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Yahoo! UI Library

Container  2.4.0

Yahoo! UI Library > container > Panel.js (source view)

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(function () {

    * Panel is an implementation of Overlay that behaves like an OS window, 
    * with a draggable header and an optional close icon at the top right.
    * @namespace YAHOO.widget
    * @class Panel
    * @extends YAHOO.widget.Overlay
    * @constructor
    * @param {String} el The element ID representing the Panel <em>OR</em>
    * @param {HTMLElement} el The element representing the Panel
    * @param {Object} userConfig The configuration object literal containing 
    * the configuration that should be set for this Panel. See configuration 
    * documentation for more details.
    YAHOO.widget.Panel = function (el, userConfig) {
        YAHOO.widget.Panel.superclass.constructor.call(this, el, userConfig);

    var Lang = YAHOO.lang,
        DD = YAHOO.util.DD,
        Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
        Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
        Overlay = YAHOO.widget.Overlay,
        CustomEvent = YAHOO.util.CustomEvent,
        Config = YAHOO.util.Config,
        Panel = YAHOO.widget.Panel,


        * Constant representing the name of the Panel's events
        * @property EVENT_TYPES
        * @private
        * @final
        * @type Object
        EVENT_TYPES = {
            "SHOW_MASK": "showMask",
            "HIDE_MASK": "hideMask",
            "DRAG": "drag"

        * Constant representing the Panel's configuration properties
        * @property DEFAULT_CONFIG
        * @private
        * @final
        * @type Object
        DEFAULT_CONFIG = {

            "CLOSE": { 
                key: "close", 
                value: true, 
                validator: Lang.isBoolean, 
                supercedes: ["visible"] 

            "DRAGGABLE": { 
                key: "draggable", 
                value: (DD ? true : false), 
                validator: Lang.isBoolean, 
                supercedes: ["visible"]  

            "DRAG_ONLY" : {
                key: "dragonly",
                value: false,
                validator: Lang.isBoolean,
                supercedes: ["draggable"]

            "UNDERLAY": { 
                key: "underlay", 
                value: "shadow", 
                supercedes: ["visible"] 

            "MODAL": { 
                key: "modal", 
                value: false, 
                validator: Lang.isBoolean, 
                supercedes: ["visible", "zindex"]

            "KEY_LISTENERS": {
                key: "keylisteners",
                suppressEvent: true,
                supercedes: ["visible"]

    * Constant representing the default CSS class used for a Panel
    * @property YAHOO.widget.Panel.CSS_PANEL
    * @static
    * @final
    * @type String
    Panel.CSS_PANEL = "yui-panel";
    * Constant representing the default CSS class used for a Panel's 
    * wrapping container
    * @property YAHOO.widget.Panel.CSS_PANEL_CONTAINER
    * @static
    * @final
    * @type String
    Panel.CSS_PANEL_CONTAINER = "yui-panel-container";

    // Private CustomEvent listeners

        "beforeRender" event handler that creates an empty header for a Panel 
        instance if its "draggable" configuration property is set to "true" 
        and no header has been created.

    function createHeader(p_sType, p_aArgs) {
        if (!this.header && this.cfg.getProperty("draggable")) {

        "hide" event handler that sets a Panel instance's "width"
        configuration property back to its original value before 
        "setWidthToOffsetWidth" was called.
    function restoreOriginalWidth(p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oObject) {

        var sOriginalWidth = p_oObject[0],
            sNewWidth = p_oObject[1],
            oConfig = this.cfg,
            sCurrentWidth = oConfig.getProperty("width");

        if (sCurrentWidth == sNewWidth) {
            oConfig.setProperty("width", sOriginalWidth);

        this.unsubscribe("hide", restoreOriginalWidth, p_oObject);

