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Yahoo! UI Library

editor  2.3.0

Yahoo! UI Library > editor > toolbar.js (source view)

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Copyright (c) 2007, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Code licensed under the BSD License:
 * @description <p>Creates a rich Toolbar widget based on Button. Primarily used with the Rich Text Editor</p>
 * @class Toolbar
 * @namespace YAHOO.widget
 * @requires yahoo, dom, element, event
 * @optional container, menu, button, dragdrop
 * @beta
(function() {
    * @private
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
    Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
    Lang = YAHOO.lang;

     * Provides a rich toolbar widget based on the button and menu widgets
     * @constructor
     * @param {String/HTMLElement} el The element to turn into a toolbar.
     * @param {Object} attrs Object liternal containing configuration parameters.
    YAHOO.widget.Toolbar = function(el, attrs) {
        YAHOO.log('Toolbar Initalizing', 'info', 'Toolbar');
        YAHOO.log(arguments.length + ' arguments passed to constructor', 'info', 'Toolbar');
        if (Lang.isObject(arguments[0]) && !Dom.get(el).nodeType) {
            var attrs = el;
        var local_attrs = (attrs || {});

        var oConfig = {
            element: null,
            attributes: local_attrs
        if (Lang.isString(el) && Dom.get(el)) {
            oConfig.element = Dom.get(el);
        } else if (Lang.isObject(el) && Dom.get(el) && Dom.get(el).nodeType) {  
            oConfig.element = Dom.get(el);

        if (!oConfig.element) {
            YAHOO.log('No element defined, creating toolbar container', 'warn', 'Toolbar');
            oConfig.element = document.createElement('DIV');
            oConfig.element.id = Dom.generateId();
            if (local_attrs.container && Dom.get(local_attrs.container)) {
                YAHOO.log('Container found in config appending to it (' + Dom.get(local_attrs.container).id + ')', 'info', 'Toolbar');

        if (!oConfig.element.id) {
            oConfig.element.id = ((Lang.isString(el)) ? el : Dom.generateId());
            YAHOO.log('No element ID defined for toolbar container, creating..', 'warn', 'Toolbar');
        YAHOO.log('Initing toolbar with id: ' + oConfig.element.id, 'info', 'Toolbar');
        var cont = document.createElement('DIV');
        oConfig.attributes.cont = cont;
        Dom.addClass(cont, 'yui-toolbar-subcont')
        oConfig.attributes.element = oConfig.element;
        oConfig.attributes.id = oConfig.element.id;

        YAHOO.widget.Toolbar.superclass.constructor.call(this, oConfig.element, oConfig.attributes);

    * @method _addMenuClasses
    * @private
    * @description This method is called from Menu's renderEvent to add a few more classes to the menu items
    * @param {String} ev The event that fired.
    * @param {Array} na Array of event information.
    * @param {Object} o Button config object. 

    function _addMenuClasses(ev, na, o) {
        Dom.addClass(this.element, 'yui-toolbar-' + o.get('value') + '-menu');
        if (Dom.hasClass(o._button.parentNode.parentNode, 'yui-toolbar-select')) {
            Dom.addClass(this.element, 'yui-toolbar-select-menu');
        var items = this.getItems();
        for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
            Dom.addClass(items[i].element, 'yui-toolbar-' + o.get('value') + '-' + ((items[i].value) ? items[i].value.replace(/ /g, '-').toLowerCase() : items[i]._oText.nodeValue.replace(/ /g, '-').toLowerCase()));
            Dom.addClass(items[i].element, 'yui-toolbar-' + o.get('value') + '-' + ((items[i].value) ? items[i].value.replace(/ /g, '-') : items[i]._oText.nodeValue.replace(/ /g, '-')));

    YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.widget.Toolbar, YAHOO.util.Element, {
        * @property dd
        * @description The DragDrop instance associated with the Toolbar
        * @type Object
        dd: null,
        * @property _colorData
        * @description Object reference containing colors hex and text values.
        * @type Object
        _colorData: {
/* {{{ _colorData */
    '#111111': 'Obsidian',
    '#2D2D2D': 'Dark Gray',
    '#434343': 'Shale',
    '#5B5B5B': 'Flint',
    '#737373': 'Gray',
    '#8B8B8B': 'Concrete',
    '#A2A2A2': 'Gray',
    '#B9B9B9': 'Titanium',
    '#000000': 'Black',
    '#D0D0D0': 'Light Gray',
    '#E6E6E6': 'Silver',
    '#FFFFFF': 'White',
    '#BFBF00': 'Pumpkin',
    '#FFFF00': 'Yellow',
    '#FFFF40': 'Banana',
    '#FFFF80': 'Pale Yellow',
    '#FFFFBF': 'Butter',
    '#525330': 'Raw Siena',
    '#898A49': 'Mildew',
    '#AEA945': 'Olive',
    '#7F7F00': 'Paprika',
    '#C3BE71': 'Earth',
    '#E0DCAA': 'Khaki',
    '#FCFAE1': 'Cream',
    '#60BF00': 'Cactus',
    '#80FF00': 'Chartreuse',
    '#A0FF40': 'Green',
    '#C0FF80': 'Pale Lime',
    '#DFFFBF': 'Light Mint',
    '#3B5738': 'Green',
    '#668F5A': 'Lime Gray',
    '#7F9757': 'Yellow',
    '#407F00': 'Clover',
    '#8A9B55': 'Pistachio',
    '#B7C296': 'Light Jade',
    '#E6EBD5': 'Breakwater',
    '#00BF00': 'Spring Frost',
    '#00FF80': 'Pastel Green',
    '#40FFA0': 'Light Emerald',
    '#80FFC0': 'Sea Foam',
    '#BFFFDF': 'Sea Mist',
    '#033D21': 'Dark Forrest',
    '#438059': 'Moss',
    '#7FA37C': 'Medium Green',
    '#007F40': 'Pine',
    '#8DAE94': 'Yellow Gray Green',
    '#ACC6B5': 'Aqua Lung',
    '#DDEBE2': 'Sea Vapor',
    '#00BFBF': 'Fog',
    '#00FFFF': 'Cyan',
    '#40FFFF': 'Turquoise Blue',
    '#80FFFF': 'Light Aqua',
    '#BFFFFF': 'Pale Cyan',
    '#033D3D': 'Dark Teal',
    '#347D7E': 'Gray Turquoise',
    '#609A9F': 'Green Blue',
    '#007F7F': 'Seaweed',
    '#96BDC4': 'Green Gray',
    '#B5D1D7': 'Soapstone',
    '#E2F1F4': 'Light Turquoise',
    '#0060BF': 'Summer Sky',
    '#0080FF': 'Sky Blue',
    '#40A0FF': 'Electric Blue',
    '#80C0FF': 'Light Azure',
    '#BFDFFF': 'Ice Blue',
    '#1B2C48': 'Navy',
    '#385376': 'Biscay',
    '#57708F': 'Dusty Blue',
    '#00407F': 'Sea Blue',
    '#7792AC': 'Sky Blue Gray',
    '#A8BED1': 'Morning Sky',
    '#DEEBF6': 'Vapor',
    '#0000BF': 'Deep Blue',
    '#0000FF': 'Blue',
    '#4040FF': 'Cerulean Blue',
    '#8080FF': 'Evening Blue',
    '#BFBFFF': 'Light Blue',
    '#212143': 'Deep Indigo',
    '#373E68': 'Sea Blue',
    '#444F75': 'Night Blue',
    '#00007F': 'Indigo Blue',
    '#585E82': 'Dockside',
    '#8687A4': 'Blue Gray',
    '#D2D1E1': 'Light Blue Gray',
    '#6000BF': 'Neon Violet',
    '#8000FF': 'Blue Violet',
    '#A040FF': 'Violet Purple',
    '#C080FF': 'Violet Dusk',
    '#DFBFFF': 'Pale Lavender',
    '#302449': 'Cool Shale',
    '#54466F': 'Dark Indigo',
    '#655A7F': 'Dark Violet',
    '#40007F': 'Violet',
    '#726284': 'Smoky Violet',
    '#9E8FA9': 'Slate Gray',
    '#DCD1DF': 'Violet White',
    '#BF00BF': 'Royal Violet',
    '#FF00FF': 'Fuchsia',
    '#FF40FF': 'Magenta',
    '#FF80FF': 'Orchid',
    '#FFBFFF': 'Pale Magenta',
    '#4A234A': 'Dark Purple',
    '#794A72': 'Medium Purple',
    '#936386': 'Cool Granite',
    '#7F007F': 'Purple',
    '#9D7292': 'Purple Moon',
    '#C0A0B6': 'Pale Purple',
    '#ECDAE5': 'Pink Cloud',
    '#BF005F': 'Hot Pink',
    '#FF007F': 'Deep Pink',
    '#FF409F': 'Grape',
    '#FF80BF': 'Electric Pink',
    '#FFBFDF': 'Pink',
    '#451528': 'Purple Red',
    '#823857': 'Purple Dino',
    '#A94A76': 'Purple Gray',
    '#7F003F': 'Rose',
    '#BC6F95': 'Antique Mauve',
    '#D8A5BB': 'Cool Marble',
    '#F7DDE9': 'Pink Granite',
    '#C00000': 'Apple',
    '#FF0000': 'Fire Truck',
    '#FF4040': 'Pale Red',
    '#FF8080': 'Salmon',
    '#FFC0C0': 'Warm Pink',
    '#441415': 'Sepia',
    '#82393C': 'Rust',
    '#AA4D4E': 'Brick',
    '#800000': 'Brick Red',
    '#BC6E6E': 'Mauve',
    '#D8A3A4': 'Shrimp Pink',
    '#F8DDDD': 'Shell Pink',
    '#BF5F00': 'Dark Orange',
    '#FF7F00': 'Orange',
    '#FF9F40': 'Grapefruit',
    '#FFBF80': 'Canteloupe',
    '#FFDFBF': 'Wax',
    '#482C1B': 'Dark Brick',
    '#855A40': 'Dirt',
    '#B27C51': 'Tan',
    '#7F3F00': 'Nutmeg',
    '#C49B71': 'Mustard',
    '#E1C4A8': 'Pale Tan',
    '#FDEEE0': 'Marble'
/* }}} */
        * @property _colorPicker
        * @description The HTML Element containing the colorPicker
        * @type HTMLElement
        _colorPicker: null,
        * @property STR_COLLAPSE
        * @description String for Toolbar Collapse Button
        * @type String
        STR_COLLAPSE: 'Collapse Toolbar',
        * @property STR_SPIN_LABEL
        * @description String for spinbutton dynamic label. Note the {VALUE} will be replaced with YAHOO.lang.substitute
        * @type String
        STR_SPIN_LABEL: 'Spin Button with value {VALUE}. Use Control Shift Up Arrow and Control Shift Down arrow keys to increase or decrease the value.',
        * @property STR_SPIN_UP
        * @description String for spinbutton up
        * @type String
        STR_SPIN_UP: 'Click to increase the value of this input',
        * @property STR_SPIN_DOWN
        * @description String for spinbutton down
        * @type String
        STR_SPIN_DOWN: 'Click to decrease the value of this input',
        * @property _titlebar
        * @description Object reference to the titlebar
        * @type HTMLElement
        _titlebar: null,
        * @property _disabled
        * @description Object to track button status when enabling/disabling the toolbar
        * @type Object
        _disabled: null,
        * @property browser
        * @description Standard browser detection
        * @type Object
        browser: YAHOO.env.ua,
        * @protected
        * @property _buttonList
        * @description Internal property list of current buttons in the toolbar
        * @type Array
        _buttonList: null,
        * @protected
        * @property _buttonGroupList
        * @description Internal property list of current button groups in the toolbar
        * @type Array
        _buttonGroupList: null,
        * @protected
        * @property _sep
        * @description Internal reference to the separator HTML Element for cloning
        * @type HTMLElement
        _sep: null,
        * @protected
        * @property _sepCount
        * @description Internal refernce for counting separators, so we can give them a useful class name for styling
        * @type Number
        _sepCount: null,
        * @protected
        * @property draghandle
        * @type HTMLElement
        _dragHandle: null,
        * @protected
        * @property _toolbarConfigs
        * @type Object
        _toolbarConfigs: {
            renderer: true
        * @protected
        * @property CLASS_CONTAINER
        * @description Default CSS class to apply to the toolbar container element
        * @type String
        CLASS_CONTAINER: 'yui-toolbar-container',
        * @protected
        * @property CLASS_DRAGHANDLE
        * @description Default CSS class to apply to the toolbar's drag handle element
        * @type String
        CLASS_DRAGHANDLE: 'yui-toolbar-draghandle',
        * @protected
        * @property CLASS_SEPARATOR
        * @description Default CSS class to apply to all separators in the toolbar
        * @type String
        CLASS_SEPARATOR: 'yui-toolbar-separator',
        * @protected
        * @property CLASS_DISABLED
        * @description Default CSS class to apply when the toolbar is disabled
        * @type String
        CLASS_DISABLED: 'yui-toolbar-disabled',
        * @protected
        * @property CLASS_PREFIX
        * @description Default prefix for dynamically created class names
        * @type String
        CLASS_PREFIX: 'yui-toolbar',
        * @method init
        * @description The Toolbar class's initialization method
        init: function(p_oElement, p_oAttributes) {
            YAHOO.widget.Toolbar.superclass.init.call(this, p_oElement, p_oAttributes);
        * @method initAttributes
        * @description Initializes all of the configuration attributes used to create 
        * the toolbar.
        * @param {Object} attr Object literal specifying a set of 
        * configuration attributes used to create the toolbar.
        initAttributes: function(attr) {
            YAHOO.widget.Toolbar.superclass.initAttributes.call(this, attr);
            var el = this.get('element');

