YUI recommends YUI 3.

YUI 2 has been deprecated since 2011. This site acts as an archive for files and documentation.

Yahoo! UI Library

Button  2.2.0

Yahoo! UI Library > button > button.js (source view)

* @module button
* @description <p>The Button Control enables the creation of rich, graphical 
* buttons that function like traditional HTML form buttons.  <em>Unlike</em> 
* tradition HTML form buttons, buttons created with the Button Control can have 
* a label that is different from its value.  With the inclusion of the optional 
* <a href="module_menu.html">Menu Control</a>, the Button Control can also be
* used to create menu buttons and split buttons, controls that are not 
* available natively in HTML.  The Button Control can also be thought of as a 
* way to create more visually engaging implementations of the browser's 
* default radio-button and check-box controls.</p>
* <p>The Button Control supports the following types:</p>
* <dl>
* <dt>button</dt>
* <dd>Basic push button that can execute a user-specified command when 
* pressed.</dd>
* <dt>link</dt>
* <dd>Navigates to a specified url when pressed.</dd>
* <dt>submit</dt>
* <dd>Submits the parent form when pressed.</dd>
* <dt>reset</dt>
* <dd>Resets the parent form when pressed.</dd>
* <dt>checkbox</dt>
* <dd>Maintains a "checked" state that can be toggled on and off.</dd>
* <dt>radio</dt>
* <dd>Maintains a "checked" state that can be toggled on and off.  Use with 
* the ButtonGroup class to create a set of controls that are mutually 
* exclusive; checking one button in the set will uncheck all others in 
* the group.</dd>
* <dt>menubutton</dt>
* <dd>When pressed will show/hide a menu.</dd>
* <dt>splitbutton</dt>
* <dd>Can execute a user-specified command or display a menu when pressed.</dd>
* </dl>
* @title Button
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @requires yahoo, dom, element, event
* @optional container, menu
* @beta

(function() {

// Shorthard for utilities

var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
    Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
    Lang = YAHOO.lang,

    // Private member variables

    m_oButtons = {},
    m_oFocusedButton = null;

//  Constructor

* The Button class creates a rich, graphical button.
* @param {String} p_oElement String specifying the id attribute of the 
* <code>&#60;input&#62;</code>, <code>&#60;a&#62;</code> or 
* <code>&#60;span&#62;</code> element to be used to create the button.
* @param {<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-
* one-html.html#ID-6043025">HTMLInputElement</a>|<a href="
* http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-one-html.html#
* ID-33759296">HTMLElement</a>} p_oElement Object reference for the 
* <code>&#60;input&#62;</code>, <code>&#60;a&#62;</code> or 
* <code>&#60;span&#62;</code> element to be used to create the button.
* @param {Object} p_oElement Object literal specifying a set of configuration  
* attributes used to create the button.
* @param {Object} p_oAttributes Optional. Object literal specifying a set of 
* configuration attributes used to create the button.
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class Button
* @constructor
* @extends YAHOO.util.Element
YAHOO.widget.Button = function(p_oElement, p_oAttributes) {

    var fnSuperClass = YAHOO.widget.Button.superclass.constructor;

        arguments.length == 1 && 
        !Lang.isString(p_oElement) && 
    ) {

        if(!p_oElement.id) {

            p_oElement.id = Dom.generateId();

                "No value specified for the button's \"id\" attribute. " +
                "Setting  button id to \"" + p_oElement.id + "\".",


        this.logger = new YAHOO.widget.LogWriter("Button " + p_oElement.id);

                "No source HTML element.  "  +
                "Building the button using the set of configuration attributes."


    else {

        var oConfig = {
            element: null,
            attributes: (p_oAttributes || {})

        if(Lang.isString(p_oElement)) {

            var me = this;

            Event.onAvailable(p_oElement, function() {

                var sTagName = this.tagName.toUpperCase();
                if(sTagName == me.TAG_NAME) {
                    oConfig.attributes.id = this.id;
                else if(sTagName == "INPUT" && !oConfig.attributes.id) {
                    oConfig.attributes.id = Dom.generateId();
                        "No value specified for the button's \"id\" " +
                        "attribute. Setting button id to \"" + 
                        oConfig.attributes.id + "\".",
                me.logger = new YAHOO.widget.LogWriter(
                                    "Button " + oConfig.attributes.id
                        "Building the button using an existing HTML " + 
                        "element as a source element." 
                oConfig.attributes.srcelement = this;
                initConfig.call(me, oConfig);
                if(!oConfig.element) {
                            "Source element could not be used as is.  " +
                            "Creating a new HTML element for the button."
                    oConfig.element = 
                fnSuperClass.call(me, oConfig.element, oConfig.attributes);


        else {

            var sTagName = p_oElement.tagName.toUpperCase();

            if(sTagName == this.TAG_NAME) {

                if(p_oElement.id) {

                    oConfig.attributes.id = p_oElement.id;
                else {

                    oConfig.attributes.id = Dom.generateId();

                        "No value specified for the button's \"id\" " +
                        "attribute. Setting button id to \"" + 
                        oConfig.attributes.id + "\".",


            else if(sTagName == "INPUT" && !oConfig.attributes.id) {

                oConfig.attributes.id = Dom.generateId();

                    "No value specified for the button's \"id\" " +
                    "attribute. Setting button id to \"" + 
                    oConfig.attributes.id + "\".",

            this.logger = 
                new YAHOO.widget.LogWriter("Button " + oConfig.attributes.id);

                    "Building the button using an existing HTML element as " + 
                    "a source element." 

            oConfig.attributes.srcelement = p_oElement;
            initConfig.call(this, oConfig);
            if(!oConfig.element) {

                        "Source element could not be used as is.  " +
                        "Creating a new HTML element for the button."
                oConfig.element = 
            fnSuperClass.call(this, oConfig.element, oConfig.attributes);



// Private methods

* @method getFirstElement
* @description Returns an HTML element's first HTML element node.
* @private
* @param {<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/
* level-one-html.html#ID-58190037">HTMLElement</a>} p_oElement Object 
* reference specifying the element to be evaluated.
* @return {<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/
* level-one-html.html#ID-58190037">HTMLElement</a>}
function getFirstElement(p_oElement) {

    var oFirstChild = p_oElement.firstChild;

    if(oFirstChild) {

        if(oFirstChild.nodeType == 1) {

            return oFirstChild;

        else {

            var oNextSibling = oFirstChild.nextSibling;

            if(oNextSibling && oNextSibling.nodeType == 1) {
                return oNextSibling;




