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Yahoo! UI Library

yuitest  2.8.0r4

Yahoo! UI Library > yuitest > YAHOO.tool.TestNode

private Class YAHOO.tool.TestNode

A node in the test tree structure. May represent a TestSuite, TestCase, or test function.


YAHOO.tool.TestNode ( testObject )
testObject <Variant> A TestSuite, TestCase, or the name of a test function.


firstChild - TestNode

Pointer to this node's first child.

lastChild - TestNode

Pointer to this node's last child.

next - TestNode

Pointer to this node's next sibling.

parent - TestNode

Pointer to this node's parent.

results - object

Test results for this test object.

testObject - Variant

The TestSuite, TestCase, or test function represented by this node.



Void appendChild ( testObject )
Appends a new test object (TestSuite, TestCase, or test function name) as a child of this node.
testObject <Variant> A TestSuite, TestCase, or the name of a test function.
Returns: Void

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