_LABEL_CLASS_NAME);

			i = EVENT_TYPES.length - 1;

			do {

				aEventData = EVENT_TYPES[i];

				oCustomEvent = this.createEvent(aEventData[1]);
				oCustomEvent.signature = CustomEvent.LIST;
				this[aEventData[0]] = oCustomEvent;

			while (i--);

            if (p_oConfig) {




    // Private methods

    * @method _createRootNodeStructure
    * @description Creates the core DOM structure for the menu item.
    * @private
    _createRootNodeStructure: function () {

        var oElement,

        if (!m_oMenuItemTemplate) {

            m_oMenuItemTemplate = document.createElement(_LI_LOWERCASE);
            m_oMenuItemTemplate.innerHTML = _ANCHOR_TEMPLATE;


        oElement = m_oMenuItemTemplate.cloneNode(true);
        oElement.className = this.CSS_CLASS_NAME;

        oAnchor = oElement.firstChild;
        oAnchor.className = this.CSS_LABEL_CLASS_NAME;

        this.element = oElement;
        this._oAnchor = oAnchor;


    * @method _initSubTree
    * @description Iterates the source element's childNodes collection and uses 
    * the child nodes to instantiate other menus.
    * @private
    _initSubTree: function () {

        var oSrcEl = this.srcElement,
            oConfig = this.cfg,

        if (oSrcEl.childNodes.length > 0) {

            if (this.parent.lazyLoad && this.parent.srcElement && 
                this.parent.srcElement.tagName.toUpperCase() == _SELECT) {

                        { id: Dom.generateId(), itemdata: oSrcEl.childNodes }

            else {

                oNode = oSrcEl.firstChild;
                aOptions = [];
                do {
                    if (oNode && oNode.tagName) {
                        switch(oNode.tagName.toUpperCase()) {
                            case _DIV:
                                oConfig.setProperty(_SUBMENU, oNode);
                            case _OPTION:
                                aOptions[aOptions.length] = oNode;
                while((oNode = oNode.nextSibling));
                nOptions = aOptions.length;
                if (nOptions > 0) {
                    oMenu = new this.SUBMENU_TYPE(Dom.generateId());
                    oConfig.setProperty(_SUBMENU, oMenu);
                    for(n=0; n<nOptions; n++) {
                        oMenu.addItem((new oMenu.ITEM_TYPE(aOptions[n])));



    // Event handlers for configuration properties

    * @method configText
    * @description Event handler for when the "text" configuration property of 
    * the menu item changes.
    * @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
    * was fired.
    * @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
    * @param {YAHOO.widget.MenuItem} p_oItem Object representing the menu item
    * that fired the event.
    configText: function (p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oItem) {

        var sText = p_aArgs[0],
            oConfig = this.cfg,
            oAnchor = this._oAnchor,
            sHelpText = oConfig.getProperty(_HELP_TEXT),
            sHelpTextHTML = _EMPTY_STRING,
            sEmphasisStartTag = _EMPTY_STRING,
            sEmphasisEndTag = _EMPTY_STRING;

        if (sText) {

            if (sHelpText) {
                sHelpTextHTML = _START_HELP_TEXT + sHelpText + _END_EM;

            if (oConfig.getProperty(_EMPHASIS)) {

                sEmphasisStartTag = _START_EM;
                sEmphasisEndTag = _END_EM;


            if (oConfig.getProperty(_STRONG_EMPHASIS)) {

                sEmphasisStartTag = _START_STRONG;
                sEmphasisEndTag = _END_STRONG;

            oAnchor.innerHTML = (sEmphasisStartTag + sText + sEmphasisEndTag + sHelpTextHTML);



    * @method configHelpText
    * @description Event handler for when the "helptext" configuration property 
    * of the menu item changes.
    * @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
    * was fired.
    * @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
    * @param {YAHOO.widget.MenuItem} p_oItem Object representing the menu item
    * that fired the event.
    configHelpText: function (p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oItem) {