            * @config buttons
            * @description Object specifying the buttons to include in the toolbar
            * Example:
            * <code><pre>
            * {
            *   { id: 'b3', type: 'button', label: 'Underline', value: 'underline' },
            *   { type: 'separator' },
            *   { id: 'b4', type: 'menu', label: 'Align', value: 'align',
            *       menu: [
            *           { text: "Left", value: 'alignleft' },
            *           { text: "Center", value: 'aligncenter' },
            *           { text: "Right", value: 'alignright' }
            *       ]
            *   }
            * }
            * </pre></code>
            * @type Object
            this.setAttributeConfig('buttons', {
                value: [],
                writeOnce: true,
                method: function(data) {
                    for (var i in data) {
                        if (Lang.hasOwnProperty(data, i)) {
                            if (data[i].type == 'separator') {
                            } else if (data[i].group != undefined) {
                            } else {

            * @config disabled
            * @description Boolean indicating if the toolbar should be disabled. It will also disable the draggable attribute if it is on.
            * @default false
            * @type Boolean
            this.setAttributeConfig('disabled', {
                value: false,
                method: function(disabled) {
                    if (!Lang.isObject(this._disabled)) {
                        this._disabled = {};
                    if (disabled) {
                        this.set('draggable', false);
                    } else {
                        if (this._configs.draggable._initialConfig.value) {
                            //Draggable by default, set it back
                            this.set('draggable', true);
                    var len = this._buttonList.length;
                    for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                        if (disabled) {
                            //If it's already disabled, flag it
                            if (this._buttonList[i].get('disabled')) {
                                this._disabled[i] = true;
                            } else {
                                this._disabled[i] = null;
                        } else {
                            //Check to see if it was disabled by default and skip it
                            var _button = this._buttonList[i];
                            var _check = _button._configs.disabled._initialConfig.value;
                            if (this._disabled[i]) {
                                _check = true;
                            if (!_check) {

            * @config grouplabels
            * @description Boolean indicating if the toolbar should show the group label's text string.
            * @default true
            * @type Boolean
            this.setAttributeConfig('grouplabels', {
                value: true,
                writeOnce: true

            * @config cont
            * @description Boolean indicating if the toolbar should show the group label's text string.
            * @default true
            * @type Boolean
            this.setAttributeConfig('cont', {
                value: attr.cont,
                readOnly: true

            * @config collapse
            * @description Boolean indicating if the the titlebar should have a collapse button.
            * The collapse button will not remove the toolbar, it will minimize it to the titlebar
            * @default false
            * @type Boolean
            this.setAttributeConfig('collapse', {
                value: false
            * @config titlebar
            * @description Boolean indicating if the toolbar should have a titlebar. If
            * passed a string, it will use that as the titlebar text
            * @default false
            * @type Boolean or String
            this.setAttributeConfig('titlebar', {
                value: false,
                method: function(titlebar) {
                    if (titlebar) {
                        if (this._titlebar && this._titlebar.parentNode) {
                        this._titlebar = document.createElement('DIV');
                        Dom.addClass(this._titlebar, this.CLASS_PREFIX + '-titlebar');
                        if (Lang.isString(titlebar)) {
                            var h2 = document.createElement('h2');
                            h2.tabIndex = '-1';
                            h2.innerHTML = titlebar;
                        if (this.get('collapse')) {
                            var collapse = document.createElement('SPAN');
                            collapse.innerHTML = 'X';
                            collapse.title = this.STR_COLLAPSE;

