YUI recommends YUI 3.
YUI 2 has been deprecated since 2011. This site acts as an archive for files and documentation.
* @description <p>Provides a fixed layout containing, top, bottom, left, right and center layout units. It can be applied to either the body or an element.</p>
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @requires yahoo, dom, element, event
* @module layout
(function() {
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
Lang = YAHOO.lang;
* @constructor
* @class Layout
* @extends YAHOO.util.Element
* @description <p>Provides a fixed layout containing, top, bottom, left, right and center layout units. It can be applied to either the body or an element.</p>
* @param {String/HTMLElement} el The element to make contain a layout.
* @param {Object} attrs Object liternal containing configuration parameters.
var Layout = function(el, config) {
YAHOO.log('Creating the Layout Object', 'info', 'Layout');
if (Lang.isObject(el) && !el.tagName) {
config = el;
el = null;
if (Lang.isString(el)) {
if (Dom.get(el)) {
el = Dom.get(el);
if (!el) {
el = document.body;
var oConfig = {
element: el,
attributes: config || {}
Layout.superclass.constructor.call(this, oConfig.element, oConfig.attributes);
* @private
* @static
* @property _instances
* @description Internal hash table for all layout instances
* @type Object
Layout._instances = {};
* @static
* @method getLayoutById
* @description Get's a layout object by the HTML id of the element associated with the Layout object.
* @return {Object} The Layout Object
Layout.getLayoutById = function(id) {
if (Layout._instances[id]) {
return Layout._instances[id];
return false;
YAHOO.extend(Layout, YAHOO.util.Element, {
* @property browser
* @description A modified version of the YAHOO.env.ua object
* @type Object
browser: function() {
var b = YAHOO.env.ua;
b.standardsMode = false;
b.secure = false;
return b;
* @private
* @property _units
* @description An object literal that contains a list of units in the layout
* @type Object
_units: null,
* @private
* @property _rendered
* @description Set to true when the layout is rendered
* @type Boolean
_rendered: null,
* @private
* @property _zIndex
* @description The zIndex to set all LayoutUnits to
* @type Number
_zIndex: null,
* @private
* @property _sizes
* @description A collection of the current sizes of all usable LayoutUnits to be used for calculations
* @type Object
_sizes: null,
* @private
* @method _setBodySize
* @param {Boolean} set If set to false, it will NOT set the size, just perform the calculations (used for collapsing units)
* @description Used to set the body size of the layout, sets the height and width of the parent container
_setBodySize: function(set) {
var h = 0, w = 0;
set = ((set === false) ? false : true);
if (this._isBody) {
h = Dom.getClientHeight();
w = Dom.getClientWidth();
} else {
h = parseInt(this.getStyle('height'), 10);
w = parseInt(this.getStyle('width'), 10);
if (isNaN(w)) {
w = this.get('element').clientWidth;
if (isNaN(h)) {
h = this.get('element').clientHeight;
if (this.get('minWidth')) {
if (w < this.get('minWidth')) {
w = this.get('minWidth');
if (this.get('minHeight')) {
if (h < this.get('minHeight')) {
h = this.get('minHeight');
if (set) {
Dom.setStyle(this._doc, 'height', h + 'px');
Dom.setStyle(this._doc, 'width', w + 'px');
this._sizes.doc = { h: h, w: w };
YAHOO.log('Setting Body height and width: (' + h + ',' + w + ')', 'info', 'Layout');
* @private
* @method _setSides
* @param {Boolean} set If set to false, it will NOT set the size, just perform the calculations (used for collapsing units)
* @description Used to set the size and position of the left, right, top and bottom units
_setSides: function(set) {
