YUI recommends YUI 3.
YUI 2 has been deprecated since 2011. This site acts as an archive for files and documentation.
* The ColumnSet class defines and manages a DataTable's Columns,
* including nested hierarchies and access to individual Column instances.
* @class ColumnSet
* @uses YAHOO.util.EventProvider
* @constructor
* @param aHeaders {Object[]} Array of object literals that define header cells.
YAHOO.widget.ColumnSet = function(aHeaders) {
//TODO: break out nested functions into private methods
this._sName = "instance" + YAHOO.widget.ColumnSet._nCount;
// Top-down tree representation of all Columns
var tree = [];
// Flat representation of all Columns
var flat = [];
// Flat representation of only Columns that display data
var keys = [];
// ID index of nested parent heirarchies for HEADERS attribute
var headers = [];
var nodelevel = -1;
// Internal recursive function to parse Columns out of object literal defs
var parseColumns = function(nodeList, parent) {
// A node level is an array of Columns
if(!tree[nodelevel]) {
tree[nodelevel] = [];
// Determine depth of descendants at this level for node's rowspan
var nodeLevelMaxChildren = 0;
var recurseChildren = function(nodeList) {
var tmpMax = 0;
for(var i=0; i<nodeList.length; i++) {
if(nodeList[i].children) {
if(tmpMax > nodeLevelMaxChildren) {
nodeLevelMaxChildren = tmpMax;
// Parse each node for attributes and any children
for(var j=0; j<nodeList.length; j++) {
// Instantiate a Column for each node
var oColumn = new YAHOO.widget.Column(nodeList[j]);
// Assign parent, if applicable
if(parent) {
oColumn._parent = parent;
// Start with default values
oColumn._rowspan = 1;
oColumn._colspan = 1;
// Column may have children
if(nodeList[j].children) {
var children = nodeList[j].children;
var length = children.length;
// Cascade certain properties to children if not defined on their own
for(var k=0; k<length; k++) {
var child = children[k];
if(oColumn.className && (child.className === undefined)) {
child.className = oColumn.className;
if(oColumn.editor && (child.editor === undefined)) {
child.editor = oColumn.editor;
if(oColumn.formatter && (child.formatter === undefined)) {
child.formatter = oColumn.formatter;
if(oColumn.parser && (child.parser === undefined)) {
child.parser = oColumn.parser;
if(oColumn.resizeable && (child.resizeable === undefined)) {
child.resizeable = oColumn.resizeable;
if(oColumn.type && (child.type === undefined)) {
child.type = oColumn.type;
if(oColumn.width && (child.width === undefined)) {
child.width = oColumn.width;
// Children increase colspan of the Column
oColumn._colspan = length;
// Children increase colspan of the Column's parent
if (parent && parent._colspan) {
parent._colspan += length-1;
parent._children = [];
// Children must also be parsed
if(!tree[nodelevel+1]) {
tree[nodelevel+1] = [];
parseColumns(children, oColumn);
// This Column does not have children,
// but other Columns at this level do
else if(nodeLevelMaxChildren > 0) {
// Children of siblings increase the rowspan of the Column
oColumn._rowspan += nodeLevelMaxChildren;
//if(oColumn.key) {
oColumn._index = keys.length;
// This entire node level does not have any children
else {
//if(oColumn.key) {
oColumn._index = keys.length;
// Add the Column to the top-down tree
// Do the parsing
if(aHeaders.length > 0) {
// Store header nesting in an array
var recurseAncestors = function(i, oColumn) {
if(oColumn._parent) {
recurseAncestors(i, oColumn._parent);
for(var i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
headers[i] = [];
recurseAncestors(i, keys[i]);
headers[i] = headers[i].reverse();
headers[i] = headers[i].join(" ");
this.tree = tree;
this.flat = flat;
this.keys = keys;
this.headers = headers;
YAHOO.log("ColumnSet initialized", "info", this.toString());
// Public member variables
* Internal class variable to index multiple data table instances.
* @property _nCount
* @type number
* @private
* @static
YAHOO.widget.ColumnSet._nCount = 0;
* Unique instance name.
* @property _sName
* @type String
* @private
YAHOO.widget.ColumnSet.prototype._sName = null;
// Public member variables
* Top-down tree representation of Column hierarchy.
* @property tree
* @type YAHOO.widget.Column[]
YAHOO.widget.ColumnSet.prototype.tree = null;
* Flattened representation of all Columns.