* @method createInputElement
* @description Creates an <code>&#60;input&#62;</code> element of the 
* specified type.
* @private
* @param {String} p_sType String specifying the type of 
* <code>&#60;input&#62;</code> element to create.
* @param {String} p_sName String specifying the name of 
* <code>&#60;input&#62;</code> element to create.
* @param {String} p_sValue String specifying the value of 
* <code>&#60;input&#62;</code> element to create.
* @param {String} p_bChecked Boolean specifying if the  
* <code>&#60;input&#62;</code> element is to be checked.
* @return {<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-
* one-html.html#ID-6043025">HTMLInputElement</a>}
function createInputElement(p_sType, p_sName, p_sValue, p_bChecked) {

    var oInput;

    if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) {

            For IE it is necessary to create the element with the 
            "type," "name," "value," and "checked" properties set all at once.
        var sInput = "<input type=\"" + p_sType + "\" name=\"" + p_sName + "\"";

        if(p_bChecked) {

            sInput += " checked";
        sInput += ">";

        oInput = document.createElement(sInput);

    else {
        oInput = document.createElement("input");
        oInput.name = p_sName;
        oInput.type = p_sType;

        if(p_bChecked) {

            oInput.checked = true;


    oInput.value = p_sValue;
    return oInput;


* @method setAttributesFromSrcElement
* @description Gets the values for all the attributes of the source element 
* (either <code>&#60;input&#62;</code> or <code>&#60;a&#62;</code>) that map to
* Button configuration attributes and sets them into a collection that is
* passed to the Button constructor.
* @private
* @param {<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-
* one-html.html#ID-6043025">HTMLInputElement</a>|<a href="http://www.w3.org/
* TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-one-html.html#ID-
* 48250443">HTMLAnchorElement</a>} p_oElement Object reference to the HTML 
* element (either <code>&#60;input&#62;</code> or <code>&#60;span&#62;</code>) 
* used to create the button.
* @param {Object} p_oAttributes Object reference for the collection of 
* configuration attributes used to create the button.
function setAttributesFromSrcElement(p_oElement, p_oAttributes) {

    var me = this;

    * @method setAttributeFromDOMAttribute
    * @description Gets the value of the specified DOM attribute and sets it 
    * into the collection of configuration attributes used to configure 
    * the button.
    * @private
    * @param {String} p_sAttribute String representing the name of the 
    * attribute to retrieve from the DOM element.
    function setAttributeFromDOMAttribute(p_sAttribute) {

        if( !(p_sAttribute in p_oAttributes) ) {

                Need to use "getAttributeNode" instead of "getAttribute" 
                because using "getAttribute," IE will return the innerText of 
                a <code>&#60;button&#62;</code> for the value attribute rather 
                than the value of the "value" attribute.
            var oAttribute = p_oElement.getAttributeNode(p_sAttribute);

            if(oAttribute && ("value" in oAttribute)) {

                    "Setting attribute \"" + p_sAttribute + "\" using " +
                    "source element's attribute value of \"" + 
                    oAttribute.value + "\""

                p_oAttributes[p_sAttribute] = oAttribute.value;



    * @method setFormElementProperties
    * @description Gets the value of the attributes from the form element and 
    * sets them into the collection of configuration attributes used to 
    * configure the button.
    * @private
    function setFormElementProperties() {


        if( !("disabled" in p_oAttributes) ) {

            p_oAttributes.disabled = p_oElement.disabled;




    var sSrcElementTagName = p_oElement.tagName.toUpperCase();

    if( !("label" in p_oAttributes) ) {

        // Set the "label" property
        var sText = sSrcElementTagName == "INPUT" ? 
                        p_oElement.value : p_oElement.innerHTML;
        if(sText && sText.length > 0) {
            p_oAttributes.label = sText;



    switch(sSrcElementTagName) {
        case "A":
            p_oAttributes.type = "link";



        case "INPUT":


            if( !("checked" in p_oAttributes) ) {
                p_oAttributes.checked = p_oElement.checked;


        case "BUTTON":


            var oRootNode = p_oElement.parentNode.parentNode;

            if(Dom.hasClass(oRootNode, "checked")) {
                p_oAttributes.checked = true;

            if(Dom.hasClass(oRootNode, "disabled")) {

                p_oAttributes.disabled = true;


            p_oElement.setAttribute("type", "button");



* @method initConfig
* @description Initializes the set of configuration attributes that are used to  
* instantiate the button.
* @private
* @param {Object} Object representing the button's set of 
* configuration attributes.
function initConfig(p_oConfig) {

    var oAttributes = p_oConfig.attributes,
        oSrcElement = oAttributes.srcelement,
        sSrcElementTagName = oSrcElement.tagName.toUpperCase();

    if(sSrcElementTagName == this.TAG_NAME) {

        p_oConfig.element = oSrcElement;

        var oFirstChild = getFirstElement(p_oConfig.element);

        Dom.addClass(oFirstChild, "first-child");

        if(oFirstChild) {

            var oButton = getFirstElement(oFirstChild);

            if(oButton) {

                var sButtonTagName = oButton.tagName.toUpperCase();

                if(sButtonTagName == "A" || sButtonTagName == "BUTTON") {


    else if(sSrcElementTagName == "INPUT") {

        setAttributesFromSrcElement.call(this, oSrcElement, oAttributes);


YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.widget.Button, YAHOO.util.Element, {

// Protected properties

* @property _button
* @description Object reference to the button's internal 
* <code>&#60;a&#62;</code> or <code>&#60;button&#62;</code> element.
* @default null
* @protected
* @type <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-
* one-html.html#ID-48250443">HTMLAnchorElement</a>|<a href="
* http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-one-html.html#ID-
* 34812697">HTMLButtonElement</a>
_button: null,

* @property _menu
* @description Object reference to the button's menu.
* @default null
* @protected
* @type <a href="YAHOO.widget.Menu.html">YAHOO.widget.Menu</a>
_menu: null,

* @property _onclickAttributeValue
* @description Object reference to the button's current value for the "onclick"
* configuration attribute.
* @default null
* @protected
* @type Object
_onclickAttributeValue: null,

* @property _oninitAttributeValue
* @description Object reference to the button's current value for the "oninit"
* configuration attribute.
* @default null
* @protected
* @type Object
_oninitAttributeValue: null,

* @property _activationKeyPressed
* @description Boolean indicating if the key(s) that toggle the button's 
* "active" state have been pressed.
* @default false
* @protected
* @type Boolean
_activationKeyPressed: false,

* @property _activationButtonPressed
* @description Boolean indicating if the mouse button that toggles the button's
* "active" state has been pressed.
* @default false
* @protected
* @type Boolean
_activationButtonPressed: false,

* @property _hasKeyEventHandlers
* @description Boolean indicating if the button's "blur", "keydown" and 
* "keyup" event handlers are assigned
* @default false
* @protected
* @type Boolean
_hasKeyEventHandlers: false,

* @property _hasMouseEventHandlers
* @description Boolean indicating if the button's "mouseout" and "mousedown" 
* and "mouseup" event handlers are assigned
* @default false
* @protected
* @type Boolean
_hasMouseEventHandlers: false,

// Constants

* @property TAG_NAME
* @description The name of the tag to be used for the button's root element. 
* @default "SPAN"
* @final
* @type String

