YUI recommends YUI 3.
YUI 2 has been deprecated since 2011. This site acts as an archive for files and documentation.
* @module editor
* @description <p>The Rich Text Editor is a UI control that replaces a standard HTML textarea; it allows for the rich formatting of text content, including common structural treatments like lists, formatting treatments like bold and italic text, and drag-and-drop inclusion and sizing of images. The Rich Text Editor's toolbar is extensible via a plugin architecture so that advanced implementations can achieve a high degree of customization.</p>
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @requires yahoo, dom, element, event, container_core, simpleeditor
* @optional dragdrop, animation, menu, button
* @beta
(function() {
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
Lang = YAHOO.lang,
Toolbar = YAHOO.widget.Toolbar;
* The Rich Text Editor is a UI control that replaces a standard HTML textarea; it allows for the rich formatting of text content, including common structural treatments like lists, formatting treatments like bold and italic text, and drag-and-drop inclusion and sizing of images. The Rich Text Editor's toolbar is extensible via a plugin architecture so that advanced implementations can achieve a high degree of customization.
* @constructor
* @class Editor
* @extends YAHOO.widget.SimpleEditor
* @param {String/HTMLElement} el The textarea element to turn into an editor.
* @param {Object} attrs Object liternal containing configuration parameters.
YAHOO.widget.Editor = function(el, attrs) {
YAHOO.log('Editor Initalizing', 'info', 'Editor');
YAHOO.widget.Editor.superclass.constructor.call(this, el, attrs);
* @private
* @method _cleanClassName
* @description Makes a useable classname from dynamic data, by dropping it to lowercase and replacing spaces with -'s.
* @param {String} str The classname to clean up
* @return {String}
function _cleanClassName(str) {
return str.replace(/ /g, '-').toLowerCase();
YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.widget.Editor, YAHOO.widget.SimpleEditor, {
* @description The accessibility string for the element before the iFrame
* @type String
STR_BEFORE_EDITOR: 'This text field can contain stylized text and graphics. To cycle through all formatting options, use the keyboard shortcut Control + Shift + T to place focus on the toolbar and navigate between option heading names. <h4>Common formatting keyboard shortcuts:</h4><ul><li>Control Shift B sets text to bold</li> <li>Control Shift I sets text to italic</li> <li>Control Shift U underlines text</li> <li>Control Shift [ aligns text left</li> <li>Control Shift | centers text</li> <li>Control Shift ] aligns text right</li> <li>Control Shift L adds an HTML link</li> <li>To exit this text editor use the keyboard shortcut Control + Shift + ESC.</li></ul>',
* @property STR_CLOSE_WINDOW
* @description The Title of the close button in the Editor Window
* @type String
STR_CLOSE_WINDOW: 'Close Window',
* @description A note appearing in the Editor Window to tell the user that the Escape key will close the window
* @type String
STR_CLOSE_WINDOW_NOTE: 'To close this window use the Control + Shift + W key',
* @description The title for the Image Property Editor Window
* @type String
STR_IMAGE_PROP_TITLE: 'Image Options',
* @property STR_IMAGE_URL
* @description The label string for Image URL
* @type String
STR_IMAGE_URL: 'Image Url',
* @property STR_IMAGE_TITLE
* @description The label string for Image Description
* @type String
STR_IMAGE_TITLE: 'Description',
* @property STR_IMAGE_SIZE
* @description The label string for Image Size
* @type String
* @description The label string for Original Image Size
* @type String
STR_IMAGE_ORIG_SIZE: 'Original Size',
* @property STR_IMAGE_COPY
* @description The label string for the image copy and paste message for Opera and Safari
* @type String
STR_IMAGE_COPY: '<span class="tip"><span class="icon icon-info"></span><strong>Note:</strong>To move this image just highlight it, cut, and paste where ever you\'d like.</span>',
* @description The label string for the image padding.
* @type String
* @property STR_IMAGE_BORDER
* @description The label string for the image border.
* @type String
* @description The label string for the image text flow.
* @type String
* @description The label string for the local file warning.
* @type String
STR_LOCAL_FILE_WARNING: '<span class="tip"><span class="icon icon-warn"></span><strong>Note:</strong>This image/link points to a file on your computer and will not be accessible to others on the internet.</span>',
* @description The label string for the Link Property Editor Window.
* @type String
STR_LINK_PROP_TITLE: 'Link Options',
* @description The label string for the Remove link from text link inside the property editor.
* @type String
STR_LINK_PROP_REMOVE: 'Remove link from text',
* @description The string for the open in a new window label.
* @type String
STR_LINK_NEW_WINDOW: 'Open in a new window.',
* @property STR_LINK_TITLE
* @description The string for the link description.
* @type String
STR_LINK_TITLE: 'Description',
* @protected
* @property CLASS_LOCAL_FILE
* @description CSS class applied to an element when it's found to have a local url.
* @type String
CLASS_LOCAL_FILE: 'warning-localfile',
* @protected
* @property CLASS_HIDDEN
* @description CSS class applied to the body when the hiddenelements button is pressed.
