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Yahoo! UI Library

Calendar  2.5.1

Yahoo! UI Library > calendar > CalendarNavigator.js (source view)

Show Private Show Protected
 * The CalendarNavigator is used along with a Calendar/CalendarGroup to 
 * provide a Month/Year popup navigation control, allowing the user to navigate 
 * to a specific month/year in the Calendar/CalendarGroup without having to 
 * scroll through months sequentially
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @class CalendarNavigator
 * @constructor
 * @param {Calendar|CalendarGroup} cal The instance of the Calendar or CalendarGroup to which this CalendarNavigator should be attached.
YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator = function(cal) {

(function() {
	// Setup static properties (inside anon fn, so that we can use shortcuts)
	var CN = YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator;

	 * YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.CLASSES contains constants
	 * for the class values applied to the CalendarNaviatgator's 
	 * DOM elements
	 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.CLASSES
	 * @type Object
	 * @static
		 * Class applied to the Calendar Navigator's bounding box
		 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.CLASSES.NAV
		 * @type String
		 * @static
		NAV :"yui-cal-nav",
		 * Class applied to the Calendar/CalendarGroup's bounding box to indicate
		 * the Navigator is currently visible
		 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.CLASSES.NAV_VISIBLE
		 * @type String
		 * @static
		NAV_VISIBLE: "yui-cal-nav-visible",
		 * Class applied to the Navigator mask's bounding box
		 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.CLASSES.MASK
		 * @type String
		 * @static
		MASK : "yui-cal-nav-mask",
		 * Class applied to the year label/control bounding box
		 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.CLASSES.YEAR
		 * @type String
		 * @static
		YEAR : "yui-cal-nav-y",
		 * Class applied to the month label/control bounding box
		 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.CLASSES.MONTH
		 * @type String
		 * @static
		MONTH : "yui-cal-nav-m",
		 * Class applied to the submit/cancel button's bounding box
		 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.CLASSES.BUTTONS
		 * @type String
		 * @static
		BUTTONS : "yui-cal-nav-b",
		 * Class applied to buttons wrapping element
		 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.CLASSES.BUTTON
		 * @type String
		 * @static
		BUTTON : "yui-cal-nav-btn",
		 * Class applied to the validation error area's bounding box
		 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.CLASSES.ERROR
		 * @type String
		 * @static
		ERROR : "yui-cal-nav-e",
		 * Class applied to the year input control
		 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.CLASSES.YEAR_CTRL
		 * @type String
		 * @static
		YEAR_CTRL : "yui-cal-nav-yc",
		 * Class applied to the month input control
		 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.CLASSES.MONTH_CTRL
		 * @type String
		 * @static
		MONTH_CTRL : "yui-cal-nav-mc",
		 * Class applied to controls with invalid data (e.g. a year input field with invalid an year)
		 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.CLASSES.INVALID
		 * @type String
		 * @static
		INVALID : "yui-invalid",
		 * Class applied to default controls
		 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.CLASSES.DEFAULT
		 * @type String
		 * @static
		DEFAULT : "yui-default"

	 * Object literal containing the default configuration values for the CalendarNavigator
	 * The configuration object is expected to follow the format below, with the properties being
	 * case sensitive.
	 * <dl>
	 * <dt>strings</dt>
	 * <dd><em>Object</em> :  An object with the properties shown below, defining the string labels to use in the Navigator's UI
	 *     <dl>
	 *         <dt>month</dt><dd><em>String</em> : The string to use for the month label. Defaults to "Month".</dd>
	 *         <dt>year</dt><dd><em>String</em> : The string to use for the year label. Defaults to "Year".</dd>
	 *         <dt>submit</dt><dd><em>String</em> : The string to use for the submit button label. Defaults to "Okay".</dd>
	 *         <dt>cancel</dt><dd><em>String</em> : The string to use for the cancel button label. Defaults to "Cancel".</dd>
	 *         <dt>invalidYear</dt><dd><em>String</em> : The string to use for invalid year values. Defaults to "Year needs to be a number".</dd>
	 *     </dl>
	 * </dd>
	 * <dt>monthFormat</dt><dd><em>String</em> : The month format to use. Either YAHOO.widget.Calendar.LONG, or YAHOO.widget.Calendar.SHORT. Defaults to YAHOO.widget.Calendar.LONG</dd>
	 * <dt>initialFocus</dt><dd><em>String</em> : Either "year" or "month" specifying which input control should get initial focus. Defaults to "year"</dd>
	 * </dl>
	 * @property _DEFAULT_CFG
	 * @protected
	 * @type Object
	 * @static
		strings : {
			month: "Month",
			year: "Year",
			submit: "Okay",
			cancel: "Cancel",
			invalidYear : "Year needs to be a number"
		monthFormat: YAHOO.widget.Calendar.LONG,
		initialFocus: "year"