* @description Array of numbers representing keys that (when pressed) toggle 
* the button's "checked" attribute.
* @default [32]
* @final
* @type Array

* @description Array of numbers representing keys that (when presed) toggle 
* the button's "active" state.
* @default [13, 32]
* @final
* @type Array

* @description Width (in pixels) of the area of a split button that when 
* pressed will display a menu.
* @default 20
* @final
* @type Number

* @property CSS_CLASS_NAME
* @description String representing the CSS class(es) to be applied to the 
* button's root element.
* @default "yuibutton"
* @final
* @type String
CSS_CLASS_NAME: "yuibutton",

* @description String representing the default title applied to buttons of 
* type "radio." 
* @default "Unchecked.  Click to check."
* @final
* @type String
RADIO_DEFAULT_TITLE: "Unchecked.  Click to check.",

* @description String representing the title applied to buttons of type "radio" 
* when checked.
* @default "Checked.  Click to uncheck."
* @final
* @type String
RADIO_CHECKED_TITLE: "Checked.  Click to uncheck.",

* @description String representing the default title applied to buttons of 
* type "checkbox." 
* @default "Unchecked.  Click to check."
* @final
* @type String
CHECKBOX_DEFAULT_TITLE: "Unchecked.  Click to check.",

* @description String representing the title applied to buttons of type 
* "checkbox" when checked.
* @default "Checked.  Click to uncheck."
* @final
* @type String
CHECKBOX_CHECKED_TITLE: "Checked.  Click to uncheck.",

* @description String representing the default title applied to buttons of 
* type "menubutton." 
* @default "Menu collapsed.  Click to expand."
* @final
* @type String
MENUBUTTON_DEFAULT_TITLE: "Menu collapsed.  Click to expand.",

* @description String representing the title applied to buttons of type 
* "menubutton" when the button's menu is visible. 
* @default "Menu expanded.  Click or press Esc to collapse."
* @final
* @type String
    "Menu expanded.  Click or press Esc to collapse.",

* @description  String representing the default title applied to buttons of 
* type "splitebutton." 
* @default "Menu collapsed.  Click inside option region or press 
* Ctrl + Shift + M to show the menu."
* @final
* @type String
    "Menu collapsed.  Click inside option region or press Ctrl + Shift + M to show the menu.",

* @description String representing the title applied to buttons of type 
* "splitbutton" when the button's menu is visible. 
* @default "Menu expanded.  Press Esc or Ctrl + Shift + M to hide the menu."
* @final
* @type String
    "Menu expanded.  Press Esc or Ctrl + Shift + M to hide the menu.",

* @property SUBMIT_TITLE
* @description String representing the title applied to buttons of 
* type "submit." 
* @default "Click to submit form."
* @final
* @type String
SUBMIT_TITLE: "Click to submit form.",

// Protected attribute setter methods

* @method _setType
* @description Sets the value of the button's "type" attribute.
* @protected
* @param {String} p_sType String indicating the value for the button's 
* "type" attribute.
_setType: function(p_sType) {

    if(p_sType == "splitbutton") {

        this.on("option", this._onOption);



* @method _setLabel
* @description Sets the value of the button's "label" attribute.
* @protected
* @param {String} p_sLabel String indicating the value for the button's 
* "label" attribute.
_setLabel: function(p_sLabel) {

    this._button.innerHTML = p_sLabel;                


* @method _setTabIndex
* @description Sets the value of the button's "tabindex" attribute.
* @protected
* @param {Number} p_nTabIndex Number indicating the value for the button's 
* "tabindex" attribute.
_setTabIndex: function(p_nTabIndex) {

    this._button.tabIndex = p_nTabIndex;


* @method _setTitle
* @description Sets the value of the button's "title" attribute.
* @protected
* @param {String} p_nTabIndex Number indicating the value for the button's 
* "title" attribute.
_setTitle: function(p_sTitle) {

    if(this.get("type") != "link") {

        var sTitle = p_sTitle;

        if(!sTitle) {

            var sType = this.get("type");

            switch(sType) {

                case "radio":

                    sTitle = this.RADIO_DEFAULT_TITLE;


                case "checkbox":

                    sTitle = this.CHECKBOX_DEFAULT_TITLE;

                case "menubutton":

                    sTitle = this.MENUBUTTON_DEFAULT_TITLE;


                case "splitbutton":

                    sTitle = this.SPLITBUTTON_DEFAULT_TITLE;


                case "submit":

                    sTitle = this.SUBMIT_TITLE;




        this._button.title = sTitle;



* @method _setDisabled
* @description Sets the value of the button's "disabled" attribute.
* @protected
* @param {Boolean} p_bDisabled Boolean indicating the value for the button's 
* "disabled" attribute.
_setDisabled: function(p_bDisabled) {

    if(this.get("type") != "link") {

        if(p_bDisabled) {

            if(this.hasFocus()) {

            this._button.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");


        else {





* @method _setAccessKey
* @description Sets the value of the button's "accesskey" attribute.
* @protected
* @param {String} p_sAccessKey String indicating the value for the button's 
* "accesskey" attribute.
_setAccessKey: function(p_sAccessKey) {

    this._button.accessKey = p_sAccessKey;


* @method _setHref
* @description Sets the value of the button's "href" attribute.
* @protected
* @param {String} p_sHref String indicating the value for the button's 
* "href" attribute.
_setHref: function(p_sHref) {

    if(this.get("type") == "link") {

        this._button.href = p_sHref;


* @method _setTarget
* @description Sets the value of the button's "target" attribute.
* @protected
* @param {String} p_sTarget String indicating the value for the button's 
* "target" attribute.
_setTarget: function(p_sTarget) {

    if(this.get("type") == "link") {

        this._button.setAttribute("target", p_sTarget);


* @method _setChecked
* @description Sets the value of the button's "target" attribute.
* @protected
* @param {Boolean} p_bChecked Boolean indicating the value for the button's 
* "checked" attribute.
_setChecked: function(p_bChecked) {

    var sType = this.get("type"),

    if(sType == "checkbox" || sType == "radio") {

        if(p_bChecked) {

            sTitle = (sType == "radio") ? 
                        this.RADIO_CHECKED_TITLE : 
        else {


            sTitle = (sType == "radio") ? 
                        this.RADIO_DEFAULT_TITLE : 

        this.set("title", sTitle);