* @property flat
* @type YAHOO.widget.Column[]
* @default []
YAHOO.widget.ColumnSet.prototype.flat = null;
* Array of Columns that map one-to-one to a table column.
* @property keys
* @type YAHOO.widget.Column[]
* @default []
YAHOO.widget.ColumnSet.prototype.keys = null;
* ID index of nested parent heirarchies for HEADERS accessibility attribute.
* @property headers
* @type String[]
* @default []
YAHOO.widget.ColumnSet.prototype.headers = null;
// Public methods
* Public accessor to the unique name of the ColumnSet instance.
* @method toString
* @return {String} Unique name of the ColumnSet instance.
YAHOO.widget.ColumnSet.prototype.toString = function() {
return "ColumnSet " + this._sName;
* The Column class defines and manages attributes of DataTable Columns
* @class Column
* @constructor
* @param oConfigs {Object} Object literal of configuration values.
YAHOO.widget.Column = function(oConfigs) {
// Internal variables
this._id = "yui-dtcol"+YAHOO.widget.Column._nCount;
// Object literal defines Column attributes
if(typeof oConfigs == "object") {
for(var sConfig in oConfigs) {
if(sConfig) {
this[sConfig] = oConfigs[sConfig];
// Private member variables
* Internal instance counter.
* @property _nCount
* @type Number
* @static
* @default 0
YAHOO.widget.Column._nCount = 0;
* Unique ID, also assigned as DOM ID.
* @property _id
* @type String
* @private
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype._id = null;
* Reference to Column's index within its ColumnSet's key array, or null if not applicable.
* @property _index
* @type Number
* @private
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype._index = null;
* Number of table cells the Column spans.
* @property _colspan
* @type Number
* @private
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype._colspan = 1;
* Number of table rows the Column spans.
* @property _rowspan
* @type Number
* @private
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype._rowspan = 1;
* Column's parent, or null.
* @property _parent
* @type YAHOO.widget.Column
* @private
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype._parent = null;
* Array of Column's chilren, or null.
* @property _children
* @type YAHOO.widget.Column[]
* @private
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype._children = null;
//TODO: clean these up
* Current offsetWidth of the Column (in pixels).
* @property _width
* @type Number
* @private
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype._width = null;
* Minimum width the Column can support (in pixels). Value is populated only if table
* is fixedwidth, null otherwise.
* @property _minWidth
* @type Number
* @private
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype._minWidth = null;
// Public member variables
* Associated database field, or null.
* @property key
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype.key = null;
* Text or HTML for display in Column's assocated TH element.
* @property text
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype.text = null;
* Data types: "string", "number", "date", "currency", "checkbox", "select",
* "email", "link".
* @property type
* @type String
* @default "string"
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype.type = "string";
* Column head cell ABBR for accessibility.
* @property abbr
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype.abbr = null;
* Array of object literals that define children (nested headers) of a Column.
* @property children
* @type Object[]
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype.children = null;
* Column width.
* @property width
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype.width = null;
* Custom CSS class to be applied to every cell in the Column.
* @property className
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype.className = null;
* Defines a custom format function for Column, otherwise default is used,
* according to Column type.
* @property formatter
* @type HTMLFunction
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype.formatter = null;
* Defines a custom parse function for Column, otherwise default is used,
* according to Column type.
* @property parser
* @type HTMLFunction
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype.parser = null;
* Defines the type of editor for Column, otherwise Column is not editable.
* @property editor
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype.editor = null;
* True if Column is resizeable, false otherwise.
* @property resizeable
* @type Boolean
* @default false
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype.resizeable = false;
* True if Column is sortable, false otherwise.
* @property sortable
* @type Boolean
* @default false
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype.sortable = false;
* Custom sort handler to arrange Column in descending order.
* @property sortOptions.descFunction
* @type Function
* @default null
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype.descFunction = null;
* Custom sort handler to arrange Column in ascending order.
* @property sortOptions.ascFunction
* @type Function
* @default null
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype.ascFunction = null;
// Public methods
* Public accessor returns Column's ID string.
* @method getId
* @return {String} Column's ID string.
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype.getId = function() {
return this._id;
* Public accessor returns Column's colspan number.
* @method getColSpan
* @return {Number} Column's colspan number.
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype.getColSpan = function() {
return this._colspan;
* Public accessor returns Column's rowspan number.