	 * The suffix added to the Calendar/CalendarGroup's ID, to generate
	 * a unique ID for the Navigator and it's bounding box.
	 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.ID_SUFFIX
	 * @static
	 * @type String
	 * @final
	CN.ID_SUFFIX = "_nav";
	 * The suffix added to the Navigator's ID, to generate
	 * a unique ID for the month control.
	 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.MONTH_SUFFIX
	 * @static
	 * @type String 
	 * @final
	CN.MONTH_SUFFIX = "_month";
	 * The suffix added to the Navigator's ID, to generate
	 * a unique ID for the year control.
	 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.YEAR_SUFFIX
	 * @static
	 * @type String
	 * @final
	CN.YEAR_SUFFIX = "_year";
	 * The suffix added to the Navigator's ID, to generate
	 * a unique ID for the error bounding box.
	 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.ERROR_SUFFIX
	 * @static
	 * @type String
	 * @final
	CN.ERROR_SUFFIX = "_error";
	 * The suffix added to the Navigator's ID, to generate
	 * a unique ID for the "Cancel" button.
	 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.CANCEL_SUFFIX
	 * @static
	 * @type String
	 * @final
	CN.CANCEL_SUFFIX = "_cancel";
	 * The suffix added to the Navigator's ID, to generate
	 * a unique ID for the "Submit" button.
	 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.SUBMIT_SUFFIX
	 * @static
	 * @type String
	 * @final
	CN.SUBMIT_SUFFIX = "_submit";

	 * The number of digits to which the year input control is to be limited.
	 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.YR_MAX_DIGITS
	 * @static
	 * @type Number

	 * The amount by which to increment the current year value,
	 * when the arrow up/down key is pressed on the year control
	 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.YR_MINOR_INC
	 * @static
	 * @type Number

	 * The amount by which to increment the current year value,
	 * when the page up/down key is pressed on the year control
	 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.YR_MAJOR_INC
	 * @static
	 * @type Number

	 * Artificial delay (in ms) between the time the Navigator is hidden
	 * and the Calendar/CalendarGroup state is updated. Allows the user
	 * the see the Calendar/CalendarGroup page changing. If set to 0
	 * the Calendar/CalendarGroup page will be updated instantly
	 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.UPDATE_DELAY
	 * @static
	 * @type Number

	 * Regular expression used to validate the year input
	 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.YR_PATTERN
	 * @static
	 * @type RegExp
	CN.YR_PATTERN = /^\d+$/;
	 * Regular expression used to trim strings
	 * @property YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.TRIM
	 * @static
	 * @type RegExp
	CN.TRIM = /^\s*(.*?)\s*$/;

YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.prototype = {

	 * The unique ID for this CalendarNavigator instance
	 * @property id
	 * @type String
	id : null,

	 * The Calendar/CalendarGroup instance to which the navigator belongs
	 * @property cal
	 * @type {Calendar|CalendarGroup}
	cal : null,

	 * Reference to the HTMLElement used to render the navigator's bounding box
	 * @property navEl
	 * @type HTMLElement
	navEl : null,

	 * Reference to the HTMLElement used to render the navigator's mask
	 * @property maskEl
	 * @type HTMLElement
	maskEl : null,