    * @method configURL
    * @description Event handler for when the "url" configuration property of 
    * the menu item changes.
    * @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
    * was fired.
    * @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
    * @param {YAHOO.widget.MenuItem} p_oItem Object representing the menu item
    * that fired the event.
    configURL: function (p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oItem) {

        var sURL = p_aArgs[0];

        if (!sURL) {

            sURL = _HASH;


        var oAnchor = this._oAnchor;

        if (UA.opera) {


        oAnchor.setAttribute(_HREF, sURL);


    * @method configTarget
    * @description Event handler for when the "target" configuration property 
    * of the menu item changes.  
    * @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
    * was fired.
    * @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
    * @param {YAHOO.widget.MenuItem} p_oItem Object representing the menu item
    * that fired the event.
    configTarget: function (p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oItem) {

        var sTarget = p_aArgs[0],
            oAnchor = this._oAnchor;

        if (sTarget && sTarget.length > 0) {

            oAnchor.setAttribute(_TARGET, sTarget);

        else {



    * @method configEmphasis
    * @description Event handler for when the "emphasis" configuration property
    * of the menu item changes.
    * @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
    * was fired.
    * @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
    * @param {YAHOO.widget.MenuItem} p_oItem Object representing the menu item
    * that fired the event.
    configEmphasis: function (p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oItem) {

        var bEmphasis = p_aArgs[0],
            oConfig = this.cfg;

        if (bEmphasis && oConfig.getProperty(_STRONG_EMPHASIS)) {

            oConfig.setProperty(_STRONG_EMPHASIS, false);




    * @method configStrongEmphasis
    * @description Event handler for when the "strongemphasis" configuration 
    * property of the menu item changes.
    * @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
    * was fired.
    * @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
    * @param {YAHOO.widget.MenuItem} p_oItem Object representing the menu item
    * that fired the event.
    configStrongEmphasis: function (p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oItem) {

        var bStrongEmphasis = p_aArgs[0],
            oConfig = this.cfg;

        if (bStrongEmphasis && oConfig.getProperty(_EMPHASIS)) {

            oConfig.setProperty(_EMPHASIS, false);




    * @method configChecked
    * @description Event handler for when the "checked" configuration property 
    * of the menu item changes. 
    * @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
    * was fired.
    * @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
    * @param {YAHOO.widget.MenuItem} p_oItem Object representing the menu item
    * that fired the event.
    configChecked: function (p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oItem) {

        var bChecked = p_aArgs[0],
            oConfig = this.cfg;

        if (bChecked) {

            addClassNameForState.call(this, _CHECKED);

        else {

            removeClassNameForState.call(this, _CHECKED);


        if (oConfig.getProperty(_DISABLED)) {



        if (oConfig.getProperty(_SELECTED)) {




    * @method configDisabled
    * @description Event handler for when the "disabled" configuration property 
    * of the menu item changes. 
    * @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
    * was fired.
    * @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
    * @param {YAHOO.widget.MenuItem} p_oItem Object representing the menu item
    * that fired the event.
    configDisabled: function (p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oItem) {

        var bDisabled = p_aArgs[0],
            oConfig = this.cfg,
            oSubmenu = oConfig.getProperty(_SUBMENU),
            bChecked = oConfig.getProperty(_CHECKED);

        if (bDisabled) {

            if (oConfig.getProperty(_SELECTED)) {

                oConfig.setProperty(_SELECTED, false);


			addClassNameForState.call(this, _DISABLED);

            if (oSubmenu) {

				addClassNameForState.call(this, _HAS_SUBMENU_DISABLED);

            if (bChecked) {

				addClassNameForState.call(this, _CHECKED_DISABLED);


        else {

			removeClassNameForState.call(this, _DISABLED);

            if (oSubmenu) {

				removeClassNameForState.call(this, _HAS_SUBMENU_DISABLED);

            if (bChecked) {

				removeClassNameForState.call(this, _CHECKED_DISABLED);