                            Dom.addClass(collapse, 'collapse');
                            Event.addListener(collapse, 'click', function() {
                                if (Dom.getStyle(this.get('cont'), 'display') == 'none') {
                                    Dom.setStyle(this.get('cont'), 'display', 'block');
                                    Dom.removeClass(collapse, 'collapsed');
                                    this.fireEvent('toolbarExpanded', { type: 'toolbarExpanded', target: this });
                                } else {
                                    Dom.setStyle(this.get('cont'), 'display', 'none');
                                    Dom.addClass(collapse, 'collapsed');
                                    this.fireEvent('toolbarCollapsed', { type: 'toolbarCollapsed', target: this });
                            }, this, true);
                        if (this.get('draggable')) {
                            this.dd = new YAHOO.util.DD(this.get('id'));
                            Dom.addClass(this._titlebar, 'draggable');
                        if (this.get('firstChild')) {
                            this.insertBefore(this._titlebar, this.get('firstChild'));
                        } else {
                    } else if (this._titlebar) {
                        if (this._titlebar && this._titlebar.parentNode) {

            * @config draggable
            * @description Boolean indicating if the toolbar should be draggable.  
            * @default false
            * @type Boolean

            this.setAttributeConfig('draggable', {
                value: (attr.draggable || false),
                method: function(draggable) {
                    var el = this.get('element');

                    if (draggable && !this.get('titlebar')) {
                        YAHOO.log('Dragging enabled', 'info', 'Toolbar');
                        if (!this._dragHandle) {
                            this._dragHandle = document.createElement('SPAN');
                            this._dragHandle.innerHTML = '|';
                            this._dragHandle.setAttribute('title', 'Click to drag the toolbar');
                            this._dragHandle.id = this.get('id') + '_draghandle';
                            Dom.addClass(this._dragHandle, this.CLASS_DRAGHANDLE);
                            if (this.get('cont').hasChildNodes()) {
                                this.get('cont').insertBefore(this._dragHandle, this.get('cont').firstChild);
                            } else {
                            * @property dd
                            * @description The DragDrop instance associated with the Toolbar
                            * @type Object
                            this.dd = new YAHOO.util.DD(this.get('id'));
                    } else {
                        YAHOO.log('Dragging disabled', 'info', 'Toolbar');
                        if (this._dragHandle) {
                            this._dragHandle = null;
                            this.dd = null;
                    if (this._titlebar) {
                        if (draggable) {
                            this.dd = new YAHOO.util.DD(this.get('id'));
                            Dom.addClass(this._titlebar, 'draggable');
                        } else {
                            Dom.removeClass(this._titlebar, 'draggable');
                            if (this.dd) {
                                this.dd = null;
                validator: function(value) {
                    var ret = true;
                    if (!YAHOO.util.DD) {
                        ret = false;
                    return ret;

        * @method addButtonGroup
        * @description Add a new button group to the toolbar. (uses addButton)
        * @param {Object} oGroup Object literal reference to the Groups Config (contains an array of button configs)
        addButtonGroup: function(oGroup) {
            if (!this.get('element')) {
                this._queue[this._queue.length] = ['addButtonGroup', arguments];
                return false;
            if (!this.hasClass(this.CLASS_PREFIX + '-grouped')) {
                this.addClass(this.CLASS_PREFIX + '-grouped');
            var div = document.createElement('DIV');
            Dom.addClass(div, this.CLASS_PREFIX + '-group');
            Dom.addClass(div, this.CLASS_PREFIX + '-group-' + oGroup.group);
            if (oGroup.label && this.get('grouplabels')) {
                var label = document.createElement('h3');
                label.innerHTML = oGroup.label;


            //For accessibility, let's put all of the group buttons in an Unordered List
            var ul = document.createElement('ul');

            if (!this._buttonGroupList) {
                this._buttonGroupList = {};
            this._buttonGroupList[oGroup.group] = ul;

            for (var i = 0; i < oGroup.buttons.length; i++) {
                var li = document.createElement('li');
                if ((oGroup.buttons[i].type != undefined) && oGroup.buttons[i].type == 'separator') {
                } else {
                    oGroup.buttons[i].container = li;
        * @method addButtonToGroup
        * @description Add a new button to a toolbar group. Buttons supported:
        *   push, split, menu, select, color, spin
        * @param {Object} oButton Object literal reference to the Button's Config
        * @param {String} group The Group identifier passed into the initial config
        * @param {HTMLElement} after Optional HTML element to insert this button after in the DOM.
        addButtonToGroup: function(oButton, group, after) {
            var groupCont = this._buttonGroupList[group];
            var li = document.createElement('li');
            oButton.container = li;
            this.addButton(oButton, after);
        * @method addButton
        * @description Add a new button to the toolbar. Buttons supported:
        *   push, split, menu, select, color, spin
        * @param {Object} oButton Object literal reference to the Button's Config
        * @param {HTMLElement} after Optional HTML element to insert this button after in the DOM.
        addButton: function(oButton, after) {
            if (!this.get('element')) {
                this._queue[this._queue.length] = ['addButton', arguments];
                return false;
            if (!this._buttonList) {
                this._buttonList = [];
            //Add to .get('buttons') manually
            this._configs.buttons.value[this._configs.buttons.value.length] = oButton;
            YAHOO.log('Adding button of type: ' + oButton.type, 'info', 'Toolbar');
            if (!oButton.container) {
                oButton.container = this.get('cont');