* @type String
CLASS_HIDDEN: 'yui-hidden',
* @method init
* @description The Editor class' initialization method
init: function(p_oElement, p_oAttributes) {
YAHOO.log('init', 'info', 'Editor');
this._defaultToolbar = {
collapse: true,
titlebar: 'Text Editing Tools',
draggable: false,
buttonType: 'advanced',
buttons: [
{ group: 'fontstyle', label: 'Font Name and Size',
buttons: [
{ type: 'select', label: 'Arial', value: 'fontname', disabled: true,
menu: [
{ text: 'Arial', checked: true },
{ text: 'Arial Black' },
{ text: 'Comic Sans MS' },
{ text: 'Courier New' },
{ text: 'Lucida Console' },
{ text: 'Tahoma' },
{ text: 'Times New Roman' },
{ text: 'Trebuchet MS' },
{ text: 'Verdana' }
{ type: 'spin', label: '13', value: 'fontsize', range: [ 9, 75 ], disabled: true }
{ type: 'separator' },
{ group: 'textstyle', label: 'Font Style',
buttons: [
{ type: 'push', label: 'Bold CTRL + SHIFT + B', value: 'bold' },
{ type: 'push', label: 'Italic CTRL + SHIFT + I', value: 'italic' },
{ type: 'push', label: 'Underline CTRL + SHIFT + U', value: 'underline' },
{ type: 'separator' },
{ type: 'push', label: 'Subscript', value: 'subscript', disabled: true },
{ type: 'push', label: 'Superscript', value: 'superscript', disabled: true },
{ type: 'separator' },
{ type: 'color', label: 'Font Color', value: 'forecolor', disabled: true },
{ type: 'color', label: 'Background Color', value: 'backcolor', disabled: true },
{ type: 'separator' },
{ type: 'push', label: 'Remove Formatting', value: 'removeformat', disabled: true },
{ type: 'push', label: 'Show/Hide Hidden Elements', value: 'hiddenelements' }
{ type: 'separator' },
{ group: 'alignment', label: 'Alignment',
buttons: [
{ type: 'push', label: 'Align Left CTRL + SHIFT + [', value: 'justifyleft' },
{ type: 'push', label: 'Align Center CTRL + SHIFT + |', value: 'justifycenter' },
{ type: 'push', label: 'Align Right CTRL + SHIFT + ]', value: 'justifyright' },
{ type: 'push', label: 'Justify', value: 'justifyfull' }
{ type: 'separator' },
{ group: 'parastyle', label: 'Paragraph Style',
buttons: [
{ type: 'select', label: 'Normal', value: 'heading', disabled: true,
menu: [
{ text: 'Normal', value: 'none', checked: true },
{ text: 'Header 1', value: 'h1' },
{ text: 'Header 2', value: 'h2' },
{ text: 'Header 3', value: 'h3' },
{ text: 'Header 4', value: 'h4' },
{ text: 'Header 5', value: 'h5' },
{ text: 'Header 6', value: 'h6' }
{ type: 'separator' },
{ group: 'indentlist', label: 'Indenting and Lists',
buttons: [
{ type: 'push', label: 'Indent', value: 'indent', disabled: true },
{ type: 'push', label: 'Outdent', value: 'outdent', disabled: true },
{ type: 'push', label: 'Create an Unordered List', value: 'insertunorderedlist' },
{ type: 'push', label: 'Create an Ordered List', value: 'insertorderedlist' }
{ type: 'separator' },
{ group: 'insertitem', label: 'Insert Item',
buttons: [
{ type: 'push', label: 'HTML Link CTRL + SHIFT + L', value: 'createlink', disabled: true },
{ type: 'push', label: 'Insert Image', value: 'insertimage' }
YAHOO.widget.Editor.superclass.init.call(this, p_oElement, p_oAttributes);
* @method initAttributes
* @description Initializes all of the configuration attributes used to create
* the editor.
* @param {Object} attr Object literal specifying a set of
* configuration attributes used to create the editor.
initAttributes: function(attr) {
YAHOO.widget.Editor.superclass.initAttributes.call(this, attr);
* @attribute localFileWarning
* @description Should we throw the warning if we detect a file that is local to their machine?
* @default true
* @type Boolean
this.setAttributeConfig('localFileWarning', {
value: attr.locaFileWarning || true
* @attribute hiddencss
* @description The CSS used to show/hide hidden elements on the page, these rules must be prefixed with the class provided in <code>this.CLASS_HIDDEN</code>
* @default <code><pre>
.yui-hidden font, .yui-hidden strong, .yui-hidden b, .yui-hidden em, .yui-hidden i, .yui-hidden u, .yui-hidden div, .yui-hidden p, .yui-hidden span, .yui-hidden img, .yui-hidden ul, .yui-hidden ol, .yui-hidden li, .yui-hidden table {
border: 1px dotted #ccc;
.yui-hidden .yui-non {
border: none;
.yui-hidden img {
padding: 2px;
* @type String
this.setAttributeConfig('hiddencss', {
value: attr.hiddencss || '.yui-hidden font, .yui-hidden strong, .yui-hidden b, .yui-hidden em, .yui-hidden i, .yui-hidden u, .yui-hidden div,.yui-hidden p,.yui-hidden span,.yui-hidden img, .yui-hidden ul, .yui-hidden ol, .yui-hidden li, .yui-hidden table { border: 1px dotted #ccc; } .yui-hidden .yui-non { border: none; } .yui-hidden img { padding: 2px; }',
writeOnce: true
* @private
* @method _fixNodes
* @description Fix href and imgs as well as remove invalid HTML.
_fixNodes: function() {
var url = '';
var imgs = this._getDoc().getElementsByTagName('img');
for (var im = 0; im < imgs.length; im++) {
if (imgs[im].getAttribute('href', 2)) {
url = imgs[im].getAttribute('src', 2);
if (this._isLocalFile(url)) {
Dom.addClass(imgs[im], this.CLASS_LOCAL_FILE);
} else {
Dom.removeClass(imgs[im], this.CLASS_LOCAL_FILE);
var fakeAs = this._getDoc().body.getElementsByTagName('a');
for (var a = 0; a < fakeAs.length; a++) {
if (fakeAs[a].getAttribute('href', 2)) {
url = fakeAs[a].getAttribute('href', 2);
if (this._isLocalFile(url)) {
Dom.addClass(fakeAs[a], this.CLASS_LOCAL_FILE);
} else {
Dom.removeClass(fakeAs[a], this.CLASS_LOCAL_FILE);
* @private
* @property _disabled
* @description The Toolbar items that should be disabled if there is no selection present in the editor.
* @type Array
_disabled: [ 'createlink', 'forecolor', 'backcolor', 'fontname', 'fontsize', 'superscript', 'subscript', 'removeformat', 'heading', 'indent' ],
* @private
* @property _alwaysDisabled
* @description The Toolbar items that should ALWAYS be disabled event if there is a selection present in the editor.
* @type Object
_alwaysDisabled: { 'outdent': true },
* @private
* @property _alwaysEnabled
* @description The Toolbar items that should ALWAYS be enabled event if there isn't a selection present in the editor.
* @type Object
_alwaysEnabled: { hiddenelements: true },
* @private
* @method _handleKeyDown
* @param {Event} ev The event we are working on.
* @description Override method that handles some new keydown events inside the iFrame document.