    * @method configSelected
    * @description Event handler for when the "selected" configuration property 
    * of the menu item changes. 
    * @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
    * was fired.
    * @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
    * @param {YAHOO.widget.MenuItem} p_oItem Object representing the menu item
    * that fired the event.
    configSelected: function (p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oItem) {

        var oConfig = this.cfg,
        	oAnchor = this._oAnchor,
            bSelected = p_aArgs[0],
            bChecked = oConfig.getProperty(_CHECKED),
            oSubmenu = oConfig.getProperty(_SUBMENU);

        if (UA.opera) {


        if (bSelected && !oConfig.getProperty(_DISABLED)) {

			addClassNameForState.call(this, _SELECTED);

            if (oSubmenu) {

				addClassNameForState.call(this, _HAS_SUBMENU_SELECTED);

            if (bChecked) {

				addClassNameForState.call(this, _CHECKED_SELECTED);


        else {

			removeClassNameForState.call(this, _SELECTED);

            if (oSubmenu) {

				removeClassNameForState.call(this, _HAS_SUBMENU_SELECTED);

            if (bChecked) {

				removeClassNameForState.call(this, _CHECKED_SELECTED);



        if (this.hasFocus() && UA.opera) {


    * @method _onSubmenuBeforeHide
    * @description "beforehide" Custom Event handler for a submenu.
    * @private
    * @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
    * was fired.
    * @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
    _onSubmenuBeforeHide: function (p_sType, p_aArgs) {

        var oItem = this.parent,

        function onHide() {


        if (oItem.hasFocus()) {

            oMenu = oItem.parent;


    * @method configSubmenu
    * @description Event handler for when the "submenu" configuration property 
    * of the menu item changes. 
    * @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
    * was fired.
    * @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
    * @param {YAHOO.widget.MenuItem} p_oItem Object representing the menu item
    * that fired the event.
    configSubmenu: function (p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oItem) {

        var oSubmenu = p_aArgs[0],
            oConfig = this.cfg,
            bLazyLoad = this.parent && this.parent.lazyLoad,

        if (oSubmenu) {

            if (oSubmenu instanceof Menu) {

                oMenu = oSubmenu;
                oMenu.parent = this;
                oMenu.lazyLoad = bLazyLoad;

            else if (Lang.isObject(oSubmenu) && oSubmenu.id && !oSubmenu.nodeType) {

                sSubmenuId = oSubmenu.id;
                oSubmenuConfig = oSubmenu;

                oSubmenuConfig.lazyload = bLazyLoad;
                oSubmenuConfig.parent = this;

                oMenu = new this.SUBMENU_TYPE(sSubmenuId, oSubmenuConfig);

                // Set the value of the property to the Menu instance

                oConfig.setProperty(_SUBMENU, oMenu, true);

            else {

                oMenu = new this.SUBMENU_TYPE(oSubmenu, { lazyload: bLazyLoad, parent: this });

                // Set the value of the property to the Menu instance
                oConfig.setProperty(_SUBMENU, oMenu, true);


            if (oMenu) {

				oMenu.cfg.setProperty(_PREVENT_CONTEXT_OVERLAP, true);

                addClassNameForState.call(this, _HAS_SUBMENU);

				if (oConfig.getProperty(_URL) === _HASH) {
					oConfig.setProperty(_URL, (_HASH + oMenu.id));

                this._oSubmenu = oMenu;

                if (UA.opera) {

        else {

			removeClassNameForState.call(this, _HAS_SUBMENU);

            if (this._oSubmenu) {




        if (oConfig.getProperty(_DISABLED)) {



        if (oConfig.getProperty(_SELECTED)) {




    * @method configOnClick
    * @description Event handler for when the "onclick" configuration property 
    * of the menu item changes. 
    * @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
    * was fired.
    * @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
    * @param {YAHOO.widget.MenuItem} p_oItem Object representing the menu item
    * that fired the event.
    configOnClick: function (p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oItem) {

        var oObject = p_aArgs[0];