            if ((oButton.type == 'menu') || (oButton.type == 'split') || (oButton.type == 'select')) {
                if (Lang.isArray(oButton.menu)) {
                    for (var i in oButton.menu) {
                        if (Lang.hasOwnProperty(oButton.menu, i)) {
                            var funcObject = {
                                fn: function(ev, x, oMenu) {
                                    if (!oButton.menucmd) {
                                        oButton.menucmd = oButton.value;
                                    oButton.value = ((oMenu.value) ? oMenu.value : oMenu._oText.nodeValue);
                                    //This line made Opera fire the click event and the mousedown,
                                    //  so events for menus where firing twice.
                                    //this._buttonClick('click', oButton);
                                scope: this
                            oButton.menu[i].onclick = funcObject;
            var _oButton = {};
            for (var i in oButton) {
                if (Lang.hasOwnProperty(oButton, i)) {
                    if (!this._toolbarConfigs[i]) {
                        _oButton[i] = oButton[i];
            if (oButton.type == 'select') {
                _oButton.type = 'menu';
            if (oButton.type == 'spin') {
                _oButton.type = 'push';
            if (_oButton.type == 'color') {
                _oButton = this._makeColorButton(_oButton);
            if (_oButton.menu) {
                if (oButton.menu instanceof YAHOO.widget.Overlay) {
                    oButton.menu.showEvent.subscribe(function() {
                        this._button = _oButton;
                } else {
                    for (var i = 0; i < _oButton.menu.length; i++) {
                        if (!_oButton.menu[i].value) {
                            _oButton.menu[i].value = _oButton.menu[i].text;
                    if (this.browser.webkit) {
                        _oButton.focusmenu = false;
            var tmp = new YAHOO.widget.Button(_oButton);
            if (this.get('disabled')) {
                //Toolbar is disabled, disable the new button too!
                tmp.set('disabled', true);
            if (!oButton.id) {
                oButton.id = tmp.get('id');
            YAHOO.log('Button created (' + oButton.type + ')', 'info', 'Toolbar');
            if (after) {
                var el = tmp.get('element');
                var nextSib = null;
                if (after.get) {
                    nextSib = after.get('element').nextSibling;
                } else if (after.nextSibling) {
                    nextSib = after.nextSibling;
                if (nextSib) {
                    nextSib.parentNode.insertBefore(el, nextSib);
            tmp.addClass(this.CLASS_PREFIX + '-' + tmp.get('value'));
            var icon = document.createElement('span');
            icon.className = this.CLASS_PREFIX + '-icon';
            tmp.get('element').insertBefore(icon, tmp.get('firstChild'));
            //Replace the Button HTML Element with an a href
            var a = document.createElement('a');
            a.innerHTML = tmp._button.innerHTML;
            a.href = '#';
            Event.on(a, 'click', function(ev) {
            tmp._button.parentNode.replaceChild(a, tmp._button);
            tmp._button = a;

            if (oButton.type == 'select') {
                tmp.addClass(this.CLASS_PREFIX + '-select');
            if (oButton.type == 'spin') {
                if (!Lang.isArray(oButton.range)) {
                    oButton.range = [ 10, 100 ];
                this._makeSpinButton(tmp, oButton);

            tmp.get('element').setAttribute('title', tmp.get('label'));

            if (oButton.type != 'spin') {
                if (_oButton.menu instanceof YAHOO.widget.Overlay) {
                    var showPicker = function(ev) {
                        var exec = true;
                        if (ev.keyCode && (ev.keyCode == 9)) {
                            exec = false;
                        if (exec) {
                            this._colorPicker._button = oButton.value;
                            var menuEL = tmp.getMenu().element;
                            if (menuEL.style.visibility == 'hidden') {
                            } else {
                    tmp.on('mousedown', showPicker, oButton, this);
                    tmp.on('keydown', showPicker, oButton, this);
                } else if ((oButton.type != 'menu') && (oButton.type != 'select')) {
                    tmp.on('keypress', this._buttonClick, oButton, this);
                    tmp.on('mousedown', function(ev) {
                        this._buttonClick(ev, oButton);
                    }, oButton, this);
                } else {
                    //Stop the mousedown event so we can trap the selection in the editor!
                    tmp.on('mousedown', function(ev) {
                    tmp.on('click', function(ev) {
                    var self = this;
                    //Hijack the mousedown event in the menu and make it fire a button click..
                    tmp.getMenu().mouseDownEvent.subscribe(function(ev, args) {
                        YAHOO.log('mouseDownEvent', 'warn', 'Toolbar');
                        var oMenu = args[1];
                        tmp._onMenuClick(args[0], tmp);
                        if (!oButton.menucmd) {
                            oButton.menucmd = oButton.value;
                        oButton.value = ((oMenu.value) ? oMenu.value : oMenu._oText.nodeValue);
                        self._buttonClick.call(self, args[1], oButton);
                        return false;
                    tmp.getMenu().clickEvent.subscribe(function(ev, args) {
                        YAHOO.log('clickEvent', 'warn', 'Toolbar');
            } else {
                //Stop the mousedown event so we can trap the selection in the editor!
                tmp.on('mousedown', function(ev) {
                tmp.on('click', function(ev) {
            if (this.browser.ie) {
                //Add a couple of new events for IE
                tmp.DOM_EVENTS.focusin = true;
                tmp.DOM_EVENTS.focusout = true;
                //Stop them so we don't loose focus in the Editor
                tmp.on('focusin', function(ev) {
                }, oButton, this);
                tmp.on('focusout', function(ev) {
                }, oButton, this);
                tmp.on('click', function(ev) {
                }, oButton, this);
            if (this.browser.webkit) {
                //This will keep the document from gaining focus and the editor from loosing it..
                //Forcefully remove the focus calls in button!
                tmp.hasFocus = function() {
                    return true;
            this._buttonList[this._buttonList.length] = tmp;
            if ((oButton.type == 'menu') || (oButton.type == 'split') || (oButton.type == 'select')) {
                if (Lang.isArray(oButton.menu)) {
                    YAHOO.log('Button type is (' + oButton.type + '), doing extra renderer work.', 'info', 'Toolbar');
                    var menu = tmp.getMenu();
                    menu.renderEvent.subscribe(_addMenuClasses, tmp);
                    if (oButton.renderer) {
                        menu.renderEvent.subscribe(oButton.renderer, tmp);
            return oButton;
        * @method addSeparator
        * @description Add a new button separator to the toolbar.
        * @param {HTMLElement} cont Optional HTML element to insert this button into.
        * @param {HTMLElement} after Optional HTML element to insert this button after in the DOM.
        addSeparator: function(cont, after) {
            if (!this.get('element')) {
                this._queue[this._queue.length] = ['addSeparator', arguments];
                return false;
            var sepCont = ((cont) ? cont : this.get('cont'));
            if (!this.get('element')) {
                this._queue[this._queue.length] = ['addSeparator', arguments];
                return false;
            if (this._sepCount == null) {
                this._sepCount = 0;
            if (!this._sep) {
                YAHOO.log('Separator does not yet exist, creating', 'info', 'Toolbar');
                this._sep = document.createElement('SPAN');
                Dom.addClass(this._sep, this.CLASS_SEPARATOR);
                this._sep.innerHTML = '|';
            YAHOO.log('Separator does exist, cloning', 'info', 'Toolbar');
            var _sep = this._sep.cloneNode(true);
            Dom.addClass(_sep, this.CLASS_SEPARATOR + '-' + this._sepCount);
            if (after) {
                var nextSib = null;
                if (after.get) {
                    nextSib = after.get('element').nextSibling;
                } else if (after.nextSibling) {
                    nextSib = after.nextSibling;
                } else {
                    nextSib = after;
                if (nextSib) {
                    if (nextSib == after) {
                    } else {
                        nextSib.parentNode.insertBefore(_sep, nextSib);
            } else {
            return _sep;
        * @method _createColorPicker
        * @private
        * @description Creates the core DOM reference to the color picker menu item.
        * @param {String} id the id of the toolbar to prefix this DOM container with.
        _createColorPicker: function(id) {
            if (Dom.get(id + '_colors')) {
               Dom.get(id + '_colors').parentNode.removeChild(Dom.get(id + '_colors'));
            var picker = document.createElement('div');
            picker.className = 'yui-toolbar-colors';
            picker.id = id + '_colors';
            picker.style.display = 'none';
            Event.on(window, 'load', function() {
            }, this, true);

