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Yahoo! UI Library

DataTable Widget  2.7.0

Yahoo! UI Library > datatable > YAHOO.widget.Column

Class YAHOO.widget.Column

The Column class defines and manages attributes of DataTable Columns


YAHOO.widget.Column ( oConfigs )
oConfigs <Object> Object literal of definitions.


_dd - private YAHOO.util.DragDrop

For unreg() purposes, a reference to the Column's DragDrop instance.

_ddResizer - private YAHOO.util.DragDrop

For unreg() purposes, a reference to the Column resizer's DragDrop instance.

_elResizer - private HTMLElement

The DOM reference to the associated resizerelement (if any).

_elTh - private HTMLElement

The DOM reference to the associated TH element.

_elThLabel - private HTMLElement

The DOM reference to the associated TH element's label SPAN element.

_elThLiner - private HTMLElement

The DOM reference to the associated TH element's liner DIV element.

_nColspan - private Number

Number of table cells the Column spans.

_nKeyIndex - private Number

Reference to Column's current position index within its ColumnSet's keys array, if applicable. This property only applies to non-nested and bottom- level child Columns.

_nRowspan - private Number

Number of table rows the Column spans.

_nTreeIndex - private Number

Reference to Column's current position index within its ColumnSet's tree array, if applicable. This property only applies to non-nested and top- level parent Columns.

_nWidth - private Number

Internal width tracker.

_oParent - private YAHOO.widget.Column

Column's parent Column instance, or null.

_sId - private String

Unique String identifier assigned at instantiation.

abbr - String

Column head cell ABBR for accessibility.

children - Object[]

Array of object literals that define children (nested headers) of a Column.

className - String || String[]

Custom CSS class or array of classes to be applied to every cell in the Column.

Column._nCount - private static Number

Internal class variable to index multiple Column instances.

currencyOptions - Object

Config passed to YAHOO.util.Number.format() by the 'currency' Column formatter.
Default Value: null

dateOptions - Object

Config passed to YAHOO.util.Date.format() by the 'date' Column formatter.
Default Value: null

editor - YAHOO.widget.CellEditor

A CellEditor instance, otherwise Column is not editable.

field - String

Associated database field, or null.

formatter - String || HTMLFunction

Defines a format function.

hidden - Boolean

True if Column is in hidden state.
Default Value: false

key - String

Unique name, required.

label - String

Text or HTML for display as Column's label in the TH element.

maxAutoWidth - Number

When a width is not defined for a Column, maxAutoWidth defines an upper limit that the Column should be auto-sized to. If resizeable is enabled, users may still resize to a greater width. Most useful for Columns intended to hold long unbroken, unwrapped Strings, such as URLs, to prevent very wide Columns from disrupting visual readability by inducing truncation.
Default Value: null

minWidth - Number

Minimum Column width (in pixels).
Default Value: null

resizeable - Boolean

True if Column is resizeable, false otherwise. The Drag & Drop Utility is required to enable this feature. Only bottom-level and non-nested Columns are resizeble.
Default Value: false

selected - Boolean

True if Column is in selected state.
Default Value: false

sortable - Boolean

True if Column is sortable, false otherwise.
Default Value: false

sortOptions.defaultDir - String

Default sort direction for Column: YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_ASC or YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_DESC.
Default Value: null

sortOptions.defaultOrder - object

Deprecated: Use sortOptions.defaultDir.

sortOptions.field - String

Custom field to sort on.
Default Value: null

sortOptions.sortFunction - Function

Custom sort handler.
Default Value: null

width - Number

Column width (in pixels).



void getColEl ( )
Returns: void
Deprecated Use getThEl


Number getColspan ( )
Public accessor returns Column's calculated COLSPAN value.
Returns: Number
Column's COLSPAN value.


Object getDefinition ( )
Returns object literal definition.
Returns: Object
Object literal definition.


String getField ( )
Returns field.
Returns: String
Column field.


String getId ( )
Returns unique ID string.
Returns: String
Unique ID string.


String getKey ( )
Returns unique Column key.
Returns: String
Column key.


Number getKeyIndex ( )
Public accessor returns Column's current position index within its ColumnSet's keys array, if applicable. Only non-nested and bottom-level child Columns will return a value.
Returns: Number
Position index, or null.


YAHOO.widget.Column getParent ( )
Public accessor returns Column's parent instance if any, or null otherwise.
Returns: YAHOO.widget.Column
Column's parent instance.


HTMLElement getResizerEl ( )
Returns DOM reference to the resizer element, or null.
Returns: HTMLElement
DIV element.


Number getRowspan ( )
Public accessor returns Column's calculated ROWSPAN value.
Returns: Number
Column's ROWSPAN value.


String getSanitizedKey ( )
Returns Column key which has been sanitized for DOM (class and ID) usage starts with letter, contains only letters, numbers, hyphen, or period.
Returns: String
Sanitized Column key.


HTMLElement getThEl ( )
Returns DOM reference to the key TH element.
Returns: HTMLElement
TH element.


HTMLElement getThLInerEl ( )
Returns DOM reference to the TH's liner DIV element. Introduced since resizeable Columns may have an extra resizer liner, making the DIV liner not reliably the TH element's first child.
Returns: HTMLElement
TH element.


Number getTreeIndex ( )
Public accessor returns Column's current position index within its ColumnSet's tree array, if applicable. Only non-nested and top-level parent Columns will return a value;
Returns: Number
Position index, or null.


String toString ( )
Column instance name, for logging.
Returns: String
Column's unique name.

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