_handleKeyDown: function(ev) {
YAHOO.widget.Editor.superclass._handleKeyDown.call(this, ev);
var doExec = false,
action = null,
exec = false;
if (ev.shiftKey && ev.ctrlKey) {
doExec = true;
switch (ev.keyCode) {
case 219: //Left
action = 'justifyleft';
case 220: //Center
action = 'justifycenter';
case 221: //Right
action = 'justifyright';
if (doExec && action) {
this.execCommand(action, null);
_handleCreateLinkClick: function() {
var el = this._getSelectedElement();
if (this._isElement(el, 'img')) {
this.STOP_EXEC_COMMAND = true;
this.currentElement[0] = el;
this.toolbar.fireEvent('insertimageClick', { type: 'insertimageClick', target: this.toolbar });
this.fireEvent('afterExecCommand', { type: 'afterExecCommand', target: this });
return false;
if (this.get('limitCommands')) {
if (!this.toolbar.getButtonByValue('createlink')) {
YAHOO.log('Toolbar Button for (createlink) was not found, skipping exec.', 'info', 'Editor');
return false;
this.on('afterExecCommand', function() {
var win = new YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow('createlink', {
width: '350px'
var el = this.currentElement[0],
url = '',
title = '',
target = '',
localFile = false;
if (el) {
if (el.getAttribute('href', 2) !== null) {
url = el.getAttribute('href', 2);
if (this._isLocalFile(url)) {
//Local File throw Warning
YAHOO.log('Local file reference found, show local warning', 'warn', 'Editor');
localFile = true;
} else {
win.setFooter(' ');
if (el.getAttribute('title') !== null) {
title = el.getAttribute('title');
if (el.getAttribute('target') !== null) {
target = el.getAttribute('target');
var str = '<label for="createlink_url"><strong>' + this.STR_LINK_URL + ':</strong> <input type="text" name="createlink_url" id="createlink_url" value="' + url + '"' + ((localFile) ? ' class="warning"' : '') + '></label>';
str += '<label for="createlink_target"><strong> </strong><input type="checkbox" name="createlink_target_" id="createlink_target" value="_blank"' + ((target) ? ' checked' : '') + '> ' + this.STR_LINK_NEW_WINDOW + '</label>';
str += '<label for="createlink_title"><strong>' + this.STR_LINK_TITLE + ':</strong> <input type="text" name="createlink_title" id="createlink_title" value="' + title + '"></label>';
var body = document.createElement('div');
body.innerHTML = str;
var unlinkCont = document.createElement('div');
unlinkCont.className = 'removeLink';
var unlink = document.createElement('a');
unlink.href = '#';
unlink.innerHTML = this.STR_LINK_PROP_REMOVE;
unlink.title = this.STR_LINK_PROP_REMOVE;
Event.on(unlink, 'click', function(ev) {
}, this, true);
Event.onAvailable('createlink_url', function() {
window.setTimeout(function() {
try {
} catch (e) {}
}, 50);
Event.on('createlink_url', 'blur', function() {
var url = Dom.get('createlink_url');
if (this._isLocalFile(url.value)) {
//Local File throw Warning
Dom.addClass(url, 'warning');
YAHOO.log('Local file reference found, show local warning', 'warn', 'Editor');
} else {
Dom.removeClass(url, 'warning');
this.get('panel').setFooter(' ');
}, this, true);
}, this, true);
* @private
* @method _handleCreateLinkWindowClose
* @description Handles the closing of the Link Properties Window.
_handleCreateLinkWindowClose: function() {
var url = Dom.get('createlink_url'),
target = Dom.get('createlink_target'),
title = Dom.get('createlink_title'),
el = this.currentElement[0],
a = el;
if (url && url.value) {
var urlValue = url.value;
if ((urlValue.indexOf(':/'+'/') == -1) && (urlValue.substring(0,1) != '/') && (urlValue.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() != 'mailto')) {
if ((urlValue.indexOf('@') != -1) && (urlValue.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() != 'mailto')) {
//Found an @ sign, prefix with mailto:
urlValue = 'mailto:' + urlValue;
} else {
/* :// not found adding */
if (urlValue.substring(0, 1) != '#') {
urlValue = 'http:/'+'/' + urlValue;
el.setAttribute('href', urlValue);
if (target.checked) {
el.setAttribute('target', target.value);
} else {
el.setAttribute('target', '');
el.setAttribute('title', ((title.value) ? title.value : ''));
} else {
var _span = this._getDoc().createElement('span');
_span.innerHTML = el.innerHTML;
Dom.addClass(_span, 'yui-non');
el.parentNode.replaceChild(_span, el);
this.currentElement = [];
* @private
* @method _handleInsertImageClick
* @description Opens the Image Properties Window when the insert Image button is clicked or an Image is Double Clicked.