            Remove any existing listeners if a "click" event handler has 
            already been specified.

        if (this._oOnclickAttributeValue && (this._oOnclickAttributeValue != oObject)) {


            this._oOnclickAttributeValue = null;


        if (!this._oOnclickAttributeValue && Lang.isObject(oObject) && 
            Lang.isFunction(oObject.fn)) {
                ((_OBJ in oObject) ? oObject.obj : this), 
                ((_SCOPE in oObject) ? oObject.scope : null) );

            this._oOnclickAttributeValue = oObject;


    * @method configClassName
    * @description Event handler for when the "classname" configuration 
    * property of a menu item changes.
    * @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
    * was fired.
    * @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
    * @param {YAHOO.widget.MenuItem} p_oItem Object representing the menu item
    * that fired the event.
    configClassName: function (p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oItem) {
        var sClassName = p_aArgs[0];
        if (this._sClassName) {
            Dom.removeClass(this.element, this._sClassName);
        Dom.addClass(this.element, sClassName);
        this._sClassName = sClassName;

    * @method _dispatchClickEvent
    * @description Dispatches a DOM "click" event to the anchor element of a 
	* MenuItem instance.
	* @private	
	_dispatchClickEvent: function () {

		var oMenuItem = this,

		if (!oMenuItem.cfg.getProperty(_DISABLED)) {

			oAnchor = Dom.getFirstChild(oMenuItem.element);

			//	Dispatch a "click" event to the MenuItem's anchor so that its
			//	"click" event handlers will get called in response to the user 
			//	pressing the keyboard shortcut defined by the "keylistener"
			//	configuration property.

			if (UA.ie) {
			else {

				if ((UA.gecko && UA.gecko >= 1.9) || UA.opera || UA.webkit) {

					oEvent = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
					oEvent.initEvent(_CLICK, true, true);

				else {

					oEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
					oEvent.initMouseEvent(_CLICK, true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 
						0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);






    * @method _createKeyListener
    * @description "show" event handler for a Menu instance - responsible for 
	* setting up the KeyListener instance for a MenuItem.
	* @private	
    * @param {String} type String representing the name of the event that 
    * was fired.
    * @param {Array} args Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
    * @param {Array} keyData Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
	_createKeyListener: function (type, args, keyData) {

		var oMenuItem = this,
			oMenu = oMenuItem.parent;

		var oKeyListener = new YAHOO.util.KeyListener(
											fn: oMenuItem._dispatchClickEvent, 
											scope: oMenuItem, 
											correctScope: true });

		if (oMenu.cfg.getProperty(_VISIBLE)) {

		oMenu.subscribe(_SHOW, oKeyListener.enable, null, oKeyListener);
		oMenu.subscribe(_HIDE, oKeyListener.disable, null, oKeyListener);
		oMenuItem._keyListener = oKeyListener;
		oMenu.unsubscribe(_SHOW, oMenuItem._createKeyListener, keyData);

    * @method configKeyListener
    * @description Event handler for when the "keylistener" configuration 
    * property of a menu item changes.
    * @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
    * was fired.
    * @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
    configKeyListener: function (p_sType, p_aArgs) {

		var oKeyData = p_aArgs[0],
			oMenuItem = this,
			oMenu = oMenuItem.parent;

		if (oMenuItem._keyData) {

			//	Unsubscribe from the "show" event in case the keylistener 
			//	config was changed before the Menu was ever made visible.

					oMenuItem._createKeyListener, oMenuItem._keyData);

			oMenuItem._keyData = null;					

		//	Tear down for the previous value of the "keylistener" property

		if (oMenuItem._keyListener) {

			oMenu.unsubscribe(_SHOW, oMenuItem._keyListener.enable);
			oMenu.unsubscribe(_HIDE, oMenuItem._keyListener.disable);

			oMenuItem._keyListener = null;


    	if (oKeyData) {
			oMenuItem._keyData = oKeyData;