* @method _setMenu
* @description Sets the value of the button's "menu" attribute.
* @protected
* @param {Object} p_oMenu Object indicating the value for the button's 
* "menu" attribute.
_setMenu: function(p_oMenu) {

    var Menu = YAHOO.widget.Menu,
        me = this;

    if(!Menu) {

        this.logger.log("YAHOO.widget.Menu dependency not met.", "error");

        return false;

    function initMenu() {
        if(oMenu) {
            oMenu.showEvent.subscribe(this._onMenuShow, this, true);
            oMenu.hideEvent.subscribe(this._onMenuHide, this, true);
            oMenu.keyDownEvent.subscribe(this._onMenuKeyDown, this, true);
            oMenu.renderEvent.subscribe(this._onMenuRender, this, true);
            oMenu.clickEvent.subscribe(this._onMenuClick, this, true);
            oMenu.itemAddedEvent.subscribe(this._onMenuItemAdded, this, true);

            var oSrcElement = oMenu.srcElement;
            if(oSrcElement && oSrcElement.tagName.toUpperCase() == "SELECT") {
                oSrcElement.style.display = "none";
            this._menu = oMenu;
        else {
            this._menu = null;

    if(p_oMenu instanceof Menu) {

        oMenu = p_oMenu;
        var aItems = oMenu.getItems(),
            nItems = aItems.length,
        if(nItems > 0) {
            var i = nItems - 1;
            do {
                oItem = aItems[i];
                if(oItem) {


    else if(Lang.isArray(p_oMenu)) {

        this.on("appendTo", function() {

            oMenu = new Menu(
                            { lazyload: true, itemdata: p_oMenu }
    else if(Lang.isString(p_oMenu)) {

        Event.onContentReady(p_oMenu, function() {

            oMenu = new Menu(this, { lazyload: true });

    else if(p_oMenu && p_oMenu.nodeName) {

        oMenu = new Menu(p_oMenu, { lazyload: true });


* @method _setOnClick
* @description Sets the value of the button's "onclick" attribute.
* @protected
* @param {Object} p_oObject Object indicating the value for the button's 
* "onclick" attribute.
_setOnClick: function(p_oObject) {

        Remove any existing listeners if a "click" event handler has already 
        been specified.

        this._onclickAttributeValue && 
        (this._onclickAttributeValue != p_oObject)
    ) {

        this.removeListener("click", this._onclickAttributeValue.fn);

        this._onclickAttributeValue = null;


        !this._onclickAttributeValue && 
        Lang.isObject(p_oObject) && 
    ) {

        this.on("click", p_oObject.fn, p_oObject.obj, p_oObject.scope);

        this._onclickAttributeValue = p_oObject;



* @method _setOnInit
* @description Sets the value of the button's "init" attribute.
* @protected
* @param {Object} p_oObject Object indicating the value for the button's 
* "oninit" attribute.
_setOnInit: function(p_oObject) {

        Remove any existing listeners if a "init" event handler has already 
        been specified.

        this._oninitAttributeValue && 
        (this._oninitAttributeValue != p_oObject)
    ) {

        this.removeListener("init", this._oninitAttributeValue.fn);

        this._oninitAttributeValue = null;


        !this._oninitAttributeValue && 
        Lang.isObject(p_oObject) && 
    ) {

        this.on("init", p_oObject.fn, p_oObject.obj, p_oObject.scope);

        this._oninitAttributeValue = p_oObject;



// Protected methods

* @method _createButtonElement
* @description Creates the button's element.
* @protected
* @param {String} p_sType String indicating the type of element to create.
* @return {<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/
* level-one-html.html#ID-58190037">HTMLElement</a>}
_createButtonElement: function(p_sType) {

    var sTagName = this.TAG_NAME,
        oElement = document.createElement(sTagName);

    oElement.innerHTML =  
        "<" + sTagName + " class=\"first-child\">" + 
        (p_sType == "link" ? "<a></a>" : "<button type=\"button\"></button>") + 
        "</" + sTagName + ">";

    return oElement;


* @method _isActivationKey
* @description Determines if the specified keycode is one that toggles the 
* button's "active" state.
* @protected
* @param {Number} p_nKeyCode Number representing the keycode to be evaluated.
* @return {Boolean}
_isActivationKey: function(p_nKeyCode) {

    var sType = this.get("type"),
        aKeyCodes = (sType == "checkbox" || sType == "radio") ? 

        nKeyCodes = aKeyCodes.length;

    if(nKeyCodes > 0) {

        var i = nKeyCodes - 1;

        do {

            if(p_nKeyCode == aKeyCodes[i]) {

                return true;




* @method _isSplitButtonOptionKey
* @description Determines if the specified keycode is one that toggles the 
* display of the split button's menu.
* @param {Event} p_oEvent Object representing the DOM event object passed 
* back by the event utility (YAHOO.util.Event).
* @return {Boolean}
_isSplitButtonOptionKey: function(p_oEvent) {

    return (
        p_oEvent.ctrlKey && 
        p_oEvent.shiftKey && 
        Event.getCharCode(p_oEvent) == 77


_originalMaxHeight: -1,

* @method _showMenu
* @description Shows the button's menu.
* @protected
_showMenu: function() {

    var oMenu = this._menu;

    if(oMenu) {


                context:[this.get("id"), "tl", "bl"], 
                clicktohide: false,
                constraintoviewport: false,
                visible: true

        var nViewportHeight = Dom.getViewportHeight(),
            nMenuHeight = oMenu.element.offsetHeight;

        if((oMenu.cfg.getProperty("y") + nMenuHeight) > nViewportHeight) {

            this.logger.log("Current menu position will place a portion, or " +
                "the entire menu outside the boundary of the viewport.  " + 
                "Repositioning the menu to stay inside the viewport.");

            oMenu.align("bl", "tl");

            var nY = oMenu.cfg.getProperty("y"),

                nScrollTop = (
                                document.documentElement.scrollTop || 

            if(nScrollTop >= nY) {

                if(this._originalMaxHeight == -1) {

                    this._originalMaxHeight = 


                            (nMenuHeight - ((nScrollTop - nY) + 20))

                oMenu.align("bl", "tl");



        oMenu.cfg.setProperty("constraintoviewport", true);



* @method _hideMenu
* @description Hides the button's menu.
* @protected
_hideMenu: function() {

    var oMenu = this._menu;

    if(oMenu && oMenu.cfg.getProperty("visible")) {




* @method _submitForm
* @description Submits the form to which the button belongs.
* @protected
_submitForm: function() {

    var oForm = this.getForm();

    if(oForm) {




// Protected event handlers

* @method _onMouseOver
* @description "mouseover" event handler for the button.
* @protected
* @param {Event} p_oEvent Object representing the DOM event object passed 
* back by the event utility (YAHOO.util.Event).
_onMouseOver: function(p_oEvent) {

    if(!this.get("disabled")) {

        if(!this._hasMouseEventHandlers) {

            this.on("mouseout", this._onMouseOut);
            this.on("mousedown", this._onMouseDown);
            this.on("mouseup", this._onMouseUp);

            this._hasMouseEventHandlers = true;



        if(this._activationButtonPressed) {



        if(this._bOptionPressed) {




* @method _onMouseOut
* @description "mouseout" event handler for the button.
* @protected
* @param {Event} p_oEvent Object representing the DOM event object passed 
* back by the event utility (YAHOO.util.Event).
_onMouseOut: function(p_oEvent) {

    if(!this.get("disabled")) {


        if(this.get("type") != "menubutton") {



        if(this._activationButtonPressed || this._bOptionPressed) {

            Event.on(document, "mouseup", this._onDocumentMouseUp, this, true);