_handleInsertImageClick: function() {
if (this.get('limitCommands')) {
if (!this.toolbar.getButtonByValue('insertimage')) {
YAHOO.log('Toolbar Button for (insertimage) was not found, skipping exec.', 'info', 'Editor');
return false;
this.on('afterExecCommand', function() {
var el = this.currentElement[0],
body = null,
link = '',
target = '',
title = '',
src = '',
align = '',
height = 75,
width = 75,
padding = 0,
oheight = 0,
owidth = 0,
blankimage = false,
win = new YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow('insertimage', {
width: '415px'
if (!el) {
el = this._getSelectedElement();
if (el) {
if (el.getAttribute('src')) {
src = el.getAttribute('src', 2);
if (src.indexOf(this.get('blankimage')) != -1) {
src = this.STR_IMAGE_HERE;
blankimage = true;
if (el.getAttribute('alt', 2)) {
title = el.getAttribute('alt', 2);
if (el.getAttribute('title', 2)) {
title = el.getAttribute('title', 2);
if (el.parentNode && this._isElement(el.parentNode, 'a')) {
link = el.parentNode.getAttribute('href', 2);
if (el.parentNode.getAttribute('target') !== null) {
target = el.parentNode.getAttribute('target');
height = parseInt(el.height, 10);
width = parseInt(el.width, 10);
if (el.style.height) {
height = parseInt(el.style.height, 10);
if (el.style.width) {
width = parseInt(el.style.width, 10);
if (el.style.margin) {
padding = parseInt(el.style.margin, 10);
if (!el._height) {
el._height = height;
if (!el._width) {
el._width = width;
oheight = el._height;
owidth = el._width;
var str = '<label for="insertimage_url"><strong>' + this.STR_IMAGE_URL + ':</strong> <input type="text" id="insertimage_url" value="' + src + '" size="40"></label>';
body = document.createElement('div');
body.innerHTML = str;
var tbarCont = document.createElement('div');
tbarCont.id = 'img_toolbar';
var str2 = '<label for="insertimage_title"><strong>' + this.STR_IMAGE_TITLE + ':</strong> <input type="text" id="insertimage_title" value="' + title + '" size="40"></label>';
str2 += '<label for="insertimage_link"><strong>' + this.STR_LINK_URL + ':</strong> <input type="text" name="insertimage_link" id="insertimage_link" value="' + link + '"></label>';
str2 += '<label for="insertimage_target"><strong> </strong><input type="checkbox" name="insertimage_target_" id="insertimage_target" value="_blank"' + ((target) ? ' checked' : '') + '> ' + this.STR_LINK_NEW_WINDOW + '</label>';
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = str2;
win.cache = body;
var tbar = new YAHOO.widget.Toolbar(tbarCont, {
/* {{{ */
buttonType: this._defaultToolbar.buttonType,
buttons: [
{ group: 'textflow', label: this.STR_IMAGE_TEXTFLOW + ':',
buttons: [
{ type: 'push', label: 'Left', value: 'left' },
{ type: 'push', label: 'Inline', value: 'inline' },
{ type: 'push', label: 'Block', value: 'block' },
{ type: 'push', label: 'Right', value: 'right' }
{ type: 'separator' },
{ group: 'padding', label: this.STR_IMAGE_PADDING + ':',
buttons: [
{ type: 'spin', label: ''+padding, value: 'padding', range: [0, 50] }
{ type: 'separator' },
{ group: 'border', label: this.STR_IMAGE_BORDER + ':',
buttons: [
{ type: 'select', label: 'Border Size', value: 'bordersize',
menu: [
{ text: 'none', value: '0', checked: true },
{ text: '1px', value: '1' },
{ text: '2px', value: '2' },
{ text: '3px', value: '3' },
{ text: '4px', value: '4' },
{ text: '5px', value: '5' }
{ type: 'select', label: 'Border Type', value: 'bordertype', disabled: true,
menu: [
{ text: 'Solid', value: 'solid', checked: true },
{ text: 'Dashed', value: 'dashed' },
{ text: 'Dotted', value: 'dotted' }
{ type: 'color', label: 'Border Color', value: 'bordercolor', disabled: true }
/* }}} */
var bsize = '0';
var btype = 'solid';
if (el.style.borderLeftWidth) {
bsize = parseInt(el.style.borderLeftWidth, 10);
if (el.style.borderLeftStyle) {
btype = el.style.borderLeftStyle;
var bs_button = tbar.getButtonByValue('bordersize');
var bSizeStr = ((parseInt(bsize, 10) > 0) ? '' : 'none');
bs_button.set('label', '<span class="yui-toolbar-bordersize-' + bsize + '">'+bSizeStr+'</span>');
this._updateMenuChecked('bordersize', bsize, tbar);
var bt_button = tbar.getButtonByValue('bordertype');
bt_button.set('label', '<span class="yui-toolbar-bordertype-' + btype + '"></span>');
this._updateMenuChecked('bordertype', btype, tbar);
if (parseInt(bsize, 10) > 0) {
var cont = tbar.get('cont');
var hw = document.createElement('div');
hw.className = 'yui-toolbar-group yui-toolbar-group-height-width height-width';
hw.innerHTML = '<h3>' + this.STR_IMAGE_SIZE + ':</h3>';
var orgSize = '';
if ((height != oheight) || (width != owidth)) {
orgSize = '<span class="info">' + this.STR_IMAGE_ORIG_SIZE + '<br>'+ owidth +' x ' + oheight + '</span>';
hw.innerHTML += '<span><input type="text" size="3" value="'+width+'" id="insertimage_width"> x <input type="text" size="3" value="'+height+'" id="insertimage_height"></span>' + orgSize;
cont.insertBefore(hw, cont.firstChild);
Event.onAvailable('insertimage_width', function() {
Event.on('insertimage_width', 'blur', function() {
var value = parseInt(Dom.get('insertimage_width').value, 10);
if (value > 5) {
el.style.width = value + 'px';
}, this, true);
}, this, true);
Event.onAvailable('insertimage_height', function() {
Event.on('insertimage_height', 'blur', function() {
var value = parseInt(Dom.get('insertimage_height').value, 10);
if (value > 5) {
el.style.height = value + 'px';
}, this, true);
}, this, true);
if ((el.align == 'right') || (el.align == 'left')) {
} else if (el.style.display == 'block') {
} else {
if (parseInt(el.style.marginLeft, 10) > 0) {
tbar.getButtonByValue('padding').set('label', ''+parseInt(el.style.marginLeft, 10));
if (el.style.borderSize) {
tbar.selectButton(parseInt(el.style.borderSize, 10));
tbar.on('colorPickerClicked', function(o) {
var size = '1', type = 'solid', color = 'black';
if (el.style.borderLeftWidth) {
size = parseInt(el.style.borderLeftWidth, 10);
if (el.style.borderLeftStyle) {
type = el.style.borderLeftStyle;
if (el.style.borderLeftColor) {
color = el.style.borderLeftColor;
var borderString = size + 'px ' + type + ' #' + o.color;
el.style.border = borderString;
}, this.toolbar, true);
tbar.on('buttonClick', function(o) {
var value = o.button.value,
borderString = '';
if (o.button.menucmd) {
value = o.button.menucmd;
var size = '1', type = 'solid', color = 'black';
/* All border calcs are done on the left border
since our default interface only supports
one border size/type and color */
if (el.style.borderLeftWidth) {
size = parseInt(el.style.borderLeftWidth, 10);
if (el.style.borderLeftStyle) {
type = el.style.borderLeftStyle;
if (el.style.borderLeftColor) {
color = el.style.borderLeftColor;
switch(value) {
case 'bordersize':
if (this.browser.webkit && this._lastImage) {
Dom.removeClass(this._lastImage, 'selected');
this._lastImage = null;
borderString = parseInt(o.button.value, 10) + 'px ' + type + ' ' + color;
el.style.border = borderString;
if (parseInt(o.button.value, 10) > 0) {
} else {
case 'bordertype':
if (this.browser.webkit && this._lastImage) {
Dom.removeClass(this._lastImage, 'selected');
this._lastImage = null;
borderString = size + 'px ' + o.button.value + ' ' + color;
el.style.border = borderString;
case 'right':
case 'left':
el.style.display = '';
el.align = o.button.value;
case 'inline':
el.style.display = '';
el.align = '';
case 'block':
el.style.display = 'block';
el.align = 'center';
case 'padding':
var _button = tbar.getButtonById(o.button.id);
el.style.margin = _button.get('label') + 'px';
}, this, true);
if ((this.browser.webkit && !this.browser.webkit3) || this.browser.opera) {
//Set event after openWindow..
