YUI recommends YUI 3.
YUI 2 has been deprecated since 2011. This site acts as an archive for files and documentation.
(function() {
* Internal methods used to add style management functionality to DOM.
* @module dom
* @class IEStyle
* @namespace YAHOO.util.Dom
var Y = YAHOO.util,
CLIENT_TOP = 'clientTop',
CLIENT_LEFT = 'clientLeft',
PARENT_NODE = 'parentNode',
RIGHT = 'right',
HAS_LAYOUT = 'hasLayout',
PX = 'px',
OPACITY = 'opacity',
AUTO = 'auto',
BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH = 'borderLeftWidth',
BORDER_TOP_WIDTH = 'borderTopWidth',
BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH = 'borderRightWidth',
BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH = 'borderBottomWidth',
VISIBLE = 'visible',
TRANSPARENT = 'transparent',
HEIGHT = 'height',
WIDTH = 'width',
STYLE = 'style',
CURRENT_STYLE = 'currentStyle',
// IE getComputedStyle
// TODO: unit-less lineHeight (e.g. 1.22)
re_size = /^width|height$/,
re_unit = /^(\d[.\d]*)+(em|ex|px|gd|rem|vw|vh|vm|ch|mm|cm|in|pt|pc|deg|rad|ms|s|hz|khz|%){1}?/i,
ComputedStyle = {
* @method get
* @description Method used by DOM to get style information for IE
* @param {HTMLElement} el The element to check
* @param {String} property The property to check
* @returns {String} The computed style
get: function(el, property) {
var value = '',
current = el[CURRENT_STYLE][property];
if (property === OPACITY) {
value = Y.Dom.getStyle(el, OPACITY);
} else if (!current || (current.indexOf && current.indexOf(PX) > -1)) { // no need to convert
value = current;
} else if (Y.Dom.IE_COMPUTED[property]) { // use compute function
value = Y.Dom.IE_COMPUTED[property](el, property);
} else if (re_unit.test(current)) { // convert to pixel
value = Y.Dom.IE.ComputedStyle.getPixel(el, property);
} else {
value = current;
return value;
* @method getOffset
* @description Determine the offset of an element
* @param {HTMLElement} el The element to check
* @param {String} prop The property to check.
* @return {String} The offset
getOffset: function(el, prop) {
var current = el[CURRENT_STYLE][prop], // value of "width", "top", etc.
capped = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.substr(1), // "Width", "Top", etc.
offset = 'offset' + capped, // "offsetWidth", "offsetTop", etc.
pixel = 'pixel' + capped, // "pixelWidth", "pixelTop", etc.
value = '',
if (current == AUTO) {
actual = el[offset]; // offsetHeight/Top etc.
if (actual === undefined) { // likely "right" or "bottom"
value = 0;
value = actual;
if (re_size.test(prop)) { // account for box model diff
el[STYLE][prop] = actual;
if (el[offset] > actual) {
// the difference is padding + border (works in Standards & Quirks modes)
value = actual - (el[offset] - actual);
el[STYLE][prop] = AUTO; // revert to auto
} else { // convert units to px
if (!el[STYLE][pixel] && !el[STYLE][prop]) { // need to map style.width to currentStyle (no currentStyle.pixelWidth)
el[STYLE][prop] = current; // no style.pixelWidth if no style.width
value = el[STYLE][pixel];
return value + PX;
* @method getBorderWidth
* @description Try to determine the width of an elements border
* @param {HTMLElement} el The element to check
* @param {String} property The property to check
* @return {String} The elements border width
getBorderWidth: function(el, property) {
// clientHeight/Width = paddingBox (e.g. offsetWidth - borderWidth)
// clientTop/Left = borderWidth
var value = null;
if (!el[CURRENT_STYLE][HAS_LAYOUT]) { // TODO: unset layout?
el[STYLE].zoom = 1; // need layout to measure client
switch(property) {
value = el[CLIENT_TOP];
value = el.offsetHeight - el.clientHeight - el[CLIENT_TOP];
value = el[CLIENT_LEFT];
value = el.offsetWidth - el.clientWidth - el[CLIENT_LEFT];
return value + PX;
* @method getPixel
* @description Get the pixel value from a style property
* @param {HTMLElement} node The element to check
* @param {String} att The attribute to check
* @return {String} The pixel value
getPixel: function(node, att) {
// use pixelRight to convert to px
var val = null,
styleRight = node[CURRENT_STYLE][RIGHT],
current = node[CURRENT_STYLE][att];
node[STYLE][RIGHT] = current;
val = node[STYLE].pixelRight;
node[STYLE][RIGHT] = styleRight; // revert
return val + PX;
* @method getMargin
* @description Get the margin value from a style property
* @param {HTMLElement} node The element to check
* @param {String} att The attribute to check
* @return {String} The margin value
getMargin: function(node, att) {
var val;
if (node[CURRENT_STYLE][att] == AUTO) {
val = 0 + PX;
} else {
val = Y.Dom.IE.ComputedStyle.getPixel(node, att);
return val;
* @method getVisibility
* @description Get the visibility of an element
* @param {HTMLElement} node The element to check
* @param {String} att The attribute to check
* @return {String} The value
getVisibility: function(node, att) {
var current;
while ( (current = node[CURRENT_STYLE]) && current[att] == 'inherit') { // NOTE: assignment in test
node = node[PARENT_NODE];
return (current) ? current[att] : VISIBLE;
* @method getColor
* @description Get the color of an element
* @param {HTMLElement} node The element to check
* @param {String} att The attribute to check
* @return {String} The value
getColor: function(node, att) {
return Y.Dom.Color.toRGB(node[CURRENT_STYLE][att]) || TRANSPARENT;
* @method getBorderColor
* @description Get the bordercolor of an element
* @param {HTMLElement} node The element to check
* @param {String} att The attribute to check
* @return {String} The value
getBorderColor: function(node, att) {
var current = node[CURRENT_STYLE],
val = current[att] || current.color;
return Y.Dom.Color.toRGB(Y.Dom.Color.toHex(val));
//fontSize: getPixelFont,
IEComputed = {};
IEComputed.top = IEComputed.right = IEComputed.bottom = IEComputed.left =
IEComputed[WIDTH] = IEComputed[HEIGHT] = ComputedStyle.getOffset;
IEComputed.color = ComputedStyle.getColor;
IEComputed.marginTop = IEComputed.marginRight = IEComputed.marginBottom =
IEComputed.marginLeft = ComputedStyle.getMargin;
IEComputed.visibility = ComputedStyle.getVisibility;
IEComputed.borderColor = IEComputed.borderTopColor =
IEComputed.borderRightColor = IEComputed.borderBottomColor =
IEComputed.borderLeftColor = ComputedStyle.getBorderColor;
Y.Dom.IE_COMPUTED = IEComputed;
Y.Dom.IE_ComputedStyle = ComputedStyle;