YUI recommends YUI 3.
YUI 2 has been deprecated since 2011. This site acts as an archive for files and documentation.
* The selector module provides helper methods allowing CSS3 Selectors to be used with DOM elements.
* @module selector
* @title Selector Utility
* @namespace YAHOO.util
* @requires yahoo, dom
(function() {
* Provides helper methods for collecting and filtering DOM elements.
* @namespace YAHOO.util
* @class Selector
* @static
var Selector = function() {};
var Y = YAHOO.util;
var X = {
IDENT: '-?[_a-z]+[-\\w]*',
BEGIN: '^',
END: '$',
OR: '|',
SP: '\\s+'
var CHARS = {
SIMPLE: '-+\\w_\\[\\]\\.\\|\\*\\\'\\(\\)#:^~=$!"',
X.CAPTURE_IDENT = '(' + X.IDENT + ')';
X.BEGIN_SPACE = '(?:' + X.BEGIN + X.OR + X.SP +')';
X.END_SPACE = '(?:' + X.SP + X.OR + X.END + ')';
X.SELECTOR = '^(' + X.CAPTURE_IDENT + '?([' + CHARS.SIMPLE + ']*)?\\s*([' + CHARS.COMBINATORS + ']?)?\\s*).*$';
X.SIMPLE = '(' + X.CAPTURE_IDENT + '?([' + CHARS.SIMPLE + ']*)*)?';
X.ATTRIBUTES = '\\[([a-z]+\\w*)+([~\\|\\^\\$\\*!=]=?)?"?([^\\]"]*)"?\\]';
X.PSEUDO = ':' + X.CAPTURE_IDENT + '(?:\\({1}' + X.SIMPLE + '\\){1})*';
X.NTH_CHILD = '^(?:(\\d*)(n){1}|(odd|even)$)*([-+]?\\d*)$';
X.URL_ATTR = '^href|url$';
Selector.prototype = {
* Default document for use queries
* @property document
* @type object
* @default window.document
document: window.document,
* Mapping of attributes to aliases, normally to work around HTMLAttributes
* that conflict with JS reserved words.
* @property attrAliases
* @type object
attrAliases: {
'for': 'htmlFor',
'class': 'className'
* Mapping of shorthand tokens to corresponding attribute selector
* @property shorthand
* @type object
shorthand: {
//'(?:(?:[^\\)\\]\\s*>+~,]+)(?:-?[_a-z]+[-\\w]))+#(-?[_a-z]+[-\\w]*)': '[id=$1]',
'\\#(-?[_a-z]+[-\\w]*)': '[id=$1]',
'\\.(-?[_a-z]+[-\\w]*)': '[className~=$1]'
* List of operators and corresponding boolean functions.
* These functions are passed the attribute and the current node's value of the attribute.
* @property operators
* @type object
operators: {
'=': function(attr, val) { return attr === val; }, // Equality
'!=': function(attr, val) { return attr !== val; }, // Inequality
'~=': function(attr, val) { // Match one of space seperated words
var str = X.BEGIN_SPACE + val + X.END_SPACE;
regexCache[str] = regexCache[str] || new RegExp(str); // skip getRegExp call for perf boost
//return getRegExp(X.BEGIN_SPACE + val + X.END_SPACE).test(attr);
return regexCache[str].test(attr);
'|=': function(attr, val) { return getRegExp(X.BEGIN + val + '[-]?').test(attr); }, // Match start with value followed by optional hyphen
'^=': function(attr, val) { return attr.indexOf(val) === 0; }, // Match starts with value
'$=': function(attr, val) { return attr.lastIndexOf(val) === attr.length - val.length; }, // Match ends with value
'*=': function(attr, val) { return attr.indexOf(val) > -1; }, // Match contains value as substring
'': function(attr, val) { return attr; } // Just test for existence of attribute
* List of pseudo-classes and corresponding boolean functions.
* These functions are called with the current node, and any value that was parsed with the pseudo regex.
