YUI recommends YUI 3.
YUI 2 has been deprecated since 2011. This site acts as an archive for files and documentation.
(function() {
* The tabview module provides a widget for managing content bound to tabs.
* @module tabview
* @requires yahoo, dom, event, element
* A widget to control tabbed views.
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class TabView
* @extends YAHOO.util.Element
* @constructor
* @param {HTMLElement | String | Object} el(optional) The html
* element that represents the TabView, or the attribute object to use.
* An element will be created if none provided.
* @param {Object} attr (optional) A key map of the tabView's
* initial attributes. Ignored if first arg is attributes object.
YAHOO.widget.TabView = function(el, attr) {
attr = attr || {};
if (arguments.length == 1 && !YAHOO.lang.isString(el) && !el.nodeName) {
attr = el; // treat first arg as attr object
el = attr.element || null;
if (!el && !attr.element) { // create if we dont have one
el = _createTabViewElement.call(this, attr);
YAHOO.widget.TabView.superclass.constructor.call(this, el, attr);
YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.widget.TabView, YAHOO.util.Element);
var proto = YAHOO.widget.TabView.prototype;
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom;
var Event = YAHOO.util.Event;
var Tab = YAHOO.widget.Tab;
* The className to add when building from scratch.
* @property CLASSNAME
* @default "navset"
proto.CLASSNAME = 'yui-navset';
* The className of the HTMLElement containing the TabView's tab elements
* to look for when building from existing markup, or to add when building
* from scratch.
* All childNodes of the tab container are treated as Tabs when building
* from existing markup.
* @default "nav"
proto.TAB_PARENT_CLASSNAME = 'yui-nav';
* The className of the HTMLElement containing the TabView's label elements
* to look for when building from existing markup, or to add when building
* from scratch.
* All childNodes of the content container are treated as content elements when
* building from existing markup.
* @default "nav-content"
proto.CONTENT_PARENT_CLASSNAME = 'yui-content';
proto._tabParent = null;
proto._contentParent = null;
* Adds a Tab to the TabView instance.
* If no index is specified, the tab is added to the end of the tab list.
* @method addTab
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Tab} tab A Tab instance to add.
* @param {Integer} index The position to add the tab.
* @return void
proto.addTab = function(tab, index) {
var tabs = this.get('tabs');
if (!tabs) { // not ready yet
this._queue[this._queue.length] = ['addTab', arguments];
return false;
index = (index === undefined) ? tabs.length : index;
var before = this.getTab(index);
var self = this;
var el = this.get('element');
var tabParent = this._tabParent;
var contentParent = this._contentParent;
var tabElement = tab.get('element');
var contentEl = tab.get('contentEl');
if ( before ) {
tabParent.insertBefore(tabElement, before.get('element'));
} else {
if ( contentEl && !Dom.isAncestor(contentParent, contentEl) ) {
if ( !tab.get('active') ) {
tab.set('contentVisible', false, true); /* hide if not active */
} else {
this.set('activeTab', tab, true);
var activate = function(e) {
self.set('activeTab', this);
tab.addListener( tab.get('activationEvent'), activate);
tab.addListener('activationEventChange', function(e) {
if (e.prevValue != e.newValue) {
tab.removeListener(e.prevValue, activate);
tab.addListener(e.newValue, activate);
tabs.splice(index, 0, tab);
* Routes childNode events.
* @method DOMEventHandler
* @param {event} e The Dom event that is being handled.
* @return void
proto.DOMEventHandler = function(e) {
var el = this.get('element');
var target = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(e);
var tabParent = this._tabParent;
if (Dom.isAncestor(tabParent, target) ) {
var tabEl;
var tab = null;
var contentEl;
var tabs = this.get('tabs');
for (var i = 0, len = tabs.length; i < len; i++) {
tabEl = tabs[i].get('element');
contentEl = tabs[i].get('contentEl');
if ( target == tabEl || Dom.isAncestor(tabEl, target) ) {
tab = tabs[i];
break; // note break
if (tab) {
tab.fireEvent(e.type, e);
* Returns the Tab instance at the specified index.
