YUI recommends YUI 3.
YUI 2 has been deprecated since 2011. This site acts as an archive for files and documentation.
* The LogReader class provides UI to read messages logged to YAHOO.widget.Logger.
* @class LogReader
* @constructor
* @param elContainer {HTMLElement} (optional) DOM element reference of an existing DIV.
* @param elContainer {String} (optional) String ID of an existing DIV.
* @param oConfigs {Object} (optional) Object literal of configuration params.
YAHOO.widget.LogReader = function(elContainer, oConfigs) {
this._sName = YAHOO.widget.LogReader._index;
// Internal vars
this._buffer = []; // output buffer
this._filterCheckboxes = {}; // pointers to checkboxes
this._lastTime = YAHOO.widget.Logger.getStartTime(); // timestamp of last log message to console
// Parse config vars here
if (oConfigs && (oConfigs.constructor == Object)) {
for(var param in oConfigs) {
this[param] = oConfigs[param];
if(!this._elContainer) {
YAHOO.log("Could not instantiate LogReader due to an invalid container element " +
elContainer, "error", this.toString());
// Subscribe to Logger custom events
YAHOO.widget.Logger.newLogEvent.subscribe(this._onNewLog, this);
YAHOO.widget.Logger.logResetEvent.subscribe(this._onReset, this);
YAHOO.widget.Logger.categoryCreateEvent.subscribe(this._onCategoryCreate, this);
YAHOO.widget.Logger.sourceCreateEvent.subscribe(this._onSourceCreate, this);
YAHOO.log("LogReader initialized", null, this.toString());
// Public member variables
* Whether or not LogReader is enabled to output log messages.
* @property logReaderEnabled
* @type Boolean
* @default true
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.logReaderEnabled = true;
* Public member to access CSS width of the LogReader container.
* @property width
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.width = null;
* Public member to access CSS height of the LogReader container.
* @property height
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.height = null;
* Public member to access CSS top position of the LogReader container.
* @property top
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.top = null;
* Public member to access CSS left position of the LogReader container.
* @property left
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.left = null;
* Public member to access CSS right position of the LogReader container.
* @property right
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.right = null;
* Public member to access CSS bottom position of the LogReader container.
* @property bottom
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.bottom = null;
* Public member to access CSS font size of the LogReader container.
* @property fontSize
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.fontSize = null;
* Whether or not the footer UI is enabled for the LogReader.
* @property footerEnabled
* @type Boolean
* @default true
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.footerEnabled = true;
* Whether or not output is verbose (more readable). Setting to true will make
* output more compact (less readable).
* @property verboseOutput
* @type Boolean
* @default true
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.verboseOutput = true;
* Whether or not newest message is printed on top.
* @property newestOnTop
* @type Boolean
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.newestOnTop = true;
* Output timeout buffer in milliseconds.
* @property outputBuffer
* @type Number
* @default 100
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.outputBuffer = 100;
* Maximum number of messages a LogReader console will display.
* @property thresholdMax
* @type Number
* @default 500
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.thresholdMax = 500;
* When a LogReader console reaches its thresholdMax, it will clear out messages
* and print out the latest thresholdMin number of messages.
* @property thresholdMin
* @type Number
* @default 100
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.thresholdMin = 100;
* True when LogReader is in a collapsed state, false otherwise.
* @property isCollapsed
* @type Boolean
* @default false
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.isCollapsed = false;
* True when LogReader is in a paused state, false otherwise.
* @property isPaused
* @type Boolean
* @default false
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.isPaused = false;
* Enables draggable LogReader if DragDrop Utility is present.
* @property draggable
* @type Boolean
* @default true
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.draggable = true;
// Public methods
* Public accessor to the unique name of the LogReader instance.
* @method toString
* @return {String} Unique name of the LogReader instance.
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.toString = function() {
return "LogReader instance" + this._sName;
* Pauses output of log messages. While paused, log messages are not lost, but
* get saved to a buffer and then output upon resume of LogReader.
* @method pause
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.pause = function() {
this.isPaused = true;
this._btnPause.value = "Resume";
this._timeout = null;
this.logReaderEnabled = false;
* Resumes output of log messages, including outputting any log messages that
* have been saved to buffer while paused.