            this._colorPicker = picker;

            var html = '';
            for (var i in this._colorData) {
                if (Lang.hasOwnProperty(this._colorData, i)) {
                    html += '<a style="background-color: ' + i + '" href="#">' + i.replace('#', '') + '</a>';
            html += '<span><em>X</em><strong></strong></span>';
            picker.innerHTML = html;
            var em = picker.getElementsByTagName('em')[0];
            var strong = picker.getElementsByTagName('strong')[0];

            Event.on(picker, 'mouseover', function(ev) {
                var tar = Event.getTarget(ev);
                if (tar.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'a') {
                    em.style.backgroundColor = tar.style.backgroundColor;
                    strong.innerHTML = this._colorData['#' + tar.innerHTML] + '<br>' + tar.innerHTML;
            }, this, true);
            Event.on(picker, 'focus', function(ev) {
            Event.on(picker, 'click', function(ev) {
            Event.on(picker, 'mousedown', function(ev) {
                var tar = Event.getTarget(ev);
                if (tar.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'a') {
                    this.fireEvent('colorPickerClicked', { type: 'colorPickerClicked', target: this, button: this._colorPicker._button, color: tar.innerHTML, colorName: this._colorData['#' + tar.innerHTML] } );
            }, this, true);
        * @method _resetColorPicker
        * @private
        * @description Clears the currently selected color or mouseover color in the color picker.
        _resetColorPicker: function() {
            var em = this._colorPicker.getElementsByTagName('em')[0];
            var strong = this._colorPicker.getElementsByTagName('strong')[0];
            em.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
            strong.innerHTML = '';
        * @method _makeColorButton
        * @private
        * @description Called to turn a "color" button into a menu button with an Overlay for the menu.
        * @param {Object} _oButton <a href="YAHOO.widget.Button.html">YAHOO.widget.Button</a> reference
        _makeColorButton: function(_oButton) {
            if (!this._colorPicker) {   
            _oButton.type = 'color';
            _oButton.menu = new YAHOO.widget.Overlay(this.get('id') + '_' + _oButton.value + '_menu', { visbile: false, position: 'absolute' });
            _oButton.menu.beforeShowEvent.subscribe(function() {
                _oButton.menu.cfg.setProperty('zindex', 5); //Re Adjust the overlays zIndex.. not sure why.
                _oButton.menu.cfg.setProperty('context', [this.getButtonById(_oButton.id).get('element'), 'tl', 'bl']); //Re Adjust the overlay.. not sure why.
                //Move the DOM reference of the color picker to the Overlay that we are about to show.
                var _p = this._colorPicker;
                if (_p.parentNode) {
                    //if (_p.parentNode != _oButton.menu.body) {
                this._colorPicker.style.display = 'block';
            }, this, true);
            return _oButton;
        * @private
        * @method _makeSpinButton
        * @description Create a button similar to an OS Spin button.. It has an up/down arrow combo to scroll through a range of int values.
        * @param {Object} _button <a href="YAHOO.widget.Button.html">YAHOO.widget.Button</a> reference
        * @param {Object} oButton Object literal containing the buttons initial config
        _makeSpinButton: function(_button, oButton) {
            _button.addClass(this.CLASS_PREFIX + '-spinbutton');
            var self = this,
                _par = _button._button.parentNode.parentNode, //parentNode of Button Element for appending child
                range = oButton.range,
                _b1 = document.createElement('a'),
                _b2 = document.createElement('a');
                _b1.href = '#';
                _b2.href = '#';
            //Setup the up and down arrows
            _b1.className = 'up';
            _b1.title = this.STR_SPIN_UP;
            _b1.innerHTML = this.STR_SPIN_UP;
            _b2.className = 'down';
            _b2.title = this.STR_SPIN_DOWN;
            _b2.innerHTML = this.STR_SPIN_DOWN;