Event.onAvailable('insertimage_url', function() {
window.setTimeout(function() {
if (blankimage) {
}, 50);
if (this.get('localFileWarning')) {
Event.on('insertimage_link', 'blur', function() {
var url = Dom.get('insertimage_link');
if (this._isLocalFile(url.value)) {
//Local File throw Warning
Dom.addClass(url, 'warning');
YAHOO.log('Local file reference found, show local warning', 'warn', 'Editor');
} else {
Dom.removeClass(url, 'warning');
this.get('panel').setFooter(' ');
if ((this.browser.webkit && !this.browser.webkit3) || this.browser.opera) {
}, this, true);
Event.on('insertimage_url', 'blur', function() {
var url = Dom.get('insertimage_url');
if (this._isLocalFile(url.value)) {
//Local File throw Warning
Dom.addClass(url, 'warning');
YAHOO.log('Local file reference found, show local warning', 'warn', 'Editor');
} else if (this.currentElement[0]) {
Dom.removeClass(url, 'warning');
this.get('panel').setFooter(' ');
if ((this.browser.webkit && !this.browser.webkit3) || this.browser.opera) {
if (url && url.value && (url.value != this.STR_IMAGE_HERE)) {
this.currentElement[0].setAttribute('src', url.value);
var self = this,
img = new Image();
img.onerror = function() {
url.value = self.STR_IMAGE_HERE;
img.setAttribute('src', self.get('blankimage'));
self.currentElement[0].setAttribute('src', self.get('blankimage'));
YAHOO.util.Dom.get('insertimage_height').value = img.height;
YAHOO.util.Dom.get('insertimage_width').value = img.width;
window.setTimeout(function() {
YAHOO.util.Dom.get('insertimage_height').value = img.height;
YAHOO.util.Dom.get('insertimage_width').value = img.width;
if (self.currentElement && self.currentElement[0]) {
if (!self.currentElement[0]._height) {
self.currentElement[0]._height = img.height;
if (!self.currentElement[0]._width) {
self.currentElement[0]._width = img.width;
}, 200);
if (url.value != this.STR_IMAGE_HERE) {
img.src = url.value;
}, this, true);
}, this, true);
* @private
* @method _handleInsertImageWindowClose
* @description Handles the closing of the Image Properties Window.
_handleInsertImageWindowClose: function() {
var url = Dom.get('insertimage_url');
var title = Dom.get('insertimage_title');
var link = Dom.get('insertimage_link');
var target = Dom.get('insertimage_target');
var el = this.currentElement[0];
if (url && url.value && (url.value != this.STR_IMAGE_HERE)) {
el.setAttribute('src', url.value);
el.setAttribute('title', title.value);
el.setAttribute('alt', title.value);
var par = el.parentNode;
if (link.value) {
var urlValue = link.value;
if ((urlValue.indexOf(':/'+'/') == -1) && (urlValue.substring(0,1) != '/') && (urlValue.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() != 'mailto')) {
if ((urlValue.indexOf('@') != -1) && (urlValue.substring(0, 6).toLowerCase() != 'mailto')) {
//Found an @ sign, prefix with mailto:
urlValue = 'mailto:' + urlValue;
} else {
/* :// not found adding */
urlValue = 'http:/'+'/' + urlValue;
if (par && this._isElement(par, 'a')) {
par.setAttribute('href', urlValue);
if (target.checked) {
par.setAttribute('target', target.value);
} else {
par.setAttribute('target', '');
} else {
var _a = this._getDoc().createElement('a');
_a.setAttribute('href', urlValue);
if (target.checked) {
_a.setAttribute('target', target.value);
} else {
_a.setAttribute('target', '');
el.parentNode.replaceChild(_a, el);
} else {
if (par && this._isElement(par, 'a')) {
par.parentNode.replaceChild(el, par);
} else {
//No url/src given, remove the node from the document
this.currentElement = [];
* @private
* @method _renderPanel
* @description Renders the panel used for Editor Windows to the document so we can start using it..
* @return {<a href="YAHOO.widget.Overlay.html">YAHOO.widget.Overlay</a>}
_renderPanel: function() {
var panel = null;
if (!YAHOO.widget.EditorInfo.panel) {
panel = new YAHOO.widget.Overlay(this.EDITOR_PANEL_ID, {
width: '300px',
iframe: true,
visible: false,
underlay: 'none',
draggable: false,
close: false
YAHOO.widget.EditorInfo.panel = panel;
} else {
panel = YAHOO.widget.EditorInfo.panel;
this.set('panel', panel);
this.get('panel').setHeader(' ');
this.get('panel').setFooter(' ');
if (this.DOMReady) {
Dom.addClass(this.get('panel').element, 'yui-editor-panel');
} else {
Event.onDOMReady(function() {
Dom.addClass(this.get('panel').element, 'yui-editor-panel');
}, this, true);
this.get('panel').showEvent.subscribe(function() {
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.element, 'display', 'block');
return this.get('panel');
* @method openWindow
* @param {<a href="YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow.html">YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow</a>} win A <a href="YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow.html">YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow</a> instance
* @description Opens a new "window/panel"
openWindow: function(win) {
YAHOO.log('openWindow: ' + win.name, 'info', 'Editor');
this.toolbar.set('disabled', true); //Disable the toolbar when an editor window is open..