* @method resume
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.resume = function() {
this.isPaused = false;
this._btnPause.value = "Pause";
this.logReaderEnabled = true;
* Hides UI of LogReader. Logging functionality is not disrupted.
* @method hide
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.hide = function() {
this._elContainer.style.display = "none";
* Shows UI of LogReader. Logging functionality is not disrupted.
* @method show
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.show = function() {
this._elContainer.style.display = "block";
* Collapses UI of LogReader. Logging functionality is not disrupted.
* @method collapse
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.collapse = function() {
this._elConsole.style.display = "none";
if(this._elFt) {
this._elFt.style.display = "none";
this._btnCollapse.value = "Expand";
this.isCollapsed = true;
* Expands UI of LogReader. Logging functionality is not disrupted.
* @method expand
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.expand = function() {
this._elConsole.style.display = "block";
if(this._elFt) {
this._elFt.style.display = "block";
this._btnCollapse.value = "Collapse";
this.isCollapsed = false;
* Returns related checkbox element for given filter (i.e., category or source).
* @method getCheckbox
* @param {String} Category or source name.
* @return {Array} Array of all filter checkboxes.
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.getCheckbox = function(filter) {
return this._filterCheckboxes[filter];
* Returns array of enabled categories.
* @method getCategories
* @return {String[]} Array of enabled categories.
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.getCategories = function() {
return this._categoryFilters;
* Shows log messages associated with given category.
* @method showCategory
* @param {String} Category name.
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.showCategory = function(sCategory) {
var filtersArray = this._categoryFilters;
// Don't do anything if category is already enabled
// Use Array.indexOf if available...
if(filtersArray.indexOf) {
if(filtersArray.indexOf(sCategory) > -1) {
// ...or do it the old-fashioned way
else {
for(var i=0; i<filtersArray.length; i++) {
if(filtersArray[i] === sCategory){
var elCheckbox = this.getCheckbox(sCategory);
if(elCheckbox) {
elCheckbox.checked = true;
* Hides log messages associated with given category.
* @method hideCategory
* @param {String} Category name.
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.hideCategory = function(sCategory) {
var filtersArray = this._categoryFilters;
for(var i=0; i<filtersArray.length; i++) {
if(sCategory == filtersArray[i]) {
filtersArray.splice(i, 1);
var elCheckbox = this.getCheckbox(sCategory);
if(elCheckbox) {
elCheckbox.checked = false;
* Returns array of enabled sources.
* @method getSources
* @return {Array} Array of enabled sources.
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.getSources = function() {
return this._sourceFilters;
* Shows log messages associated with given source.
* @method showSource
* @param {String} Source name.
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.showSource = function(sSource) {
var filtersArray = this._sourceFilters;
// Don't do anything if category is already enabled
// Use Array.indexOf if available...
if(filtersArray.indexOf) {
if(filtersArray.indexOf(sSource) > -1) {
// ...or do it the old-fashioned way
else {
for(var i=0; i<filtersArray.length; i++) {
if(sSource == filtersArray[i]){
var elCheckbox = this.getCheckbox(sSource);
if(elCheckbox) {
elCheckbox.checked = true;
* Hides log messages associated with given source.
* @method hideSource
* @param {String} Source name.
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.hideSource = function(sSource) {
var filtersArray = this._sourceFilters;
for(var i=0; i<filtersArray.length; i++) {
if(sSource == filtersArray[i]) {
filtersArray.splice(i, 1);
var elCheckbox = this.getCheckbox(sSource);
if(elCheckbox) {
elCheckbox.checked = false;
* Does not delete any log messages, but clears all printed log messages from
* the console. Log messages will be printed out again if user re-filters. The
* static method YAHOO.widget.Logger.reset() should be called in order to
* actually delete log messages.
* @method clearConsole
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.clearConsole = function() {
// Clear the buffer of any pending messages
this._timeout = null;
this._buffer = [];
this._consoleMsgCount = 0;
var elConsole = this._elConsole;
while(elConsole.hasChildNodes()) {
* Updates title to given string.
* @method setTitle
* @param sTitle {String} New title.
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.setTitle = function(sTitle) {
this._title.innerHTML = this.html2Text(sTitle);
* Gets timestamp of the last log.
* @method getLastTime
* @return {Date} Timestamp of the last log.
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.getLastTime = function() {
return this._lastTime;
* Formats message string to HTML for output to console.