            //Append them to the container
            var label = YAHOO.lang.substitute(this.STR_SPIN_LABEL, { VALUE: _button.get('label') });
            _button.set('title', label);

            var cleanVal = function(value) {
                value = ((value < range[0]) ? range[0] : value);
                value = ((value > range[1]) ? range[1] : value);
                return value;

            var br = this.browser;
            var tbar = false;
            var strLabel = this.STR_SPIN_LABEL;
            if (this._titlebar && this._titlebar.firstChild) {
                tbar = this._titlebar.firstChild;
            var _intUp = function(ev) {
                if (!_button.get('disabled') && (ev.keyCode != 9)) {
                    var value = parseInt(_button.get('label'));
                    value = cleanVal(value);
                    _button.set('label', ''+value);
                    var label = YAHOO.lang.substitute(strLabel, { VALUE: _button.get('label') });
                    _button.set('title', label);
                    if (!br.webkit && tbar) {
                        //tbar.focus(); //We do this for accessibility, on the re-focus of the element, a screen reader will re-read the title that was just changed
                    self._buttonClick(ev, oButton);

            var _intDown = function(ev) {
                if (!_button.get('disabled') && (ev.keyCode != 9)) {
                    var value = parseInt(_button.get('label'));
                    value = cleanVal(value);

                    _button.set('label', ''+value);
                    var label = YAHOO.lang.substitute(strLabel, { VALUE: _button.get('label') });
                    _button.set('title', label);
                    if (!br.webkit && tbar) {
                        //tbar.focus(); //We do this for accessibility, on the re-focus of the element, a screen reader will re-read the title that was just changed
                    self._buttonClick(ev, oButton);

            var _intKeyUp = function(ev) {
                if (ev.keyCode == 38) {
                } else if (ev.keyCode == 40) {
                } else if (ev.keyCode == 107 && ev.shiftKey) {  //Plus Key
                } else if (ev.keyCode == 109 && ev.shiftKey) {  //Minus Key

            //Handle arrow keys..
            _button.on('keydown', _intKeyUp, this, true);

            //Listen for the click on the up button and act on it
            //Listen for the click on the down button and act on it
            Event.on(_b1, 'mousedown',function(ev) {
            }, this, true);
            Event.on(_b2, 'mousedown', function(ev) {
            }, this, true);
            Event.on(_b1, 'click', _intUp, this, true);
            Event.on(_b2, 'click', _intDown, this, true);
        * @protected
        * @method _buttonClick
        * @description Click handler for all buttons in the toolbar.
        * @param {String} ev The event that was passed in.
        * @param {Object} info Object literal of information about the button that was clicked.
        _buttonClick: function(ev, info) {
            var doEvent = true;
            if (ev && ev.type == 'keypress') {
                if (ev.keyCode == 9) {
                    doEvent = false;
                } else if ((ev.keyCode == 13) || (ev.keyCode == 0) || (ev.keyCode == 32)) {
                } else {
                    doEvent = false;

            if (doEvent) {
                if (info.value) {
                    YAHOO.log('fireEvent::' + info.value + 'Click', 'info', 'Toolbar');
                    this.fireEvent(info.value + 'Click', { type: info.value + 'Click', target: this.get('element'), button: info });
                if (info.menucmd) {
                    YAHOO.log('fireEvent::' + info.menucmd + 'Click', 'info', 'Toolbar');
                    this.fireEvent(info.menucmd + 'Click', { type: info.menucmd + 'Click', target: this.get('element'), button: info });
                YAHOO.log('fireEvent::buttonClick', 'info', 'Toolbar');
                this.fireEvent('buttonClick', { type: 'buttonClick', target: this.get('element'), button: info });