	 * Reference to the HTMLElement used to input the year
	 * @property yearEl
	 * @type HTMLElement
	yearEl : null,

	 * Reference to the HTMLElement used to input the month
	 * @property monthEl
	 * @type HTMLElement
	monthEl : null,

	 * Reference to the HTMLElement used to display validation errors
	 * @property errorEl
	 * @type HTMLElement
	errorEl : null,

	 * Reference to the HTMLElement used to update the Calendar/Calendar group
	 * with the month/year values
	 * @property submitEl
	 * @type HTMLElement
	submitEl : null,
	 * Reference to the HTMLElement used to hide the navigator without updating the 
	 * Calendar/Calendar group
	 * @property cancelEl
	 * @type HTMLElement
	cancelEl : null,

	 * Reference to the first focusable control in the navigator (by default monthEl)
	 * @property firstCtrl
	 * @type HTMLElement
	firstCtrl : null,
	 * Reference to the last focusable control in the navigator (by default cancelEl)
	 * @property lastCtrl
	 * @type HTMLElement
	lastCtrl : null,

	 * The document containing the Calendar/Calendar group instance
	 * @protected
	 * @property _doc
	 * @type HTMLDocument
	_doc : null,

	 * Internal state property for the current year displayed in the navigator
	 * @protected
	 * @property _year
	 * @type Number
	_year: null,
	 * Internal state property for the current month index displayed in the navigator
	 * @protected
	 * @property _month
	 * @type Number
	_month: 0,

	 * Private internal state property which indicates whether or not the 
	 * Navigator has been rendered.
	 * @private
	 * @property __rendered
	 * @type Boolean
	__rendered: false,

	 * Init lifecycle method called as part of construction
	 * @method init
	 * @param {Calendar} cal The instance of the Calendar or CalendarGroup to which this CalendarNavigator should be attached
	init : function(cal) {
		var calBox = cal.oDomContainer;

		this.cal = cal;
		this.id = calBox.id + YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.ID_SUFFIX;
		this._doc = calBox.ownerDocument;

		 * Private flag, to identify IE6/IE7 Quirks
		 * @private
		 * @property __isIEQuirks
		var ie = YAHOO.env.ua.ie;
		this.__isIEQuirks = (ie && ((ie <= 6) || (ie === 7 && this._doc.compatMode == "BackCompat")));

	 * Displays the navigator and mask, updating the input controls to reflect the 
	 * currently set month and year. The show method will invoke the render method
	 * if the navigator has not been renderered already, allowing for lazy rendering
	 * of the control.
	 * The show method will fire the Calendar/CalendarGroup's beforeShowNav and showNav events
	 * @method show
	show : function() {
		var CLASSES = YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.CLASSES;

		if (this.cal.beforeShowNavEvent.fire()) {
			if (!this.__rendered) {

			this._show(this.navEl, true);


			YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(this.cal.oDomContainer, CLASSES.NAV_VISIBLE);

	 * Hides the navigator and mask
	 * The show method will fire the Calendar/CalendarGroup's beforeHideNav event and hideNav events
	 * @method hide
	hide : function() {
		var CLASSES = YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.CLASSES;

		if (this.cal.beforeHideNavEvent.fire()) {
			this._show(this.navEl, false);
			YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(this.cal.oDomContainer, CLASSES.NAV_VISIBLE);

	 * Displays the navigator's mask element
	 * @method showMask
	showMask : function() {
		this._show(this.maskEl, true);
		if (this.__isIEQuirks) {

	 * Hides the navigator's mask element
	 * @method hideMask
	hideMask : function() {
		this._show(this.maskEl, false);

	 * Returns the current month set on the navigator
	 * Note: This may not be the month set in the UI, if 
	 * the UI contains an invalid value.
	 * @method getMonth
	 * @return {Number} The Navigator's current month index
	getMonth: function() {
		return this._month;

