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Yahoo! UI Library

DataSource Utility  2.9.0

Yahoo! UI Library > datasource > YAHOO.util.XHRDataSource

Class YAHOO.util.XHRDataSource - extends YAHOO.util.DataSourceBase

XHRDataSource class for accessing remote data via the YUI Connection Manager Utility


YAHOO.util.XHRDataSource ( oLiveData , oConfigs )
oLiveData <HTMLElement> Pointer to live data.
oConfigs <object> (optional) Object literal of configuration values.


_xhrCallback - private object

Define Connection Manager callback object

connMethodPost - Boolean

True if data is to be sent via POST. By default, data will be sent via GET.
Default Value: false

connMgr - Object

Alias to YUI Connection Manager, to allow implementers to use a custom class.
Default Value: YAHOO.util.Connect

connTimeout - Number

The connection timeout defines how many milliseconds the XHR connection will wait for a server response. Any non-zero value will enable the Connection Manager's Auto-Abort feature.
Default Value: 0

connXhrMode - String

Defines request/response management in the following manner:
If a request is already in progress, wait until response is returned before sending the next request.
If a request is already in progress, cancel it before sending the next request.
Send all requests, but handle only the response for the most recently sent request.
Send all requests and handle all responses.
Default Value: "allowAll"



private void _xhrFailure ( oResponse )
Define Connection Manager failure handler
oResponse <Object> HTTPXMLRequest object


private void _xhrSuccess ( oResponse )
Define Connection Manager success handler
oResponse <Object> HTTPXMLRequest object


Number makeConnection ( oRequest , oCallback , oCaller )
Overriding method passes query to Connection Manager. The returned response is then forwarded to the handleResponse function.
oRequest <Object> Request object.
oCallback <Object> Callback object literal.
oCaller <Object> (deprecated) Use oCallback.scope.
Returns: Number
Transaction ID.

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