                if (info.type == 'select') {
                    var button = this.getButtonById(info.id);
                    var txt = info.value;
                    for (var i = 0; i < info.menu.length; i++) {
                        if (info.menu[i].value == info.value) {
                            txt = info.menu[i].text;
                    button.set('label', '<span class="yui-toolbar-' + info.menucmd + '-' + (info.value).replace(/ /g, '-').toLowerCase() + '">' + txt + '</span>');
                    var _items = button.getMenu().getItems();
                    for (var m = 0; m < _items.length; m++) {
                        if (_items[m].value.toLowerCase() == info.value.toLowerCase()) {
                            _items[m].cfg.setProperty('checked', true);
                        } else {
                            _items[m].cfg.setProperty('checked', false);
            if (ev) {
        * @method getButtonById
        * @description Gets a button instance from the toolbar by is Dom id.
        * @param {String} id The Dom id to query for.
        * @return {<a href="YAHOO.widget.Button.html">YAHOO.widget.Button</a>}
        getButtonById: function(id) {
            var len = this._buttonList.length;
            for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                if (this._buttonList[i].get('id') == id) {
                    return this._buttonList[i];
            return false;
        * @method getButtonByValue
        * @description Gets a button instance or a menuitem instance from the toolbar by it's value.
        * @param {String} value The button value to query for.
        * @return {<a href="YAHOO.widget.Button.html">YAHOO.widget.Button</a> or <a href="YAHOO.widget.MenuItem.html">YAHOO.widget.MenuItem</a>}
        getButtonByValue: function(value) {
            var _buttons = this.get('buttons');
            var len = _buttons.length;
            for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                if (_buttons[i].group != undefined) {
                    for (var m = 0; m < _buttons[i].buttons.length; m++) {
                        if ((_buttons[i].buttons[m].value == value) || (_buttons[i].buttons[m].menucmd == value)) {
                            return this.getButtonById(_buttons[i].buttons[m].id);
                        if (_buttons[i].buttons[m].menu) { //Menu Button, loop through the values
                            for (var s = 0; s < _buttons[i].buttons[m].menu.length; s++) {
                                if (_buttons[i].buttons[m].menu[s].value == value) {
                                    return this.getButtonById(_buttons[i].buttons[m].id);
                } else {
                    if ((_buttons[i].value == value) || (_buttons[i].menucmd == value)) {
                        return this.getButtonById(_buttons[i].id);
                    if (_buttons[i].menu) { //Menu Button, loop through the values
                        for (var s = 0; s < _buttons[i].menu.length; s++) {
                            if (_buttons[i].menu[s].value == value) {
                                return this.getButtonById(_buttons[i].id);
            return false;
        * @method getButtonByIndex
        * @description Gets a button instance from the toolbar by is index in _buttonList.
        * @param {Number} index The index of the button in _buttonList.
        * @return {<a href="YAHOO.widget.Button.html">YAHOO.widget.Button</a>}
        getButtonByIndex: function(index) {
            if (this._buttonList[index]) {
                return this._buttonList[index];
            } else {
                return false;
        * @method getButtons
        * @description Returns an array of buttons in the current toolbar
        * @return {Array}
        getButtons: function() {
            return this._buttonList;
        * @method disableButton
        * @description Disables a button in the toolbar.
        * @param {String/Number} button Disable a button by it's id or index.
        * @return {Boolean}
        disableButton: function(button) {
            if (Lang.isString(button)) {
                var button = this.getButtonById(button);
            if (Lang.isNumber(button)) {
                var button = this.getButtonByIndex(button);
            if (button instanceof YAHOO.widget.Button) {
                button.set('disabled', true);
            } else {
                return false;
        * @method enableButton
        * @description Enables a button in the toolbar.
        * @param {String/Number} button Enable a button by it's id or index.
        * @return {Boolean}
        enableButton: function(button) {
            if (Lang.isString(button)) {
                var button = this.getButtonById(button);
            if (Lang.isNumber(button)) {
                var button = this.getButtonByIndex(button);
            if (button instanceof YAHOO.widget.Button) {
                button.set('disabled', false);
            } else {
                return false;
        * @method selectButton
        * @description Selects a button in the toolbar.
        * @param {String/Number} button select a button by it's id or index.
        * @return {Boolean}
        selectButton: function(button, value) {
            if (button) {
                if (Lang.isString(button)) {
                    var button = this.getButtonById(button);
                if (Lang.isNumber(button)) {
                    var button = this.getButtonByIndex(button);
                if (button instanceof YAHOO.widget.Button) {
                    button.addClass('yui-button-' + button.get('value') + '-selected');
                    if (value) {
                        var _items = button.getMenu().getItems();
                        for (var m = 0; m < _items.length; m++) {
                            if (_items[m].value == value) {
                                _items[m].cfg.setProperty('checked', true);
                                button.set('label', '<span class="yui-toolbar-' + button.get('value') + '-' + (value).replace(/ /g, '-').toLowerCase() + '">' + _items[m]._oText.nodeValue + '</span>');
                            } else {
                                _items[m].cfg.setProperty('checked', false);
                } else {
                    return false;
        * @method deselectButton
        * @description Deselects a button in the toolbar.
        * @param {String/Number} button Deselect a button by it's id or index.
        * @return {Boolean}
        deselectButton: function(button) {
            if (Lang.isString(button)) {
                var button = this.getButtonById(button);
            if (Lang.isNumber(button)) {
                var button = this.getButtonByIndex(button);
            if (button instanceof YAHOO.widget.Button) {
                button.removeClass('yui-button-' + button.get('value') + '-selected');
            } else {
                return false;
        * @method deselectAllButtons
        * @description Deselects all buttons in the toolbar.
        * @return {Boolean}
        deselectAllButtons: function() {
            var len = this._buttonList.length;
            for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        * @method destroyButton
        * @description Destroy a button in the toolbar.
        * @param {String/Number} button Destroy a button by it's id or index.
        * @return {Boolean}
        destroyButton: function(button) {
            if (Lang.isString(button)) {
                var button = this.getButtonById(button);
            if (Lang.isNumber(button)) {
                var button = this.getButtonByIndex(button);
            if (button instanceof YAHOO.widget.Button) {
                var id = button.get('id');

                var len = this._buttonList.length;
                for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                    if (this._buttonList[i].get('id') == id) {
                        this._buttonList[i] = null;
            } else {
                return false;

        * @method destroy
        * @description Destroys the toolbar, all of it's elements and objects.
        * @return {Boolean}
        destroy: function() {
            this.get('element').innerHTML = '';
            this.get('element').className = '';
            //Brutal Object Destroy
            for (var i in this) {
                if (Lang.hasOwnProperty(this, i)) {
                    this[i] = null;
            return true;
        * @method toString
        * @description Returns a string representing the toolbar.
        * @return {String}
        toString: function() {
            return 'Toolbar (#' + this.get('element').id + ') with ' + this._buttonList.length + ' buttons.';
* @event buttonClick
* @param {Object} o The object passed to this handler is the button config used to create the button.
* @description Fires when any botton receives a click event. Passes back a single object representing the buttons config object. See <a href="YAHOO.util.Element.html#addListener">Element.addListener</a> for more information on listening for this event.
* @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent
* @event valueClick
* @param {Object} o The object passed to this handler is the button config used to create the button.
* @description This is a special dynamic event that is created and dispatched based on the value property
* of the button config. See <a href="YAHOO.util.Element.html#addListener">Element.addListener</a> for more information on listening for this event.
* Example:
* <code><pre>
* buttons : [
*   { type: 'button', value: 'test', value: 'testButton' }
* ]</pre>
* </code>
* With the valueClick event you could subscribe to this buttons click event with this:
* tbar.in('testButtonClick', function() { alert('test button clicked'); })
* @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent
* @event toolbarExpanded
* @description Fires when the toolbar is expanded via the collapse button. See <a href="YAHOO.util.Element.html#addListener">Element.addListener</a> for more information on listening for this event.
* @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent
* @event toolbarCollapsed
* @description Fires when the toolbar is collapsed via the collapse button. See <a href="YAHOO.util.Element.html#addListener">Element.addListener</a> for more information on listening for this event.
* @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent

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