	 * Returns the current year set on the navigator
	 * Note: This may not be the year set in the UI, if 
	 * the UI contains an invalid value.
	 * @method getYear
	 * @return {Number} The Navigator's current year value
	getYear: function() {
		return this._year;

	 * Sets the current month on the Navigator, and updates the UI
	 * @method setMonth
	 * @param {Number} nMonth The month index, from 0 (Jan) through 11 (Dec).
	setMonth : function(nMonth) {
		if (nMonth >= 0 && nMonth < 12) {
			this._month = nMonth;

	 * Sets the current year on the Navigator, and updates the UI. If the 
	 * provided year is invalid, it will not be set.
	 * @method setYear
	 * @param {Number} nYear The full year value to set the Navigator to.
	setYear : function(nYear) {
		var yrPattern = YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.YR_PATTERN;
		if (YAHOO.lang.isNumber(nYear) && yrPattern.test(nYear+"")) {
			this._year = nYear;

	 * Renders the HTML for the navigator, adding it to the 
	 * document and attaches event listeners if it has not 
	 * already been rendered.
	 * @method render
	render: function() {
		if (!this.__rendered) {
			this.__rendered = true;

	 * Creates the navigator's containing HTMLElement, it's contents, and appends 
	 * the containg element to the Calendar/CalendarGroup's container.
	 * @method createNav
	createNav : function() {
		var NAV = YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator;
		var doc = this._doc;

		var d = doc.createElement("div");
		d.className = NAV.CLASSES.NAV;

		var htmlBuf = this.renderNavContents([]);

		d.innerHTML = htmlBuf.join('');

		this.navEl = d;

		this.yearEl = doc.getElementById(this.id + NAV.YEAR_SUFFIX);
		this.monthEl = doc.getElementById(this.id + NAV.MONTH_SUFFIX);
		this.errorEl = doc.getElementById(this.id + NAV.ERROR_SUFFIX);
		this.submitEl = doc.getElementById(this.id + NAV.SUBMIT_SUFFIX);
		this.cancelEl = doc.getElementById(this.id + NAV.CANCEL_SUFFIX);

		if (YAHOO.env.ua.gecko && this.yearEl && this.yearEl.type == "text") {
			// Avoid XUL error on focus, select [ https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=236791, 
			// supposedly fixed in 1.8.1, but there are reports of it still being around for methods other than blur ]
			this.yearEl.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off");


	 * Creates the Mask HTMLElement and appends it to the Calendar/CalendarGroups
	 * container.
	 * @method createMask
	createMask : function() {
		var C = YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.CLASSES;

		var d = this._doc.createElement("div");
		d.className = C.MASK;

		this.maskEl = d;

	 * Used to set the width/height of the mask in pixels to match the Calendar Container.
	 * Currently only used for IE6 and IE7 quirks mode. The other A-Grade browser are handled using CSS (width/height 100%).
	 * <p>
	 * The method is also registered as an HTMLElement resize listener on the Calendars container element.
	 * </p>
	 * @protected
	 * @method _syncMask
	_syncMask : function() {
		var c = this.cal.oDomContainer;
		if (c && this.maskEl) {
			var r = YAHOO.util.Dom.getRegion(c);
			YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.maskEl, "width", r.right - r.left + "px");
			YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.maskEl, "height", r.bottom - r.top + "px");

	 * Renders the contents of the navigator
	 * @method renderNavContents
	 * @param {Array} html The HTML buffer to append the HTML to.
	 * @return {Array} A reference to the buffer passed in.
	renderNavContents : function(html) {
		var NAV = YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator,
			h = html; // just to use a shorter name

		h[h.length] = '<div class="' + C.MONTH + '">';
		h[h.length] = '</div>';
		h[h.length] = '<div class="' + C.YEAR + '">';
		h[h.length] = '</div>';
		h[h.length] = '<div class="' + C.BUTTONS + '">';
		h[h.length] = '</div>';
		h[h.length] = '<div class="' + C.ERROR + '" id="' + this.id + NAV.ERROR_SUFFIX + '"></div>';

		return h;