Event.on(document, 'keypress', this._closeWindow, this, true);
if (YAHOO.widget.EditorInfo.window.win && YAHOO.widget.EditorInfo.window.scope) {
YAHOO.widget.EditorInfo.window.win = win;
YAHOO.widget.EditorInfo.window.scope = this;
var self = this,
xy = Dom.getXY(this.currentElement[0]),
elXY = Dom.getXY(this.get('iframe').get('element')),
panel = this.get('panel'),
newXY = [(xy[0] + elXY[0] - 20), (xy[1] + elXY[1] + 10)],
wWidth = (parseInt(win.attrs.width, 10) / 2),
align = 'center',
body = null;
this.fireEvent('beforeOpenWindow', { type: 'beforeOpenWindow', win: win, panel: panel });
body = document.createElement('div');
body.className = this.CLASS_PREFIX + '-body-cont';
for (var b in this.browser) {
if (this.browser[b]) {
Dom.addClass(body, b);
Dom.addClass(body, ((YAHOO.widget.Button && (this._defaultToolbar.buttonType == 'advanced')) ? 'good-button' : 'no-button'));
var _note = document.createElement('h3');
_note.className = 'yui-editor-skipheader';
_note.innerHTML = this.STR_CLOSE_WINDOW_NOTE;
form = document.createElement('form');
form.setAttribute('method', 'GET');
var windowName = win.name;
Event.on(form, 'submit', function(ev) {
var evName = 'window' + windowName + 'Submit';
self.fireEvent(evName, { type: evName, target: this });
}, this, true);
if (Lang.isObject(win.body)) { //Assume it's a reference
} else { //Assume it's a string
var _tmp = document.createElement('div');
_tmp.innerHTML = win.body;
var _close = document.createElement('span');
_close.innerHTML = 'X';
_close.title = this.STR_CLOSE_WINDOW;
_close.className = 'close';
Event.on(_close, 'click', function() {
}, this, true);
var _knob = document.createElement('span');
_knob.innerHTML = '^';
_knob.className = 'knob';
win._knob = _knob;
var _header = document.createElement('h3');
_header.innerHTML = win.header;
panel.cfg.setProperty('width', win.attrs.width);
panel.setHeader(' '); //Clear the current header
panel.setBody(' '); //Clear the current body
panel.setFooter(' '); //Clear the current footer
if (win.footer !== null) {
Dom.addClass(panel.footer, 'open');
} else {
Dom.removeClass(panel.footer, 'open');
panel.appendToBody(body); //Append the new DOM node to it
var fireShowEvent = function() {
Event.on(panel.element, 'click', function(ev) {
panel.showEvent.subscribe(fireShowEvent, this, true);
var fireCloseEvent = function() {
this.currentWindow = null;
var evName = 'window' + windowName + 'Close';
this.fireEvent(evName, { type: evName, target: this });
panel.hideEvent.subscribe(fireCloseEvent, this, true);
this.currentWindow = win;
this.fireEvent('afterOpenWindow', { type: 'afterOpenWindow', win: win, panel: panel });
* @method moveWindow
* @param {Boolean} force Boolean to tell it to move but not use any animation (Usually done the first time the window is loaded.)
* @description Realign the window with the currentElement and reposition the knob above the panel.
moveWindow: function(force) {
if (!this.currentWindow) {
return false;
var win = this.currentWindow,
xy = Dom.getXY(this.currentElement[0]),
elXY = Dom.getXY(this.get('iframe').get('element')),
panel = this.get('panel'),
//newXY = [(xy[0] + elXY[0] - 20), (xy[1] + elXY[1] + 10)],
newXY = [(xy[0] + elXY[0]), (xy[1] + elXY[1])],
wWidth = (parseInt(win.attrs.width, 10) / 2),
align = 'center',
orgXY = panel.cfg.getProperty('xy'),
_knob = win._knob,
xDiff = 0,
yDiff = 0,
anim = false;
newXY[0] = ((newXY[0] - wWidth) + 20);
//Account for the Scroll bars in a scrolled editor window.
newXY[0] = newXY[0] - Dom.getDocumentScrollLeft(this._getDoc());
newXY[1] = newXY[1] - Dom.getDocumentScrollTop(this._getDoc());
if (this._isElement(this.currentElement[0], 'img')) {
if (this.currentElement[0].src.indexOf(this.get('blankimage')) != -1) {
newXY[0] = (newXY[0] + (75 / 2)); //Placeholder size
newXY[1] = (newXY[1] + 75); //Placeholder sizea
} else {
var w = parseInt(this.currentElement[0].width, 10);
var h = parseInt(this.currentElement[0].height, 10);
newXY[0] = (newXY[0] + (w / 2));
newXY[1] = (newXY[1] + h);
newXY[1] = newXY[1] + 15;
} else {
var fs = Dom.getStyle(this.currentElement[0], 'fontSize');
if (fs && fs.indexOf && fs.indexOf('px') != -1) {
newXY[1] = newXY[1] + parseInt(Dom.getStyle(this.currentElement[0], 'fontSize'), 10) + 5;
} else {
newXY[1] = newXY[1] + 20;
if (newXY[0] < elXY[0]) {
newXY[0] = elXY[0] + 5;
align = 'left';
if ((newXY[0] + (wWidth * 2)) > (elXY[0] + parseInt(this.get('iframe').get('element').clientWidth, 10))) {
newXY[0] = ((elXY[0] + parseInt(this.get('iframe').get('element').clientWidth, 10)) - (wWidth * 2) - 5);
align = 'right';
try {
xDiff = (newXY[0] - orgXY[0]);
yDiff = (newXY[1] - orgXY[1]);
} catch (e) {}
var iTop = elXY[1] + parseInt(this.get('height'), 10);
var iLeft = elXY[0] + parseInt(this.get('width'), 10);
if (newXY[1] > iTop) {
newXY[1] = iTop;
if (newXY[0] > iLeft) {
newXY[0] = (iLeft / 2);
//Convert negative numbers to positive so we can get the difference in distance
xDiff = ((xDiff < 0) ? (xDiff * -1) : xDiff);
yDiff = ((yDiff < 0) ? (yDiff * -1) : yDiff);
if (((xDiff > 10) || (yDiff > 10)) || force) { //Only move the window if it's supposed to move more than 10px or force was passed (new window)
var _knobLeft = 0,
elW = 0;
if (this.currentElement[0].width) {
elW = (parseInt(this.currentElement[0].width, 10) / 2);
var leftOffset = xy[0] + elXY[0] + elW;
_knobLeft = leftOffset - newXY[0];
//Check to see if the knob will go off either side & reposition it
if (_knobLeft > (parseInt(win.attrs.width, 10) - 1)) {
_knobLeft = parseInt(win.attrs.width, 10) - 1;
} else if (_knobLeft < 40) {
_knobLeft = 1;
if (isNaN(_knobLeft)) {
_knobLeft = 1;
if (force) {
if (_knob) {
_knob.style.left = _knobLeft + 'px';
if (this.get('animate')) {
Dom.setStyle(panel.element, 'opacity', '0');
anim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(panel.element, {
opacity: {
from: 0,
to: 1
}, 0.1, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut);
panel.cfg.setProperty('xy', newXY);
anim.onComplete.subscribe(function() {
if (this.browser.ie) {
panel.element.style.filter = 'none';
}, this, true);
} else {
panel.cfg.setProperty('xy', newXY);
} else {
if (this.get('animate')) {
anim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(panel.element, {}, 0.5, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut);
anim.attributes = {
top: {
to: newXY[1]
left: {
to: newXY[0]
anim.onComplete.subscribe(function() {
panel.cfg.setProperty('xy', newXY);
//We have to animate the iframe shim at the same time as the panel or we get scrollbar bleed ..
