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Yahoo! UI Library

Charts Widget  2.5.2

Yahoo! UI Library > charts > YAHOO.widget.PieChart

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Class YAHOO.widget.PieChart - uses YAHOO.widget.Chart

PieChart class for the YUI Charts widget.


YAHOO.widget.PieChart ( containerId , dataSource , attributes )
containerId <HTMLElement> Container element for the Flash Player instance.
dataSource <YAHOO.util.DataSource> DataSource instance.
attributes <object> (optional) Object literal of configuration values.



private void _getCategoryField ( )
Getter for the categoryField attribute.
Returns: void


private void _getDataField ( )
Getter for the dataField attribute.
Returns: void


private void _initAttributes ( )
Initializes the attributes.
Returns: void


private void _setCategoryField ( )
Setter for the categoryField attribute.
Returns: void


private void _setDataField ( )
Setter for the dataField attribute.
Returns: void



beforeCategoryFieldChange ( eventInfo )
Fires before the value for the configuration attribute 'categoryField' changes. Return false to cancel the attribute change.
eventInfo <{oldValue: any, newValue: any}> An object containing the current attribute value and the new value.


beforeDataFieldChange ( eventInfo )
Fires before the value for the configuration attribute 'dataField' changes. Return false to cancel the attribute change.
eventInfo <{oldValue: any, newValue: any}> An object containing the current attribute value and the new value.


categoryFieldChange ( eventInfo )
Fires when the value for the configuration attribute 'categoryField' changes.
eventInfo <{oldValue: any, newValue: any}> An object containing the previous attribute value and the new value.


dataFieldChange ( eventInfo )
Fires when the value for the configuration attribute 'dataField' changes.
eventInfo <{oldValue: any, newValue: any}> An object containing the previous attribute value and the new value.

Configuration Attributes

categoryField - String

The field in each item that corresponds to the category value.

dataField - String

The field in each item that corresponds to the data value.

Configuration attributes inherited from YAHOO.widget.Chart:

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