* @method getRowSpan
* @return {Number} Column's rowspan number.
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype.getRowSpan = function() {
return this._rowspan;
* Outputs markup into the given TD based on given Record.
* @method format
* @param elCell {HTMLElement} TD to format for display.
* @param oRecord {YAHOO.widget.Record} Record that holds data for the row.
* @return {HTML} Markup.
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype.format = function(elCell,oRecord) {
var oData = (this.key) ? oRecord[this.key] : null;
if(this.formatter) {
this.formatter(elCell, oRecord, this, oData);
else {
var type = this.type;
var markup = "";
var classname = "";
switch(type) {
case "checkbox":
YAHOO.widget.Column.formatCheckbox(elCell, oRecord, this, oData);
classname = YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_CHECKBOX;
case "currency":
YAHOO.widget.Column.formatCurrency(elCell, oRecord, this, oData);
classname = YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_CURRENCY;
case "date":
YAHOO.widget.Column.formatDate(elCell, oRecord, this, oData);
classname = YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_DATE;
case "email":
YAHOO.widget.Column.formatEmail(elCell, oRecord, this, oData);
classname = YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_EMAIL;
case "link":
YAHOO.widget.Column.formatLink(elCell, oRecord, this, oData);
classname = YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_LINK;
case "number":
YAHOO.widget.Column.formatNumber(elCell, oRecord, this, oData);
classname = YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_NUMBER;
case "select":
YAHOO.widget.Column.formatSelect(elCell, oRecord, this, oData);
classname = YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_SELECT;
elCell.innerHTML = (oData) ? oData.toString() : "";
//elCell.innerHTML = (oData) ? "<a href=\"#\">"+oData.toString()+"</a>" : "";
classname = YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_STRING;
YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(elCell, classname);
if(this.className) {
YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(elCell, this.className);
if(this.editor) {
* Formats cells in Columns of type "checkbox".
* @method formatCheckbox
* @param elCell {HTMLElement} Table cell element.
* @param oRecord {YAHOO.widget.Record} Record instance.
* @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} Column instance.
* @param oData {Object} Data value for the cell, or null
* @static
YAHOO.widget.Column.formatCheckbox = function(elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData) {
var bChecked = oData;
bChecked = (bChecked) ? " checked" : "";
elCell.innerHTML = "<input type=\"checkbox\"" + bChecked +
" class=\"" + YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_CHECKBOX + "\">";
* Formats cells in Columns of type "currency". Can be overridden for custom formatting.
* @method formatCurrency
* @param elCell {HTMLElement} Table cell element.
* @param oRecord {YAHOO.widget.Record} Record instance.
* @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} Column instance.
* @param oData {Object} Data value for the cell, or null
* @static
YAHOO.widget.Column.formatCurrency = function(elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData) {
// Make it dollars
var nAmount = oData;
var markup;
if(nAmount) {
markup = "$"+nAmount;
// Normalize to the penny
var dotIndex = markup.indexOf(".");
if(dotIndex < 0) {
markup += ".00";
else {
while(dotIndex != markup.length-3) {
markup += "0";
else {
markup = "";
elCell.innerHTML = markup;
* Formats cells in Columns of type "date".
* @method formatDate
* @param elCell {HTMLElement} Table cell element.
* @param oRecord {YAHOO.widget.Record} Record instance.
* @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} Column instance.
* @param oData {Object} Data value for the cell, or null
* @static
YAHOO.widget.Column.formatDate = function(elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData) {
var oDate = oData;
if(oDate) {
elCell.innerHTML = oDate.getMonth() + "/" + oDate.getDate() + "/" + oDate.getFullYear();
else {
elCell.innerHTML = "";
* Formats cells in Columns of type "email".
* @method formatEmail
* @param elCell {HTMLElement} Table cell element.
* @param oRecord {YAHOO.widget.Record} Record instance.
* @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} Column instance.
* @param oData {Object} Data value for the cell, or null
* @static
YAHOO.widget.Column.formatEmail = function(elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData) {
var sEmail = oData;
if(sEmail) {
elCell.innerHTML = "<a href=\"mailto:" + sEmail + "\">" + sEmail + "</a>";
else {
elCell.innerHTML = "";
* Formats cells in Columns of type "link".
* @method formatLink
* @param elCell {HTMLElement} Table cell element.
* @param oRecord {YAHOO.widget.Record} Record instance.
* @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} Column instance.