* @method _onDocumentMouseUp
* @description "mouseup" event handler for the button.
* @protected
* @param {Event} p_oEvent Object representing the DOM event object passed 
* back by the event utility (YAHOO.util.Event).
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Button} p_oButton Object representing the button.
_onDocumentMouseUp: function(p_oEvent, p_oButton) {

    this._activationButtonPressed = false;
    this._bOptionPressed = false;

    var sType = this.get("type");

    if(sType == "menubutton" || sType == "splitbutton") {

        this.removeClass((sType == "menubutton" ? "active" : "activeoption"));



    Event.removeListener(document, "mouseup", this._onDocumentMouseUp);


* @method _onMouseDown
* @description "mousedown" event handler for the button.
* @protected
* @param {Event} p_oEvent Object representing the DOM event object passed 
* back by the event utility (YAHOO.util.Event).
_onMouseDown: function(p_oEvent) {

    if(!this.get("disabled")) {

        if((p_oEvent.which || p_oEvent.button) == 1) {

            if(!this.hasFocus()) {

            var sType = this.get("type");

            if(sType == "splitbutton") {
                var oElement = this.get("element"),
                    nX = Event.getPageX(p_oEvent) - Dom.getX(oElement);

                if((oElement.offsetWidth - this.OPTION_AREA_WIDTH) < nX) {
                    this.fireEvent("option", p_oEvent);

                else {


                    this._activationButtonPressed = true;


            else if(sType == "menubutton") {

                if(this.hasClass("active")) {


                    this._activationButtonPressed = false;

                else {


                    this._activationButtonPressed = true;

            else {

                this._activationButtonPressed = true;

            if(sType == "splitbutton" || sType == "menubutton") {

                var me = this;

                function onMouseUp() {
                    me.removeListener("mouseup", onMouseUp);

                this._hideMenuTimerId = window.setTimeout(function() {
                    me.on("mouseup", onMouseUp);
                }, 250);




* @method _onMouseUp
* @description "mouseup" event handler for the button.
* @protected
* @param {Event} p_oEvent Object representing the DOM event object passed 
* back by the event utility (YAHOO.util.Event).
_onMouseUp: function(p_oEvent) {

    if(!this.get("disabled")) {

        if(this._hideMenuTimerId) {



        var sType = this.get("type");

        if(sType == "checkbox" || sType == "radio") {

            this.set("checked", !(this.get("checked")));

        this._activationButtonPressed = false;

        if(this.get("type") != "menubutton") {


* @method _onFocus
* @description "focus" event handler for the button.
* @protected
* @param {Event} p_oEvent Object representing the DOM event object passed 
* back by the event utility (YAHOO.util.Event).
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Button} p_oButton Object representing the button that
* fired the event.
_onFocus: function(p_oEvent, p_oButton) {

    if(!this.get("disabled")) {


        if(this._activationKeyPressed) {


        m_oFocusedButton = this;

        if(!this._hasKeyEventHandlers) {

            var oElement = this._button;

            Event.on(oElement, "blur", this._onBlur, this, true);
            Event.on(oElement, "keydown", this._onKeyDown, this, true);
            Event.on(oElement, "keyup", this._onKeyUp, this, true);

            this._hasKeyEventHandlers = true;


        this.fireEvent("focus", p_oEvent);



* @method _onBlur
* @description "blur" event handler for the button.
* @protected
* @param {Event} p_oEvent Object representing the DOM event object passed 
* back by the event utility (YAHOO.util.Event).
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Button} p_oButton Object representing the button.
_onBlur: function(p_oEvent, p_oButton) {

    if(!this.get("disabled")) {


        if(this.get("type") != "menubutton") {



        if(this._activationKeyPressed) {

            Event.on(document, "keyup", this._onDocumentKeyUp, this, true);


        m_oFocusedButton = null;

        this.fireEvent("blur", p_oEvent);


* @method _onDocumentKeyUp
* @description "keyup" event handler for the document.
* @protected
* @param {Event} p_oEvent Object representing the DOM event object passed 
* back by the event utility (YAHOO.util.Event).
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Button} p_oButton Object representing the button.
_onDocumentKeyUp: function(p_oEvent, p_oButton) {

    if(this._isActivationKey(Event.getCharCode(p_oEvent))) {

        this._activationKeyPressed = false;
        Event.removeListener(document, "keyup", this._onDocumentKeyUp);


* @method _onKeyDown
* @description "keydown" event handler for the button.
* @protected
* @param {Event} p_oEvent Object representing the DOM event object passed 
* back by the event utility (YAHOO.util.Event).
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Button} p_oButton Object representing the button.
_onKeyDown: function(p_oEvent, p_oButton) {

    if(!this.get("disabled")) {

            this.get("type") == "splitbutton" && 
        ) {

            this.fireEvent("option", p_oEvent);

        else if(this._isActivationKey(Event.getCharCode(p_oEvent))) {

            if(this.get("type") == "menubutton") {


            else {

                this._activationKeyPressed = true;

        var oMenu = this._menu;

            oMenu && oMenu.cfg.getProperty("visible") && 
            Event.getCharCode(p_oEvent) == 27
        ) {



* @method _onKeyUp
* @description "keyup" event handler for the button.
* @protected
* @param {Event} p_oEvent Object representing the DOM event object passed 
* back by the event utility (YAHOO.util.Event).
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Button} p_oButton Object representing the button.
_onKeyUp: function(p_oEvent, p_oButton) {

    if(!this.get("disabled")) {

        if(this._isActivationKey(Event.getCharCode(p_oEvent))) {

            var sType = this.get("type");

            if(sType == "checkbox" || sType == "radio") {

                this.set("checked", !(this.get("checked")));

            this._activationKeyPressed = false;

            if(this.get("type") != "menubutton") {






* @method _onClick
* @description "click" event handler for the button.
* @protected
* @param {Event} p_oEvent Object representing the DOM event object passed 
* back by the event utility (YAHOO.util.Event).
_onClick: function(p_oEvent) {

    var sType = this.get("type"),

    switch(sType) {

        case "radio":
        case "checkbox":

            if(this.get("checked")) {
                sTitle = (sType == "radio") ? 
                            this.RADIO_CHECKED_TITLE : 
            else {
                sTitle = (sType == "radio") ? 
                            this.RADIO_DEFAULT_TITLE : 
            this.set("title", sTitle);


        case "submit":


        case "reset":

            var oForm = this.getForm();

            if(oForm) {



        case "menubutton":

            sTitle = this._menu.cfg.getProperty("visible") ? 
                            this.MENUBUTTON_MENU_VISIBLE_TITLE : 

            this.set("title", sTitle);


        case "splitbutton":

            var oElement = this.get("element"),
                nX = Event.getPageX(p_oEvent) - Dom.getX(oElement);

            if((oElement.offsetWidth - this.OPTION_AREA_WIDTH) < nX) {

                return false;
            else {

                var oSrcElement = this.get("srcelement");
                if(oSrcElement && oSrcElement.type == "submit") {

            sTitle = this._menu.cfg.getProperty("visible") ? 
                            this.SPLITBUTTON_OPTION_VISIBLE_TITLE : 

            this.set("title", sTitle);




