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Yahoo! UI Library

yuitest  2.6.0

Yahoo! UI Library > yuitest > YAHOO.tool.TestRunner

static Class YAHOO.tool.TestRunner

Runs test suites and test cases, providing events to allowing for the interpretation of test results.


_cur - private static TestNode

Pointer to the current node in the test tree.

_root - private static TestNode

Pointer to the root node in the test tree.

masterSuite - private static YAHOO.tool.TestSuite

Suite on which to attach all TestSuites and TestCases to be run.



private static Void _addTestCaseToTestTree ( parentNode , testCase )
Adds a test case to the test tree as a child of the specified node.
parentNode <TestNode> The node to add the test case to as a child.
testCase <YAHOO.tool.TestCase> The test case to add.
Returns: Void


private static Void _addTestSuiteToTestTree ( parentNode , testSuite )
Adds a test suite to the test tree as a child of the specified node.
parentNode <TestNode> The node to add the test suite to as a child.
testSuite <YAHOO.tool.TestSuite> The test suite to add.
Returns: Void


private static Void _buildTestTree ( )
Builds the test tree based on items in the master suite. The tree is a hierarchical representation of the test suites, test cases, and test functions. The resulting tree is stored in _root and the pointer _cur is set to the root initially.
Returns: Void


private static Void _handleTestObjectComplete ( node )
Handles the completion of a test object's tests. Tallies test results from one level up to the next.
node <TestNode> The TestNode representing the test object.
Returns: Void


private static TestNode _next ( )
Retrieves the next node in the test tree.
Returns: TestNode
The next node in the test tree or null if the end is reached.


private static Object _run ( testObject )
Runs a test case or test suite, returning the results.
testObject <YAHOO.tool.TestCase|YAHOO.tool.TestSuite> The test case or test suite to run.
Returns: Object
Results of the execution with properties passed, failed, and total.


private static Void _runTest ( node )
Runs a single test based on the data provided in the node.
node <TestNode> The TestNode representing the test to run.
Returns: Void


static Void add ( testObject )
Adds a test suite or test case to the list of test objects to run.
testObject <object> Either a TestCase or a TestSuite that should be run.
Returns: Void


static Void clear ( )
Removes all test objects from the runner.
Returns: Void


protected static void fireEvent ( type , data )
Fires events for the TestRunner. This overrides the default fireEvent() method from EventProvider to add the type property to the data that is passed through on each event call.
type <String> The type of event to fire.
data <Object> (Optional) Data for the event.
Returns: void


static Void resume ( segment )
Resumes the TestRunner after wait() was called.
segment <Function> The function to run as the rest of the haulted test.
Returns: Void


static Void run ( )
Runs the test suite.
Returns: Void



begin ( )
Fires when the run() method is called.


complete ( )
Fires when all test suites and test cases have been completed.


fail ( )
Fires when a test has failed.


ignore ( )
Fires when a test has been ignored.


pass ( )
Fires when a test has passed.


testcasebegin ( )
Fires when a test case is opened but before the first test is executed.


testcasecomplete ( )
Fires when all tests in a test case have been executed.


testsuitebegin ( )
Fires when a test suite is opened but before the first test is executed.


testsuitecomplete ( )
Fires when all test cases in a test suite have been completed.

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