* @method formatMsg
* @param oLogMsg {Object} Log message object.
* @return {String} HTML-formatted message for output to console.
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.formatMsg = function(oLogMsg) {
var category = oLogMsg.category;
// Label for color-coded display
var label = category.substring(0,4).toUpperCase();
// Calculate the elapsed time to be from the last item that passed through the filter,
// not the absolute previous item in the stack
var time = oLogMsg.time;
if (time.toLocaleTimeString) {
var localTime = time.toLocaleTimeString();
else {
localTime = time.toString();
var msecs = time.getTime();
var startTime = YAHOO.widget.Logger.getStartTime();
var totalTime = msecs - startTime;
var elapsedTime = msecs - this.getLastTime();
var source = oLogMsg.source;
var sourceDetail = oLogMsg.sourceDetail;
var sourceAndDetail = (sourceDetail) ?
source + " " + sourceDetail : source;
// Escape HTML entities in the log message itself for output to console
//var msg = this.html2Text(oLogMsg.msg); //TODO: delete
var msg = this.html2Text(YAHOO.lang.dump(oLogMsg.msg));
// Verbose output includes extra line breaks
var output = (this.verboseOutput) ?
["<pre class=\"yui-log-verbose\"><p><span class='", category, "'>", label, "</span> ",
totalTime, "ms (+", elapsedTime, ") ",
localTime, ": ",
": </p><p>",
"</p></pre>"] :
["<pre><p><span class='", category, "'>", label, "</span> ",
totalTime, "ms (+", elapsedTime, ") ",
localTime, ": ",
sourceAndDetail, ": ",
msg, "</p></pre>"];
return output.join("");
* Converts input chars "<", ">", and "&" to HTML entities.
* @method html2Text
* @param sHtml {String} String to convert.
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype.html2Text = function(sHtml) {
if(sHtml) {
sHtml += "";
return sHtml.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">");
return "";
// Private member variables
* Internal class member to index multiple LogReader instances.
* @property _memberName
* @static
* @type Number
* @default 0
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader._index = 0;
* Name of LogReader instance.
* @property _sName
* @type String
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._sName = null;
//TODO: remove
* A class member shared by all LogReaders if a container needs to be
* created during instantiation. Will be null if a container element never needs to
* be created on the fly, such as when the implementer passes in their own element.
* @property _elDefaultContainer
* @type HTMLElement
* @private
//YAHOO.widget.LogReader._elDefaultContainer = null;
* Buffer of log message objects for batch output.
* @property _buffer
* @type Object[]
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._buffer = null;
* Number of log messages output to console.
* @property _consoleMsgCount
* @type Number
* @default 0
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._consoleMsgCount = 0;
* Date of last output log message.
* @property _lastTime
* @type Date
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._lastTime = null;
* Batched output timeout ID.
* @property _timeout
* @type Number
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._timeout = null;
* Hash of filters and their related checkbox elements.
* @property _filterCheckboxes
* @type Object
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._filterCheckboxes = null;
* Array of filters for log message categories.
* @property _categoryFilters
* @type String[]
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._categoryFilters = null;
* Array of filters for log message sources.
* @property _sourceFilters
* @type String[]
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._sourceFilters = null;
* LogReader container element.
* @property _elContainer
* @type HTMLElement
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._elContainer = null;
* LogReader header element.
* @property _elHd
* @type HTMLElement
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._elHd = null;
* LogReader collapse element.
* @property _elCollapse
* @type HTMLElement
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._elCollapse = null;
* LogReader collapse button element.
* @property _btnCollapse
* @type HTMLElement
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._btnCollapse = null;
* LogReader title header element.
* @property _title
* @type HTMLElement
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._title = null;
* LogReader console element.
* @property _elConsole
* @type HTMLElement
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._elConsole = null;
* LogReader footer element.
* @property _elFt
* @type HTMLElement
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._elFt = null;
* LogReader buttons container element.
* @property _elBtns
* @type HTMLElement
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._elBtns = null;
* Container element for LogReader category filter checkboxes.
* @property _elCategoryFilters
* @type HTMLElement
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._elCategoryFilters = null;
* Container element for LogReader source filter checkboxes.
* @property _elSourceFilters
* @type HTMLElement
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._elSourceFilters = null;
* LogReader pause button element.