        "beforeShow" event handler that sets a Panel instance's "width"
        configuration property to the value of its root HTML 
        elements's offsetWidth

    function setWidthToOffsetWidth(p_sType, p_aArgs) {

        var nIE = YAHOO.env.ua.ie,

        if (nIE == 6 || (nIE == 7 && document.compatMode == "BackCompat")) {

            oConfig = this.cfg;
            sOriginalWidth = oConfig.getProperty("width");
            if (!sOriginalWidth || sOriginalWidth == "auto") {
                sNewWidth = (this.element.offsetWidth + "px");
                oConfig.setProperty("width", sNewWidth);
                this.subscribe("hide", restoreOriginalWidth, 
                    [(sOriginalWidth || ""), sNewWidth]);

        "focus" event handler for a focuable element.  Used to automatically 
        blur the element when it receives focus to ensure that a Panel 
        instance's modality is not compromised.

    function onElementFocus() {

        "showMask" event handler that adds a "focus" event handler to all
        focusable elements in the document to enforce a Panel instance's 
        modality from being compromised.

    function addFocusEventHandlers(p_sType, p_aArgs) {

        var me = this;

        function isFocusable(el) {

            var sTagName = el.tagName.toUpperCase(),
                bFocusable = false;
            switch (sTagName) {
            case "A":
            case "BUTTON":
            case "SELECT":
            case "TEXTAREA":

                if (!Dom.isAncestor(me.element, el)) {
                    Event.on(el, "focus", onElementFocus, el, true);
                    bFocusable = true;


            case "INPUT":

                if (el.type != "hidden" && 
                    !Dom.isAncestor(me.element, el)) {

                    Event.on(el, "focus", onElementFocus, el, true);
                    bFocusable = true;



            return bFocusable;


        this.focusableElements = Dom.getElementsBy(isFocusable);

        "hideMask" event handler that removes all "focus" event handlers added 
        by the "addFocusEventHandlers" method.
    function removeFocusEventHandlers(p_sType, p_aArgs) {

        var aElements = this.focusableElements,
            nElements = aElements.length,

        for (i = 0; i < nElements; i++) {
            el2 = aElements[i];
            Event.removeListener(el2, "focus", onElementFocus);


    YAHOO.extend(Panel, Overlay, {

        * The Overlay initialization method, which is executed for Overlay and 
        * all of its subclasses. This method is automatically called by the 
        * constructor, and  sets up all DOM references for pre-existing markup, 
        * and creates required markup if it is not already present.
        * @method init
        * @param {String} el The element ID representing the Overlay <em>OR</em>
        * @param {HTMLElement} el The element representing the Overlay
        * @param {Object} userConfig The configuration object literal 
        * containing the configuration that should be set for this Overlay. 
        * See configuration documentation for more details.
        init: function (el, userConfig) {
                 Note that we don't pass the user config in here yet because 
                 we only want it executed once, at the lowest subclass level

            Panel.superclass.init.call(this, el/*, userConfig*/);  


            Dom.addClass(this.element, Panel.CSS_PANEL);


            if (userConfig) {
                this.cfg.applyConfig(userConfig, true);

            this.subscribe("showMask", addFocusEventHandlers);
            this.subscribe("hideMask", removeFocusEventHandlers);
            this.subscribe("beforeRender", createHeader);