* @method _onAppendTo
* @description "appendTo" event handler for the button.
* @protected
* @param {Event} p_oEvent Object representing the DOM event object passed 
* back by the event utility (YAHOO.util.Event).
_onAppendTo: function(p_oEvent) {

        It is necessary to call "getForm" using "setTimeout" to make sure that 
        the button's "form" property returns a node reference.  Sometimes, if
        you try to get the reference immediately after appending the field, it
        is null.

    var me = this;

    window.setTimeout(function() {

        var oForm = me.getForm();

        if(oForm) {
            Event.on(oForm, "reset", me._onFormReset, me, true);
            Event.on(oForm, "submit", me._onFormSubmit, me, true);

    }, 0);


* @method _onFormSubmit
* @description "submit" event handler for the button's form.
* @protected
* @param {Event} p_oEvent Object representing the DOM event object passed 
* back by the event utility (YAHOO.util.Event).
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Button} p_oButton Object representing the button.
_onFormSubmit: function(p_oEvent, p_oButton) {

    var sType = this.get("type"),
        oMenuItem = this.get("selectedMenuItem"),
        oForm = this.getForm();
    if(sType == "radio" || sType == "checkbox") {
        YAHOO.log("Creating hidden field for button: " + this);
    else if(oMenuItem) {
        var oSrcElement = this._menu.srcElement;

        if(oSrcElement && oSrcElement.tagName.toUpperCase() == "SELECT") {

            oSrcElement.selectedIndex = oMenuItem.index;

        else {
            var oValue = (oMenuItem.value === null || oMenuItem.value === "") ? 
                                oMenuItem.cfg.getProperty("text") : 

            if(oValue) {
                var oField = createInputElement(
                                    (this.get("name") + "_options"),


* @method _onFormReset
* @description "reset" event handler for the button's form.
* @protected
* @param {Event} p_oEvent Object representing the DOM event object passed 
* back by the event utility (YAHOO.util.Event).
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Button} p_oButton Object representing the button.
_onFormReset: function(p_oEvent, p_oButton) {

    var sType = this.get("type");

    if(sType == "checkbox" || sType == "radio") {



    if(this._menu) {




* @method _onDocumentMouseDown
* @description "mousedown" event handler for the document.
* @protected
* @param {Event} p_oEvent Object representing the DOM event object passed 
* back by the event utility (YAHOO.util.Event).
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Button} p_oButton Object representing the button.
_onDocumentMouseDown: function(p_oEvent, p_oButton) {

    var oTarget = Event.getTarget(p_oEvent),
        oButtonElement = this.get("element"),
        oMenuElement = this._menu.element;

        oTarget != oButtonElement && 
        !Dom.isAncestor(oButtonElement, oTarget) && 
        oTarget != oMenuElement && 
        !Dom.isAncestor(oMenuElement, oTarget)
    ) {




* @method _onOption
* @description "option" event handler for the button.
* @protected
* @param {Event} p_oEvent Object representing the DOM event object passed 
* back by the event utility (YAHOO.util.Event).
_onOption: function(p_oEvent) {

    if(this.hasClass("activeoption")) {


        this._bOptionPressed = false;

    else {


        this._bOptionPressed = true;



* @method _onMenuShow
* @description "show" event handler for the button's menu.
* @private
* @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
* was fired.
* @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Button} p_oButton Object representing the button.
_onMenuShow: function(p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oButton) {

    Event.on(document, "mousedown", this._onDocumentMouseDown, this, true);

    var sTitle,
    if(this.get("type") == "splitbutton") {

        sClass = "activeoption";
    else {

        sTitle = this.MENUBUTTON_MENU_VISIBLE_TITLE;        
        sClass = "active";


    this.set("title", sTitle);


* @method _onMenuHide
* @description "hide" event handler for the button's menu.
* @private
* @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
* was fired.
* @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Button} p_oButton Object representing the button.
_onMenuHide: function(p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oButton) {
    if(this._originalMaxHeight != -1) {
        this._menu.cfg.setProperty("maxheight", this._originalMaxHeight);


    var sTitle,
    if(this.get("type") == "splitbutton") {
        sTitle = this.SPLITBUTTON_DEFAULT_TITLE;
        sClass = "activeoption";
    else {

        sTitle = this.MENUBUTTON_DEFAULT_TITLE;        
        sClass = "active";

    this.set("title", sTitle);


* @method _onMenuKeyDown
* @description "keydown" event handler for the button's menu.
* @private
* @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
* was fired.
* @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Button} p_oButton Object representing the button.
_onMenuKeyDown: function(p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oButton) {

    var oEvent = p_aArgs[0];

    if(Event.getCharCode(oEvent) == 27) {


        if(this.get("type") == "splitbutton") {
            this._bOptionPressed = false;



* @method _onMenuRender
* @description "render" event handler for the button's menu.
* @private
* @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
* was fired.
* @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Button} p_oButton Object representing the button.
_onMenuRender: function(p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oButton) {



* @method _onMenuItemSelected
* @description "selectedchange" event handler for each item in the 
* button's menu.
* @private
* @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
* was fired.
* @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
* @param {<a href="YAHOO.widget.MenuItem.html">YAHOO.widget.MenuItem</a>} 
* p_oItem Object representing the menu item that subscribed to the event.
_onMenuItemSelected: function(p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oItem) {
    this.set("selectedMenuItem", p_oItem);


* @method _onMenuItemAdded
* @description "itemadded" event handler for the button's menu.
* @private
* @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
* was fired.
* @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
* @param {<a href="YAHOO.widget.MenuItem.html">YAHOO.widget.MenuItem</a>} 
* p_oItem Object representing the menu item that subscribed to the event.
_onMenuItemAdded: function(p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oItem) {
    var oItem = p_aArgs[0];



* @method _onMenuClick
* @description "click" event handler for the button's menu.
* @private
* @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
* was fired.
* @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Button} p_oButton Object representing the menu's button.
_onMenuClick: function(p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oButton) {

    var oItem = p_aArgs[0];

    if(oItem) {

        var oSrcElement = this.get("srcelement");
        if(oSrcElement && oSrcElement.type == "submit") {


// Public methods

* @method createHiddenField
* @description Creates the button's hidden form field and appends it to its
* parent form.
* @return {<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-
* one-html.html#ID-6043025">HTMLInputElement</a>}
createHiddenField: function () {

    if(!this.get("disabled")) {

        var sType = this.get("type"),
            bCheckable = (sType == "checkbox" || sType == "radio"),
            oField = createInputElement(
                        (bCheckable ? this.get("type") : "hidden"),
            oForm = this.getForm();

        if(oField && bCheckable) {
            oField.style.display = "none";      


        if(oForm) {

        return oField;