* @property _btnPause
* @type HTMLElement
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._btnPause = null;
* Clear button element.
* @property _btnClear
* @type HTMLElement
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._btnClear = null;
// Private methods
* Initializes the primary container element.
* @method _initContainerEl
* @param elContainer {HTMLElement} Container element by reference or string ID.
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._initContainerEl = function(elContainer) {
// Validate container
elContainer = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(elContainer);
// Attach to existing container...
if(elContainer && elContainer.tagName && (elContainer.tagName.toLowerCase() == "div")) {
this._elContainer = elContainer;
// ...or create container from scratch
else {
this._elContainer = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
//this._elContainer.id = "yui-log" + this._sName;
//YAHOO.widget.LogReader._elDefaultContainer = this._elContainer;
// If implementer has provided container values, trust and set those
var containerStyle = this._elContainer.style;
if(this.width) {
containerStyle.width = this.width;
if(this.right) {
containerStyle.right = this.right;
if(this.top) {
containerStyle.top = this.top;
if(this.left) {
containerStyle.left = this.left;
containerStyle.right = "auto";
if(this.bottom) {
containerStyle.bottom = this.bottom;
containerStyle.top = "auto";
if(this.fontSize) {
containerStyle.fontSize = this.fontSize;
// For Opera
if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera") != -1) {
document.body.style += '';
* Initializes the header element.
* @method _initHeaderEl
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._initHeaderEl = function() {
var oSelf = this;
// Destroy header
if(this._elHd) {
// Unhook DOM events
YAHOO.util.Event.purgeElement(this._elHd, true);
// Remove DOM elements
this._elHd.innerHTML = "";
// Create header
this._elHd = this._elContainer.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
this._elHd.id = "yui-log-hd" + this._sName;
this._elHd.className = "yui-log-hd";
this._elCollapse = this._elHd.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
this._elCollapse.className = "yui-log-btns";
this._btnCollapse = document.createElement("input");
this._btnCollapse.type = "button";
//this._btnCollapse.style.fontSize =
// YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(this._elContainer,"fontSize");
this._btnCollapse.className = "yui-log-button";
this._btnCollapse.value = "Collapse";
this._btnCollapse = this._elCollapse.appendChild(this._btnCollapse);
this._title = this._elHd.appendChild(document.createElement("h4"));
this._title.innerHTML = "Logger Console";
* Initializes the console element.
* @method _initConsoleEl
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._initConsoleEl = function() {
// Destroy console
if(this._elConsole) {
// Unhook DOM events
YAHOO.util.Event.purgeElement(this._elConsole, true);
// Remove DOM elements
this._elConsole.innerHTML = "";
// Ceate console
this._elConsole = this._elContainer.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
this._elConsole.className = "yui-log-bd";
// If implementer has provided console, trust and set those
if(this.height) {
this._elConsole.style.height = this.height;
* Initializes the footer element.
* @method _initFooterEl
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._initFooterEl = function() {
var oSelf = this;
// Don't create footer elements if footer is disabled
if(this.footerEnabled) {
// Destroy console
if(this._elFt) {
// Unhook DOM events
YAHOO.util.Event.purgeElement(this._elFt, true);
// Remove DOM elements
this._elFt.innerHTML = "";
this._elFt = this._elContainer.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
this._elFt.className = "yui-log-ft";
this._elBtns = this._elFt.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
this._elBtns.className = "yui-log-btns";
this._btnPause = document.createElement("input");
this._btnPause.type = "button";
//this._btnPause.style.fontSize =
// YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(this._elContainer,"fontSize");
this._btnPause.className = "yui-log-button";
this._btnPause.value = "Pause";
this._btnPause = this._elBtns.appendChild(this._btnPause);
this._btnClear = document.createElement("input");
this._btnClear.type = "button";
//this._btnClear.style.fontSize =
// YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(this._elContainer,"fontSize");
this._btnClear.className = "yui-log-button";
this._btnClear.value = "Clear";
this._btnClear = this._elBtns.appendChild(this._btnClear);
this._elCategoryFilters = this._elFt.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
this._elCategoryFilters.className = "yui-log-categoryfilters";
this._elSourceFilters = this._elFt.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
this._elSourceFilters.className = "yui-log-sourcefilters";
* Initializes Drag and Drop on the header element.