        * Initializes the custom events for Module which are fired 
        * automatically at appropriate times by the Module class.
        initEvents: function () {
            var SIGNATURE = CustomEvent.LIST;
            * CustomEvent fired after the modality mask is shown
            * @event showMaskEvent
            this.showMaskEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.SHOW_MASK);
            this.showMaskEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
            * CustomEvent fired after the modality mask is hidden
            * @event hideMaskEvent
            this.hideMaskEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.HIDE_MASK);
            this.hideMaskEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
            * CustomEvent when the Panel is dragged
            * @event dragEvent
            this.dragEvent = this.createEvent(EVENT_TYPES.DRAG);
            this.dragEvent.signature = SIGNATURE;
        * Initializes the class's configurable properties which can be changed 
        * using the Panel's Config object (cfg).
        * @method initDefaultConfig
        initDefaultConfig: function () {
            // Add panel config properties //
            * True if the Panel should display a "close" button
            * @config close
            * @type Boolean
            * @default true
            this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.CLOSE.key, { 
                handler: this.configClose, 
                value: DEFAULT_CONFIG.CLOSE.value, 
                validator: DEFAULT_CONFIG.CLOSE.validator, 
                supercedes: DEFAULT_CONFIG.CLOSE.supercedes 
            * Boolean specifying if the Panel should be draggable.  The default 
            * value is "true" if the Drag and Drop utility is included, 
            * otherwise it is "false." <strong>PLEASE NOTE:</strong> There is a 
            * known issue in IE 6 (Strict Mode and Quirks Mode) and IE 7 
            * (Quirks Mode) where Panels that either don't have a value set for 
            * their "width" configuration property, or their "width" 
            * configuration property is set to "auto" will only be draggable by
            * placing the mouse on the text of the Panel's header element.
            * To fix this bug, draggable Panels missing a value for their 
            * "width" configuration property, or whose "width" configuration 
            * property is set to "auto" will have it set to the value of 
            * their root HTML element's offsetWidth before they are made 
            * visible.  The calculated width is then removed when the Panel is   
            * hidden. <em>This fix is only applied to draggable Panels in IE 6 
            * (Strict Mode and Quirks Mode) and IE 7 (Quirks Mode)</em>. For 
            * more information on this issue see:
            * SourceForge bugs #1726972 and #1589210.
            * @config draggable
            * @type Boolean
            * @default true
            this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.DRAGGABLE.key, { 
                handler: this.configDraggable, 
                value: DEFAULT_CONFIG.DRAGGABLE.value, 
                validator: DEFAULT_CONFIG.DRAGGABLE.validator, 
                supercedes: DEFAULT_CONFIG.DRAGGABLE.supercedes 

            * Boolean specifying if the draggable Panel should be drag only, not interacting with drop 
            * targets on the page.
            * <p>
            * When set to true, draggable Panels will not check to see if they are over drop targets,
            * or fire the DragDrop events required to support drop target interaction (onDragEnter, 
            * onDragOver, onDragOut, onDragDrop etc.).
            * If the Panel is not designed to be dropped on any target elements on the page, then this 
            * flag can be set to true to improve performance.
            * </p>
            * <p>
            * When set to false, all drop target related events will be fired.
            * </p>
            * <p>
            * The property is set to false by default to maintain backwards compatibility but should be 
            * set to true if drop target interaction is not required for the Panel, to improve performance.</p>
            * @config dragOnly
            * @type Boolean
            * @default false
            this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.DRAG_ONLY.key, { 
                value: DEFAULT_CONFIG.DRAG_ONLY.value, 
                validator: DEFAULT_CONFIG.DRAG_ONLY.validator, 
                supercedes: DEFAULT_CONFIG.DRAG_ONLY.supercedes 

            * Sets the type of underlay to display for the Panel. Valid values 
            * are "shadow," "matte," and "none".  <strong>PLEASE NOTE:</strong> 
            * The creation of the underlay element is deferred until the Panel 
            * is initially made visible.  For Gecko-based browsers on Mac
            * OS X the underlay elment is always created as it is used as a 
            * shim to prevent Aqua scrollbars below a Panel instance from poking 
            * through it (See SourceForge bug #836476).
            * @config underlay
            * @type String
            * @default shadow
            this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.UNDERLAY.key, { 
                handler: this.configUnderlay, 
                value: DEFAULT_CONFIG.UNDERLAY.value, 
                supercedes: DEFAULT_CONFIG.UNDERLAY.supercedes 
            * True if the Panel should be displayed in a modal fashion, 
            * automatically creating a transparent mask over the document that
            * will not be removed until the Panel is dismissed.
            * @config modal
            * @type Boolean
            * @default false
            this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.MODAL.key, { 
                handler: this.configModal, 
                value: DEFAULT_CONFIG.MODAL.value,
                validator: DEFAULT_CONFIG.MODAL.validator, 
                supercedes: DEFAULT_CONFIG.MODAL.supercedes 
            * A KeyListener (or array of KeyListeners) that will be enabled 
            * when the Panel is shown, and disabled when the Panel is hidden.
            * @config keylisteners
            * @type YAHOO.util.KeyListener[]
            * @default null
            this.cfg.addProperty(DEFAULT_CONFIG.KEY_LISTENERS.key, { 
                handler: this.configKeyListeners, 
                suppressEvent: DEFAULT_CONFIG.KEY_LISTENERS.suppressEvent, 
                supercedes: DEFAULT_CONFIG.KEY_LISTENERS.supercedes 
        * The default event handler fired when the "close" property is changed.
        * The method controls the appending or hiding of the close icon at the 
        * top right of the Panel.
        * @method configClose
        * @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
        * @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration 
        * handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
        * @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers, 
        * this will usually equal the owner.
        configClose: function (type, args, obj) {

