YUI recommends YUI 3.
YUI 2 has been deprecated since 2011. This site acts as an archive for files and documentation.
(function () {
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Lang = YAHOO.lang,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
Calendar = YAHOO.widget.Calendar;
* A Date-specific implementation that differs from TextNode in that it uses
* YAHOO.widget.Calendar as an in-line editor, if available
* If Calendar is not available, it behaves as a plain TextNode.
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class DateNode
* @extends YAHOO.widget.TextNode
* @param oData {object} a string or object containing the data that will
* be used to render this node.
* Providing a string is the same as providing an object with a single property named label.
* All values in the oData will be used to set equally named properties in the node
* as long as the node does have such properties, they are not undefined, private nor functions.
* All attributes are made available in noderef.data, which
* can be used to store custom attributes. TreeView.getNode(s)ByProperty
* can be used to retrieve a node by one of the attributes.
* @param oParent {YAHOO.widget.Node} this node's parent node
* @param expanded {boolean} the initial expanded/collapsed state (deprecated; use oData.expanded)
* @constructor
YAHOO.widget.DateNode = function(oData, oParent, expanded) {
YAHOO.widget.DateNode.superclass.constructor.call(this,oData, oParent, expanded);
YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.widget.DateNode, YAHOO.widget.TextNode, {
* The node type
* @property _type
* @type string
* @private
* @default "DateNode"
_type: "DateNode",
* Configuration object for the Calendar editor, if used.
* See <a href="http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/calendar/#internationalization">http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/calendar/#internationalization</a>
* @property calendarConfig
calendarConfig: null,
* If YAHOO.widget.Calendar is available, it will pop up a Calendar to enter a new date. Otherwise, it falls back to a plain <input> textbox
* @method fillEditorContainer
* @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData} a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
* @return void
fillEditorContainer: function (editorData) {
var cal, container = editorData.inputContainer;
if (Lang.isUndefined(Calendar)) {
YAHOO.widget.DateNode.superclass.fillEditorContainer.call(this, editorData);
if (editorData.nodeType != this._type) {
editorData.nodeType = this._type;
editorData.saveOnEnter = false;
editorData.inputObject = cal = new Calendar(container.appendChild(document.createElement('div')));
if (this.calendarConfig) {
cal.selectEvent.subscribe(function () {
} else {
cal = editorData.inputObject;
editorData.oldValue = this.label;
cal.cfg.setProperty("selected",this.label, false);
var delim = cal.cfg.getProperty('DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER');
var pageDate = this.label.split(delim);
cal.cfg.setProperty('pagedate',pageDate[cal.cfg.getProperty('MDY_MONTH_POSITION') -1] + delim + pageDate[cal.cfg.getProperty('MDY_YEAR_POSITION') -1]);
* Returns the value from the input element.
* Overrides Node.getEditorValue.
* @method getEditorValue
* @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData} a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
* @return {string} date entered
getEditorValue: function (editorData) {
if (Lang.isUndefined(Calendar)) {
return editorData.inputElement.value;
} else {
var cal = editorData.inputObject,
date = cal.getSelectedDates()[0],
dd = [];
dd[cal.cfg.getProperty('MDY_DAY_POSITION') -1] = date.getDate();
dd[cal.cfg.getProperty('MDY_MONTH_POSITION') -1] = date.getMonth() + 1;
dd[cal.cfg.getProperty('MDY_YEAR_POSITION') -1] = date.getFullYear();
return dd.join(cal.cfg.getProperty('DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER'));
* Finally displays the newly entered date in the tree.
* Overrides Node.displayEditedValue.
* @method displayEditedValue
* @param value {string} date to be displayed and stored in the node
* @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData} a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
displayEditedValue: function (value,editorData) {
var node = editorData.node;
node.label = value;
node.getLabelEl().innerHTML = value;
* Returns an object which could be used to build a tree out of this node and its children.
* It can be passed to the tree constructor to reproduce this node as a tree.
* It will return false if the node or any descendant loads dynamically, regardless of whether it is loaded or not.
* @method getNodeDefinition
* @return {Object | false} definition of the node or false if this node or any descendant is defined as dynamic
getNodeDefinition: function() {
var def = YAHOO.widget.DateNode.superclass.getNodeDefinition.call(this);
if (def === false) { return false; }
if (this.calendarConfig) { def.calendarConfig = this.calendarConfig; }
return def;