* @method getTab
* @param {Integer} index The position of the Tab.
* @return YAHOO.widget.Tab
proto.getTab = function(index) {
return this.get('tabs')[index];
* Returns the index of given tab.
* @method getTabIndex
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Tab} tab The tab whose index will be returned.
* @return int
proto.getTabIndex = function(tab) {
var index = null;
var tabs = this.get('tabs');
for (var i = 0, len = tabs.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (tab == tabs[i]) {
index = i;
return index;
* Removes the specified Tab from the TabView.
* @method removeTab
* @param {YAHOO.widget.Tab} item The Tab instance to be removed.
* @return void
proto.removeTab = function(tab) {
var tabCount = this.get('tabs').length;
var index = this.getTabIndex(tab);
var nextIndex = index + 1;
if ( tab == this.get('activeTab') ) { // select next tab
if (tabCount > 1) {
if (index + 1 == tabCount) {
this.set('activeIndex', index - 1);
} else {
this.set('activeIndex', index + 1);
this._tabParent.removeChild( tab.get('element') );
this._contentParent.removeChild( tab.get('contentEl') );
this._configs.tabs.value.splice(index, 1);
* Provides a readable name for the TabView instance.
* @method toString
* @return String
proto.toString = function() {
var name = this.get('id') || this.get('tagName');
return "TabView " + name;
* The transiton to use when switching between tabs.
* @method contentTransition
proto.contentTransition = function(newTab, oldTab) {
newTab.set('contentVisible', true);
oldTab.set('contentVisible', false);
* setAttributeConfigs TabView specific properties.
* @method initAttributes
* @param {Object} attr Hash of initial attributes
proto.initAttributes = function(attr) {
YAHOO.widget.TabView.superclass.initAttributes.call(this, attr);
if (!attr.orientation) {
attr.orientation = 'top';
var el = this.get('element');
* The Tabs belonging to the TabView instance.
* @config tabs
* @type Array
this.setAttributeConfig('tabs', {
value: [],
readOnly: true
* The container of the tabView's label elements.
* @property _tabParent
* @private
* @type HTMLElement
this._tabParent =
'ul' )[0] || _createTabParent.call(this);
* The container of the tabView's content elements.
* @property _contentParent
* @type HTMLElement
* @private
this._contentParent =
'div')[0] || _createContentParent.call(this);
* How the Tabs should be oriented relative to the TabView.
* @config orientation
* @type String
* @default "top"
this.setAttributeConfig('orientation', {
value: attr.orientation,
method: function(value) {
var current = this.get('orientation');
this.addClass('yui-navset-' + value);
if (current != value) {
this.removeClass('yui-navset-' + current);
switch(value) {
case 'bottom':
* The index of the tab currently active.
* @config activeIndex
* @type Int
this.setAttributeConfig('activeIndex', {
value: attr.activeIndex,
method: function(value) {
this.set('activeTab', this.getTab(value));
validator: function(value) {
return !this.getTab(value).get('disabled'); // cannot activate if disabled
* The tab currently active.
* @config activeTab
* @type YAHOO.widget.Tab
this.setAttributeConfig('activeTab', {
value: attr.activeTab,
method: function(tab) {
var activeTab = this.get('activeTab');
if (tab) {
tab.set('active', true);
this._configs['activeIndex'].value = this.getTabIndex(tab); // keep in sync
if (activeTab && activeTab != tab) {
activeTab.set('active', false);
if (activeTab && tab != activeTab) { // no transition if only 1
this.contentTransition(tab, activeTab);
} else if (tab) {
tab.set('contentVisible', true);
validator: function(value) {
return !value.get('disabled'); // cannot activate if disabled
if ( this._tabParent ) {
for (var type in this.DOM_EVENTS) {
if ( YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(this.DOM_EVENTS, type) ) {
this.addListener.call(this, type, this.DOMEventHandler);
* Creates Tab instances from a collection of HTMLElements.