            var val = args[0],
                oClose = this.close;
            function doHide(e, obj) {
            if (val) {
                if (!oClose) {
                    if (!m_oCloseIconTemplate) {
                        m_oCloseIconTemplate = document.createElement("span");
                        m_oCloseIconTemplate.innerHTML = "&#160;";
                        m_oCloseIconTemplate.className = "container-close";

                    oClose = m_oCloseIconTemplate.cloneNode(true);
                    Event.on(oClose, "click", doHide, this);
                    this.close = oClose;

                } else {
                    oClose.style.display = "block";

            } else {
                if (oClose) {
                    oClose.style.display = "none";


        * The default event handler fired when the "draggable" property 
        * is changed.
        * @method configDraggable
        * @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
        * @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration 
        * handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
        * @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers, 
        * this will usually equal the owner.
        configDraggable: function (type, args, obj) {
            var val = args[0];

            if (val) {
                if (!DD) {
                    YAHOO.log("DD dependency not met.", "error");
                    this.cfg.setProperty("draggable", false);

                if (this.header) {
                    Dom.setStyle(this.header, "cursor", "move");

                this.subscribe("beforeShow", setWidthToOffsetWidth);

            } else {

                if (this.dd) {

                if (this.header) {

                this.unsubscribe("beforeShow", setWidthToOffsetWidth);
        * The default event handler fired when the "underlay" property 
        * is changed.
        * @method configUnderlay
        * @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
        * @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration 
        * handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
        * @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers, 
        * this will usually equal the owner.
        configUnderlay: function (type, args, obj) {
            var UA = YAHOO.env.ua,
                bMacGecko = (this.platform == "mac" && UA.gecko),
                sUnderlay = args[0].toLowerCase(),
                oUnderlay = this.underlay,
                oElement = this.element;
            function fixWebkitUnderlay() {
                // Webkit 419.3 (Safari 2.x) does not update
                // it's Render Tree for the Container when content changes. 
                // We need to force it to update using this contentChange 
                // listener

                // Webkit 523.6 doesn't have this problem and doesn't 
                // need the fix
                var u = this.underlay;
                Dom.addClass(u, "yui-force-redraw");
                window.setTimeout(function(){Dom.removeClass(u, "yui-force-redraw");}, 0);

            function createUnderlay() {

                var nIE;

                if (!oUnderlay) { // create if not already in DOM

                    if (!m_oUnderlayTemplate) {
                        m_oUnderlayTemplate = document.createElement("div");
                        m_oUnderlayTemplate.className = "underlay";

                    oUnderlay = m_oUnderlayTemplate.cloneNode(false);

                    this.underlay = oUnderlay;

                    nIE = UA.ie;

                    if (nIE == 6 || (nIE == 7 && document.compatMode == "BackCompat")) {


                        this.cfg.subscribeToConfigEvent("width", this.sizeUnderlay);

