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Yahoo! UI Library

Container  2.3.1

Yahoo! UI Library > container > YAHOO.widget.Tooltip

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Class YAHOO.widget.Tooltip - extends YAHOO.widget.Overlay

Tooltip is an implementation of Overlay that behaves like an OS tooltip, displaying when the user mouses over a particular element, and disappearing on mouse out.


YAHOO.widget.Tooltip ( el , userConfig )
el <String> The element ID representing the Tooltip OR
el <HTMLElement> The element representing the Tooltip
userConfig <Object> The configuration object literal containing the configuration that should be set for this Overlay. See configuration documentation for more details.


DEFAULT_CONFIG - private final Object

Constant representing the Tooltip's configuration properties

showProcId - int

The unique process ID associated with the thread responsible for showing the Tooltip.

YAHOO.widget.Tooltip.CSS_TOOLTIP - static final String

Constant representing the Tooltip CSS class



protected void _removeEventListeners ( )
Removes all of the DOM event handlers from the HTML element(s) that trigger the display of the tooltip.
Returns: void


void configContainer ( type , args , obj )
The default event handler fired when the "container" property is changed.
type <String> The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
args <Object[]> The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
obj <Object> The scope object. For configuration handlers, this will usually equal the owner.
Returns: void


void configContext ( type , args , obj )
The default event handler fired when the "context" property is changed.
type <String> The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
args <Object[]> The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
obj <Object> The scope object. For configuration handlers, this will usually equal the owner.
Returns: void


void configText ( type , args , obj )
The default event handler fired when the "text" property is changed.
type <String> The CustomEvent type (usually the property name)
args <Object[]> The CustomEvent arguments. For configuration handlers, args[0] will equal the newly applied value for the property.
obj <Object> The scope object. For configuration handlers, this will usually equal the owner.
Returns: void


void destroy ( )
Removes the Tooltip element from the DOM and sets all child elements to null.
Returns: void


void doHide ( )
Sets the timeout for the auto-dismiss delay, which by default is 5 seconds, meaning that a tooltip will automatically dismiss itself after 5 seconds of being displayed.
Returns: void


Number doShow ( e )
Processes the showing of the Tooltip by setting the timeout delay and offset of the Tooltip.
e <DOMEvent> The current DOM event
Returns: Number
The process ID of the timeout function associated with doShow


void init ( el , userConfig )
The Tooltip initialization method. This method is automatically called by the constructor. A Tooltip is automatically rendered by the init method, and it also is set to be invisible by default, and constrained to viewport by default as well.
el <String> The element ID representing the Tooltip OR
el <HTMLElement> The element representing the Tooltip
userConfig <Object> The configuration object literal containing the configuration that should be set for this Tooltip. See configuration documentation for more details.
Returns: void


void initDefaultConfig ( )
Initializes the class's configurable properties which can be changed using the Overlay's Config object (cfg).
Returns: void


void onContextMouseMove ( e , obj )
The default event handler fired when the user moves the mouse while over the context element.
e <DOMEvent> The current DOM event
obj <Object> The object argument
Returns: void


void onContextMouseOut ( e , obj )
The default event handler fired when the user mouses out of the context element.
e <DOMEvent> The current DOM event
obj <Object> The object argument
Returns: void


void onContextMouseOver ( e , obj )
The default event handler fired when the user mouses over the context element.
e <DOMEvent> The current DOM event
obj <Object> The object argument
Returns: void


void onRender ( p_sType , p_aArgs )
"render" event handler for the Tooltip.
p_sType <String> String representing the name of the event that was fired.
p_aArgs <Array> Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
Returns: void


void preventOverlay ( pageX , pageY )
Fired when the Tooltip is moved, this event handler is used to prevent the Tooltip from overlapping with its context element.
pageX <Number> The x coordinate position of the mouse pointer
pageY <Number> The y coordinate position of the mouse pointer
Returns: void


String toString ( )
Returns a string representation of the object.
Returns: String
The string representation of the Tooltip

Configuration Attributes

autodismissdelay - Number

The number of milliseconds to wait before automatically dismissing a Tooltip after the mouse has been resting on the context element.
Default Value: 5000

container - HTMLElement/String

Specifies the container element that the Tooltip's markup should be rendered into.
Default Value: document.body

context - HTMLElement[]/String[]

Specifies the element or elements that the Tooltip should be anchored to on mouseover.
Default Value: null

hidedelay - Number

The number of milliseconds to wait before hiding a Tooltip on mouseover.
Default Value: 250

preventoverlap - Boolean

Specifies whether the Tooltip should be kept from overlapping its context element.
Default Value: true

showdelay - Number

The number of milliseconds to wait before showing a Tooltip on mouseover.
Default Value: 200

text - String

Specifies the Tooltip's text.
Default Value: null

width - String

String representing the width of the Tooltip. Please note: As of version 2.3 if either no value or a value of "auto" is specified, and the Toolip's "container" configuration property is set to something other than document.body or its "context" element resides outside the immediately visible portion of the document, the width of the Tooltip will be calculated based on the offsetWidth of its root HTML and set just before it is made visible. The original value will be restored when the Tooltip is hidden. This ensures the Tooltip is rendered at a usable width. For more information see SourceForge bug #1685496 and SourceForge bug #1735423.
Default Value: null

Configuration attributes inherited from YAHOO.widget.Module:

Configuration attributes inherited from YAHOO.widget.Overlay:

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