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Yahoo! UI Library

Charts Widget  2.4.0

Yahoo! UI Library > charts > YAHOO.widget.FlashAdapter

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Class YAHOO.widget.FlashAdapter - uses YAHOO.util.AttributeProvider

Wraps Flash embedding functionality and allows communication with SWF through attributes.


_attributes - private Object

The initializing attributes are stored here until the SWF is ready.

_id - private String

The id of this instance.

_swf - private object

A reference to the embedded SWF file.

_swfURL - private String

The URL of the SWF file.

Properties inherited from YAHOO.util.AttributeProvider:



private void _embedSWF ( )
Embeds the SWF in the page and associates it with this instance.
Returns: void


private void _eventHandler ( )
Handles or re-dispatches events received from the SWF.
Returns: void


private void _getSWFURL ( )
Getter for swfURL attribute.
Returns: void


private void _initAttributes ( )
Initializes the attributes.
Returns: void


private void _loadHandler ( )
Called when the SWF has been initialized.
Returns: void


String toString ( )
Public accessor to the unique name of the FlashAdapter instance.
Returns: String
Unique name of the FlashAdapter instance.


private static void YAHOO.widget.FlashAdapter.eventHandler ( )
Receives event messages from SWF and passes them to the correct instance of FlashAdapter.
Returns: void



beforeSwfurlChangeEvent ( eventInfo )
Fires before the value for the configuration attribute 'swfURL' changes. Return false to cancel the attribute change.
eventInfo <{oldValue: any, newValue: any}> An object containing the current attribute value and the new value.


contentReady ( )
Fires when the SWF is initialized and communication is possible.


swfURLChangeEvent ( eventInfo )
Fires when the value for the configuration attribute 'swfURL' changes.
eventInfo <{oldValue: any, newValue: any}> An object containing the previous attribute value and the new value.

Configuration Attributes

swfURL - String

Absolute or relative URL to the SWF displayed by the FlashAdapter.

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