var iframeAnim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(panel.iframe, anim.attributes, 0.5, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut);
var _knobAnim = new YAHOO.util.Anim(_knob, {
left: {
to: _knobLeft
}, 0.6, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut);
} else {
_knob.style.left = _knobLeft + 'px';
panel.cfg.setProperty('xy', newXY);
* @private
* @method _closeWindow
* @description Close the currently open EditorWindow with the Escape key.
* @param {Event} ev The keypress Event that we are trapping
_closeWindow: function(ev) {
if ((ev.charCode == 87) && ev.shiftKey && ev.ctrlKey) {
if (this.currentWindow) {
* @method closeWindow
* @description Close the currently open EditorWindow.
closeWindow: function() {
YAHOO.log('closeWindow: ' + this.currentWindow.name, 'info', 'Editor');
YAHOO.widget.EditorInfo.window = {};
this.fireEvent('closeWindow', { type: 'closeWindow', win: this.currentWindow });
this.currentWindow = null;
this.get('panel').cfg.setProperty('xy', [-900,-900]);
this.get('panel').syncIframe(); //Needed to move the iframe with the hidden panel
this.toolbar.set('disabled', false); //enable the toolbar now that the window is closed
Event.removeListener(document, 'keypress', this._closeWindow);
/* {{{ Command Overrides - These commands are only over written when we are using the advanced version */
* @method cmd_heading
* @param value Value passed from the execCommand method
* @description This is an execCommand override method. It is called from execCommand when the execCommand('heading') is used.
cmd_heading: function(value) {
var exec = true,
el = null,
action = 'heading',
_sel = this._getSelection(),
_selEl = this._getSelectedElement();
if (_selEl) {
_sel = _selEl;
if (this.browser.ie) {
action = 'formatblock';
if (value == 'none') {
if ((_sel && _sel.tagName && (_sel.tagName.toLowerCase().substring(0,1) == 'h')) || (_sel && _sel.parentNode && _sel.parentNode.tagName && (_sel.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase().substring(0,1) == 'h'))) {
if (_sel.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase().substring(0,1) == 'h') {
_sel = _sel.parentNode;
if (this._isElement(_sel, 'html')) {
return [false];
el = this._swapEl(_selEl, 'span', function(el) {
el.className = 'yui-non';
this.currentElement[0] = el;
exec = false;
} else {
if (this._isElement(_selEl, 'h1') || this._isElement(_selEl, 'h2') || this._isElement(_selEl, 'h3') || this._isElement(_selEl, 'h4') || this._isElement(_selEl, 'h5') || this._isElement(_selEl, 'h6')) {
el = this._swapEl(_selEl, value);
this.currentElement[0] = el;
} else {
exec = false;
return [exec, action];
* @method cmd_hiddenelements
* @param value Value passed from the execCommand method
* @description This is an execCommand override method. It is called from execCommand when the execCommand('hiddenelements') is used.
cmd_hiddenelements: function(value) {
if (this._showingHiddenElements) {
//Don't auto highlight the hidden button
this._lastButton = null;
YAHOO.log('Enabling hidden CSS File', 'info', 'SimpleEditor');
this._showingHiddenElements = false;
Dom.removeClass(this._getDoc().body, this.CLASS_HIDDEN);
} else {
YAHOO.log('Disabling hidden CSS File', 'info', 'SimpleEditor');
this._showingHiddenElements = true;
Dom.addClass(this._getDoc().body, this.CLASS_HIDDEN);
return [false];
* @method cmd_removeformat
* @param value Value passed from the execCommand method
* @description This is an execCommand override method. It is called from execCommand when the execCommand('removeformat') is used.
cmd_removeformat: function(value) {
var exec = true;
* @knownissue Remove Format issue
* @browser Safari 2.x
* @description There is an issue here with Safari, that it may not always remove the format of the item that is selected.
* Due to the way that Safari 2.x handles ranges, it is very difficult to determine what the selection holds.
* So here we are making the best possible guess and acting on it.
if (this.browser.webkit && !this._getDoc().queryCommandEnabled('removeformat')) {
var _txt = this._getSelection()+'';
this.currentElement[0].className = 'yui-non';
this.currentElement[0].innerHTML = _txt;
for (var i = 1; i < this.currentElement.length; i++) {
YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(this.currentElement[0], 'yui-non');
var re= /<\S[^><]*>/g;
var str = this.currentElement[0].innerHTML.replace(re, '');
var _txt = this._getDoc().createTextNode(str);
this.currentElement[0].parentNode.parentNode.replaceChild(_txt, this.currentElement[0].parentNode);
exec = false;
return [exec];
* @method cmd_script
* @param action action passed from the execCommand method
* @param value Value passed from the execCommand method
* @description This is a combined execCommand override method. It is called from the cmd_superscript and cmd_subscript methods.
cmd_script: function(action, value) {
var exec = true, tag = action.toLowerCase().substring(0, 3),
_span = null, _selEl = this._getSelectedElement();
if (this.browser.webkit) {
YAHOO.log('Safari dom fun again (' + action + ')..', 'info', 'EditorSafari');
if (this._isElement(_selEl, tag)) {
YAHOO.log('we are a child of tag (' + tag + '), reverse process', 'info', 'EditorSafari');
_span = this._swapEl(this.currentElement[0], 'span', function(el) {
el.className = 'yui-non';
} else {
var _sub = this._swapEl(this.currentElement[0], tag);
this.currentElement[0] = _sub;
exec = false;
return exec;
* @method cmd_superscript
* @param value Value passed from the execCommand method
* @description This is an execCommand override method. It is called from execCommand when the execCommand('superscript') is used.