* @param oData {Object} Data value for the cell, or null
* @static
YAHOO.widget.Column.formatLink = function(elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData) {
var sLink = oData;
if(sLink) {
elCell.innerHTML = "<a href=\"" + sLink + "\">" + sLink + "</a>";
else {
elCell.innerHTML = "";
* Formats cells in Columns of type "number".
* @method formatNumber
* @param elCell {HTMLElement} Table cell element.
* @param oRecord {YAHOO.widget.Record} Record instance.
* @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} Column instance.
* @param oData {Object} Data value for the cell, or null
* @static
YAHOO.widget.Column.formatNumber = function(elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData) {
var nNumber = oData;
if(nNumber) {
elCell.innerHTML = nNumber.toString();
else {
elCell.innerHTML = "";
* Formats cells in Columns of type "select".
* @method formatSelect
* @param elCell {HTMLElement} Table cell element.
* @param oRecord {YAHOO.widget.Record} Record instance.
* @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} Column instance.
* @param oData {Object} Data value for the cell, or null
* @static
YAHOO.widget.Column.formatSelect = function(elCell, oRecord, oColumn, oData) {
var selectedValue = oData;
var options = oColumn.selectOptions;
var markup = "<select>";
if(options) {
for(var i=0; i<options.length; i++) {
var option = options[i];
markup += "<option value=\"" + option + "\"";
if(selectedValue === option) {
markup += " selected";
markup += ">" + option + "</option>";
else {
if(selectedValue) {
markup += "<option value=\"" + selectedValue + "\" selected>" + selectedValue + "</option>";
markup += "</select>";
elCell.innerHTML = markup;
* Takes innerHTML from TD and parses out data for storage in RecordSet.
* @method parse
* @param sMarkup {String} The TD's innerHTML value.
* @return {Object} Data.
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype.parse = function(sMarkup) {
if(this.parser) {
return this.parser(sMarkup);
else {
var data = null;
switch(this.type) {
case "checkbox":
data = YAHOO.widget.Column.parseCheckbox(sMarkup);
case "currency":
data = YAHOO.widget.Column.parseCurrency(sMarkup);
case "date":
data = YAHOO.widget.Column.parseDate(sMarkup);
case "number":
data = YAHOO.widget.Column.parseNumber(sMarkup);
case "select":
data = YAHOO.widget.Column.parseSelect(sMarkup);
if(sMarkup) {
data = sMarkup;
return data;
* Default parse function for Columns of type "checkbox" takes markup and
* extracts data. Can be overridden for custom parsing.
* @method parseCheckbox
* @param sMarkup
* @return {bChecked} True if checkbox is checked.
YAHOO.widget.Column.parseCheckbox = function(sMarkup) {
return (sMarkup.indexOf("checked") < 0) ? false : true;
* Default parse function for Columns of type "currency" takes markup and
* extracts data. Can be overridden for custom parsing.
* @method parseCurrency
* @param sMarkup
* @return {nAmount} Floating point amount.
YAHOO.widget.Column.parseCurrency = function(sMarkup) {
return parseFloat(sMarkup.substring(1));
* Default parse function for Columns of type "date" takes markup and extracts
* data. Can be overridden for custom parsing.
* @method parseDate
* @param sMarkup
* @return {oDate} Date instance.
YAHOO.widget.Column.parseDate = function(sMarkup) {
var mm = sMarkup.substring(0,sMarkup.indexOf("/"));
sMarkup = sMarkup.substring(sMarkup.indexOf("/")+1);
var dd = sMarkup.substring(0,sMarkup.indexOf("/"));
var yy = sMarkup.substring(sMarkup.indexOf("/")+1);
return new Date(yy, mm, dd);
* Default parse function for Columns of type "number" takes markup and extracts
* data. Can be overridden for custom parsing.
* @method parseNumber
* @param sMarkup
* @return {nNumber} Number.
YAHOO.widget.Column.parseNumber = function(sMarkup) {
return parseFloat(sMarkup);
* Default parse function for Columns of type "select" takes markup and extracts
* data. Can be overridden for custom parsing.
* @method parseSelect
* @param sMarkup
* @return {sValue} Value of selected option.
YAHOO.widget.Column.parseSelect = function(sMarkup) {
//return (sMarkup.indexOf("checked") < 0) ? false : true;
* Outputs editor markup into the given TD based on given Record.
* @method showEditor
* @param elCell {HTMLElement} The cell to edit.