	 * Renders the month label and control for the navigator
	 * @method renderNavContents
	 * @param {Array} html The HTML buffer to append the HTML to.
	 * @return {Array} A reference to the buffer passed in.
	renderMonth : function(html) {
		var NAV = YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator,

		var id = this.id + NAV.MONTH_SUFFIX,
			mf = this.__getCfg("monthFormat"),
			months = this.cal.cfg.getProperty((mf == YAHOO.widget.Calendar.SHORT) ? "MONTHS_SHORT" : "MONTHS_LONG"),
			h = html;

		if (months && months.length > 0) {
			h[h.length] = '<label for="' + id + '">';
			h[h.length] = this.__getCfg("month", true);
			h[h.length] = '</label>';
			h[h.length] = '<select name="' + id + '" id="' + id + '" class="' + C.MONTH_CTRL + '">';
			for (var i = 0; i < months.length; i++) {
				h[h.length] = '<option value="' + i + '">';
				h[h.length] = months[i];
				h[h.length] = '</option>';
			h[h.length] = '</select>';
		return h;

	 * Renders the year label and control for the navigator
	 * @method renderYear
	 * @param {Array} html The HTML buffer to append the HTML to.
	 * @return {Array} A reference to the buffer passed in.
	renderYear : function(html) {
		var NAV = YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator,

		var id = this.id + NAV.YEAR_SUFFIX,
			size = NAV.YR_MAX_DIGITS,
			h = html;

		h[h.length] = '<label for="' + id + '">';
		h[h.length] = this.__getCfg("year", true);
		h[h.length] = '</label>';
		h[h.length] = '<input type="text" name="' + id + '" id="' + id + '" class="' + C.YEAR_CTRL + '" maxlength="' + size + '"/>';
		return h;

	 * Renders the submit/cancel buttons for the navigator
	 * @method renderButton
	 * @return {String} The HTML created for the Button UI
	renderButtons : function(html) {
		var C = YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.CLASSES;
		var h = html;

		h[h.length] = '<span class="' + C.BUTTON + ' ' + C.DEFAULT + '">';
		h[h.length] = '<button type="button" id="' + this.id + '_submit' + '">';
		h[h.length] = this.__getCfg("submit", true);
		h[h.length] = '</button>';
		h[h.length] = '</span>';
		h[h.length] = '<span class="' + C.BUTTON +'">';
		h[h.length] = '<button type="button" id="' + this.id + '_cancel' + '">';
		h[h.length] = this.__getCfg("cancel", true);
		h[h.length] = '</button>';
		h[h.length] = '</span>';

		return h;

	 * Attaches DOM event listeners to the rendered elements
	 * <p>
	 * The method will call applyKeyListeners, to setup keyboard specific 
	 * listeners
	 * </p>
	 * @method applyListeners
	applyListeners : function() {
		var E = YAHOO.util.Event;

		function yearUpdateHandler() {
			if (this.validate()) {

		function monthUpdateHandler() {

		E.on(this.submitEl, "click", this.submit, this, true);
		E.on(this.cancelEl, "click", this.cancel, this, true);
		E.on(this.yearEl, "blur", yearUpdateHandler, this, true);
		E.on(this.monthEl, "change", monthUpdateHandler, this, true);

		if (this.__isIEQuirks) {
			YAHOO.util.Event.on(this.cal.oDomContainer, "resize", this._syncMask, this, true);


	 * Removes/purges DOM event listeners from the rendered elements
	 * @method purgeListeners
	purgeListeners : function() {
		var E = YAHOO.util.Event;
		E.removeListener(this.submitEl, "click", this.submit);
		E.removeListener(this.cancelEl, "click", this.cancel);
		E.removeListener(this.yearEl, "blur");
		E.removeListener(this.monthEl, "change");
		if (this.__isIEQuirks) {
			E.removeListener(this.cal.oDomContainer, "resize", this._syncMask);