cmd_superscript: function(value) {
return [this.cmd_script('superscript', value)];
* @method cmd_subscript
* @param value Value passed from the execCommand method
* @description This is an execCommand override method. It is called from execCommand when the execCommand('subscript') is used.
cmd_subscript: function(value) {
return [this.cmd_script('subscript', value)];
* @method cmd_indent
* @param value Value passed from the execCommand method
* @description This is an execCommand override method. It is called from execCommand when the execCommand('indent') is used.
cmd_indent: function(value) {
var exec = true, selEl = this._getSelectedElement(), _bq = null;
if (this.browser.webkit || this.browser.ie || this.browser.gecko) {
if (this._isElement(selEl, 'blockquote')) {
_bq = this._getDoc().createElement('blockquote');
_bq.innerHTML = selEl.innerHTML;
selEl.innerHTML = '';
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < this.currentElement.length; i++) {
_bq = this._getDoc().createElement('blockquote');
_bq.innerHTML = this.currentElement[i].innerHTML;
this.currentElement[i].parentNode.replaceChild(_bq, this.currentElement[i]);
this.currentElement[i] = _bq;
exec = false;
} else {
value = 'blockquote';
return [exec, 'indent', value];
* @method cmd_outdent
* @param value Value passed from the execCommand method
* @description This is an execCommand override method. It is called from execCommand when the execCommand('outdent') is used.
cmd_outdent: function(value) {
var exec = true, selEl = this._getSelectedElement(), _bq = null, _span = null;
if (this.browser.webkit || this.browser.ie || this.browser.gecko) {
selEl = this._getSelectedElement();
if (this._isElement(selEl, 'blockquote')) {
var par = selEl.parentNode;
if (this._isElement(selEl.parentNode, 'blockquote')) {
par.innerHTML = selEl.innerHTML;
} else {
_span = this._getDoc().createElement('span');
_span.innerHTML = selEl.innerHTML;
YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(_span, 'yui-non');
par.replaceChild(_span, selEl);
} else {
YAHOO.log('Can not outdent, we are not inside a blockquote', 'warn', 'Editor');
exec = false;
} else {
value = 'blockquote';
return [exec, 'indent', value];
/* }}}*/
* @method toString
* @description Returns a string representing the editor.
* @return {String}
toString: function() {
var str = 'Editor';
if (this.get && this.get('element_cont')) {
str = 'Editor (#' + this.get('element_cont').get('id') + ')' + ((this.get('disabled') ? ' Disabled' : ''));
return str;
* @description Class to hold Window information between uses. We use the same panel to show the windows, so using this will allow you to configure a window before it is shown.
* This is what you pass to Editor.openWindow();. These parameters will not take effect until the openWindow() is called in the editor.
* @class EditorWindow
* @param {String} name The name of the window.
* @param {Object} attrs Attributes for the window. Current attributes used are : height and width
YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow = function(name, attrs) {
* @private
* @property name
* @description A unique name for the window
this.name = name.replace(' ', '_');
* @private
* @property attrs
* @description The window attributes
this.attrs = attrs;
YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow.prototype = {
* @private
* @property _cache
* @description Holds a cache of the DOM for the window so we only have to build it once..
_cache: null,
* @private
* @property header
* @description Holder for the header of the window, used in Editor.openWindow
header: null,
* @private
* @property body
* @description Holder for the body of the window, used in Editor.openWindow
body: null,
* @private
* @property footer
* @description Holder for the footer of the window, used in Editor.openWindow
footer: null,
* @method setHeader
* @description Sets the header for the window.
* @param {String/HTMLElement} str The string or DOM reference to be used as the windows header.
setHeader: function(str) {
this.header = str;
* @method setBody
* @description Sets the body for the window.
* @param {String/HTMLElement} str The string or DOM reference to be used as the windows body.
setBody: function(str) {
this.body = str;
* @method setFooter
* @description Sets the footer for the window.
* @param {String/HTMLElement} str The string or DOM reference to be used as the windows footer.
setFooter: function(str) {
this.footer = str;
* @method toString
* @description Returns a string representing the EditorWindow.
* @return {String}
toString: function() {
return 'Editor Window (' + this.name + ')';
* @event beforeOpenWindow
* @param {<a href="YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow.html">EditorWindow</a>} win The EditorWindow object
* @param {Overlay} panel The Overlay object that is used to create the window.
* @description Event fires before an Editor Window is opened. See <a href="YAHOO.util.Element.html#addListener">Element.addListener</a> for more information on listening for this event.
* @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent
* @event afterOpenWindow
* @param {<a href="YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow.html">EditorWindow</a>} win The EditorWindow object
* @param {Overlay} panel The Overlay object that is used to create the window.
* @description Event fires after an Editor Window is opened. See <a href="YAHOO.util.Element.html#addListener">Element.addListener</a> for more information on listening for this event.
* @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent
* @event closeWindow
* @param {<a href="YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow.html">EditorWindow</a>} win The EditorWindow object
* @description Event fires after an Editor Window is closed. See <a href="YAHOO.util.Element.html#addListener">Element.addListener</a> for more information on listening for this event.
* @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent
* @event windowCMDOpen
* @param {<a href="YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow.html">EditorWindow</a>} win The EditorWindow object
* @param {Overlay} panel The Overlay object that is used to create the window.
* @description Dynamic event fired when an <a href="YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow.html">EditorWindow</a> is opened.. The dynamic event is based on the name of the window. Example Window: createlink, opening this window would fire the windowcreatelinkOpen event. See <a href="YAHOO.util.Element.html#addListener">Element.addListener</a> for more information on listening for this event.
* @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent
* @event windowCMDClose
* @param {<a href="YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow.html">EditorWindow</a>} win The EditorWindow object
* @param {Overlay} panel The Overlay object that is used to create the window.
* @description Dynamic event fired when an <a href="YAHOO.widget.EditorWindow.html">EditorWindow</a> is closed.. The dynamic event is based on the name of the window. Example Window: createlink, opening this window would fire the windowcreatelinkClose event. See <a href="YAHOO.util.Element.html#addListener">Element.addListener</a> for more information on listening for this event.
* @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent