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Yahoo! UI Library

Calendar  2.3.1

Yahoo! UI Library > calendar > Calendar.js (source view)

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* The Calendar component is a UI control that enables users to choose one or more dates from a graphical calendar presented in a one-month  or multi-month interface. Calendars are generated entirely via script and can be navigated without any page refreshes.
* @module    calendar
* @title     Calendar
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @requires  yahoo,dom,event

* Calendar is the base class for the Calendar widget. In its most basic
* implementation, it has the ability to render a calendar widget on the page
* that can be manipulated to select a single date, move back and forth between
* months and years.
* <p>To construct the placeholder for the calendar widget, the code is as
* follows:
*	<xmp>
*		<div id="cal1Container"></div>
*	</xmp>
* </p>
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class Calendar
* @constructor
* @param {String}	id			The id of the table element that will represent the calendar widget
* @param {String}	containerId	The id of the container div element that will wrap the calendar table
* @param {Object}	config		The configuration object containing the Calendar's arguments
YAHOO.widget.Calendar = function(id, containerId, config) {
	this.init(id, containerId, config);

* The path to be used for images loaded for the Calendar
* @property YAHOO.widget.Calendar.IMG_ROOT
* @static
* @deprecated	You can now customize images by overriding the calclose, calnavleft and calnavright default CSS classes for the close icon, left arrow and right arrow respectively
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.IMG_ROOT = null;

* Type constant used for renderers to represent an individual date (M/D/Y)
* @property YAHOO.widget.Calendar.DATE
* @static
* @final
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.DATE = "D";

* Type constant used for renderers to represent an individual date across any year (M/D)
* @property YAHOO.widget.Calendar.MONTH_DAY
* @static
* @final
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.MONTH_DAY = "MD";

* Type constant used for renderers to represent a weekday
* @property YAHOO.widget.Calendar.WEEKDAY
* @static
* @final
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.WEEKDAY = "WD";

* Type constant used for renderers to represent a range of individual dates (M/D/Y-M/D/Y)
* @property YAHOO.widget.Calendar.RANGE
* @static
* @final
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.RANGE = "R";

* Type constant used for renderers to represent a month across any year
* @property YAHOO.widget.Calendar.MONTH
* @static
* @final
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.MONTH = "M";

* Constant that represents the total number of date cells that are displayed in a given month
* @property YAHOO.widget.Calendar.DISPLAY_DAYS
* @static
* @final
* @type Number
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.DISPLAY_DAYS = 42;

* Constant used for halting the execution of the remainder of the render stack
* @property YAHOO.widget.Calendar.STOP_RENDER
* @static
* @final
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.STOP_RENDER = "S";

* Constant used to represent short date field string formats (e.g. Tu or Feb)
* @property YAHOO.widget.Calendar.SHORT
* @static
* @final
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.SHORT = "short";

* Constant used to represent long date field string formats (e.g. Monday or February)
* @property YAHOO.widget.Calendar.LONG
* @static
* @final
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.LONG = "long";

* Constant used to represent medium date field string formats (e.g. Mon)
* @property YAHOO.widget.Calendar.MEDIUM
* @static
* @final
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.MEDIUM = "medium";

* Constant used to represent single character date field string formats (e.g. M, T, W)
* @property YAHOO.widget.Calendar.ONE_CHAR
* @static
* @final
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.ONE_CHAR = "1char";

* The set of default Config property keys and values for the Calendar
* @property YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG
* @final
* @static
* @private
* @type Object
YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG = {
	// Default values for pagedate and selected are not class level constants - they are set during instance creation 
	PAGEDATE : {key:"pagedate", value:null},
	SELECTED : {key:"selected", value:null},
	TITLE : {key:"title", value:""},
	CLOSE : {key:"close", value:false},
	IFRAME : {key:"iframe", value:(YAHOO.env.ua.ie && YAHOO.env.ua.ie <= 6) ? true : false},
	MINDATE : {key:"mindate", value:null},
	MAXDATE : {key:"maxdate", value:null},
	MULTI_SELECT : {key:"multi_select", value:false},
	START_WEEKDAY : {key:"start_weekday", value:0},
	SHOW_WEEKDAYS : {key:"show_weekdays", value:true},
	SHOW_WEEK_HEADER : {key:"show_week_header", value:false},
	SHOW_WEEK_FOOTER : {key:"show_week_footer", value:false},
	HIDE_BLANK_WEEKS : {key:"hide_blank_weeks", value:false},
	NAV_ARROW_LEFT: {key:"nav_arrow_left", value:null} ,
	NAV_ARROW_RIGHT : {key:"nav_arrow_right", value:null} ,
	MONTHS_SHORT : {key:"months_short", value:["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]},
	MONTHS_LONG: {key:"months_long", value:["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]},
	WEEKDAYS_1CHAR: {key:"weekdays_1char", value:["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"]},
	WEEKDAYS_SHORT: {key:"weekdays_short", value:["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"]},
	WEEKDAYS_MEDIUM: {key:"weekdays_medium", value:["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"]},
	WEEKDAYS_LONG: {key:"weekdays_long", value:["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]},
	LOCALE_MONTHS:{key:"locale_months", value:"long"},
	LOCALE_WEEKDAYS:{key:"locale_weekdays", value:"short"},
	DATE_DELIMITER:{key:"date_delimiter", value:","},
	DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER:{key:"date_field_delimiter", value:"/"},
	DATE_RANGE_DELIMITER:{key:"date_range_delimiter", value:"-"},
	MY_MONTH_POSITION:{key:"my_month_position", value:1},
	MY_YEAR_POSITION:{key:"my_year_position", value:2},
	MD_MONTH_POSITION:{key:"md_month_position", value:1},
	MD_DAY_POSITION:{key:"md_day_position", value:2},
	MDY_MONTH_POSITION:{key:"mdy_month_position", value:1},
	MDY_DAY_POSITION:{key:"mdy_day_position", value:2},
	MDY_YEAR_POSITION:{key:"mdy_year_position", value:3},
	MY_LABEL_MONTH_POSITION:{key:"my_label_month_position", value:1},
	MY_LABEL_YEAR_POSITION:{key:"my_label_year_position", value:2},
	MY_LABEL_MONTH_SUFFIX:{key:"my_label_month_suffix", value:" "},
	MY_LABEL_YEAR_SUFFIX:{key:"my_label_year_suffix", value:""}

* The set of Custom Event types supported by the Calendar
* @property YAHOO.widget.Calendar._EVENT_TYPES
* @final
* @static
* @private
* @type Object
YAHOO.widget.Calendar._EVENT_TYPES = {
	BEFORE_SELECT : "beforeSelect", 
	SELECT : "select",
	BEFORE_DESELECT : "beforeDeselect",
	DESELECT : "deselect",
	CHANGE_PAGE : "changePage",
	BEFORE_RENDER : "beforeRender",
	RENDER : "render",
	RESET : "reset",
	CLEAR : "clear"

* The set of default style constants for the Calendar
* @property YAHOO.widget.Calendar._STYLES
* @final
* @static
* @private
* @type Object
YAHOO.widget.Calendar._STYLES = {
	CSS_ROW_HEADER: "calrowhead",
	CSS_ROW_FOOTER: "calrowfoot",
	CSS_CELL : "calcell",
	CSS_CELL_SELECTOR : "selector",
	CSS_CELL_SELECTED : "selected",
	CSS_CELL_SELECTABLE : "selectable",
	CSS_CELL_RESTRICTED : "restricted",
	CSS_CELL_TODAY : "today",
	CSS_CELL_OOM : "oom",
	CSS_CELL_OOB : "previous",
	CSS_HEADER : "calheader",
	CSS_HEADER_TEXT : "calhead",
	CSS_BODY : "calbody",
	CSS_WEEKDAY_CELL : "calweekdaycell",
	CSS_WEEKDAY_ROW : "calweekdayrow",
	CSS_FOOTER : "calfoot",
	CSS_CALENDAR : "yui-calendar",
	CSS_SINGLE : "single",
	CSS_CONTAINER : "yui-calcontainer",
	CSS_NAV_LEFT : "calnavleft",
	CSS_NAV_RIGHT : "calnavright",
	CSS_CLOSE : "calclose",
	CSS_CELL_TOP : "calcelltop",
	CSS_CELL_LEFT : "calcellleft",
	CSS_CELL_RIGHT : "calcellright",
	CSS_CELL_BOTTOM : "calcellbottom",
	CSS_CELL_HOVER : "calcellhover",
	CSS_CELL_HIGHLIGHT1 : "highlight1",
	CSS_CELL_HIGHLIGHT2 : "highlight2",
	CSS_CELL_HIGHLIGHT3 : "highlight3",
	CSS_CELL_HIGHLIGHT4 : "highlight4"

YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype = {

	* The configuration object used to set up the calendars various locale and style options.
	* @property Config
	* @private
	* @deprecated Configuration properties should be set by calling Calendar.cfg.setProperty.
	* @type Object
	Config : null,

	* The parent CalendarGroup, only to be set explicitly by the parent group
	* @property parent
	* @type CalendarGroup
	parent : null,

	* The index of this item in the parent group
	* @property index
	* @type Number
	index : -1,

	* The collection of calendar table cells
	* @property cells
	* @type HTMLTableCellElement[]
	cells : null,
	* The collection of calendar cell dates that is parallel to the cells collection. The array contains dates field arrays in the format of [YYYY, M, D].
	* @property cellDates
	* @type Array[](Number[])
	cellDates : null,

	* The id that uniquely identifies this calendar. This id should match the id of the placeholder element on the page.
	* @property id
	* @type String
	id : null,

	* The DOM element reference that points to this calendar's container element. The calendar will be inserted into this element when the shell is rendered.
	* @property oDomContainer
	* @type HTMLElement
	oDomContainer : null,

	* A Date object representing today's date.
	* @property today
	* @type Date
	today : null,

	* The list of render functions, along with required parameters, used to render cells. 
	* @property renderStack
	* @type Array[]
	renderStack : null,

	* A copy of the initial render functions created before rendering.
	* @property _renderStack
	* @private
	* @type Array
	_renderStack : null,

	* The private list of initially selected dates.
	* @property _selectedDates
	* @private
	* @type Array
	_selectedDates : null,

	* A map of DOM event handlers to attach to cells associated with specific CSS class names
	* @property domEventMap
	* @type Object
	domEventMap : null

* Initializes the Calendar widget.
* @method init
* @param {String}	id			The id of the table element that will represent the calendar widget
* @param {String}	containerId	The id of the container div element that will wrap the calendar table
* @param {Object}	config		The configuration object containing the Calendar's arguments
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.init = function(id, containerId, config) {
	this.logger = new YAHOO.widget.LogWriter("Calendar " + id);
	this.today = new Date();

	this.id = id;
	this.oDomContainer = document.getElementById(containerId);
	if (! this.oDomContainer) { this.logger.log("No valid container present.", "error"); }

	* The Config object used to hold the configuration variables for the Calendar
	* @property cfg
	* @type YAHOO.util.Config
	this.cfg = new YAHOO.util.Config(this);
	* The local object which contains the Calendar's options
	* @property Options
	* @type Object
	this.Options = {};

	* The local object which contains the Calendar's locale settings
	* @property Locale
	* @type Object
	this.Locale = {};


	YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(this.oDomContainer, this.Style.CSS_CONTAINER);	
	YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(this.oDomContainer, this.Style.CSS_SINGLE);
	this.cellDates = [];
	this.cells = [];
	this.renderStack = [];
	this._renderStack = [];

	if (config) {
		this.cfg.applyConfig(config, true);

* Default Config listener for the iframe property. If the iframe config property is set to true, 
* renders the built-in IFRAME shim if the container is relatively or absolutely positioned.
* @method configIframe
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.configIframe = function(type, args, obj) {
	var useIframe = args[0];

	if (!this.parent) {
		if (YAHOO.util.Dom.inDocument(this.oDomContainer)) {
			if (useIframe) {
				var pos = YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(this.oDomContainer, "position");
				if (pos == "absolute" || pos == "relative") {
					if (!YAHOO.util.Dom.inDocument(this.iframe)) {
						this.iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
						this.iframe.src = "javascript:false;";

						YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.iframe, "opacity", "0");

						if (YAHOO.env.ua.ie && YAHOO.env.ua.ie <= 6) {
							YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(this.iframe, "fixedsize");

						this.oDomContainer.insertBefore(this.iframe, this.oDomContainer.firstChild);
			} else {
				if (this.iframe) {
					if (this.iframe.parentNode) {
					this.iframe = null;
* Default handler for the "title" property
* @method configTitle
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.configTitle = function(type, args, obj) {
	var title = args[0], tDiv;

	// "" disables title bar
	if (title) {
	} else {
		var close = this.cfg.getProperty(YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG.CLOSE.key);
		if (!close) {
		} else {

* Default handler for the "close" property
* @method configClose
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.configClose = function(type, args, obj) {
	var close = args[0],
		title = this.cfg.getProperty(YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG.TITLE.key);

	if (close) {
		if (!title) {
	} else {
		if (!title) {

* Initializes Calendar's built-in CustomEvents
* @method initEvents
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.initEvents = function() {

	var defEvents = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._EVENT_TYPES;

	* Fired before a selection is made
	* @event beforeSelectEvent
	this.beforeSelectEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(defEvents.BEFORE_SELECT); 

	* Fired when a selection is made
	* @event selectEvent
	* @param {Array}	Array of Date field arrays in the format [YYYY, MM, DD].
	this.selectEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(defEvents.SELECT);

	* Fired before a selection is made
	* @event beforeDeselectEvent
	this.beforeDeselectEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(defEvents.BEFORE_DESELECT);

	* Fired when a selection is made
	* @event deselectEvent
	* @param {Array}	Array of Date field arrays in the format [YYYY, MM, DD].
	this.deselectEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(defEvents.DESELECT);

	* Fired when the Calendar page is changed
	* @event changePageEvent
	this.changePageEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(defEvents.CHANGE_PAGE);

	* Fired before the Calendar is rendered
	* @event beforeRenderEvent
	this.beforeRenderEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(defEvents.BEFORE_RENDER);

	* Fired when the Calendar is rendered
	* @event renderEvent
	this.renderEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(defEvents.RENDER);

	* Fired when the Calendar is reset
	* @event resetEvent
	this.resetEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(defEvents.RESET);

	* Fired when the Calendar is cleared
	* @event clearEvent
	this.clearEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent(defEvents.CLEAR);

	this.beforeSelectEvent.subscribe(this.onBeforeSelect, this, true);
	this.selectEvent.subscribe(this.onSelect, this, true);
	this.beforeDeselectEvent.subscribe(this.onBeforeDeselect, this, true);
	this.deselectEvent.subscribe(this.onDeselect, this, true);
	this.changePageEvent.subscribe(this.onChangePage, this, true);
	this.renderEvent.subscribe(this.onRender, this, true);
	this.resetEvent.subscribe(this.onReset, this, true);
	this.clearEvent.subscribe(this.onClear, this, true);

* The default event function that is attached to a date link within a calendar cell
* when the calendar is rendered.
* @method doSelectCell
* @param {DOMEvent} e	The event
* @param {Calendar} cal	A reference to the calendar passed by the Event utility
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.doSelectCell = function(e, cal) {
	var cell,index,d,date;

	var target = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(e);
	var tagName = target.tagName.toLowerCase();
	var defSelector = false;

	while (tagName != "td" && ! YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(target, cal.Style.CSS_CELL_SELECTABLE)) {

		if (!defSelector && tagName == "a" && YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(target, cal.Style.CSS_CELL_SELECTOR)) {
			defSelector = true;	

		target = target.parentNode;
		tagName = target.tagName.toLowerCase(); 
		if (tagName == "html") {

	if (defSelector) {
		// Stop link href navigation for default renderer

	cell = target;

	if (YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(cell, cal.Style.CSS_CELL_SELECTABLE)) {
		index = cell.id.split("cell")[1];
		d = cal.cellDates[index];
		date = new Date(d[0],d[1]-1,d[2]);
		var link;

		cal.logger.log("Selecting cell " + index + " via click", "info");
		if (cal.Options.MULTI_SELECT) {
			link = cell.getElementsByTagName("a")[0];
			if (link) {

			var cellDate = cal.cellDates[index];
			var cellDateIndex = cal._indexOfSelectedFieldArray(cellDate);

			if (cellDateIndex > -1) {	
			} else {

		} else {
			link = cell.getElementsByTagName("a")[0];
			if (link) {

* The event that is executed when the user hovers over a cell
* @method doCellMouseOver
* @param {DOMEvent} e	The event
* @param {Calendar} cal	A reference to the calendar passed by the Event utility
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.doCellMouseOver = function(e, cal) {
	var target;
	if (e) {
		target = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(e);
	} else {
		target = this;

	while (target.tagName.toLowerCase() != "td") {
		target = target.parentNode;
		if (target.tagName.toLowerCase() == "html") {

	if (YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(target, cal.Style.CSS_CELL_SELECTABLE)) {
		YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(target, cal.Style.CSS_CELL_HOVER);

* The event that is executed when the user moves the mouse out of a cell
* @method doCellMouseOut
* @param {DOMEvent} e	The event
* @param {Calendar} cal	A reference to the calendar passed by the Event utility
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.doCellMouseOut = function(e, cal) {
	var target;
	if (e) {
		target = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(e);
	} else {
		target = this;

	while (target.tagName.toLowerCase() != "td") {
		target = target.parentNode;
		if (target.tagName.toLowerCase() == "html") {

	if (YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(target, cal.Style.CSS_CELL_SELECTABLE)) {
		YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(target, cal.Style.CSS_CELL_HOVER);

YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.setupConfig = function() {

	var defCfg = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG;

	* The month/year representing the current visible Calendar date (mm/yyyy)
	* @config pagedate
	* @type String
	* @default today's date
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.PAGEDATE.key, { value:new Date(), handler:this.configPageDate } );

	* The date or range of dates representing the current Calendar selection
	* @config selected
	* @type String
	* @default []
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.SELECTED.key, { value:[], handler:this.configSelected } );

	* The title to display above the Calendar's month header
	* @config title
	* @type String
	* @default ""
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.TITLE.key, { value:defCfg.TITLE.value, handler:this.configTitle } );

	* Whether or not a close button should be displayed for this Calendar
	* @config close
	* @type Boolean
	* @default false
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.CLOSE.key, { value:defCfg.CLOSE.value, handler:this.configClose } );

	* Whether or not an iframe shim should be placed under the Calendar to prevent select boxes from bleeding through in Internet Explorer 6 and below.
	* This property is enabled by default for IE6 and below. It is disabled by default for other browsers for performance reasons, but can be 
	* enabled if required.
	* @config iframe
	* @type Boolean
	* @default true for IE6 and below, false for all other browsers
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.IFRAME.key, { value:defCfg.IFRAME.value, handler:this.configIframe, validator:this.cfg.checkBoolean } );

	* The minimum selectable date in the current Calendar (mm/dd/yyyy)
	* @config mindate
	* @type String
	* @default null
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.MINDATE.key, { value:defCfg.MINDATE.value, handler:this.configMinDate } );

	* The maximum selectable date in the current Calendar (mm/dd/yyyy)
	* @config maxdate
	* @type String
	* @default null
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.MAXDATE.key, { value:defCfg.MAXDATE.value, handler:this.configMaxDate } );

	// Options properties

	* True if the Calendar should allow multiple selections. False by default.
	* @config MULTI_SELECT
	* @type Boolean
	* @default false
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.MULTI_SELECT.key,	{ value:defCfg.MULTI_SELECT.value, handler:this.configOptions, validator:this.cfg.checkBoolean } );

	* The weekday the week begins on. Default is 0 (Sunday).
	* @config START_WEEKDAY
	* @type number
	* @default 0
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.START_WEEKDAY.key,	{ value:defCfg.START_WEEKDAY.value, handler:this.configOptions, validator:this.cfg.checkNumber  } );

	* True if the Calendar should show weekday labels. True by default.
	* @config SHOW_WEEKDAYS
	* @type Boolean
	* @default true
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.SHOW_WEEKDAYS.key,	{ value:defCfg.SHOW_WEEKDAYS.value, handler:this.configOptions, validator:this.cfg.checkBoolean  } );

	* True if the Calendar should show week row headers. False by default.
	* @type Boolean
	* @default false
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.SHOW_WEEK_HEADER.key, { value:defCfg.SHOW_WEEK_HEADER.value, handler:this.configOptions, validator:this.cfg.checkBoolean } );

	* True if the Calendar should show week row footers. False by default.
	* @type Boolean
	* @default false
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.SHOW_WEEK_FOOTER.key,{ value:defCfg.SHOW_WEEK_FOOTER.value, handler:this.configOptions, validator:this.cfg.checkBoolean } );

	* True if the Calendar should suppress weeks that are not a part of the current month. False by default.
	* @type Boolean
	* @default false
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.HIDE_BLANK_WEEKS.key, { value:defCfg.HIDE_BLANK_WEEKS.value, handler:this.configOptions, validator:this.cfg.checkBoolean } );
	* The image that should be used for the left navigation arrow.
	* @config NAV_ARROW_LEFT
	* @type String
	* @deprecated	You can customize the image by overriding the default CSS class for the left arrow - "calnavleft"  
	* @default null
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.NAV_ARROW_LEFT.key,	{ value:defCfg.NAV_ARROW_LEFT.value, handler:this.configOptions } );

	* The image that should be used for the right navigation arrow.
	* @config NAV_ARROW_RIGHT
	* @type String
	* @deprecated	You can customize the image by overriding the default CSS class for the right arrow - "calnavright"
	* @default null
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.NAV_ARROW_RIGHT.key, { value:defCfg.NAV_ARROW_RIGHT.value, handler:this.configOptions } );

	// Locale properties

	* The short month labels for the current locale.
	* @config MONTHS_SHORT
	* @type String[]
	* @default ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.MONTHS_SHORT.key,	{ value:defCfg.MONTHS_SHORT.value, handler:this.configLocale } );
	* The long month labels for the current locale.
	* @config MONTHS_LONG
	* @type String[]
	* @default ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.MONTHS_LONG.key,		{ value:defCfg.MONTHS_LONG.value, handler:this.configLocale } );
	* The 1-character weekday labels for the current locale.
	* @config WEEKDAYS_1CHAR
	* @type String[]
	* @default ["S", "M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S"]
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.WEEKDAYS_1CHAR.key,	{ value:defCfg.WEEKDAYS_1CHAR.value, handler:this.configLocale } );
	* The short weekday labels for the current locale.
	* @type String[]
	* @default ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"]
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.WEEKDAYS_SHORT.key,	{ value:defCfg.WEEKDAYS_SHORT.value, handler:this.configLocale } );
	* The medium weekday labels for the current locale.
	* @type String[]
	* @default ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"]
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.WEEKDAYS_MEDIUM.key,	{ value:defCfg.WEEKDAYS_MEDIUM.value, handler:this.configLocale } );
	* The long weekday labels for the current locale.
	* @config WEEKDAYS_LONG
	* @type String[]
	* @default ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.WEEKDAYS_LONG.key,	{ value:defCfg.WEEKDAYS_LONG.value, handler:this.configLocale } );

	* Refreshes the locale values used to build the Calendar.
	* @method refreshLocale
	* @private
	var refreshLocale = function() {

	this.cfg.subscribeToConfigEvent(defCfg.START_WEEKDAY.key, refreshLocale, this, true);
	this.cfg.subscribeToConfigEvent(defCfg.MONTHS_SHORT.key, refreshLocale, this, true);
	this.cfg.subscribeToConfigEvent(defCfg.MONTHS_LONG.key, refreshLocale, this, true);
	this.cfg.subscribeToConfigEvent(defCfg.WEEKDAYS_1CHAR.key, refreshLocale, this, true);
	this.cfg.subscribeToConfigEvent(defCfg.WEEKDAYS_SHORT.key, refreshLocale, this, true);
	this.cfg.subscribeToConfigEvent(defCfg.WEEKDAYS_MEDIUM.key, refreshLocale, this, true);
	this.cfg.subscribeToConfigEvent(defCfg.WEEKDAYS_LONG.key, refreshLocale, this, true);
	* The setting that determines which length of month labels should be used. Possible values are "short" and "long".
	* @config LOCALE_MONTHS
	* @type String
	* @default "long"
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.LOCALE_MONTHS.key,	{ value:defCfg.LOCALE_MONTHS.value, handler:this.configLocaleValues } );
	* The setting that determines which length of weekday labels should be used. Possible values are "1char", "short", "medium", and "long".
	* @type String
	* @default "short"
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.LOCALE_WEEKDAYS.key,	{ value:defCfg.LOCALE_WEEKDAYS.value, handler:this.configLocaleValues } );

	* The value used to delimit individual dates in a date string passed to various Calendar functions.
	* @type String
	* @default ","
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.DATE_DELIMITER.key,		{ value:defCfg.DATE_DELIMITER.value, handler:this.configLocale } );

	* The value used to delimit date fields in a date string passed to various Calendar functions.
	* @type String
	* @default "/"
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER.key, { value:defCfg.DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER.value, handler:this.configLocale } );

	* The value used to delimit date ranges in a date string passed to various Calendar functions.
	* @type String
	* @default "-"
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.DATE_RANGE_DELIMITER.key, { value:defCfg.DATE_RANGE_DELIMITER.value, handler:this.configLocale } );

	* The position of the month in a month/year date string
	* @type Number
	* @default 1
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.MY_MONTH_POSITION.key,	{ value:defCfg.MY_MONTH_POSITION.value, handler:this.configLocale, validator:this.cfg.checkNumber } );

	* The position of the year in a month/year date string
	* @type Number
	* @default 2
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.MY_YEAR_POSITION.key,	{ value:defCfg.MY_YEAR_POSITION.value, handler:this.configLocale, validator:this.cfg.checkNumber } );

	* The position of the month in a month/day date string
	* @type Number
	* @default 1
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.MD_MONTH_POSITION.key,	{ value:defCfg.MD_MONTH_POSITION.value, handler:this.configLocale, validator:this.cfg.checkNumber } );

	* The position of the day in a month/year date string
	* @config MD_DAY_POSITION
	* @type Number
	* @default 2
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.MD_DAY_POSITION.key,		{ value:defCfg.MD_DAY_POSITION.value, handler:this.configLocale, validator:this.cfg.checkNumber } );

	* The position of the month in a month/day/year date string
	* @type Number
	* @default 1
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.MDY_MONTH_POSITION.key,	{ value:defCfg.MDY_MONTH_POSITION.value, handler:this.configLocale, validator:this.cfg.checkNumber } );

	* The position of the day in a month/day/year date string
	* @type Number
	* @default 2
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.MDY_DAY_POSITION.key,	{ value:defCfg.MDY_DAY_POSITION.value, handler:this.configLocale, validator:this.cfg.checkNumber } );

	* The position of the year in a month/day/year date string
	* @type Number
	* @default 3
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.MDY_YEAR_POSITION.key,	{ value:defCfg.MDY_YEAR_POSITION.value, handler:this.configLocale, validator:this.cfg.checkNumber } );
	* The position of the month in the month year label string used as the Calendar header
	* @type Number
	* @default 1
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.MY_LABEL_MONTH_POSITION.key,	{ value:defCfg.MY_LABEL_MONTH_POSITION.value, handler:this.configLocale, validator:this.cfg.checkNumber } );

	* The position of the year in the month year label string used as the Calendar header
	* @type Number
	* @default 2
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.MY_LABEL_YEAR_POSITION.key,	{ value:defCfg.MY_LABEL_YEAR_POSITION.value, handler:this.configLocale, validator:this.cfg.checkNumber } );
	* The suffix used after the month when rendering the Calendar header
	* @type String
	* @default " "
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.MY_LABEL_MONTH_SUFFIX.key,	{ value:defCfg.MY_LABEL_MONTH_SUFFIX.value, handler:this.configLocale } );
	* The suffix used after the year when rendering the Calendar header
	* @type String
	* @default ""
	this.cfg.addProperty(defCfg.MY_LABEL_YEAR_SUFFIX.key, { value:defCfg.MY_LABEL_YEAR_SUFFIX.value, handler:this.configLocale } );

* The default handler for the "pagedate" property
* @method configPageDate
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.configPageDate = function(type, args, obj) {
	this.cfg.setProperty(YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG.PAGEDATE.key, this._parsePageDate(args[0]), true);

* The default handler for the "mindate" property
* @method configMinDate
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.configMinDate = function(type, args, obj) {
	var val = args[0];
	if (YAHOO.lang.isString(val)) {
		val = this._parseDate(val);
		this.cfg.setProperty(YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG.MINDATE.key, new Date(val[0],(val[1]-1),val[2]));

* The default handler for the "maxdate" property
* @method configMaxDate
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.configMaxDate = function(type, args, obj) {
	var val = args[0];
	if (YAHOO.lang.isString(val)) {
		val = this._parseDate(val);
		this.cfg.setProperty(YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG.MAXDATE.key, new Date(val[0],(val[1]-1),val[2]));

* The default handler for the "selected" property
* @method configSelected
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.configSelected = function(type, args, obj) {
	var selected = args[0];
	var cfgSelected = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG.SELECTED.key;
	if (selected) {
		if (YAHOO.lang.isString(selected)) {
			this.cfg.setProperty(cfgSelected, this._parseDates(selected), true);
	if (! this._selectedDates) {
		this._selectedDates = this.cfg.getProperty(cfgSelected);

* The default handler for all configuration options properties
* @method configOptions
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.configOptions = function(type, args, obj) {
	this.Options[type.toUpperCase()] = args[0];

* The default handler for all configuration locale properties
* @method configLocale
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.configLocale = function(type, args, obj) {
	var defCfg = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG;
	this.Locale[type.toUpperCase()] = args[0];


* The default handler for all configuration locale field length properties
* @method configLocaleValues
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.configLocaleValues = function(type, args, obj) {
	var defCfg = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG; 

	type = type.toLowerCase();
	var val = args[0];

	switch (type) {
		case defCfg.LOCALE_MONTHS.key:
			switch (val) {
				case YAHOO.widget.Calendar.SHORT:
					this.Locale.LOCALE_MONTHS = this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.MONTHS_SHORT.key).concat();
				case YAHOO.widget.Calendar.LONG:
					this.Locale.LOCALE_MONTHS = this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.MONTHS_LONG.key).concat();
		case defCfg.LOCALE_WEEKDAYS.key:
			switch (val) {
				case YAHOO.widget.Calendar.ONE_CHAR:
					this.Locale.LOCALE_WEEKDAYS = this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.WEEKDAYS_1CHAR.key).concat();
				case YAHOO.widget.Calendar.SHORT:
					this.Locale.LOCALE_WEEKDAYS = this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.WEEKDAYS_SHORT.key).concat();
				case YAHOO.widget.Calendar.MEDIUM:
					this.Locale.LOCALE_WEEKDAYS = this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.WEEKDAYS_MEDIUM.key).concat();
				case YAHOO.widget.Calendar.LONG:
					this.Locale.LOCALE_WEEKDAYS = this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.WEEKDAYS_LONG.key).concat();
			var START_WEEKDAY = this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.START_WEEKDAY.key);

			if (START_WEEKDAY > 0) {
				for (var w=0;w<START_WEEKDAY;++w) {

* Defines the style constants for the Calendar
* @method initStyles
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.initStyles = function() {

	var defStyle = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._STYLES;

	this.Style = {
		* @property Style.CSS_ROW_HEADER
		* @property Style.CSS_ROW_FOOTER
		* @property Style.CSS_CELL
		CSS_CELL : defStyle.CSS_CELL,
		* @property Style.CSS_CELL_SELECTOR
		* @property Style.CSS_CELL_SELECTED
		* @property Style.CSS_CELL_SELECTABLE
		* @property Style.CSS_CELL_RESTRICTED
		* @property Style.CSS_CELL_TODAY
		* @property Style.CSS_CELL_OOM
		* @property Style.CSS_CELL_OOB
		* @property Style.CSS_HEADER
		* @property Style.CSS_HEADER_TEXT
		* @property Style.CSS_BODY
		CSS_BODY : defStyle.CSS_BODY,
		* @property Style.CSS_WEEKDAY_CELL
		* @property Style.CSS_WEEKDAY_ROW
		* @property Style.CSS_FOOTER
		* @property Style.CSS_CALENDAR
		* @property Style.CSS_SINGLE
		* @property Style.CSS_CONTAINER
		* @property Style.CSS_NAV_LEFT
		* @property Style.CSS_NAV_RIGHT
		* @property Style.CSS_CLOSE
		* @property Style.CSS_CELL_TOP
		* @property Style.CSS_CELL_LEFT
		* @property Style.CSS_CELL_RIGHT
		* @property Style.CSS_CELL_BOTTOM
		* @property Style.CSS_CELL_HOVER
		* @property Style.CSS_CELL_HIGHLIGHT1
		* @property Style.CSS_CELL_HIGHLIGHT2
		* @property Style.CSS_CELL_HIGHLIGHT3
		* @property Style.CSS_CELL_HIGHLIGHT4

* Builds the date label that will be displayed in the calendar header or
* footer, depending on configuration.
* @method buildMonthLabel
* @return	{String}	The formatted calendar month label
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.buildMonthLabel = function() {
	var pageDate = this.cfg.getProperty(YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG.PAGEDATE.key);

	var monthLabel  = this.Locale.LOCALE_MONTHS[pageDate.getMonth()] + this.Locale.MY_LABEL_MONTH_SUFFIX;
	var yearLabel = pageDate.getFullYear() + this.Locale.MY_LABEL_YEAR_SUFFIX;

	if (this.Locale.MY_LABEL_MONTH_POSITION == 2 || this.Locale.MY_LABEL_YEAR_POSITION == 1) {
		return yearLabel + monthLabel;
	} else {
		return monthLabel + yearLabel;

* Builds the date digit that will be displayed in calendar cells
* @method buildDayLabel
* @param {Date}	workingDate	The current working date
* @return	{String}	The formatted day label
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.buildDayLabel = function(workingDate) {
	return workingDate.getDate();

 * Creates the title bar element and adds it to Calendar container DIV
 * @method createTitleBar
 * @param {String} strTitle The title to display in the title bar
 * @return The title bar element
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.createTitleBar = function(strTitle) {
	var tDiv = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName(YAHOO.widget.CalendarGroup.CSS_2UPTITLE, "div", this.oDomContainer)[0] || document.createElement("div");
	tDiv.className = YAHOO.widget.CalendarGroup.CSS_2UPTITLE;
	tDiv.innerHTML = strTitle;
	this.oDomContainer.insertBefore(tDiv, this.oDomContainer.firstChild);

	YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(this.oDomContainer, "withtitle");

	return tDiv;

 * Removes the title bar element from the DOM
 * @method removeTitleBar
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.removeTitleBar = function() {
	var tDiv = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName(YAHOO.widget.CalendarGroup.CSS_2UPTITLE, "div", this.oDomContainer)[0] || null;
	if (tDiv) {
	YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(this.oDomContainer, "withtitle");

 * Creates the close button HTML element and adds it to Calendar container DIV
 * @method createCloseButton
 * @return The close HTML element created
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.createCloseButton = function() {
	var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
		Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
		cssClose = YAHOO.widget.CalendarGroup.CSS_2UPCLOSE,
		DEPR_CLOSE_PATH = "us/my/bn/x_d.gif";

	var lnk = Dom.getElementsByClassName("link-close", "a", this.oDomContainer)[0];

	if (!lnk) {
		lnk = document.createElement("a");  
		Event.addListener(lnk, "click", function(e, cal) {
		}, this);        

	lnk.href = "#";
	lnk.className = "link-close";

	if (YAHOO.widget.Calendar.IMG_ROOT !== null) {
		var img = Dom.getElementsByClassName(cssClose, "img", lnk)[0] || document.createElement("img");
		img.src = YAHOO.widget.Calendar.IMG_ROOT + DEPR_CLOSE_PATH;
		img.className = cssClose;
	} else {
		lnk.innerHTML = '<span class="' + cssClose + ' ' + this.Style.CSS_CLOSE + '"></span>';

	return lnk;

 * Removes the close button HTML element from the DOM
 * @method removeCloseButton
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.removeCloseButton = function() {
	var btn = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName("link-close", "a", this.oDomContainer)[0] || null;
	if (btn) {

* Renders the calendar header.
* @method renderHeader
* @param {Array}	html	The current working HTML array
* @return {Array} The current working HTML array
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.renderHeader = function(html) {
	this.logger.log("Rendering header", "info");
	var colSpan = 7;
	var DEPR_NAV_LEFT = "us/tr/callt.gif";
	var DEPR_NAV_RIGHT = "us/tr/calrt.gif";	
	var defCfg = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG;
	if (this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.SHOW_WEEK_HEADER.key)) {
		colSpan += 1;

	if (this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.SHOW_WEEK_FOOTER.key)) {
		colSpan += 1;

	html[html.length] = "<thead>";
	html[html.length] =		"<tr>";
	html[html.length] =			'<th colspan="' + colSpan + '" class="' + this.Style.CSS_HEADER_TEXT + '">';
	html[html.length] =				'<div class="' + this.Style.CSS_HEADER + '">';

	var renderLeft, renderRight = false;

	if (this.parent) {
		if (this.index === 0) {
			renderLeft = true;
		if (this.index == (this.parent.cfg.getProperty("pages") -1)) {
			renderRight = true;
	} else {
		renderLeft = true;
		renderRight = true;

	var cal = this.parent || this;
	if (renderLeft) {
		var leftArrow = this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.NAV_ARROW_LEFT.key);
		// Check for deprecated customization - If someone set IMG_ROOT, but didn't set NAV_ARROW_LEFT, then set NAV_ARROW_LEFT to the old deprecated value
		if (leftArrow === null && YAHOO.widget.Calendar.IMG_ROOT !== null) {
			leftArrow = YAHOO.widget.Calendar.IMG_ROOT + DEPR_NAV_LEFT;
		var leftStyle = (leftArrow === null) ? "" : ' style="background-image:url(' + leftArrow + ')"';
		html[html.length] = '<a class="' + this.Style.CSS_NAV_LEFT + '"' + leftStyle + ' >&#160;</a>';
	html[html.length] = this.buildMonthLabel();
	if (renderRight) {
		var rightArrow = this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.NAV_ARROW_RIGHT.key);
		if (rightArrow === null && YAHOO.widget.Calendar.IMG_ROOT !== null) {
			rightArrow = YAHOO.widget.Calendar.IMG_ROOT + DEPR_NAV_RIGHT;
		var rightStyle = (rightArrow === null) ? "" : ' style="background-image:url(' + rightArrow + ')"';
		html[html.length] = '<a class="' + this.Style.CSS_NAV_RIGHT + '"' + rightStyle + ' >&#160;</a>';

	html[html.length] =	'</div>\n</th>\n</tr>';

	if (this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.SHOW_WEEKDAYS.key)) {
		html = this.buildWeekdays(html);
	html[html.length] = '</thead>';

	return html;

* Renders the Calendar's weekday headers.
* @method buildWeekdays
* @param {Array}	html	The current working HTML array
* @return {Array} The current working HTML array
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.buildWeekdays = function(html) {

	var defCfg = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG;

	html[html.length] = '<tr class="' + this.Style.CSS_WEEKDAY_ROW + '">';

	if (this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.SHOW_WEEK_HEADER.key)) {
		html[html.length] = '<th>&#160;</th>';

	for(var i=0;i<this.Locale.LOCALE_WEEKDAYS.length;++i) {
		html[html.length] = '<th class="calweekdaycell">' + this.Locale.LOCALE_WEEKDAYS[i] + '</th>';

	if (this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.SHOW_WEEK_FOOTER.key)) {
		html[html.length] = '<th>&#160;</th>';

	html[html.length] = '</tr>';

	return html;

* Renders the calendar body.
* @method renderBody
* @param {Date}	workingDate	The current working Date being used for the render process
* @param {Array}	html	The current working HTML array
* @return {Array} The current working HTML array
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.renderBody = function(workingDate, html) {
	this.logger.log("Rendering body", "info");
	var defCfg = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG;

	var startDay = this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.START_WEEKDAY.key);

	this.preMonthDays = workingDate.getDay();
	if (startDay > 0) {
		this.preMonthDays -= startDay;
	if (this.preMonthDays < 0) {
		this.preMonthDays += 7;
	this.monthDays = YAHOO.widget.DateMath.findMonthEnd(workingDate).getDate();
	this.postMonthDays = YAHOO.widget.Calendar.DISPLAY_DAYS-this.preMonthDays-this.monthDays;
	this.logger.log(this.preMonthDays + " preciding out-of-month days", "info");
	this.logger.log(this.monthDays + " month days", "info");
	this.logger.log(this.postMonthDays + " post-month days", "info");
	workingDate = YAHOO.widget.DateMath.subtract(workingDate, YAHOO.widget.DateMath.DAY, this.preMonthDays);
	this.logger.log("Calendar page starts on " + workingDate, "info");

	var weekNum,weekClass;
	var weekPrefix = "w";
	var cellPrefix = "_cell";
	var workingDayPrefix = "wd";
	var dayPrefix = "d";
	var cellRenderers;
	var renderer;
	var todayYear = this.today.getFullYear();
	var todayMonth = this.today.getMonth();
	var todayDate = this.today.getDate();
	var useDate = this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.PAGEDATE.key);
	var hideBlankWeeks = this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.HIDE_BLANK_WEEKS.key);
	var showWeekFooter = this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.SHOW_WEEK_FOOTER.key);
	var showWeekHeader = this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.SHOW_WEEK_HEADER.key);
	var mindate = this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.MINDATE.key);
	var maxdate = this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.MAXDATE.key);

	if (mindate) {
		mindate = YAHOO.widget.DateMath.clearTime(mindate);
	if (maxdate) {
		maxdate = YAHOO.widget.DateMath.clearTime(maxdate);
	html[html.length] = '<tbody class="m' + (useDate.getMonth()+1) + ' ' + this.Style.CSS_BODY + '">';
	var i = 0;

	var tempDiv = document.createElement("div");
	var cell = document.createElement("td");

	var jan1 = new Date(useDate.getFullYear(),0,1);

	var cal = this.parent || this;

	for (var r=0;r<6;r++) {

		weekNum = YAHOO.widget.DateMath.getWeekNumber(workingDate, useDate.getFullYear(), startDay);
		weekClass = weekPrefix + weekNum;

		// Local OOM check for performance, since we already have pagedate
		if (r !== 0 && hideBlankWeeks === true && workingDate.getMonth() != useDate.getMonth()) {
		} else {

			html[html.length] = '<tr class="' + weekClass + '">';
			if (showWeekHeader) { html = this.renderRowHeader(weekNum, html); }
			for (var d=0;d<7;d++){ // Render actual days

				cellRenderers = [];
				renderer = null;

				cell.className = this.Style.CSS_CELL;
				cell.id = this.id + cellPrefix + i;
				this.logger.log("Rendering cell " + cell.id + " (" + workingDate.getFullYear() + "-" + (workingDate.getMonth()+1) + "-" + workingDate.getDate() + ")", "cellrender");

				if (workingDate.getDate()		== todayDate && 
					workingDate.getMonth()		== todayMonth &&
					workingDate.getFullYear()	== todayYear) {
				var workingArray = [workingDate.getFullYear(),workingDate.getMonth()+1,workingDate.getDate()];
				this.cellDates[this.cellDates.length] = workingArray; // Add this date to cellDates
				// Local OOM check for performance, since we already have pagedate
				if (workingDate.getMonth() != useDate.getMonth()) {
				} else {
					YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(cell, workingDayPrefix + workingDate.getDay());
					YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(cell, dayPrefix + workingDate.getDate());
					for (var s=0;s<this.renderStack.length;++s) {

						var rArray = this.renderStack[s];
						var type = rArray[0];
						var month;
						var day;
						var year;
						switch (type) {
							case YAHOO.widget.Calendar.DATE:
								month = rArray[1][1];
								day = rArray[1][2];
								year = rArray[1][0];

								if (workingDate.getMonth()+1 == month && workingDate.getDate() == day && workingDate.getFullYear() == year) {
									renderer = rArray[2];
							case YAHOO.widget.Calendar.MONTH_DAY:
								month = rArray[1][0];
								day = rArray[1][1];
								if (workingDate.getMonth()+1 == month && workingDate.getDate() == day) {
									renderer = rArray[2];
							case YAHOO.widget.Calendar.RANGE:
								var date1 = rArray[1][0];
								var date2 = rArray[1][1];

								var d1month = date1[1];
								var d1day = date1[2];
								var d1year = date1[0];
								var d1 = new Date(d1year, d1month-1, d1day);

								var d2month = date2[1];
								var d2day = date2[2];
								var d2year = date2[0];

								var d2 = new Date(d2year, d2month-1, d2day);

								if (workingDate.getTime() >= d1.getTime() && workingDate.getTime() <= d2.getTime()) {
									renderer = rArray[2];

									if (workingDate.getTime()==d2.getTime()) { 
							case YAHOO.widget.Calendar.WEEKDAY:
								var weekday = rArray[1][0];
								if (workingDate.getDay()+1 == weekday) {
									renderer = rArray[2];
							case YAHOO.widget.Calendar.MONTH:
								month = rArray[1][0];
								if (workingDate.getMonth()+1 == month) {
									renderer = rArray[2];
						if (renderer) {


				if (this._indexOfSelectedFieldArray(workingArray) > -1) {

				if ((mindate && (workingDate.getTime() < mindate.getTime())) ||
					(maxdate && (workingDate.getTime() > maxdate.getTime()))
				) {
				} else {
				for (var x=0; x < cellRenderers.length; ++x) {
					this.logger.log("renderer[" + x + "] for (" + workingDate.getFullYear() + "-" + (workingDate.getMonth()+1) + "-" + workingDate.getDate() + ")", "cellrender");
					if (cellRenderers[x].call(cal, workingDate, cell) == YAHOO.widget.Calendar.STOP_RENDER) {

				workingDate.setTime(workingDate.getTime() + YAHOO.widget.DateMath.ONE_DAY_MS);

				if (i >= 0 && i <= 6) {
					YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(cell, this.Style.CSS_CELL_TOP);
				if ((i % 7) === 0) {
					YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(cell, this.Style.CSS_CELL_LEFT);
				if (((i+1) % 7) === 0) {
					YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(cell, this.Style.CSS_CELL_RIGHT);
				var postDays = this.postMonthDays; 
				if (hideBlankWeeks && postDays >= 7) {
					var blankWeeks = Math.floor(postDays/7);
					for (var p=0;p<blankWeeks;++p) {
						postDays -= 7;
				if (i >= ((this.preMonthDays+postDays+this.monthDays)-7)) {
					YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(cell, this.Style.CSS_CELL_BOTTOM);

				html[html.length] = tempDiv.innerHTML;

			if (showWeekFooter) { html = this.renderRowFooter(weekNum, html); }

			html[html.length] = '</tr>';

	html[html.length] = '</tbody>';

	return html;

* Renders the calendar footer. In the default implementation, there is
* no footer.
* @method renderFooter
* @param {Array}	html	The current working HTML array
* @return {Array} The current working HTML array
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.renderFooter = function(html) { return html; };

* Renders the calendar after it has been configured. The render() method has a specific call chain that will execute
* when the method is called: renderHeader, renderBody, renderFooter.
* Refer to the documentation for those methods for information on 
* individual render tasks.
* @method render
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.render = function() {

	var defCfg = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG;

	// Find starting day of the current month
	var workingDate = YAHOO.widget.DateMath.findMonthStart(this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.PAGEDATE.key));

	this.cellDates.length = 0;

	YAHOO.util.Event.purgeElement(this.oDomContainer, true);

	var html = [];

	html[html.length] = '<table cellSpacing="0" class="' + this.Style.CSS_CALENDAR + ' y' + workingDate.getFullYear() + '" id="' + this.id + '">';
	html = this.renderHeader(html);
	html = this.renderBody(workingDate, html);
	html = this.renderFooter(html);
	html[html.length] = '</table>';

	this.oDomContainer.innerHTML = html.join("\n");

	this.cells = this.oDomContainer.getElementsByTagName("td");



* Applies the Calendar's DOM listeners to applicable elements.
* @method applyListeners
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.applyListeners = function() {
	var root = this.oDomContainer;
	var cal = this.parent || this;
	var anchor = "a";
	var mousedown = "mousedown";

	var linkLeft = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName(this.Style.CSS_NAV_LEFT, anchor, root);
	var linkRight = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName(this.Style.CSS_NAV_RIGHT, anchor, root);

	if (linkLeft && linkLeft.length > 0) {
		this.linkLeft = linkLeft[0];
		YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(this.linkLeft, mousedown, cal.previousMonth, cal, true);

	if (linkRight && linkRight.length > 0) {
		this.linkRight = linkRight[0];
		YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(this.linkRight, mousedown, cal.nextMonth, cal, true);

	if (this.domEventMap) {
		var el,elements;
		for (var cls in this.domEventMap) {	
			if (YAHOO.lang.hasOwnProperty(this.domEventMap, cls)) {
				var items = this.domEventMap[cls];

				if (! (items instanceof Array)) {
					items = [items];

				for (var i=0;i<items.length;i++)	{
					var item = items[i];
					elements = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName(cls, item.tag, this.oDomContainer);

					for (var c=0;c<elements.length;c++) {
						el = elements[c];
						 YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(el, item.event, item.handler, item.scope, item.correct );

	YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(this.oDomContainer, "click", this.doSelectCell, this);
	YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(this.oDomContainer, "mouseover", this.doCellMouseOver, this);
	YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(this.oDomContainer, "mouseout", this.doCellMouseOut, this);

* Retrieves the Date object for the specified Calendar cell
* @method getDateByCellId
* @param {String}	id	The id of the cell
* @return {Date} The Date object for the specified Calendar cell
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.getDateByCellId = function(id) {
	var date = this.getDateFieldsByCellId(id);
	return new Date(date[0],date[1]-1,date[2]);

* Retrieves the Date object for the specified Calendar cell
* @method getDateFieldsByCellId
* @param {String}	id	The id of the cell
* @return {Array}	The array of Date fields for the specified Calendar cell
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.getDateFieldsByCellId = function(id) {
	id = id.toLowerCase().split("_cell")[1];
	id = parseInt(id, 10);
	return this.cellDates[id];


* Renders a cell that falls before the minimum date or after the maximum date.
* widget class.
* @method renderOutOfBoundsDate
* @param {Date}					workingDate		The current working Date object being used to generate the calendar
* @param {HTMLTableCellElement}	cell			The current working cell in the calendar
* @return {String} YAHOO.widget.Calendar.STOP_RENDER if rendering should stop with this style, null or nothing if rendering
*			should not be terminated
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.renderOutOfBoundsDate = function(workingDate, cell) {
	YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(cell, this.Style.CSS_CELL_OOB);
	cell.innerHTML = workingDate.getDate();
	return YAHOO.widget.Calendar.STOP_RENDER;

* Renders the row header for a week.
* @method renderRowHeader
* @param {Number}	weekNum	The week number of the current row
* @param {Array}	cell	The current working HTML array
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.renderRowHeader = function(weekNum, html) {
	html[html.length] = '<th class="calrowhead">' + weekNum + '</th>';
	return html;