                        YAHOO.widget.Module.textResizeEvent.subscribe(this.sizeUnderlay, this, true);

                    if (UA.webkit && UA.webkit < 420) {


            function onBeforeShow() {
                this._underlayDeferred = false;

            function destroyUnderlay() {
                if (this._underlayDeferred) {
                    this._underlayDeferred = false;

                if (oUnderlay) {
                    this.cfg.unsubscribeFromConfigEvent("width", this.sizeUnderlay);
                    YAHOO.widget.Module.textResizeEvent.unsubscribe(this.sizeUnderlay, this, true);


                    this.underlay = null;

            switch (sUnderlay) {
                case "shadow":
                    Dom.removeClass(oElement, "matte");
                    Dom.addClass(oElement, "shadow");
                case "matte":
                    if (!bMacGecko) {
                    Dom.removeClass(oElement, "shadow");
                    Dom.addClass(oElement, "matte");
                    if (!bMacGecko) {
                    Dom.removeClass(oElement, "shadow");
                    Dom.removeClass(oElement, "matte");

            if ((sUnderlay == "shadow") || (bMacGecko && !oUnderlay)) {
                if (this.cfg.getProperty("visible")) {
                else {
                    if (!this._underlayDeferred) {
                        this._underlayDeferred = true;
        * The default event handler fired when the "modal" property is 
        * changed. This handler subscribes or unsubscribes to the show and hide
        * events to handle the display or hide of the modality mask.
        * @method configModal
        * @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
        * @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration 
        * handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
        * @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers, 
        * this will usually equal the owner.
        configModal: function (type, args, obj) {

            var modal = args[0];
            if (modal) {
                if (!this._hasModalityEventListeners) {

                    this.subscribe("beforeShow", this.buildMask);
                    this.subscribe("beforeShow", this.bringToTop);
                    this.subscribe("beforeShow", this.showMask);
                    this.subscribe("hide", this.hideMask);

                        this, true);

                    this._hasModalityEventListeners = true;
            } else {
                if (this._hasModalityEventListeners) {

                    if (this.cfg.getProperty("visible")) {

                    this.unsubscribe("beforeShow", this.buildMask);
                    this.unsubscribe("beforeShow", this.bringToTop);
                    this.unsubscribe("beforeShow", this.showMask);
                    this.unsubscribe("hide", this.hideMask);

                    Overlay.windowResizeEvent.unsubscribe(this.sizeMask, this);
                    this._hasModalityEventListeners = false;
        * Removes the modality mask.
        * @method removeMask
        removeMask: function () {
            var oMask = this.mask,
            if (oMask) {
                    Hide the mask before destroying it to ensure that DOM
                    event handlers on focusable elements get removed.
                oParentNode = oMask.parentNode;
                if (oParentNode) {

                this.mask = null;
        * The default event handler fired when the "keylisteners" property 
        * is changed.
        * @method configKeyListeners
        * @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
        * @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration
        * handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
        * @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers, 
        * this will usually equal the owner.
        configKeyListeners: function (type, args, obj) {

            var listeners = args[0],
            if (listeners) {

                if (listeners instanceof Array) {

                    nListeners = listeners.length;

                    for (i = 0; i < nListeners; i++) {

                        listener = listeners[i];
                        if (!Config.alreadySubscribed(this.showEvent, 
                            listener.enable, listener)) {

                                listener, true);


                        if (!Config.alreadySubscribed(this.hideEvent, 
                            listener.disable, listener)) {

                                listener, true);

                                listener, true);


                } else {

                    if (!Config.alreadySubscribed(this.showEvent, 
                        listeners.enable, listeners)) {

                            listeners, true);

                    if (!Config.alreadySubscribed(this.hideEvent, 
                        listeners.disable, listeners)) {

                            listeners, true);

                            listeners, true);