* @method init
* @description The Button class's initialization method.
* @param {String} p_oElement String specifying the id attribute of the 
* <code>&#60;input&#62;</code>, <code>&#60;a&#62;</code> or 
* <code>&#60;span&#62;</code> element to be used to create the button.
* @param {<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-
* one-html.html#ID-6043025">HTMLInputElement</a>|<a href="
* http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-one-html.html#
* ID-33759296">HTMLElement</a>} p_oElement Object reference for the 
* <code>&#60;input&#62;</code>, <code>&#60;a&#62;</code> or 
* <code>&#60;span&#62;</code> element to be used to create the button.
* @param {Object} p_oElement Object literal specifying a set of configuration 
* attributes used to create the button.
* @param {Object} p_oAttributes Optional. Object literal specifying a set of  
* configuration attributes used to create the button.
init: function(p_oElement, p_oAttributes) {

    var sTagName = p_oAttributes.type == "link" ? "A" : "BUTTON",
        oSrcElement = p_oAttributes.srcelement;

    this._button = p_oElement.getElementsByTagName(sTagName)[0];

            this, p_oElement, 

    m_oButtons[this.get("id")] = this;


    Event.on(this._button, "focus", this._onFocus, this, true);
    this.on("mouseover", this._onMouseOver);
    this.on("click", this._onClick);
    this.on("appendTo", this._onAppendTo);
    var oContainer = this.get("container"),
        oElement = this.get("element");

    if(oContainer) {

        if(Lang.isString(oContainer)) {

            var me = this;

            Event.onContentReady(oContainer, function() {


        else {



    else if(
        !Dom.inDocument(oElement) && 
        oSrcElement && 
        oSrcElement.tagName.toUpperCase() == "INPUT"
    ) {

        var oParentNode = oSrcElement.parentNode;

        if(oParentNode) {

            this.fireEvent("beforeAppendTo", {
                type: "beforeAppendTo",
                target: oParentNode
            oParentNode.replaceChild(oElement, oSrcElement);
            this.fireEvent("appendTo", {
                type: "appendTo",
                target: oParentNode

    else if(
        Dom.inDocument(oElement) && 
        oSrcElement.tagName.toUpperCase() == "SPAN"
    ) {

        var oForm = this.getForm();
        if(oForm) {
            Event.on(oForm, "reset", this._onFormReset, this, true);
            Event.on(oForm, "submit", this._onFormSubmit, this, true);



    this.logger.log("Initialization completed.");


* @method initAttributes
* @description Initializes all of the configuration attributes used to create 
* the button.
* @param {Object} p_oAttributes Object literal specifying a set of 
* configuration attributes used to create the button.
initAttributes: function(p_oAttributes) {

    var oAttributes = p_oAttributes || {};

    YAHOO.widget.Button.superclass.initAttributes.call(this, oAttributes);

    * @config type
    * @description String specifying the button's type.  Possible values are: 
    * "button," "link," "submit," "reset," "checkbox," "radio," "menubutton," 
    * and "splitbutton."
    * @default "button"
    * @type String
    this.setAttributeConfig("type", {

        value: (oAttributes.type || "button"),
        validator: Lang.isString,
        writeOnce: true,
        method: this._setType


    * @config label
    * @description String specifying the button's text label or innerHTML.
    * @default null
    * @type String
    this.setAttributeConfig("label", {

        value: oAttributes.label,
        validator: Lang.isString,
        method: this._setLabel


    * @config value
    * @description Object specifying the value for the button.
    * @default null
    * @type Object
    this.setAttributeConfig("value", {

        value: oAttributes.value


    * @config name
    * @description String specifying the name for the button.
    * @default null
    * @type String
    this.setAttributeConfig("name", {

        value: oAttributes.name,
        validator: Lang.isString


    * @config tabindex
    * @description Number specifying the tabindex for the button.
    * @default null
    * @type Number
    this.setAttributeConfig("tabindex", {

        value: oAttributes.tabindex,
        validator: Lang.isNumber,
        method: this._setTabIndex


    * @config title
    * @description String specifying the title for the button.
    * @default null
    * @type String
    this.configureAttribute("title", {

        value: oAttributes.title,
        validator: Lang.isString,
        method: this._setTitle


    * @config disabled
    * @description Boolean indicating if the button should be disabled.  
    * (Disabled buttons are dimmed and will not respond to user input 
    * or fire events.)
    * @default false
    * @type Boolean
    this.setAttributeConfig("disabled", {

        value: (oAttributes.disabled || false),
        validator: Lang.isBoolean,
        method: this._setDisabled


    * @config href
    * @description String specifying the href for the button.  Applies only to 
    * buttons of type "link."
    * @type String
    this.setAttributeConfig("href", {

        value: oAttributes.href,
        validator: Lang.isString,
        method: this._setHref


    * @config target
    * @description String specifying the target for the button.  Applies only  
    * to buttons of type "link."
    * @type String
    this.setAttributeConfig("target", {

        value: oAttributes.target,
        validator: Lang.isString,
        method: this._setTarget


    * @config checked
    * @description Boolean indicating if the button is checked.  Applies only
    * to buttons of type "radio" and "checkbox."
    * @default false
    * @type Boolean
    this.setAttributeConfig("checked", {

        value: (oAttributes.checked || false),
        validator: Lang.isBoolean,
        method: this._setChecked


	* @config container
	* @description HTML element reference or string specifying the id 
	* attribute of the HTML element that the button's markup should be 
	* rendered into.
	* @type <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/
	* level-one-html.html#ID-58190037">HTMLElement</a>|String
	* @default null
    this.setAttributeConfig("container", {

        value: oAttributes.container


	* @config srcelement
    * @description Object reference to the HTML element (either 
    * <code>&#60;input&#62;</code> or <code>&#60;span&#62;</code>) used to 
    * create the button.
	* @type <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/
	* level-one-html.html#ID-58190037">HTMLElement</a>|String
	* @default null
    this.setAttributeConfig("srcelement", {

        value: oAttributes.srcelement,
        writeOnce: true


	* @config menu
    * @description Object specifying the menu for the button.  The value can be
    * one of the following:
    * <ul>
    * <li>Object specifying a <a href="YAHOO.widget.Menu.html">
    * YAHOO.widget.Menu</a> instance.</li>
    * <li>String specifying the id attribute of the <code>&#60;div&#62;</code> 
    * element used to create the menu.</li>
    * <li>String specifying the id attribute of the 
    * <code>&#60;select&#62;</code> element used to create the menu.</li>
    * <li>Object specifying the <code>&#60;div&#62;</code> element used to 
    * create the menu.</li>
    * <li>Object specifying the <code>&#60;select&#62;</code> element used to 
    * create the menu.</li>
    * <li>Array of object literals, each representing a set of 
    * <a href="YAHOO.widget.MenuItem.html">YAHOO.widget.MenuItem</a> 
    * configuration attributes.</li>
    * <li>Array of strings representing the text labels for each menu item in 
    * the menu.</li>
    * </ul>
	* @type <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/
	* level-one-html.html#ID-58190037">HTMLElement</a>|String|Array
	* @default null
    this.setAttributeConfig("menu", {