* Renders the row footer for a week.
* @method renderRowFooter
* @param {Number}	weekNum	The week number of the current row
* @param {Array}	cell	The current working HTML array
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.renderRowFooter = function(weekNum, html) {
	html[html.length] = '<th class="calrowfoot">' + weekNum + '</th>';
	return html;

* Renders a single standard calendar cell in the calendar widget table.
* All logic for determining how a standard default cell will be rendered is 
* encapsulated in this method, and must be accounted for when extending the
* widget class.
* @method renderCellDefault
* @param {Date}					workingDate		The current working Date object being used to generate the calendar
* @param {HTMLTableCellElement}	cell			The current working cell in the calendar
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.renderCellDefault = function(workingDate, cell) {
	cell.innerHTML = '<a href="#" class="' + this.Style.CSS_CELL_SELECTOR + '">' + this.buildDayLabel(workingDate) + "</a>";

* Styles a selectable cell.
* @method styleCellDefault
* @param {Date}					workingDate		The current working Date object being used to generate the calendar
* @param {HTMLTableCellElement}	cell			The current working cell in the calendar
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.styleCellDefault = function(workingDate, cell) {
	YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(cell, this.Style.CSS_CELL_SELECTABLE);

* Renders a single standard calendar cell using the CSS hightlight1 style
* @method renderCellStyleHighlight1
* @param {Date}					workingDate		The current working Date object being used to generate the calendar
* @param {HTMLTableCellElement}	cell			The current working cell in the calendar
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.renderCellStyleHighlight1 = function(workingDate, cell) {
	YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(cell, this.Style.CSS_CELL_HIGHLIGHT1);

* Renders a single standard calendar cell using the CSS hightlight2 style
* @method renderCellStyleHighlight2
* @param {Date}					workingDate		The current working Date object being used to generate the calendar
* @param {HTMLTableCellElement}	cell			The current working cell in the calendar
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.renderCellStyleHighlight2 = function(workingDate, cell) {
	YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(cell, this.Style.CSS_CELL_HIGHLIGHT2);

* Renders a single standard calendar cell using the CSS hightlight3 style
* @method renderCellStyleHighlight3
* @param {Date}					workingDate		The current working Date object being used to generate the calendar
* @param {HTMLTableCellElement}	cell			The current working cell in the calendar
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.renderCellStyleHighlight3 = function(workingDate, cell) {
	YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(cell, this.Style.CSS_CELL_HIGHLIGHT3);

* Renders a single standard calendar cell using the CSS hightlight4 style
* @method renderCellStyleHighlight4
* @param {Date}					workingDate		The current working Date object being used to generate the calendar
* @param {HTMLTableCellElement}	cell			The current working cell in the calendar
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.renderCellStyleHighlight4 = function(workingDate, cell) {
	YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(cell, this.Style.CSS_CELL_HIGHLIGHT4);

* Applies the default style used for rendering today's date to the current calendar cell
* @method renderCellStyleToday
* @param {Date}					workingDate		The current working Date object being used to generate the calendar
* @param {HTMLTableCellElement}	cell			The current working cell in the calendar
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.renderCellStyleToday = function(workingDate, cell) {
	YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(cell, this.Style.CSS_CELL_TODAY);

* Applies the default style used for rendering selected dates to the current calendar cell
* @method renderCellStyleSelected
* @param {Date}					workingDate		The current working Date object being used to generate the calendar
* @param {HTMLTableCellElement}	cell			The current working cell in the calendar
* @return {String} YAHOO.widget.Calendar.STOP_RENDER if rendering should stop with this style, null or nothing if rendering
*			should not be terminated
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.renderCellStyleSelected = function(workingDate, cell) {
	YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(cell, this.Style.CSS_CELL_SELECTED);

* Applies the default style used for rendering dates that are not a part of the current
* month (preceding or trailing the cells for the current month)
* @method renderCellNotThisMonth
* @param {Date}					workingDate		The current working Date object being used to generate the calendar
* @param {HTMLTableCellElement}	cell			The current working cell in the calendar
* @return {String} YAHOO.widget.Calendar.STOP_RENDER if rendering should stop with this style, null or nothing if rendering
*			should not be terminated
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.renderCellNotThisMonth = function(workingDate, cell) {
	YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(cell, this.Style.CSS_CELL_OOM);
	return YAHOO.widget.Calendar.STOP_RENDER;

* Renders the current calendar cell as a non-selectable "black-out" date using the default
* restricted style.
* @method renderBodyCellRestricted
* @param {Date}					workingDate		The current working Date object being used to generate the calendar
* @param {HTMLTableCellElement}	cell			The current working cell in the calendar
* @return {String} YAHOO.widget.Calendar.STOP_RENDER if rendering should stop with this style, null or nothing if rendering
*			should not be terminated
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.renderBodyCellRestricted = function(workingDate, cell) {
	YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(cell, this.Style.CSS_CELL);
	YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(cell, this.Style.CSS_CELL_RESTRICTED);
	return YAHOO.widget.Calendar.STOP_RENDER;



* Adds the designated number of months to the current calendar month, and sets the current
* calendar page date to the new month.
* @method addMonths
* @param {Number}	count	The number of months to add to the current calendar
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.addMonths = function(count) {
	var cfgPageDate = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG.PAGEDATE.key;
	this.cfg.setProperty(cfgPageDate, YAHOO.widget.DateMath.add(this.cfg.getProperty(cfgPageDate), YAHOO.widget.DateMath.MONTH, count));

* Subtracts the designated number of months from the current calendar month, and sets the current
* calendar page date to the new month.
* @method subtractMonths
* @param {Number}	count	The number of months to subtract from the current calendar
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.subtractMonths = function(count) {
	var cfgPageDate = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG.PAGEDATE.key;
	this.cfg.setProperty(cfgPageDate, YAHOO.widget.DateMath.subtract(this.cfg.getProperty(cfgPageDate), YAHOO.widget.DateMath.MONTH, count));

* Adds the designated number of years to the current calendar, and sets the current
* calendar page date to the new month.
* @method addYears
* @param {Number}	count	The number of years to add to the current calendar
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.addYears = function(count) {
	var cfgPageDate = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG.PAGEDATE.key;
	this.cfg.setProperty(cfgPageDate, YAHOO.widget.DateMath.add(this.cfg.getProperty(cfgPageDate), YAHOO.widget.DateMath.YEAR, count));

* Subtcats the designated number of years from the current calendar, and sets the current
* calendar page date to the new month.
* @method subtractYears
* @param {Number}	count	The number of years to subtract from the current calendar
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.subtractYears = function(count) {
	var cfgPageDate = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG.PAGEDATE.key;
	this.cfg.setProperty(cfgPageDate, YAHOO.widget.DateMath.subtract(this.cfg.getProperty(cfgPageDate), YAHOO.widget.DateMath.YEAR, count));

* Navigates to the next month page in the calendar widget.
* @method nextMonth
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.nextMonth = function() {

* Navigates to the previous month page in the calendar widget.
* @method previousMonth
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.previousMonth = function() {

* Navigates to the next year in the currently selected month in the calendar widget.
* @method nextYear
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.nextYear = function() {

* Navigates to the previous year in the currently selected month in the calendar widget.
* @method previousYear
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.previousYear = function() {



* Resets the calendar widget to the originally selected month and year, and 
* sets the calendar to the initial selection(s).
* @method reset
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.reset = function() {
	var defCfg = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG;

* Clears the selected dates in the current calendar widget and sets the calendar
* to the current month and year.
* @method clear
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.clear = function() {
	var defCfg = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG;
	this.cfg.setProperty(defCfg.SELECTED.key, []);
	this.cfg.setProperty(defCfg.PAGEDATE.key, new Date(this.today.getTime()));

* Selects a date or a collection of dates on the current calendar. This method, by default,
* does not call the render method explicitly. Once selection has completed, render must be 
* called for the changes to be reflected visually.
* Any dates which are OOB (out of bounds, not selectable) will not be selected and the array of 
* selected dates passed to the selectEvent will not contain OOB dates.
* If all dates are OOB, the no state change will occur; beforeSelect and select events will not be fired.
* @method select
* @param	{String/Date/Date[]}	date	The date string of dates to select in the current calendar. Valid formats are
*								individual date(s) (12/24/2005,12/26/2005) or date range(s) (12/24/2005-1/1/2006).
*								Multiple comma-delimited dates can also be passed to this method (12/24/2005,12/11/2005-12/13/2005).
*								This method can also take a JavaScript Date object or an array of Date objects.
* @return	{Date[]}			Array of JavaScript Date objects representing all individual dates that are currently selected.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.select = function(date) {
	this.logger.log("Select: " + date, "info");

	var aToBeSelected = this._toFieldArray(date);
	this.logger.log("Selection field array: " + aToBeSelected, "info");