* @property pseudos
* @type object
pseudos: {
'root': function(node) {
return node === node.ownerDocument.documentElement;
'nth-child': function(node, val) {
return getNth(node, val);
'nth-last-child': function(node, val) {
return getNth(node, val, null, true);
'nth-of-type': function(node, val) {
return getNth(node, val, node.tagName);
'nth-last-of-type': function(node, val) {
return getNth(node, val, node.tagName, true);
'first-child': function(node) {
return getChildren(node.parentNode)[0] === node;
'last-child': function(node) {
var children = getChildren(node.parentNode);
return children[children.length - 1] === node;
'first-of-type': function(node, val) {
return getChildren(node.parentNode, node.tagName.toLowerCase())[0];
'last-of-type': function(node, val) {
var children = getChildren(node.parentNode, node.tagName.toLowerCase());
return children[children.length - 1];
'only-child': function(node) {
var children = getChildren(node.parentNode);
return children.length === 1 && children[0] === node;
'only-of-type': function(node) {
return getChildren(node.parentNode, node.tagName.toLowerCase()).length === 1;
'empty': function(node) {
return node.childNodes.length === 0;
'not': function(node, simple) {
return !Selector.test(node, simple);
'contains': function(node, str) {
return node.innerHTML.indexOf(str) > -1;
'checked': function(node) {
return node.checked === true;
* Test if the supplied node matches the supplied selector.
* @method test
* @param {HTMLElement | String} node An id or node reference to the HTMLElement being tested.
* @param {string} selector The CSS Selector to test the node against.
* @return{boolean} Whether or not the node matches the selector.
* @static
test: function(node, selector) {
node = Selector.document.getElementById(node) || node;
var groups = selector.split(',');
if (groups.length) {
for (var i = 0, len = groups.length; i < len; ++i) {
if ( rTestNode(node, groups[i]) ) { // passes if ANY group matches
return true;
return false;
return rTestNode(node, selector);
* Filters a set of nodes based on a given CSS selector.
* @method filter
* @param {array} A set of nodes/ids to filter.
* @param {string} selector The selector used to test each node.
* @return{array} An array of nodes from the supplied array that match the given selector.
* @static
filter: function(arr, selector) {
if (!arr || !selector) {
YAHOO.log('filter: invalid input, returning array as is', 'warn', 'Selector');
var node,
nodes = arr,
result = [],
tokens = tokenize(selector);
if (!nodes.item) { // if not HTMLCollection, handle arrays of ids and/or nodes
YAHOO.log('filter: scanning input for HTMLElements/IDs', 'info', 'Selector');
for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (!arr[i].tagName) { // tagName limits to HTMLElements
node = Selector.document.getElementByid(arr[i]);
if (node) { // skip IDs that return null
nodes[nodes.length] = node;
} else {
YAHOO.log('filter: skipping invalid node', 'warn', 'Selector');
result = rFilter(nodes, tokenize(selector)[0]);
YAHOO.log('filter: returning:' + result.length, 'info', 'Selector');
return result;
* Retrieves a set of nodes based on a given CSS selector.
* @method query
* @param {string} selector The CSS Selector to test the node against.
* @param {HTMLElement | String} root optional An id or HTMLElement to start the query from. Defaults to Selector.document.
* @param {Boolean} firstOnly optional Whether or not to return only the first match.
* @return {Array} An array of nodes that match the given selector.