* @method _initDragDrop
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._initDragDrop = function() {
// If Drag and Drop utility is available...
// ...and draggable is true...
// ...then make the header draggable
if(YAHOO.util.DD && this.draggable && this._elHd) {
var ylog_dd = new YAHOO.util.DD(this._elContainer);
//TODO: use class name
this._elHd.style.cursor = "move";
* Initializes category filters.
* @method _initCategories
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._initCategories = function() {
// Initialize category filters
this._categoryFilters = [];
var aInitialCategories = YAHOO.widget.Logger.categories;
for(var j=0; j < aInitialCategories.length; j++) {
var sCategory = aInitialCategories[j];
// Add category to the internal array of filters
// Add checkbox element if UI is enabled
if(this._elCategoryFilters) {
* Initializes source filters.
* @method _initSources
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._initSources = function() {
// Initialize source filters
this._sourceFilters = [];
var aInitialSources = YAHOO.widget.Logger.sources;
for(var j=0; j < aInitialSources.length; j++) {
var sSource = aInitialSources[j];
// Add source to the internal array of filters
// Add checkbox element if UI is enabled
if(this._elSourceFilters) {
* Creates the UI for a category filter in the LogReader footer element.
* @method _createCategoryCheckbox
* @param sCategory {String} Category name.
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._createCategoryCheckbox = function(sCategory) {
var oSelf = this;
if(this._elFt) {
var elParent = this._elCategoryFilters;
var elFilter = elParent.appendChild(document.createElement("span"));
elFilter.className = "yui-log-filtergrp";
// Append el at the end so IE 5.5 can set "type" attribute
// and THEN set checked property
var chkCategory = document.createElement("input");
chkCategory.id = "yui-log-filter-" + sCategory + this._sName;
chkCategory.className = "yui-log-filter-" + sCategory;
chkCategory.type = "checkbox";
chkCategory.category = sCategory;
chkCategory = elFilter.appendChild(chkCategory);
chkCategory.checked = true;
// Subscribe to the click event
// Create and class the text label
var lblCategory = elFilter.appendChild(document.createElement("label"));
lblCategory.htmlFor = chkCategory.id;
lblCategory.className = sCategory;
lblCategory.innerHTML = sCategory;
this._filterCheckboxes[sCategory] = chkCategory;
* Creates a checkbox in the LogReader footer element to filter by source.
* @method _createSourceCheckbox
* @param sSource {String} Source name.
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._createSourceCheckbox = function(sSource) {
var oSelf = this;
if(this._elFt) {
var elParent = this._elSourceFilters;
var elFilter = elParent.appendChild(document.createElement("span"));
elFilter.className = "yui-log-filtergrp";
// Append el at the end so IE 5.5 can set "type" attribute
// and THEN set checked property
var chkSource = document.createElement("input");
chkSource.id = "yui-log-filter" + sSource + this._sName;
chkSource.className = "yui-log-filter" + sSource;
chkSource.type = "checkbox";
chkSource.source = sSource;
chkSource = elFilter.appendChild(chkSource);
chkSource.checked = true;
// Subscribe to the click event
// Create and class the text label
var lblSource = elFilter.appendChild(document.createElement("label"));
lblSource.htmlFor = chkSource.id;
lblSource.className = sSource;
lblSource.innerHTML = sSource;
this._filterCheckboxes[sSource] = chkSource;
* Reprints all log messages in the stack through filters.
* @method _filterLogs
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._filterLogs = function() {
// Reprint stack with new filters
if (this._elConsole !== null) {
* Sends buffer of log messages to output and clears buffer.
* @method _printBuffer
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._printBuffer = function() {
this._timeout = null;
if(this._elConsole !== null) {
var thresholdMax = this.thresholdMax;
thresholdMax = (thresholdMax && !isNaN(thresholdMax)) ? thresholdMax : 500;
if(this._consoleMsgCount < thresholdMax) {
var entries = [];
for (var i=0; i<this._buffer.length; i++) {
entries[i] = this._buffer[i];
this._buffer = [];
else {
if(!this.newestOnTop) {
this._elConsole.scrollTop = this._elConsole.scrollHeight;
* Cycles through an array of log messages, and outputs each one to the console
* if its category has not been filtered out.