* @param oRecord {YAHOO.widget.Record} The DataTable Record of the cell.
* @return YAHOO.widget.ColumnEditor
YAHOO.widget.Column.prototype.getEditor = function(elCell, oRecord) {
//Sync up the arg signature for ColumnEditor constructor and show()
var oEditor = this.editor;
if(oEditor.constructor == String) {
oEditor = new YAHOO.widget.ColumnEditor(this.editor);
oEditor.show(elCell, oRecord, this);
this.editor = oEditor;
else if(oEditor instanceof YAHOO.widget.ColumnEditor) {
oEditor.show(elCell, oRecord, this);
return oEditor;
* The ColumnEditor defines and manages inline editing functionality for a
* DataTable Column.
* @class ColumnEditor
* @constructor
* @param elCell {HTMLElement} The cell to edit.
* @param oRecord {YAHOO.widget.Record} The DataTable Record of the cell.
* @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} The DataTable Column of the cell.
* @parem sType {String} Type identifier
YAHOO.widget.ColumnEditor = function(sType) {
this.type = sType;
//TODO: make sure ColumnEditors get destroyed if widget gets destroyed
// Works better to attach ColumnEditor to document.body
// rather than the DataTable container
// elTable comes in as a cell. Traverse up DOM to find the table.
// TODO: safety net in case table is never found.
//while(elCell.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "table") {
// elCell = elCell.parentNode;
//this.tableContainer = elCell.parentNode;
var container = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));//this.tableContainer.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
container.style.position = "absolute";
container.style.zIndex = 9000;
container.id = "yui-dt-coled" + YAHOO.widget.ColumnEditor._nCount;
this.container = container;
switch(this.type) {
case "textbox":
case "textarea":
// Private member variables
* Internal instance counter.
* @property _nCount
* @type Number
* @static
* @default 0
YAHOO.widget.ColumnEditor._nCount =0;
// Public member variables
* Reference to the container DOM element for the ColumnEditor.
* @property container
* @type HTMLElement
YAHOO.widget.ColumnEditor.prototype.container = null;
* Reference to the ColumnEditor's Column instance.
* @property column
* @type YAHOO.widget.Column
YAHOO.widget.ColumnEditor.prototype.column = null;
* Type of editor: "textbox", etc.
* @property type
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.ColumnEditor.prototype.type = null;
* Reference to form element(s) of the ColumnEditor.
* @property input
* @type HTMLElement || HTMLElement[]
YAHOO.widget.ColumnEditor.prototype.input = null;
// Public methods
* Shows ColumnEditor.
* @method show
* @param elCell {HTMLElement} The cell to edit.
* @param oRecord {YAHOO.widget.Record} The DataTable Record of the cell.
* @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} The DataTable Column of the cell.
YAHOO.widget.ColumnEditor.prototype.show = function(elCell, oRecord, oColumn) {
this.cell = elCell;
this.record = oRecord;
this.column = oColumn;
switch(this.type) {
case "textbox":
this.showTextboxEditor(elCell, oRecord, oColumn);
case "textarea":
this.showTextareaEditor(elCell, oRecord, oColumn);
* Returns ColumnEditor data value.
* @method getValue
* @return Object
YAHOO.widget.ColumnEditor.prototype.getValue = function() {
var value;
switch(this.type) {
case "textbox":
value = this.getTextboxEditorValue();
case "textarea":
value = this.getTextareaEditorValue();
return value;
* Creates a textbox editor in the DOM.
* @method createTextboxEditor
* @return {HTML} ???
YAHOO.widget.ColumnEditor.prototype.createTextboxEditor = function() {
var elTextbox = this.container.appendChild(document.createElement("input"));
// For FF bug 236791
this.input = elTextbox;
* Creates a textarea editor in the DOM.
* @method createTextareaEditor
* @return {HTML} ???
YAHOO.widget.ColumnEditor.prototype.createTextareaEditor = function() {
var elTextarea = this.container.appendChild(document.createElement("textarea"));
this.input = elTextarea;
* Shows ColumnEditor
* @method showTextboxEditor
* @param elCell {HTMLElement} The cell to edit.
* @param oRecord {YAHOO.widget.Record} The DataTable Record of the cell.
* @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} The DataTable Column of the cell.