YAHOO.log('Setting side units', 'info', 'Layout');
var h1 = ((this._units.top) ? this._units.top.get('height') : 0),
h2 = ((this._units.bottom) ? this._units.bottom.get('height') : 0),
h = this._sizes.doc.h,
w = this._sizes.doc.w;
set = ((set === false) ? false : true);
this._sizes.top = {
h: h1, w: ((this._units.top) ? w : 0),
t: 0
this._sizes.bottom = {
h: h2, w: ((this._units.bottom) ? w : 0)
var newH = (h - (h1 + h2));
this._sizes.left = {
h: newH, w: ((this._units.left) ? this._units.left.get('width') : 0)
this._sizes.right = {
h: newH, w: ((this._units.right) ? this._units.right.get('width') : 0),
l: ((this._units.right) ? (w - this._units.right.get('width')) : 0),
t: ((this._units.top) ? this._sizes.top.h : 0)
if (this._units.right && set) {
this._units.right.set('top', this._sizes.right.t);
if (!this._units.right._collapsing) {
this._units.right.set('left', this._sizes.right.l);
this._units.right.set('height', this._sizes.right.h, true);
if (this._units.left) {
this._sizes.left.l = 0;
if (this._units.top) {
this._sizes.left.t = this._sizes.top.h;
} else {
this._sizes.left.t = 0;
if (set) {
this._units.left.set('top', this._sizes.left.t);
this._units.left.set('height', this._sizes.left.h, true);
this._units.left.set('left', 0);
if (this._units.bottom) {
this._sizes.bottom.t = this._sizes.top.h + this._sizes.left.h;
if (set) {
this._units.bottom.set('top', this._sizes.bottom.t);
this._units.bottom.set('width', this._sizes.bottom.w, true);
if (this._units.top) {
if (set) {
this._units.top.set('width', this._sizes.top.w, true);
YAHOO.log('Setting sizes: (' + Lang.dump(this._sizes) + ')', 'info', 'Layout');
* @private
* @method _setCenter
* @param {Boolean} set If set to false, it will NOT set the size, just perform the calculations (used for collapsing units)
* @description Used to set the size and position of the center unit
_setCenter: function(set) {
set = ((set === false) ? false : true);
var h = this._sizes.left.h;
var w = (this._sizes.doc.w - (this._sizes.left.w + this._sizes.right.w));
if (set) {
this._units.center.set('height', h, true);
this._units.center.set('width', w, true);
this._units.center.set('top', this._sizes.top.h);
this._units.center.set('left', this._sizes.left.w);
this._sizes.center = { h: h, w: w, t: this._sizes.top.h, l: this._sizes.left.w };
YAHOO.log('Setting Center size to: (' + h + ', ' + w + ')', 'info', 'Layout');
* @method getSizes
* @description Get a reference to the internal Layout Unit sizes object used to build the layout wireframe
* @return {Object} An object of the layout unit sizes
getSizes: function() {
return this._sizes;
* @method getUnitById
* @param {String} id The HTML element id of the unit
* @description Get the LayoutUnit by it's HTML id
* @return {<a href="YAHOO.widget.LayoutUnit.html">YAHOO.widget.LayoutUnit</a>} The LayoutUnit instance
getUnitById: function(id) {
return YAHOO.widget.LayoutUnit.getLayoutUnitById(id);
* @method getUnitByPosition
* @param {String} pos The position of the unit in this layout
* @description Get the LayoutUnit by it's position in this layout
* @return {<a href="YAHOO.widget.LayoutUnit.html">YAHOO.widget.LayoutUnit</a>} The LayoutUnit instance
getUnitByPosition: function(pos) {
if (pos) {
pos = pos.toLowerCase();
if (this._units[pos]) {
return this._units[pos];
return false;
return false;
* @method removeUnit
* @param {Object} unit The LayoutUnit that you want to remove
* @description Remove the unit from this layout and resize the layout.
removeUnit: function(unit) {
delete this._units[unit.get('position')];
* @method addUnit
* @param {Object} cfg The config for the LayoutUnit that you want to add
* @description Add a unit to this layout and if the layout is rendered, resize the layout.