			//	Defer the creation of the KeyListener instance until the 
			//	parent Menu is visible.  This is necessary since the 
			//	KeyListener instance needs to be bound to the document the 
			//	Menu has been rendered into.  Deferring creation of the 
			//	KeyListener instance also improves performance.

			oMenu.subscribe(_SHOW, oMenuItem._createKeyListener, 
				oKeyData, oMenuItem);

    // Public methods

    * @method initDefaultConfig
	* @description Initializes an item's configurable properties.
	initDefaultConfig : function () {

        var oConfig = this.cfg;

        // Define the configuration attributes

        * @config text
        * @description String specifying the text label for the menu item.  
        * When building a menu from existing HTML the value of this property
        * will be interpreted from the menu's markup.
        * @default ""
        * @type String
                handler: this.configText, 
                value: TEXT_CONFIG.value, 
                validator: TEXT_CONFIG.validator, 
                suppressEvent: TEXT_CONFIG.suppressEvent 

        * @config helptext
        * @description String specifying additional instructional text to 
        * accompany the text for the menu item.
        * @deprecated Use "text" configuration property to add help text markup.  
        * For example: <code>oMenuItem.cfg.setProperty("text", "Copy &#60;em 
        * class=\"helptext\"&#62;Ctrl + C&#60;/em&#62;");</code>
        * @default null
        * @type String|<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/
        * 2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-one-html.html#ID-58190037">
        * HTMLElement</a>
                handler: this.configHelpText, 
                supercedes: HELP_TEXT_CONFIG.supercedes,
                suppressEvent: HELP_TEXT_CONFIG.suppressEvent 

        * @config url
        * @description String specifying the URL for the menu item's anchor's 
        * "href" attribute.  When building a menu from existing HTML the value 
        * of this property will be interpreted from the menu's markup.
        * @default "#"
        * @type String
                handler: this.configURL, 
                value: URL_CONFIG.value, 
                suppressEvent: URL_CONFIG.suppressEvent

        * @config target
        * @description String specifying the value for the "target" attribute 
        * of the menu item's anchor element. <strong>Specifying a target will 
        * require the user to click directly on the menu item's anchor node in
        * order to cause the browser to navigate to the specified URL.</strong> 
        * When building a menu from existing HTML the value of this property 
        * will be interpreted from the menu's markup.
        * @default null
        * @type String
                handler: this.configTarget, 
                suppressEvent: TARGET_CONFIG.suppressEvent

        * @config emphasis
        * @description Boolean indicating if the text of the menu item will be 
        * rendered with emphasis.
        * @deprecated Use the "text" configuration property to add emphasis.  
        * For example: <code>oMenuItem.cfg.setProperty("text", "&#60;em&#62;Some 
        * Text&#60;/em&#62;");</code>
        * @default false
        * @type Boolean
                handler: this.configEmphasis, 
                value: EMPHASIS_CONFIG.value, 
                validator: EMPHASIS_CONFIG.validator, 
                suppressEvent: EMPHASIS_CONFIG.suppressEvent,
                supercedes: EMPHASIS_CONFIG.supercedes

        * @config strongemphasis
        * @description Boolean indicating if the text of the menu item will be 
        * rendered with strong emphasis.
        * @deprecated Use the "text" configuration property to add strong emphasis.  
        * For example: <code>oMenuItem.cfg.setProperty("text", "&#60;strong&#62; 
        * Some Text&#60;/strong&#62;");</code>
        * @default false
        * @type Boolean
                handler: this.configStrongEmphasis,
                value: STRONG_EMPHASIS_CONFIG.value,
                validator: STRONG_EMPHASIS_CONFIG.validator,
                suppressEvent: STRONG_EMPHASIS_CONFIG.suppressEvent,
                supercedes: STRONG_EMPHASIS_CONFIG.supercedes