* @method createTabs
* @private
* @param {Array|HTMLCollection} elements The elements to use for Tabs.
* @return void
var _initTabs = function() {
var tab,
var el = this.get('element');
var tabs = _getChildNodes(this._tabParent);
var contentElements = _getChildNodes(this._contentParent);
for (var i = 0, len = tabs.length; i < len; ++i) {
attr = {};
if (contentElements[i]) {
attr.contentEl = contentElements[i];
tab = new YAHOO.widget.Tab(tabs[i], attr);
if (tab.hasClass(tab.ACTIVE_CLASSNAME) ) {
this._configs.activeTab.value = tab; // dont invoke method
var _createTabViewElement = function(attr) {
var el = document.createElement('div');
if ( this.CLASSNAME ) {
el.className = this.CLASSNAME;
return el;
var _createTabParent = function(attr) {
var el = document.createElement('ul');
el.className = this.TAB_PARENT_CLASSNAME;
return el;
var _createContentParent = function(attr) {
var el = document.createElement('div');
return el;
var _getChildNodes = function(el) {
var nodes = [];
var childNodes = el.childNodes;
for (var i = 0, len = childNodes.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (childNodes[i].nodeType == 1) {
nodes[nodes.length] = childNodes[i];
return nodes;
* Fires before the activeTab is changed.
* <p>See: <a href="YAHOO.util.Element.html#addListener">Element.addListener</a></p>
* <p>If handler returns false, the change will be cancelled, and the value will not
* be set.</p>
* <p><strong>Event fields:</strong><br>
* <code><String> type</code> beforeActiveTabChange<br>
* <code><<a href="YAHOO.widget.Tab.html">YAHOO.widget.Tab</a>>
* prevValue</code> the currently active tab<br>
* <code><<a href="YAHOO.widget.Tab.html">YAHOO.widget.Tab</a>>
* newValue</code> the tab to be made active</p>
* <p><strong>Usage:</strong><br>
* <code>var handler = function(e) {var previous = e.prevValue};<br>
* myTabs.addListener('beforeActiveTabChange', handler);</code></p>
* @event beforeActiveTabChange
* Fires after the activeTab is changed.
* <p>See: <a href="YAHOO.util.Element.html#addListener">Element.addListener</a></p>
* <p><strong>Event fields:</strong><br>
* <code><String> type</code> activeTabChange<br>
* <code><<a href="YAHOO.widget.Tab.html">YAHOO.widget.Tab</a>>
* prevValue</code> the formerly active tab<br>
* <code><<a href="YAHOO.widget.Tab.html">YAHOO.widget.Tab</a>>
* newValue</code> the new active tab</p>
* <p><strong>Usage:</strong><br>
* <code>var handler = function(e) {var previous = e.prevValue};<br>
* myTabs.addListener('activeTabChange', handler);</code></p>
* @event activeTabChange
* Fires before the orientation is changed.
* <p>See: <a href="YAHOO.util.Element.html#addListener">Element.addListener</a></p>
* <p>If handler returns false, the change will be cancelled, and the value will not
* be set.</p>
* <p><strong>Event fields:</strong><br>
* <code><String> type</code> beforeOrientationChange<br>
* <code><String>
* prevValue</code> the current orientation<br>
* <code><String>
* newValue</code> the new orientation to be applied</p>
* <p><strong>Usage:</strong><br>
* <code>var handler = function(e) {var previous = e.prevValue};<br>
* myTabs.addListener('beforeOrientationChange', handler);</code></p>
* @event beforeOrientationChange
* Fires after the orientation is changed.
* <p>See: <a href="YAHOO.util.Element.html#addListener">Element.addListener</a></p>
* <p><strong>Event fields:</strong><br>
* <code><String> type</code> orientationChange<br>
* <code><String>
* prevValue</code> the former orientation<br>
* <code><String>
* newValue</code> the new orientation</p>
* <p><strong>Usage:</strong><br>
* <code>var handler = function(e) {var previous = e.prevValue};<br>
* myTabs.addListener('orientationChange', handler);</code></p>
* @event orientationChange