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Yahoo! UI Library

Container  2.7.0

Yahoo! UI Library > container > YAHOO.widget.OverlayManager

Class YAHOO.widget.OverlayManager

OverlayManager is used for maintaining the focus status of multiple Overlays.


YAHOO.widget.OverlayManager ( overlays , userConfig )
overlays <Array> Optional. A collection of Overlays to register with the manager.
userConfig <Object> The object literal representing the user configuration of the OverlayManager


activeOverlay - private YAHOO.widget.Overlay

The currently activated Overlay

cfg - Config

The OverlayManager's Config object used for monitoring configuration properties.

contructor - Function

The class's constructor function

OverlayManager.CSS_FOCUSED - static final String

The CSS class representing a focused Overlay

overlays - YAHOO.widget.Overlay[]

The array of Overlays that are currently registered



protected void _bindBlur ( overlay )
Subscribes to the Overlay based instance's blurEvent to allow the OverlayManager to monitor blur state. If the instance already has a blurEvent (e.g. Menu), OverlayManager will subscribe to the existing blurEvent, however if a blurEvent or blur method does not exist on the instance, the _bindBlur method will add them, and the blur method update the OverlayManager's state directly.
overlay <Overlay> The overlay for which blur needs to be managed
Returns: void


protected void _bindDestroy ( overlay )
Subscribes to the Overlay based instance's destroyEvent, to allow the Overlay to be removed for the OverlayManager when destroyed.
overlay <Overlay> The overlay instance being managed
Returns: void


protected void _bindFocus ( overlay )
Subscribes to the Overlay based instance focusEvent, to allow the OverlayManager to monitor focus state. If the instance already has a focusEvent (e.g. Menu), OverlayManager will subscribe to the existing focusEvent, however if a focusEvent or focus method does not exist on the instance, the _bindFocus method will add them, and the focus method will update the OverlayManager's state directly.
overlay <Overlay> The overlay for which focus needs to be managed
Returns: void


protected void _manageBlur ( overlay )
Updates the state of the OverlayManager and overlay, as a result of the overlay being blurred.
overlay <Overlay> The overlay instance which got blurred.
Returns: void


protected void _manageFocus ( overlay )
Updates the state of the OverlayManager and overlay, as a result of the overlay receiving focus.
overlay <Overlay> The overlay instance which got focus.
Returns: void

_onOverlayBlurHandler blurEvent Handler, used to delegate to _manageBlur with the correct arguments.

private void _onOverlayBlurHandler blurEvent Handler, used to delegate to _manageBlur with the correct arguments. ( p_sType , p_aArgs , p_oOverlay )
p_sType <String> String representing the name of the event that was fired.
p_aArgs <Array> Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
p_oOverlay <Overlay> Object representing the overlay that fired the event.
Returns: void


private void _onOverlayDestroy ( p_sType , p_aArgs , p_oOverlay )
"destroy" event handler for the Overlay.
p_sType <String> String representing the name of the event that was fired.
p_aArgs <Array> Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
p_oOverlay <Overlay> Object representing the overlay that fired the event.
Returns: void


private void _onOverlayElementFocus ( p_oEvent )
Event handler for the DOM event that is used to focus the Overlay instance as specified by the "focusevent" configuration property.
p_oEvent <Event> Object representing the DOM event object passed back by the event utility (Event).
Returns: void

_onOverlayFocusHandler focusEvent Handler, used to delegate to _manageFocus with the correct arguments.

private void _onOverlayFocusHandler focusEvent Handler, used to delegate to _manageFocus with the correct arguments. ( p_sType , p_aArgs , p_oOverlay )
p_sType <String> String representing the name of the event that was fired.
p_aArgs <Array> Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
p_oOverlay <Overlay> Object representing the overlay that fired the event.
Returns: void


protected void _syncZIndex ( overlay )
Ensures the zIndex configuration property on the managed overlay based instance is set to the computed zIndex value from the DOM (with "auto" translating to 0).
overlay <Overlay> The overlay instance being managed
Returns: void


void blurAll ( )
Removes focus from all registered Overlays in the manager
Returns: void


void bringToTop ( p_oOverlay )
Places the specified Overlay instance on top of all other Overlay instances.
p_oOverlay <YAHOO.widget.Overlay> Object representing an Overlay instance.
p_oOverlay <String> String representing the id of an Overlay instance.
Returns: void


private Number compareZIndexDesc ( )
Used for sorting the manager's Overlays by z-index.
Returns: Number
0, 1, or -1, depending on where the Overlay should fall in the stacking order.


Overlay find ( overlay )
Attempts to locate an Overlay by instance or ID.
overlay <Overlay> An Overlay to locate within the manager
overlay <String> An Overlay id to locate within the manager
Returns: Overlay
The requested Overlay, if found, or null if it cannot be located.


void focus ( overlay )
Focuses the specified Overlay
overlay <Overlay> The Overlay to focus
overlay <String> The id of the Overlay to focus
Returns: void


Overlay getActive ( )
Returns the currently focused Overlay
Returns: Overlay
The currently focused Overlay


void hideAll ( )
Hides all Overlays in the manager.
Returns: void


void init ( overlays , userConfig )
Initializes the OverlayManager
overlays <Overlay[]> Optional. A collection of Overlays to register with the manager.
userConfig <Object> The object literal representing the user configuration of the OverlayManager
Returns: void


void initDefaultConfig ( )
Initializes the default configuration of the OverlayManager
Returns: void


boolean register ( overlay )
Registers an Overlay or an array of Overlays with the manager. Upon registration, the Overlay receives functions for focus and blur, along with CustomEvents for each.
overlay <Overlay> An Overlay to register with the manager.
overlay <Overlay[]> An array of Overlays to register with the manager.
Returns: boolean
true if any Overlays are registered.


void remove ( overlay )
Removes the specified Overlay from the manager
overlay <Overlay> The Overlay to remove
overlay <String> The id of the Overlay to remove
Returns: void


void showAll ( )
Shows all Overlays in the manager.
Returns: void


String toString ( )
Returns a string representation of the object.
Returns: String
The string representation of the OverlayManager

Configuration Attributes

focusevent - String

The default DOM event that should be used to focus an Overlay
Default Value: "mousedown"

overlays - YAHOO.widget.Overlay[]

The collection of registered Overlays in use by the OverlayManager
Default Value: null

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