	 * Attaches DOM listeners for keyboard support. 
	 * Tab/Shift-Tab looping, Enter Key Submit on Year element,
	 * Up/Down/PgUp/PgDown year increment on Year element
	 * <p>
	 * NOTE: MacOSX Safari 2.x doesn't let you tab to buttons and 
	 * MacOSX Gecko does not let you tab to buttons or select controls,
	 * so for these browsers, Tab/Shift-Tab looping is limited to the 
	 * elements which can be reached using the tab key.
	 * </p>
	 * @method applyKeyListeners
	applyKeyListeners : function() {
		var E = YAHOO.util.Event,
			ua = YAHOO.env.ua;

		// IE/Safari 3.1 doesn't fire keypress for arrow/pg keys (non-char keys)
		var arrowEvt = (ua.ie || ua.webkit) ? "keydown" : "keypress";

		// - IE/Safari 3.1 doesn't fire keypress for non-char keys
		// - Opera doesn't allow us to cancel keydown or keypress for tab, but 
		//   changes focus successfully on keydown (keypress is too late to change focus - opera's already moved on).
		var tabEvt = (ua.ie || ua.opera || ua.webkit) ? "keydown" : "keypress";

		// Everyone likes keypress for Enter (char keys) - whoo hoo!
		E.on(this.yearEl, "keypress", this._handleEnterKey, this, true);

		E.on(this.yearEl, arrowEvt, this._handleDirectionKeys, this, true);
		E.on(this.lastCtrl, tabEvt, this._handleTabKey, this, true);
		E.on(this.firstCtrl, tabEvt, this._handleShiftTabKey, this, true);

	 * Removes/purges DOM listeners for keyboard support
	 * @method purgeKeyListeners
	purgeKeyListeners : function() {
		var E = YAHOO.util.Event,
			ua = YAHOO.env.ua;

		var arrowEvt = (ua.ie || ua.webkit) ? "keydown" : "keypress";
		var tabEvt = (ua.ie || ua.opera || ua.webkit) ? "keydown" : "keypress";

		E.removeListener(this.yearEl, "keypress", this._handleEnterKey);
		E.removeListener(this.yearEl, arrowEvt, this._handleDirectionKeys);
		E.removeListener(this.lastCtrl, tabEvt, this._handleTabKey);
		E.removeListener(this.firstCtrl, tabEvt, this._handleShiftTabKey);

	 * Updates the Calendar/CalendarGroup's pagedate with the currently set month and year if valid.
	 * <p>
	 * If the currently set month/year is invalid, a validation error will be displayed and the 
	 * Calendar/CalendarGroup's pagedate will not be updated.
	 * </p>
	 * @method submit
	submit : function() {
		if (this.validate()) {


			var cal = this.cal;
			var nav = this;
			function update() {
			// Artificial delay, just to help the user see something changed
			var delay = YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.UPDATE_DELAY;
			if (delay > 0) {
				window.setTimeout(update, delay);
			} else {

	 * Hides the navigator and mask, without updating the Calendar/CalendarGroup's state
	 * @method cancel
	cancel : function() {

	 * Validates the current state of the UI controls
	 * @method validate
	 * @return {Boolean} true, if the current UI state contains valid values, false if not
	validate : function() {
		if (this._getYearFromUI() !== null) {
			return true;
		} else {
			this.setError(this.__getCfg("invalidYear", true));
			return false;

	 * Displays an error message in the Navigator's error panel
	 * @method setError
	 * @param {String} msg The error message to display
	setError : function(msg) {
		if (this.errorEl) {
			this.errorEl.innerHTML = msg;
			this._show(this.errorEl, true);

	 * Clears the navigator's error message and hides the error panel
	 * @method clearError 
	clearError : function() {
		if (this.errorEl) {
			this.errorEl.innerHTML = "";
			this._show(this.errorEl, false);

	 * Displays the validation error UI for the year control
	 * @method setYearError
	setYearError : function() {
		YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(this.yearEl, YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.CLASSES.INVALID);

	 * Removes the validation error UI for the year control
	 * @method clearYearError
	clearYearError : function() {
		YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(this.yearEl, YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator.CLASSES.INVALID);