        * @config checked
        * @description Boolean indicating if the menu item should be rendered 
        * with a checkmark.
        * @default false
        * @type Boolean
                handler: this.configChecked, 
                value: CHECKED_CONFIG.value, 
                validator: CHECKED_CONFIG.validator, 
                suppressEvent: CHECKED_CONFIG.suppressEvent,
                supercedes: CHECKED_CONFIG.supercedes

        * @config disabled
        * @description Boolean indicating if the menu item should be disabled.  
        * (Disabled menu items are  dimmed and will not respond to user input 
        * or fire events.)
        * @default false
        * @type Boolean
                handler: this.configDisabled,
                value: DISABLED_CONFIG.value,
                validator: DISABLED_CONFIG.validator,
                suppressEvent: DISABLED_CONFIG.suppressEvent

        * @config selected
        * @description Boolean indicating if the menu item should 
        * be highlighted.
        * @default false
        * @type Boolean
                handler: this.configSelected,
                value: SELECTED_CONFIG.value,
                validator: SELECTED_CONFIG.validator,
                suppressEvent: SELECTED_CONFIG.suppressEvent

        * @config submenu
        * @description Object specifying the submenu to be appended to the 
        * menu item.  The value can be one of the following: <ul><li>Object 
        * specifying a Menu instance.</li><li>Object literal specifying the
        * menu to be created.  Format: <code>{ id: [menu id], itemdata: 
        * [<a href="YAHOO.widget.Menu.html#itemData">array of values for 
        * items</a>] }</code>.</li><li>String specifying the id attribute 
        * of the <code>&#60;div&#62;</code> element of the menu.</li><li>
        * Object specifying the <code>&#60;div&#62;</code> element of the 
        * menu.</li></ul>
        * @default null
        * @type Menu|String|Object|<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/
        * WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-one-html.html#ID-58190037">
        * HTMLElement</a>
                handler: this.configSubmenu, 
                supercedes: SUBMENU_CONFIG.supercedes,
                suppressEvent: SUBMENU_CONFIG.suppressEvent

        * @config onclick
        * @description Object literal representing the code to be executed when 
        * the item is clicked.  Format:<br> <code> {<br> 
        * <strong>fn:</strong> Function,   &#47;&#47; The handler to call when 
        * the event fires.<br> <strong>obj:</strong> Object, &#47;&#47; An 
        * object to  pass back to the handler.<br> <strong>scope:</strong> 
        * Object &#47;&#47; The object to use for the scope of the handler.
        * <br> } </code>
        * @type Object
        * @default null
                handler: this.configOnClick, 
                suppressEvent: ONCLICK_CONFIG.suppressEvent 

        * @config classname
        * @description CSS class to be applied to the menu item's root 
        * <code>&#60;li&#62;</code> element.  The specified class(es) are 
        * appended in addition to the default class as specified by the menu 
        * item's CSS_CLASS_NAME constant.
        * @default null
        * @type String
                handler: this.configClassName,
                value: CLASS_NAME_CONFIG.value, 
                validator: CLASS_NAME_CONFIG.validator,
                suppressEvent: CLASS_NAME_CONFIG.suppressEvent 

        * @config keylistener
        * @description Object literal representing the key(s) that can be used 
 		* to trigger the MenuItem's "click" event.  Possible attributes are 
		* shift (boolean), alt (boolean), ctrl (boolean) and keys (either an int 
		* or an array of ints representing keycodes).
        * @default null
        * @type Object
                handler: this.configKeyListener,
                value: KEY_LISTENER_CONFIG.value, 
                suppressEvent: KEY_LISTENER_CONFIG.suppressEvent 


    * @method getNextSibling
    * @description Finds the menu item's next sibling.
    * @return YAHOO.widget.MenuItem
	getNextSibling: function () {
		var isUL = function (el) {
				return (el.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "ul");
			menuitemEl = this.element,
			next = Dom.getNextSibling(menuitemEl),
		if (!next) {
			parent = menuitemEl.parentNode;
			sibling = Dom.getNextSiblingBy(parent, isUL);
			if (sibling) {
				list = sibling;
			else {
				list = Dom.getFirstChildBy(parent.parentNode, isUL);
			next = Dom.getFirstChild(list);

		return YAHOO.widget.MenuManager.getMenuItem(next.id);