* @static
query: function(selector, root, firstOnly) {
var result = query(selector, root, firstOnly);
YAHOO.log('query: returning ' + result.length + ' nodes', 'info', 'Selector');
return result;
var query = function(selector, root, firstOnly, deDupe) {
if (!selector) {
return []; // no nodes for you
var result = [];
var groups = selector.split(',');
if (groups.length > 1) {
for (var i = 0, len = groups.length; i < len; ++i) {
result = result.concat( arguments.callee(groups[i], root, firstOnly, true) );
return result;
if (root && !root.tagName) {
root = Selector.document.getElementById(root);
if (!root) {
YAHOO.log('invalid root node provided', 'warn', 'Selector');
return [];
root = root || Selector.document;
var tokens = tokenize(selector);
var idToken = tokens[getIdTokenIndex(tokens)],
nodes = [],
token = tokens.pop();
if (idToken) {
id = getId(idToken.attributes);
// if no root alternate root is specified use id shortcut
if (id) {
if (id === token.id) { // only one target
nodes = [Selector.document.getElementById(id)] || root;
} else { // reset root to id node if passes
node = Selector.document.getElementById(id);
if (root === Selector.document || contains(node, root)) {
if ( node && rTestNode(node, null, idToken) ) {
root = node; // start from here
} else {
return [];
if (root && !nodes.length) {
nodes = root.getElementsByTagName(token.tag);
if (nodes.length) {
result = rFilter(nodes, token, firstOnly, deDupe);
return result;
var contains = function() {
if (document.documentElement.contains && !YAHOO.env.ua.webkit < 420) { // IE & Opera, Safari < 3 contains is broken
return function(needle, haystack) {
return haystack.contains(needle);
} else if ( document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ) { // gecko
return function(needle, haystack) {
return !!(haystack.compareDocumentPosition(needle) & 16);
} else { // Safari < 3
return function(needle, haystack) {
var parent = needle.parentNode;
while (parent) {
if (needle === parent) {
return true;
parent = parent.parentNode;
return false;
var rFilter = function(nodes, token, firstOnly, deDupe) {
var result = [],
for (var i = 0, len = nodes.length; i < len; ++i) {
node = nodes[i];
if ( !rTestNode(node, null, token) || (deDupe && node._found) ) {
if (firstOnly) {
return [node];
if (deDupe) {
node._found = true;
foundCache[foundCache.length] = node;
result[result.length] = node;
return result;
var rTestNode = function(node, selector, token) {
token = token || tokenize(selector).pop();
if (!node || node._found || (token.tag != '*' && node.tagName.toLowerCase() != token.tag)) {
return false; // tag match failed
var ops = Selector.operators,
ps = Selector.pseudos,
attributes = token.attributes,
pseudos = token.pseudos,
prev = token.previous;
for (var i = 0, len = attributes.length; i < len; ++i) {
attr = (getRegExp(X.URL_ATTR).test(attributes[i][0])) ?
node.getAttribute(attributes[i][0], 2) : // preserve relative urls
if (ops[attributes[i][1]] && !ops[attributes[i][1]](attr, attributes[i][2])) {
return false;
for (var i = 0, len = pseudos.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (ps[pseudos[i][0]] &&
!ps[pseudos[i][0]](node, pseudos[i][1])) {
return false;
if (prev) {
if (prev.combinator !== ',') {
return combinators[prev.combinator](node, token);
return true;
var foundCache = [];
var parentCache = [];
var regexCache = {};
var clearFoundCache = function() {
YAHOO.log('getBySelector: clearing found cache of ' + foundCache.length + ' elements');
for (var i = 0, len = foundCache.length; i < len; ++i) {
try { // IE no like delete
delete foundCache[i]._found;
} catch(e) {
foundCache = [];
YAHOO.log('getBySelector: done clearing foundCache');
var clearParentCache = function() {
if (!document.documentElement.children) { // caching children lookups for gecko
return function() {
for (var i = 0, len = parentCache.length; i < len; ++i) {
delete parentCache[i]._children;
parentCache = [];
} else return function() {}; // do nothing
var getRegExp = function(str, flags) {
flags = flags || '';
if (!regexCache[str + flags]) {
regexCache[str + flags] = new RegExp(str, flags);
return regexCache[str + flags];
var trim = function(str) {
return str.replace(getRegExp(X.BEGIN + X.SP + X.OR + X.SP + X.END, 'g'), "");
var combinators = {
' ': function(node, token) {
node = node.parentNode;
while (node && node.tagName) {
if (rTestNode(node, null, token.previous)) {
return true;
node = node.parentNode;
return false;
'>': function(node, token) {
return rTestNode(node.parentNode, null, token.previous);
'+': function(node, token) {
var sib = node.previousSibling;