YAHOO.widget.ColumnEditor.prototype.showTextboxEditor = function(elCell, oRecord, oColumn) {
// Size and value
this.input.style.width = (parseInt(elCell.offsetWidth,10)-7) + "px";
this.input.style.height = (parseInt(elCell.offsetHeight,10)-7) + "px";
this.input.value = elCell.innerHTML;
// Position and show
var x,y;
// Don't use getXY for Opera
if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera") != -1) {
x = elCell.offsetLeft;
y = elCell.offsetTop;
while(elCell.offsetParent) {
x += elCell.offsetParent.offsetLeft;
y += elCell.offsetParent.offsetTop;
elCell = elCell.offsetParent;
else {
var xy = YAHOO.util.Dom.getXY(elCell);
x = parseInt(YAHOO.util.Dom.getX(elCell),10);//xy[0] + 1;
y = parseInt(YAHOO.util.Dom.getY(elCell),10);//xy[1] + 1;
this.container.style.left = x + "px";
this.container.style.top = y + "px";
this.container.style.display = "block";
this.input.tabIndex = 0;
* Shows ColumnEditor
* @method showTextareaEditor
* @param elCell {HTMLElement} The cell to edit.
* @param oRecord {YAHOO.widget.Record} The DataTable Record of the cell.
* @param oColumn {YAHOO.widget.Column} The DataTable Column of the cell.
YAHOO.widget.ColumnEditor.prototype.showTextareaEditor = function(elCell, oRecord, oColumn) {
// Size and value
this.input.style.width = (parseInt(elCell.offsetWidth,10)-7) + "px";
this.input.style.height = 4*(parseInt(elCell.offsetHeight,10)-7) + "px";
this.input.value = elCell.innerHTML;
// Position and show
var x,y;
// Don't use getXY for Opera
if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("opera") != -1) {
x = elCell.offsetLeft;
y = elCell.offsetTop;
while(elCell.offsetParent) {
x += elCell.offsetParent.offsetLeft;
y += elCell.offsetParent.offsetTop;
elCell = elCell.offsetParent;
else {
var xy = YAHOO.util.Dom.getXY(elCell);
x = parseInt(YAHOO.util.Dom.getX(elCell),10);//xy[0] + 1;
y = parseInt(YAHOO.util.Dom.getY(elCell),10);//xy[1] + 1;
this.container.style.left = x + "px";
this.container.style.top = y + "px";
this.container.style.display = "block";
this.input.tabIndex = 0;
* Hides ColumnEditor
* @method hide
YAHOO.widget.ColumnEditor.prototype.hide = function() {
this.input.tabIndex = -1;
this.container.style.display = "none";
* Returns ColumnEditor value
* @method getTextboxEditorValue
* @return String
YAHOO.widget.ColumnEditor.prototype.getTextboxEditorValue = function() {
return this.input.value;
* Returns ColumnEditor value
* @method getTextareaEditorValue
* @return String
YAHOO.widget.ColumnEditor.prototype.getTextareaEditorValue = function() {
return this.input.value;
* Sort static utility to support Column sorting.
* @class Sort
* @static
YAHOO.util.Sort = {
// Public methods
* Comparator function for sort in ascending order. String sorting is case insensitive.
* @method compareAsc
* @param a {object} First sort argument.
* @param b {object} Second sort argument.
compareAsc: function(a, b) {
//TODO: is typeof better or is constructor property better?
if(a.constructor == String) {
a = a.toLowerCase();
if(b.constructor == String) {
b = b.toLowerCase();
if(a < b) {
return -1;
else if (a > b) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
* Comparator function for sort in descending order. String sorting is case insensitive.
* @method compareDesc
* @param a {object} First sort argument.
* @param b {object} Second sort argument.
compareDesc: function(a, b) {
//TODO: is typeof better or is constructor property better?
if(a.constructor == String) {
a = a.toLowerCase();
if(b.constructor == String) {
b = b.toLowerCase();
if(a < b) {
return 1;
else if (a > b) {
return -1;
else {
return 0;
* WidthResizer subclasses DragDrop to support resizeable Columns.
* @class WidthResizer
* @extends YAHOO.util.DragDrop
* @constructor
* @param colElId {string} ID of the Column's TH element being resized
* @param handleElId {string} ID of the handle element that causes the resize
* @param sGroup {string} Group name of related DragDrop items
YAHOO.util.WidthResizer = function(oDataTable, colId, handleId, sGroup, config) {
if (colId) {
this.cell = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(colId);
this.init(handleId, sGroup, config);
this.datatable = oDataTable;
else {
YAHOO.log("Column resizer could not be created due to invalid colElId","warn");
if(YAHOO.util.DD) {
YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.util.WidthResizer, YAHOO.util.DD);
// Public DOM event handlers
* Handles mousedown events on the Column resizer.