        value: null,
        method: this._setMenu

	* @config selectedMenuItem
    * @description Reference to the item in the button's menu that is
    * currently selected.
	* @type <a href="YAHOO.widget.MenuItem.html">YAHOO.widget.MenuItem</a>
	* @default null
    this.setAttributeConfig("selectedMenuItem", {

        value: null

	* @config onclick
    * @description Object literal representing the code to be executed when 
    * the button is clicked.  Format:<br> <code> {<br> 
    * <strong>fn:</strong> Function,   &#47;&#47; The handler to call when the 
    * event fires.<br> <strong>obj:</strong> Object, &#47;&#47; An object to 
    * pass back to the handler.<br> <strong>scope:</strong> Object &#47;&#47; 
    * The object to use for the scope of the handler.<br> } </code>
    * @type Object
	* @default null
    this.setAttributeConfig("onclick", {

        value: oAttributes.onclick,
        method: this._setOnClick

	* @config oninit
    * @description Object literal representing the code to be executed when 
    * the button is initialized.  Format:<br> <code> {<br> 
    * <strong>fn:</strong> Function,   &#47;&#47; The handler to call when the 
    * event fires.<br> <strong>obj:</strong> Object, &#47;&#47; An object to 
    * pass back to the handler.<br> <strong>scope:</strong> Object &#47;&#47; 
    * The object to use for the scope of the handler.<br> } </code>
    * @type Object
	* @default null
    this.setAttributeConfig("oninit", {

        value: oAttributes.oninit,
        method: this._setOnInit


* @method focus
* @description Causes the button to receive the focus and fires the button's
* "focus" event.
focus: function() {

    if(!this.get("disabled")) {



* @method blur
* @description Causes the button to lose focus and fires the button's
* "blur" event.
blur: function() {

    if(!this.get("disabled")) {




* @method hasFocus
* @description Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the button has focus.
* @return {Boolean}
hasFocus: function() {

    return (m_oFocusedButton == this);


* @method isActive
* @description Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the button is active.
* @return {Boolean}
isActive: function() {

    return this.hasClass("active");


* @method getMenu
* @description Returns a reference to the button's menu.
* @return {<a href="YAHOO.widget.Menu.html">YAHOO.widget.Menu</a>}
getMenu: function() {

    return this._menu;


* @method getForm
* @description Returns a reference to the button's menu.
* @return {<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-
* one-html.html#ID-40002357">HTMLFormElement</a>}
getForm: function() {

    return this._button.form;


* @method destroy
* @description Removes the button's element from its parent element and 
* removes all event handlers.
destroy: function() {

    this.logger.log("Destroying ...");

    var oElement = this.get("element"),
        oParentNode = oElement.parentNode,
        oMenu = this._menu;

    if(oMenu) {

        this.logger.log("Destroying menu.");



    this.logger.log("Removing DOM event handlers.");

    Event.removeListener(document, "mouseup", this._onDocumentMouseUp);
    Event.removeListener(document, "keyup", this._onDocumentKeyUp);
    Event.removeListener(document, "mousedown", this._onDocumentMouseDown);

    var oForm = this.getForm();
    if(oForm) {

        Event.removeListener(oForm, "reset", this._onFormReset);


    this.logger.log("Removing from document.");

    delete m_oButtons[this.get("id")];



* @method toString
* @description Returns a string representing the button.
* @return {String}
toString: function() {

    return ("Button " + this.get("id"));



* @method addHiddenFieldsToForm
* @description Searches the specified form and adds hidden fields for instances 
* of YAHOO.widget.Button that are of type "radio," "checkbox," "menubutton," 
* and "splitbutton."
* @param {<a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/WD-DOM-Level-1-20000929/level-
* one-html.html#ID-40002357">HTMLFormElement</a>} p_oForm Object reference 
* for the form to search.
YAHOO.widget.Button.addHiddenFieldsToForm = function(p_oForm) {

    var aButtons = Dom.getElementsByClassName("yuibutton", "*", p_oForm),
        nButtons = aButtons.length;

    if(nButtons > 0) {

        YAHOO.log("Form contains " + nButtons + " YUI buttons.");

        var oButton = null,
            sType = null,
            oMenuItem = null,
            oMenu = null;

        for(var i=0; i<nButtons; i++) {

            oButton = m_oButtons[aButtons[i].id];

            if(oButton) {

                sType = oButton.get("type");
                oMenuItem = oButton.get("selectedMenuItem");

                if(sType == "radio" || sType == "checkbox") {
                    YAHOO.log("Creating hidden field for button: " + oButton);
                else if(oMenuItem) {
                    oMenu = oButton.getMenu();
                    var oSrcElement = oMenu.srcElement;
                        oSrcElement && 
                        oSrcElement.tagName.toUpperCase() == "SELECT"
                    ) {
                        oSrcElement.selectedIndex = oMenuItem.index;
                    else {
                        var oValue = (
                                        oMenuItem.value === null || 
                                        oMenuItem.value === ""
                                    ) ? oMenuItem.cfg.getProperty("text") : 

                        if(oValue) {
                            var oField = createInputElement(
                                            (oButton.get("name") + "_options"),



// Events

* @event focus
* @description Fires when the menu item receives focus.  Passes back a single 
* object representing the original DOM event object passed back by the event 
* utility (YAHOO.util.Event) when the event was fired.  See <a href="
* YAHOO.util.Element.html#addListener">Element.addListener</a> for more 
* information on listening for this event.
* @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent

* @event blur
* @description Fires when the menu item loses the input focus.  Passes back a 
* single object representing the original DOM event object passed back by the 
* event utility (YAHOO.util.Event) when the event was fired.  See <a href="
* YAHOO.util.Element.html#addListener">Element.addListener</a> for more 
* information on listening for this event.
* @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent

* @event option
* @description Fires when the user invokes the button's option.  Passes back a 
* single object representing the original DOM event (either "mousedown" or 
* "keydown") that caused the "option" event to fire.  See <a href="
* YAHOO.util.Element.html#addListener">Element.addListener</a> for more 
* information on listening for this event.
* @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent

* @event init
* @description Fires when the Button is initialized.  Subscribe to this event
* by specifying a value for the "oninit" configuration attribute.  Format:<br> 
* <code> {<br> <strong>fn:</strong> Function,   &#47;&#47; The handler to call  
* when the event fires.<br> <strong>obj:</strong> Object, &#47;&#47; An object
* to pass back to the handler.<br> <strong>scope:</strong> Object &#47;&#47; 
* The object to use for the scope of the handler.<br> } </code>
* @type YAHOO.util.CustomEvent


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