while (sib && sib.nodeType !== 1) {
sib = sib.previousSibling;
if (sib && rTestNode(sib, null, token.previous)) {
return true;
return false;
'~': function(node, token) {
var sib = node.previousSibling;
while (sib) {
if (sib.nodeType === 1 && rTestNode(sib, null, token.previous)) {
return true;
sib = sib.previousSibling;
return false;
var getChildren = function() {
if (document.documentElement.children) { // document for capability test
return function(node, tag) {
return tag ? node.children.tags(tag) : node.children;
} else {
return function(node, tag) {
if (node._children) {
return node._children;
var children = [],
childNodes = node.childNodes;
for (var i = 0, len = childNodes.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (childNodes[i].tagName) {
if (!tag || childNodes[i].tagName.toLowerCase() === tag) {
children[children.length] = childNodes[i];
node._children = children;
parentCache[parentCache.length] = node;
return children;
an+b = get every _a_th node starting at the _b_th
0n+b = no repeat ("0" and "n" may both be omitted (together) , e.g. "0n+1" or "1", not "0+1"), return only the _b_th element
1n+b = get every element starting from b ("1" may may be omitted, e.g. "1n+0" or "n+0" or "n")
an+0 = get every _a_th element, "0" may be omitted
var getNth = function(node, expr, tag, reverse) {
if (tag) tag = tag.toLowerCase();
var re = regexCache[X.NTH_CHILD] = regexCache[X.NTH_CHILD] || new RegExp(X.NTH_CHILD);
var a = parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10), // include every _a_ elements (zero means no repeat, just first _a_)
n = RegExp.$2, // "n"
oddeven = RegExp.$3, // "odd" or "even"
b = parseInt(RegExp.$4, 10) || 0, // start scan from element _b_
result = [];
if ( isNaN(a) ) {
a = (n) ? 1 : 0;
if (oddeven) {
a = 2; // always every other
op = '+';
n = 'n';
b = (oddeven === 'odd') ? 1 : 0;
var siblings = getChildren(node.parentNode, tag);
if (!siblings) {
return false;
if (a === 0) { // just the first
if (siblings[b - 1] === node) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
if (!reverse) {
for (var i = b - 1, len = siblings.length; i < len; i += a) {
if ( i >= 0 && siblings[i] === node ) {
return true;
} else {
for (var i = siblings.length - b, len = siblings.length; i >= 0; i -= a) {
if ( i < len && siblings[i] === node ) {
return true;
return false;
var getId = function(attr) {
for (var i = 0, len = attr.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (attr[i][0] == 'id' && attr[i][1] === '=') {
return attr[i][2];
var getIdTokenIndex = function(tokens) {
for (var i = 0, len = tokens.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (getId(tokens[i].attributes)) {
return i;
return -1;
var tokenize = function(selector) {
if (!selector) return [];
var token,
tokens = [],
aliases = Selector.attrAliases,
reAttr = getRegExp(X.ATTRIBUTES, 'g'),
rePseudo = getRegExp(X.PSEUDO, 'g');
selector = replaceShorthand(selector);
// break selector into simple selector units
while ( selector.length && getRegExp(X.SELECTOR).test(selector) ) {
token = {
previous: token,
simple: RegExp.$1,
tag: RegExp.$2.toLowerCase() || '*',
predicate: RegExp.$3,
attributes: [],
pseudos: [],
combinator: RegExp.$4
// Parse pseudos first, then strip from predicate to
// avoid false positive from :not.
while (m = rePseudo.exec(token.predicate)) {
token.predicate = token.predicate.replace(m[0], '');
token.pseudos[token.pseudos.length] = m.slice(1);
while (m = reAttr.exec(token.predicate)) { // parse attributes
if (aliases[m[1]]) { // convert reserved words, etc
m[1] = aliases[m[1]];
attr = m.slice(1); // capture attribute tokens
if (attr[1] === undefined) {
attr[1] = ''; // test for existence if no operator
token.attributes[token.attributes.length] = attr;
token.id = getId(token.attributes);
if (token.previous) {
token.previous.combinator = token.previous.combinator || ' ';
tokens[tokens.length] = token;
selector = trim(selector.substr(token.simple.length));
return tokens;
var replaceShorthand = function(selector) {
var shorthand = Selector.shorthand;
var attrs = selector.match(getRegExp(X.CAPTURE_ATTRIBUTES, 'g')); // pull attributes to avoid false pos on "." and "#"
if (attrs) {
selector = selector.replace(getRegExp(X.CAPTURE_ATTRIBUTES, 'g'), 'REPLACED_ATTRIBUTE');
for (var re in shorthand) {
selector = selector.replace(getRegExp(re, 'g'), shorthand[re]);
if (attrs)
for (var i = 0, len = attrs.length; i < len; ++i) {
selector = selector.replace('REPLACED_ATTRIBUTE', attrs[i]);
return selector;
Selector = new Selector();
Selector.CHARS = CHARS;
Selector.TOKENS = X;
Y.Selector = Selector;