        * The default event handler fired when the "height" property is changed.
        * @method configHeight
        * @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
        * @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration 
        * handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
        * @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers, 
        * this will usually equal the owner.
        configHeight: function (type, args, obj) {
            var height = args[0],
                el = this.innerElement;
            Dom.setStyle(el, "height", height);
        * The default event handler fired when the "width" property is changed.
        * @method configWidth
        * @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
        * @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration 
        * handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
        * @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers, 
        * this will usually equal the owner.
        configWidth: function (type, args, obj) {
            var width = args[0],
                el = this.innerElement;
            Dom.setStyle(el, "width", width);
        * The default event handler fired when the "zIndex" property is changed.
        * @method configzIndex
        * @param {String} type The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
        * @param {Object[]} args The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration 
        * handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
        * @param {Object} obj The scope object. For configuration handlers, 
        * this will usually equal the owner.
        configzIndex: function (type, args, obj) {
            Panel.superclass.configzIndex.call(this, type, args, obj);

            if (this.mask || this.cfg.getProperty("modal") === true) {
                var panelZ = Dom.getStyle(this.element, "zIndex");
                if (!panelZ || isNaN(panelZ)) {
                    panelZ = 0;

                if (panelZ === 0) {
                    // Recursive call to configzindex (which should be stopped
                    // from going further because panelZ should no longer === 0)
                    this.cfg.setProperty("zIndex", 1);
                } else {

        * Builds the wrapping container around the Panel that is used for 
        * positioning the shadow and matte underlays. The container element is 
        * assigned to a  local instance variable called container, and the 
        * element is reinserted inside of it.
        * @method buildWrapper
        buildWrapper: function () {

            var elementParent = this.element.parentNode,
                originalElement = this.element,
                wrapper = document.createElement("div");

            wrapper.className = Panel.CSS_PANEL_CONTAINER;
            wrapper.id = originalElement.id + "_c";

            if (elementParent) {
                elementParent.insertBefore(wrapper, originalElement);


            this.element = wrapper;
            this.innerElement = originalElement;

            Dom.setStyle(this.innerElement, "visibility", "inherit");

        * Adjusts the size of the shadow based on the size of the element.
        * @method sizeUnderlay
        sizeUnderlay: function () {

            var oUnderlay = this.underlay,

            if (oUnderlay) {

                oElement = this.element;

                oUnderlay.style.width = oElement.offsetWidth + "px";
                oUnderlay.style.height = oElement.offsetHeight + "px";



        * Registers the Panel's header for drag & drop capability.
        * @method registerDragDrop
        registerDragDrop: function () {

            var me = this;

            if (this.header) {

                if (!DD) {
                    YAHOO.log("DD dependency not met.", "error");

                var bDragOnly = (this.cfg.getProperty("dragonly") === true);
                this.dd = new DD(this.element.id, this.id, {dragOnly: bDragOnly});

                if (!this.header.id) {
                    this.header.id = this.id + "_h";

                this.dd.startDrag = function () {

                    var offsetHeight,

                    if (YAHOO.env.ua.ie == 6) {

                    if (me.cfg.getProperty("constraintoviewport")) {

                        var nViewportOffset = Overlay.VIEWPORT_OFFSET;

                        offsetHeight = me.element.offsetHeight;
                        offsetWidth = me.element.offsetWidth;

                        viewPortWidth = Dom.getViewportWidth();
                        viewPortHeight = Dom.getViewportHeight();

                        scrollX = Dom.getDocumentScrollLeft();
                        scrollY = Dom.getDocumentScrollTop();

                        if (offsetHeight + nViewportOffset < viewPortHeight) {
                            this.minY = scrollY + nViewportOffset;
                            this.maxY = scrollY + viewPortHeight - offsetHeight - nViewportOffset;
                        } else {
                            this.minY = scrollY + nViewportOffset;
                            this.maxY = scrollY + nViewportOffset;

                        if (offsetWidth + nViewportOffset < viewPortWidth) {
                            this.minX = scrollX + nViewportOffset;
                            this.maxX = scrollX + viewPortWidth - offsetWidth - nViewportOffset;
                        } else {
                            this.minX = scrollX + nViewportOffset;
                            this.maxX = scrollX + nViewportOffset;