* @return {<a href="YAHOO.widget.LayoutUnit.html">YAHOO.widget.LayoutUnit</a>} The LayoutUnit instance
addUnit: function(cfg) {
if (!cfg.position) {
YAHOO.log('No position property passed', 'error', 'Layout');
return false;
if (this._units[cfg.position]) {
YAHOO.log('Position already exists', 'error', 'Layout');
return false;
YAHOO.log('Adding Unit at position: ' + cfg.position, 'info', 'Layout');
var element = null,
el = null;
if (cfg.id) {
if (Dom.get(cfg.id)) {
element = Dom.get(cfg.id);
delete cfg.id;
if (cfg.element) {
element = cfg.element;
if (!el) {
el = document.createElement('div');
var id = Dom.generateId();
el.id = id;
if (!element) {
element = document.createElement('div');
Dom.addClass(element, 'yui-layout-wrap');
if (this.browser.ie && !this.browser.standardsMode) {
el.style.zoom = 1;
element.style.zoom = 1;
if (el.firstChild) {
el.insertBefore(element, el.firstChild);
} else {
var h = false, w = false;
if (cfg.height) {
h = parseInt(cfg.height, 10);
if (cfg.width) {
w = parseInt(cfg.width, 10);
var unitConfig = {};
YAHOO.lang.augmentObject(unitConfig, cfg); // break obj ref
unitConfig.parent = this;
unitConfig.wrap = element;
unitConfig.height = h;
unitConfig.width = w;
var unit = new YAHOO.widget.LayoutUnit(el, unitConfig);
unit.on('heightChange', this.resize, this, true);
unit.on('widthChange', this.resize, this, true);
unit.on('gutterChange', this.resize, this, true);
this._units[cfg.position] = unit;
if (this._rendered) {
return unit;
* @private
* @method _createUnits
* @description Private method to create units from the config that was passed in.
_createUnits: function() {
var units = this.get('units');
for (var i in units) {
if (Lang.hasOwnProperty(units, i)) {
* @method resize
* @param {Boolean} set If set to false, it will NOT set the size, just perform the calculations (used for collapsing units)
* @description Starts the chain of resize routines that will resize all the units.
* @return {<a href="YAHOO.widget.Layout.html">YAHOO.widget.Layout</a>} The Layout instance
resize: function(set) {
set = ((set === false) ? false : true);
if (set) {
var retVal = this.fireEvent('beforeResize');
if (retVal === false) {
set = false;
if (this.browser.ie) {
if (this._isBody) {
Dom.removeClass(document.documentElement, 'yui-layout');
Dom.addClass(document.documentElement, 'yui-layout');
} else {
if (set) {
this.fireEvent('resize', { target: this, sizes: this._sizes });
return this;
* @private
* @method _setupBodyElements
* @description Sets up the main doc element when using the body as the main element.
_setupBodyElements: function() {
this._doc = Dom.get('layout-doc');
if (!this._doc) {
this._doc = document.createElement('div');
this._doc.id = 'layout-doc';
if (document.body.firstChild) {
document.body.insertBefore(this._doc, document.body.firstChild);
} else {
Event.on(window, 'resize', this.resize, this, true);
Dom.addClass(this._doc, 'yui-layout-doc');
* @private
* @method _setupElements
* @description Sets up the main doc element when not using the body as the main element.
_setupElements: function() {
this._doc = this.getElementsByClassName('yui-layout-doc')[0];
if (!this._doc) {
this._doc = document.createElement('div');
Dom.addClass(this._doc, 'yui-layout-doc');
* @private
* @property _isBody
* @description Flag to determine if we are using the body as the root element.