* @method onMouseDown
* @param e {string} The mousedown event
YAHOO.util.WidthResizer.prototype.onMouseDown = function(e) {
this.startWidth = this.cell.offsetWidth;
this.startPos = YAHOO.util.Dom.getX(this.getDragEl());
if(this.datatable.fixedwidth) {
var cellText = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName(YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_COLUMNTEXT,"span",this.cell)[0];
this.minWidth = cellText.offsetWidth + 6;
var sib = this.cell.nextSibling;
var sibCellText = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName(YAHOO.widget.DataTable.CLASS_COLUMNTEXT,"span",sib)[0];
this.sibMinWidth = sibCellText.offsetWidth + 6;
var left = ((this.startWidth - this.minWidth) < 0) ? 0 : (this.startWidth - this.minWidth);
var right = ((sib.offsetWidth - this.sibMinWidth) < 0) ? 0 : (sib.offsetWidth - this.sibMinWidth);
this.setXConstraint(left, right);
YAHOO.log("cellstartwidth:" + this.startWidth,"time");
YAHOO.log("cellminwidth:" + this.minWidth,"time");
YAHOO.log("sibstartwidth:" + sib.offsetWidth,"time");
YAHOO.log("sibminwidth:" + this.sibMinWidth,"time");
YAHOO.log("l:" + left + " AND r:" + right,"time");
* Handles mouseup events on the Column resizer.
* @method onMouseUp
* @param e {string} The mouseup event
YAHOO.util.WidthResizer.prototype.onMouseUp = function(e) {
//TODO: replace the resizer where it belongs:
var resizeStyle = YAHOO.util.Dom.get(this.handleElId).style;
resizeStyle.left = "auto";
resizeStyle.right = 0;
resizeStyle.marginRight = "-6px";
resizeStyle.width = "6px";
//.yui-dt-headresizer {position:absolute;margin-right:-6px;right:0;bottom:0;width:6px;height:100%;cursor:w-resize;cursor:col-resize;}
//var cells = this.datatable._elTable.tHead.rows[this.datatable._elTable.tHead.rows.length-1].cells;
//for(var i=0; i<cells.length; i++) {
//cells[i].style.width = "5px";
//TODO: set new ColumnSet width values
* Handles drag events on the Column resizer.
* @method onDrag
* @param e {string} The drag event
YAHOO.util.WidthResizer.prototype.onDrag = function(e) {
var newPos = YAHOO.util.Dom.getX(this.getDragEl());//YAHOO.log("newpos:"+newPos,"warn");//YAHOO.util.Event.getPageX(e);
var offsetX = newPos - this.startPos;//YAHOO.log("offset:"+offsetX,"warn");
//YAHOO.log("startwidth:"+this.startWidth + " and offset:"+offsetX,"warn");
var newWidth = this.startWidth + offsetX;//YAHOO.log("newwidth:"+newWidth,"warn");
if(newWidth < this.minWidth) {
newWidth = this.minWidth;
// Resize the Column
var oDataTable = this.datatable;
var elCell = this.cell;
//YAHOO.log("newwidth" + newWidth,"warn");
//YAHOO.log(newWidth + " AND "+ elColumn.offsetWidth + " AND " + elColumn.id,"warn");
// Resize the other Columns
if(oDataTable.fixedwidth) {
// Moving right or left?
var sib = elCell.nextSibling;
//var sibIndex = elCell.index + 1;
var sibnewwidth = sib.offsetWidth - offsetX;
if(sibnewwidth < this.sibMinWidth) {
sibnewwidth = this.sibMinWidth;
//TODO: how else to cycle through all the Columns without having to use an index property?
for(var i=0; i<oDataTable._oColumnSet.length; i++) {
if((i != elCell.index) && (i!=sibIndex)) {
YAHOO.util.Dom.get(oDataTable._oColumnSet.keys[i].id).style.width = oDataTable._oColumnSet.keys[i].width + "px";
sib.style.width = sibnewwidth;
elCell.style.width = newWidth + "px";
//oDataTable._oColumnSet.flat[sibIndex].width = sibnewwidth;
//oDataTable._oColumnSet.flat[elCell.index].width = newWidth;
else {
elCell.style.width = newWidth + "px";