	 * Clears all validation and error messages in the UI
	 * @method clearErrors
	clearErrors : function() {

	 * Sets the initial focus, based on the configured value
	 * @method setInitialFocus
	setInitialFocus : function() {
		var el = this.submitEl;
		var f = this.__getCfg("initialFocus");

		if (f && f.toLowerCase) {
			f = f.toLowerCase();
			if (f == "year") {
				el = this.yearEl;
				try {
				} catch (e) {
					// Ignore;
			} else if (f == "month") {
				el = this.monthEl;

		if (el && YAHOO.lang.isFunction(el.focus)) {
			try {
			} catch (e) {
				// TODO: Fall back if focus fails?

	 * Removes all renderered HTML elements for the Navigator from
	 * the DOM, purges event listeners and clears (nulls) any property
	 * references to HTML references
	 * @method erase
	erase : function() {
		if (this.__rendered) {

			// Clear out innerHTML references
			this.yearEl = null;
			this.monthEl = null;
			this.errorEl = null;
			this.submitEl = null;
			this.cancelEl = null;
			this.firstCtrl = null;
			this.lastCtrl = null;
			if (this.navEl) {
				this.navEl.innerHTML = "";

			var p = this.navEl.parentNode;
			if (p) {
			this.navEl = null;

			var pm = this.maskEl.parentNode;
			if (pm) {
			this.maskEl = null;
			this.__rendered = false;

	 * Destroys the Navigator object and any HTML references
	 * @method destroy
	destroy : function() {
		this._doc = null;
		this.cal = null;
		this.id = null;

	 * Protected implementation to handle how UI elements are 
	 * hidden/shown.
	 * @method _show
	 * @protected
	_show : function(el, bShow) {
		if (el) {
			YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(el, "display", (bShow) ? "block" : "none");

	 * Returns the month value (index), from the month UI element
	 * @protected
	 * @method _getMonthFromUI
	 * @return {Number} The month index, or 0 if a UI element for the month
	 * is not found
	_getMonthFromUI : function() {
		if (this.monthEl) {
			return this.monthEl.selectedIndex;
		} else {
			return 0; // Default to Jan

	 * Returns the year value, from the Navitator's year UI element
	 * @protected
	 * @method _getYearFromUI
	 * @return {Number} The year value set in the UI, if valid. null is returned if 
	 * the UI does not contain a valid year value.
	_getYearFromUI : function() {
		var NAV = YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator;

		var yr = null;
		if (this.yearEl) {
			var value = this.yearEl.value;
			value = value.replace(NAV.TRIM, "$1");

			if (NAV.YR_PATTERN.test(value)) {
				yr = parseInt(value, 10);
		return yr;

	 * Updates the Navigator's year UI, based on the year value set on the Navigator object
	 * @protected
	 * @method _updateYearUI
	_updateYearUI : function() {
		if (this.yearEl && this._year !== null) {
			this.yearEl.value = this._year;

	 * Updates the Navigator's month UI, based on the month value set on the Navigator object
	 * @protected
	 * @method _updateMonthUI
	_updateMonthUI : function() {
		if (this.monthEl) {
			this.monthEl.selectedIndex = this._month;

	 * Sets up references to the first and last focusable element in the Navigator's UI
	 * in terms of tab order (Naviagator's firstEl and lastEl properties). The references
	 * are used to control modality by looping around from the first to the last control
	 * and visa versa for tab/shift-tab navigation.
	 * <p>
	 * See <a href="#applyKeyListeners">applyKeyListeners</a>
	 * </p>
	 * @protected
	 * @method _setFirstLastElements
	_setFirstLastElements : function() {
		this.firstCtrl = this.monthEl;
		this.lastCtrl = this.cancelEl;