* @method _printToConsole
* @param aEntries {Object[]} Array of LogMsg objects to output to console.
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._printToConsole = function(aEntries) {
// Manage the number of messages displayed in the console
var entriesLen = aEntries.length;
var thresholdMin = this.thresholdMin;
if(isNaN(thresholdMin) || (thresholdMin > this.thresholdMax)) {
thresholdMin = 0;
var entriesStartIndex = (entriesLen > thresholdMin) ? (entriesLen - thresholdMin) : 0;
// Iterate through all log entries
var sourceFiltersLen = this._sourceFilters.length;
var categoryFiltersLen = this._categoryFilters.length;
for(var i=entriesStartIndex; i<entriesLen; i++) {
// Print only the ones that filter through
var okToPrint = false;
var okToFilterCats = false;
// Get log message details
var entry = aEntries[i];
var source = entry.source;
var category = entry.category;
for(var j=0; j<sourceFiltersLen; j++) {
if(source == this._sourceFilters[j]) {
okToFilterCats = true;
if(okToFilterCats) {
for(var k=0; k<categoryFiltersLen; k++) {
if(category == this._categoryFilters[k]) {
okToPrint = true;
if(okToPrint) {
var output = this.formatMsg(entry);
if(this.newestOnTop) {
this._elConsole.innerHTML = output + this._elConsole.innerHTML;
else {
this._elConsole.innerHTML += output;
this._lastTime = entry.time.getTime();
// Private event handlers
* Handles Logger's categoryCreateEvent.
* @method _onCategoryCreate
* @param sType {String} The event.
* @param aArgs {Object[]} Data passed from event firer.
* @param oSelf {Object} The LogReader instance.
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._onCategoryCreate = function(sType, aArgs, oSelf) {
var category = aArgs[0];
// Add category to the internal array of filters
if(oSelf._elFt) {
* Handles Logger's sourceCreateEvent.
* @method _onSourceCreate
* @param sType {String} The event.
* @param aArgs {Object[]} Data passed from event firer.
* @param oSelf {Object} The LogReader instance.
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._onSourceCreate = function(sType, aArgs, oSelf) {
var source = aArgs[0];
// Add source to the internal array of filters
if(oSelf._elFt) {
* Handles check events on the category filter checkboxes.
* @method _onCheckCategory
* @param v {HTMLEvent} The click event.
* @param oSelf {Object} The LogReader instance.
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._onCheckCategory = function(v, oSelf) {
var category = this.category;
if(!this.checked) {
else {
* Handles check events on the category filter checkboxes.
* @method _onCheckSource
* @param v {HTMLEvent} The click event.
* @param oSelf {Object} The LogReader instance.
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._onCheckSource = function(v, oSelf) {
var source = this.source;
if(!this.checked) {
else {
* Handles click events on the collapse button.
* @method _onClickCollapseBtn
* @param v {HTMLEvent} The click event.
* @param oSelf {Object} The LogReader instance
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._onClickCollapseBtn = function(v, oSelf) {
if(!oSelf.isCollapsed) {
else {
* Handles click events on the pause button.
* @method _onClickPauseBtn
* @param v {HTMLEvent} The click event.
* @param oSelf {Object} The LogReader instance.
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._onClickPauseBtn = function(v, oSelf) {
if(!oSelf.isPaused) {
else {
* Handles click events on the clear button.
* @method _onClickClearBtn
* @param v {HTMLEvent} The click event.
* @param oSelf {Object} The LogReader instance.
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._onClickClearBtn = function(v, oSelf) {
* Handles Logger's newLogEvent.
* @method _onNewLog
* @param sType {String} The event.
* @param aArgs {Object[]} Data passed from event firer.
* @param oSelf {Object} The LogReader instance.
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._onNewLog = function(sType, aArgs, oSelf) {
var logEntry = aArgs[0];
if (oSelf.logReaderEnabled === true && oSelf._timeout === null) {
oSelf._timeout = setTimeout(function(){oSelf._printBuffer();}, oSelf.outputBuffer);
* Handles Logger's resetEvent.
* @method _onReset
* @param sType {String} The event.
* @param aArgs {Object[]} Data passed from event firer.
* @param oSelf {Object} The LogReader instance.
* @private
YAHOO.widget.LogReader.prototype._onReset = function(sType, aArgs, oSelf) {