* @type Boolean
_isBody: null,
* @private
* @property _doc
* @description Reference to the root element
* @type HTMLElement
_doc: null,
* @private
* @method init
* @description The Layout class' initialization method
init: function(p_oElement, p_oAttributes) {
YAHOO.log('init', 'info', 'Layout');
this._zIndex = 0;
Layout.superclass.init.call(this, p_oElement, p_oAttributes);
if (this.get('parent')) {
this._zIndex = this.get('parent')._zIndex + 10;
this._sizes = {};
this._units = {};
var id = p_oElement;
if (!Lang.isString(id)) {
id = Dom.generateId(id);
Layout._instances[id] = this;
* @method render
* @description This method starts the render process, applying classnames and creating elements
* @return {<a href="YAHOO.widget.Layout.html">YAHOO.widget.Layout</a>} The Layout instance
render: function() {
YAHOO.log('Render', 'info', 'Layout');
var el = this.get('element');
if (el && el.tagName && (el.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'body')) {
this._isBody = true;
Dom.addClass(document.body, 'yui-layout');
if (Dom.hasClass(document.body, 'yui-skin-sam')) {
//Move the class up so we can have a css chain
Dom.addClass(document.documentElement, 'yui-skin-sam');
Dom.removeClass(document.body, 'yui-skin-sam');
} else {
this._isBody = false;
this._rendered = true;
return this;
* @private
* @method _stamp
* @description Stamps the root node with a secure classname for ease of use. Also sets the this.browser.standardsMode variable.
_stamp: function() {
if (document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat') {
this.browser.standardsMode = true;
if (window.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf("https") === 0) {
Dom.addClass(document.documentElement, 'secure');
this.browser.secure = true;
* @private
* @method initAttributes
* @description Processes the config
initAttributes: function(attr) {
Layout.superclass.initAttributes.call(this, attr);
* @attribute units
* @description An array of config definitions for the LayoutUnits to add to this layout
* @type Array
this.setAttributeConfig('units', {
writeOnce: true,
validator: YAHOO.lang.isArray,
value: attr.units || []
* @attribute minHeight
* @description The minimum height in pixels
* @type Number
this.setAttributeConfig('minHeight', {
value: attr.minHeight || false,
validator: YAHOO.lang.isNumber
* @attribute minWidth
* @description The minimum width in pixels
* @type Number
this.setAttributeConfig('minWidth', {
value: attr.minWidth || false,
validator: YAHOO.lang.isNumber
* @attribute height
* @description The height in pixels
* @type Number
this.setAttributeConfig('height', {
value: attr.height || false,
validator: YAHOO.lang.isNumber,
method: function(h) {
this.setStyle('height', h + 'px');
* @attribute width
* @description The width in pixels
* @type Number
this.setAttributeConfig('width', {
value: attr.width || false,
validator: YAHOO.lang.isNumber,
method: function(w) {
this.setStyle('width', w + 'px');
* @attribute parent
* @description If this layout is to be used as a child of another Layout instance, this config will bind the resize events together.
* @type Object YAHOO.widget.Layout
this.setAttributeConfig('parent', {
writeOnce: true,
value: attr.parent || false,
method: function(p) {
if (p) {
p.on('resize', this.resize, this, true);
* @method destroy
* @description Removes this layout from the page and destroys all units that it contains. This will destroy all data inside the layout and it's children.
destroy: function() {
var par = this.get('parent');
if (par) {
par.removeListener('resize', this.resize, this, true);
Event.removeListener(window, 'resize', this.resize, this, true);
for (var u in this._units) {
if (Lang.hasOwnProperty(this._units, u)) {
if (this._units[u]) {
delete YAHOO.widget.Layout._instances[this.get('id')];
//Brutal Object Destroy
for (var i in this) {
if (Lang.hasOwnProperty(this, i)) {
this[i] = null;
delete this[i];
if (par) {
* @method toString
* @description Returns a string representing the Layout.
* @return {String}
toString: function() {
if (this.get) {
return 'Layout #' + this.get('id');
return 'Layout';
* @event resize
* @description Fired when this.resize is called
* @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent
* @event startResize
* @description Fired when the Resize Utility for a Unit fires it's startResize Event.
* @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent
* @event beforeResize
* @description Fires at the beginning of the resize method. If you return false, the resize is cancelled.
* @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent
* @event render
* @description Fired after the render method completes.
* @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent
YAHOO.widget.Layout = Layout;