                        this.constrainX = true;
                        this.constrainY = true;
                    } else {
                        this.constrainX = false;
                        this.constrainY = false;

                    me.dragEvent.fire("startDrag", arguments);

                this.dd.onDrag = function () {
                    if (this.platform == "mac" && YAHOO.env.ua.gecko) {

                    me.dragEvent.fire("onDrag", arguments);

                this.dd.endDrag = function () {

                    if (YAHOO.env.ua.ie == 6) {

                    me.dragEvent.fire("endDrag", arguments);


        * Builds the mask that is laid over the document when the Panel is 
        * configured to be modal.
        * @method buildMask
        buildMask: function () {
            var oMask = this.mask;
            if (!oMask) {
                if (!m_oMaskTemplate) {
                    m_oMaskTemplate = document.createElement("div");
                    m_oMaskTemplate.className = "mask";
                    m_oMaskTemplate.innerHTML = "&#160;";
                oMask = m_oMaskTemplate.cloneNode(true);
                oMask.id = this.id + "_mask";

                document.body.insertBefore(oMask, document.body.firstChild);

                this.mask = oMask;

                // Stack mask based on the element zindex

        * Hides the modality mask.
        * @method hideMask
        hideMask: function () {
            if (this.cfg.getProperty("modal") && this.mask) {
                this.mask.style.display = "none";
                Dom.removeClass(document.body, "masked");

        * Shows the modality mask.
        * @method showMask
        showMask: function () {
            if (this.cfg.getProperty("modal") && this.mask) {
                Dom.addClass(document.body, "masked");
                this.mask.style.display = "block";

        * Sets the size of the modality mask to cover the entire scrollable 
        * area of the document
        * @method sizeMask
        sizeMask: function () {
            if (this.mask) {
                this.mask.style.height = Dom.getDocumentHeight() + "px";
                this.mask.style.width = Dom.getDocumentWidth() + "px";

         * Sets the zindex of the mask, if it exists, based on the zindex of 
         * the Panel element. The zindex of the mask is set to be one less 
         * than the Panel element's zindex.
         * <p>NOTE: This method will not bump up the zindex of the Panel
         * to ensure that the mask has a non-negative zindex. If you require the
         * mask zindex to be 0 or higher, the zindex of the Panel 
         * should be set to a value higher than 0, before this method is called.
         * </p>
         * @method stackMask
        stackMask: function() {
            if (this.mask) {
                var panelZ = Dom.getStyle(this.element, "zIndex");
                if (!YAHOO.lang.isUndefined(panelZ) && !isNaN(panelZ)) {
                    Dom.setStyle(this.mask, "zIndex", panelZ - 1);

        * Renders the Panel by inserting the elements that are not already in 
        * the main Panel into their correct places. Optionally appends the 
        * Panel to the specified node prior to the render's execution. NOTE: 
        * For Panels without existing markup, the appendToNode argument is 
        * REQUIRED. If this argument is ommitted and the current element is 
        * not present in the document, the function will return false, 
        * indicating that the render was a failure.
        * @method render
        * @param {String} appendToNode The element id to which the Module 
        * should be appended to prior to rendering <em>OR</em>
        * @param {HTMLElement} appendToNode The element to which the Module 
        * should be appended to prior to rendering
        * @return {boolean} Success or failure of the render
        render: function (appendToNode) {

            return Panel.superclass.render.call(this, 
                appendToNode, this.innerElement);

        * Removes the Panel element from the DOM and sets all child elements
        * to null.
        * @method destroy
        destroy: function () {
            Overlay.windowResizeEvent.unsubscribe(this.sizeMask, this);
            if (this.close) {
        * Returns a String representation of the object.
        * @method toString
        * @return {String} The string representation of the Panel.
        toString: function () {
            return "Panel " + this.id;


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