    * @method getNextEnabledSibling
    * @description Finds the menu item's next enabled sibling.
    * @return YAHOO.widget.MenuItem
	getNextEnabledSibling: function () {
		var next = this.getNextSibling();
        return (next.cfg.getProperty(_DISABLED) || next.element.style.display == _NONE) ? next.getNextEnabledSibling() : next;

    * @method getPreviousSibling
    * @description Finds the menu item's previous sibling.
    * @return {YAHOO.widget.MenuItem}
	getPreviousSibling: function () {

		var isUL = function (el) {
				return (el.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "ul");

			menuitemEl = this.element,
			next = Dom.getPreviousSibling(menuitemEl),
		if (!next) {
			parent = menuitemEl.parentNode;
			sibling = Dom.getPreviousSiblingBy(parent, isUL);
			if (sibling) {
				list = sibling;
			else {
				list = Dom.getLastChildBy(parent.parentNode, isUL);
			next = Dom.getLastChild(list);

		return YAHOO.widget.MenuManager.getMenuItem(next.id);

    * @method getPreviousEnabledSibling
    * @description Finds the menu item's previous enabled sibling.
    * @return {YAHOO.widget.MenuItem}
	getPreviousEnabledSibling: function () {
		var next = this.getPreviousSibling();
        return (next.cfg.getProperty(_DISABLED) || next.element.style.display == _NONE) ? next.getPreviousEnabledSibling() : next;

    * @method focus
    * @description Causes the menu item to receive the focus and fires the 
    * focus event.
    focus: function () {

        var oParent = this.parent,
            oAnchor = this._oAnchor,
            oActiveItem = oParent.activeItem;

        function setFocus() {

            try {

                if (!(UA.ie && !document.hasFocus())) {
					if (oActiveItem) {

            catch(e) {


        if (!this.cfg.getProperty(_DISABLED) && oParent && oParent.cfg.getProperty(_VISIBLE) && 
            this.element.style.display != _NONE) {

                Setting focus via a timer fixes a race condition in Firefox, IE 
                and Opera where the browser viewport jumps as it trys to 
                position and focus the menu.

            Lang.later(0, this, setFocus);



    * @method blur
    * @description Causes the menu item to lose focus and fires the 
    * blur event.
    blur: function () {

        var oParent = this.parent;

        if (!this.cfg.getProperty(_DISABLED) && oParent && oParent.cfg.getProperty(_VISIBLE)) {

            Lang.later(0, this, function () {

                try {

                catch (e) {
            }, 0);



    * @method hasFocus
    * @description Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the menu item
    * has focus.
    * @return {Boolean}
    hasFocus: function () {
        return (YAHOO.widget.MenuManager.getFocusedMenuItem() == this);

    * @method destroy
	* @description Removes the menu item's <code>&#60;li&#62;</code> element 
	* from its parent <code>&#60;ul&#62;</code> element.
    destroy: function () {

        var oEl = this.element,

        if (oEl) {

            // If the item has a submenu, destroy it first

            oSubmenu = this.cfg.getProperty(_SUBMENU);

            if (oSubmenu) {

            // Remove the element from the parent node

            oParentNode = oEl.parentNode;

            if (oParentNode) {




            // Remove CustomEvent listeners

			i = EVENT_TYPES.length - 1;

			do {

				aEventData = EVENT_TYPES[i];

			while (i--);



    * @method toString
    * @description Returns a string representing the menu item.
    * @return {String}
    toString: function () {

        var sReturnVal = _MENUITEM,
            sId = this.id;

        if (sId) {
            sReturnVal += (_SPACE + sId);

        return sReturnVal;


Lang.augmentProto(MenuItem, YAHOO.util.EventProvider);


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