		// Special handling for MacOSX.
		// - Safari 2.x can't focus on buttons
		// - Gecko can't focus on select boxes or buttons
		if (this.__isMac) {
			if (YAHOO.env.ua.webkit && YAHOO.env.ua.webkit < 420){
				this.firstCtrl = this.monthEl;
				this.lastCtrl = this.yearEl;
			if (YAHOO.env.ua.gecko) {
				this.firstCtrl = this.yearEl;
				this.lastCtrl = this.yearEl;

	 * Default Keyboard event handler to capture Enter 
	 * on the Navigator's year control (yearEl)
	 * @method _handleEnterKey
	 * @protected
	 * @param {Event} e The DOM event being handled
	_handleEnterKey : function(e) {
		var KEYS = YAHOO.util.KeyListener.KEY;

		if (YAHOO.util.Event.getCharCode(e) == KEYS.ENTER) {

	 * Default Keyboard event handler to capture up/down/pgup/pgdown
	 * on the Navigator's year control (yearEl).
	 * @method _handleDirectionKeys
	 * @protected
	 * @param {Event} e The DOM event being handled
	_handleDirectionKeys : function(e) {
		var E = YAHOO.util.Event;
		var KEYS = YAHOO.util.KeyListener.KEY;
		var NAV = YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator;

		var value = (this.yearEl.value) ? parseInt(this.yearEl.value, 10) : null;
		if (isFinite(value)) {
			var dir = false;
			switch(E.getCharCode(e)) {
				case KEYS.UP:
					this.yearEl.value = value + NAV.YR_MINOR_INC;
					dir = true;
				case KEYS.DOWN:
					this.yearEl.value = Math.max(value - NAV.YR_MINOR_INC, 0);
					dir = true;
				case KEYS.PAGE_UP:
					this.yearEl.value = value + NAV.YR_MAJOR_INC;
					dir = true;
				case KEYS.PAGE_DOWN:
					this.yearEl.value = Math.max(value - NAV.YR_MAJOR_INC, 0);
					dir = true;
			if (dir) {
				try {
				} catch(e) {
					// Ignore

	 * Default Keyboard event handler to capture Tab 
	 * on the last control (lastCtrl) in the Navigator.
	 * @method _handleTabKey
	 * @protected
	 * @param {Event} e The DOM event being handled
	_handleTabKey : function(e) {
		var E = YAHOO.util.Event;
		var KEYS = YAHOO.util.KeyListener.KEY;

		if (E.getCharCode(e) == KEYS.TAB && !e.shiftKey) {
			try {
			} catch (e) {
				// Ignore - mainly for focus edge cases

	 * Default Keyboard event handler to capture Shift-Tab 
	 * on the first control (firstCtrl) in the Navigator.
	 * @method _handleShiftTabKey
	 * @protected
	 * @param {Event} e The DOM event being handled
	_handleShiftTabKey : function(e) {
		var E = YAHOO.util.Event;
		var KEYS = YAHOO.util.KeyListener.KEY;

		if (e.shiftKey && E.getCharCode(e) == KEYS.TAB) {
			try {
			} catch (e) {
				// Ignore - mainly for focus edge cases

	 * Retrieve Navigator configuration values from 
	 * the parent Calendar/CalendarGroup's config value.
	 * <p>
	 * If it has not been set in the user provided configuration, the method will 
	 * return the default value of the configuration property, as set in _DEFAULT_CFG
	 * </p>
	 * @private
	 * @method __getCfg
	 * @param {String} Case sensitive property name.
	 * @param {Boolean} true, if the property is a string property, false if not.
	 * @return The value of the configuration property
	__getCfg : function(prop, bIsStr) {
		var DEF_CFG = YAHOO.widget.CalendarNavigator._DEFAULT_CFG;
		var cfg = this.cal.cfg.getProperty("navigator");

		if (bIsStr) {
			return (cfg !== true && cfg.strings && cfg.strings[prop]) ? cfg.strings[prop] : DEF_CFG.strings[prop];
		} else {
			return (cfg !== true && cfg[prop]) ? cfg[prop] : DEF_CFG[prop];

	 * Private flag, to identify MacOS
	 * @private
	 * @property __isMac
	__isMac : (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("macintosh") != -1)


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