	// Filtered array of valid dates
	var validDates = [];
	var selected = [];
	var cfgSelected = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG.SELECTED.key;
	for (var a=0; a < aToBeSelected.length; ++a) {
		var toSelect = aToBeSelected[a];

		if (!this.isDateOOB(this._toDate(toSelect))) {
			if (validDates.length === 0) {
				selected = this.cfg.getProperty(cfgSelected);

			if (this._indexOfSelectedFieldArray(toSelect) == -1) { 
				selected[selected.length] = toSelect;
	if (validDates.length === 0) { this.logger.log("All provided dates were OOB. beforeSelect and select events not fired", "info"); }

	if (validDates.length > 0) {
		if (this.parent) {
			this.parent.cfg.setProperty(cfgSelected, selected);
		} else {
			this.cfg.setProperty(cfgSelected, selected);

	return this.getSelectedDates();

* Selects a date on the current calendar by referencing the index of the cell that should be selected.
* This method is used to easily select a single cell (usually with a mouse click) without having to do
* a full render. The selected style is applied to the cell directly.
* If the cell is not marked with the CSS_CELL_SELECTABLE class (as is the case by default for out of month 
* or out of bounds cells), it will not be selected and in such a case beforeSelect and select events will not be fired.
* @method selectCell
* @param	{Number}	cellIndex	The index of the cell to select in the current calendar. 
* @return	{Date[]}	Array of JavaScript Date objects representing all individual dates that are currently selected.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.selectCell = function(cellIndex) {

	var cell = this.cells[cellIndex];
	var cellDate = this.cellDates[cellIndex];
	var dCellDate = this._toDate(cellDate);
	this.logger.log("Select: " + dCellDate, "info");
	var selectable = YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(cell, this.Style.CSS_CELL_SELECTABLE);
	if (!selectable) {this.logger.log("The cell at cellIndex:" + cellIndex + " is not a selectable cell. beforeSelect, select events not fired", "info"); }

	if (selectable) {


		var cfgSelected = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG.SELECTED.key;
		var selected = this.cfg.getProperty(cfgSelected);

		var selectDate = cellDate.concat();

		if (this._indexOfSelectedFieldArray(selectDate) == -1) {
			selected[selected.length] = selectDate;
		if (this.parent) {
			this.parent.cfg.setProperty(cfgSelected, selected);
		} else {
			this.cfg.setProperty(cfgSelected, selected);

		this.doCellMouseOut.call(cell, null, this);		

	return this.getSelectedDates();

* Deselects a date or a collection of dates on the current calendar. This method, by default,
* does not call the render method explicitly. Once deselection has completed, render must be 
* called for the changes to be reflected visually.
* The method will not attempt to deselect any dates which are OOB (out of bounds, and hence not selectable) 
* and the array of deselected dates passed to the deselectEvent will not contain any OOB dates.
* If all dates are OOB, beforeDeselect and deselect events will not be fired.
* @method deselect
* @param	{String/Date/Date[]}	date	The date string of dates to deselect in the current calendar. Valid formats are
*								individual date(s) (12/24/2005,12/26/2005) or date range(s) (12/24/2005-1/1/2006).
*								Multiple comma-delimited dates can also be passed to this method (12/24/2005,12/11/2005-12/13/2005).
*								This method can also take a JavaScript Date object or an array of Date objects.	
* @return	{Date[]}			Array of JavaScript Date objects representing all individual dates that are currently selected.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.deselect = function(date) {
	this.logger.log("Deselect: " + date, "info");

	var aToBeDeselected = this._toFieldArray(date);
	this.logger.log("Deselection field array: " + aToBeDeselected, "info");

	var validDates = [];
	var selected = [];
	var cfgSelected = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG.SELECTED.key;

	for (var a=0; a < aToBeDeselected.length; ++a) {
		var toDeselect = aToBeDeselected[a];

		if (!this.isDateOOB(this._toDate(toDeselect))) {

			if (validDates.length === 0) {
				selected = this.cfg.getProperty(cfgSelected);


			var index = this._indexOfSelectedFieldArray(toDeselect);
			if (index != -1) {	

	if (validDates.length === 0) { this.logger.log("All provided dates were OOB. beforeDeselect and deselect events not fired");}

	if (validDates.length > 0) {
		if (this.parent) {
			this.parent.cfg.setProperty(cfgSelected, selected);
		} else {
			this.cfg.setProperty(cfgSelected, selected);

	return this.getSelectedDates();

* Deselects a date on the current calendar by referencing the index of the cell that should be deselected.
* This method is used to easily deselect a single cell (usually with a mouse click) without having to do
* a full render. The selected style is removed from the cell directly.
* If the cell is not marked with the CSS_CELL_SELECTABLE class (as is the case by default for out of month 
* or out of bounds cells), the method will not attempt to deselect it and in such a case, beforeDeselect and 
* deselect events will not be fired.
* @method deselectCell
* @param	{Number}	cellIndex	The index of the cell to deselect in the current calendar. 
* @return	{Date[]}	Array of JavaScript Date objects representing all individual dates that are currently selected.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.deselectCell = function(cellIndex) {
	var cell = this.cells[cellIndex];
	var cellDate = this.cellDates[cellIndex];
	var cellDateIndex = this._indexOfSelectedFieldArray(cellDate);
	var selectable = YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(cell, this.Style.CSS_CELL_SELECTABLE);
	if (!selectable) { this.logger.log("The cell at cellIndex:" + cellIndex + " is not a selectable/deselectable cell", "info"); }

	if (selectable) {


		var defCfg = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG;
		var selected = this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.SELECTED.key);

		var dCellDate = this._toDate(cellDate);
		var selectDate = cellDate.concat();

		if (cellDateIndex > -1) {
			if (this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.PAGEDATE.key).getMonth() == dCellDate.getMonth() &&
				this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.PAGEDATE.key).getFullYear() == dCellDate.getFullYear()) {
				YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(cell, this.Style.CSS_CELL_SELECTED);
			selected.splice(cellDateIndex, 1);

		if (this.parent) {
			this.parent.cfg.setProperty(defCfg.SELECTED.key, selected);
		} else {
			this.cfg.setProperty(defCfg.SELECTED.key, selected);


	return this.getSelectedDates();

* Deselects all dates on the current calendar.
* @method deselectAll
* @return {Date[]}		Array of JavaScript Date objects representing all individual dates that are currently selected.
*						Assuming that this function executes properly, the return value should be an empty array.
*						However, the empty array is returned for the sake of being able to check the selection status
*						of the calendar.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.deselectAll = function() {
	var cfgSelected = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG.SELECTED.key;

	var selected = this.cfg.getProperty(cfgSelected);
	var count = selected.length;
	var sel = selected.concat();

	if (this.parent) {
		this.parent.cfg.setProperty(cfgSelected, []);
	} else {
		this.cfg.setProperty(cfgSelected, []);
	if (count > 0) {

	return this.getSelectedDates();



* Converts a date (either a JavaScript Date object, or a date string) to the internal data structure
* used to represent dates: [[yyyy,mm,dd],[yyyy,mm,dd]].
* @method _toFieldArray
* @private
* @param	{String/Date/Date[]}	date	The date string of dates to deselect in the current calendar. Valid formats are
*								individual date(s) (12/24/2005,12/26/2005) or date range(s) (12/24/2005-1/1/2006).
*								Multiple comma-delimited dates can also be passed to this method (12/24/2005,12/11/2005-12/13/2005).
*								This method can also take a JavaScript Date object or an array of Date objects.	
* @return {Array[](Number[])}	Array of date field arrays
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype._toFieldArray = function(date) {
	var returnDate = [];

	if (date instanceof Date) {
		returnDate = [[date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()+1, date.getDate()]];
	} else if (YAHOO.lang.isString(date)) {
		returnDate = this._parseDates(date);
	} else if (YAHOO.lang.isArray(date)) {
		for (var i=0;i<date.length;++i) {
			var d = date[i];
			returnDate[returnDate.length] = [d.getFullYear(),d.getMonth()+1,d.getDate()];
	return returnDate;

* Converts a date field array [yyyy,mm,dd] to a JavaScript Date object.
* @method _toDate
* @private
* @param	{Number[]}		dateFieldArray	The date field array to convert to a JavaScript Date.
* @return	{Date}	JavaScript Date object representing the date field array
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype._toDate = function(dateFieldArray) {
	if (dateFieldArray instanceof Date) {
		return dateFieldArray;
	} else {
		return new Date(dateFieldArray[0],dateFieldArray[1]-1,dateFieldArray[2]);



* Converts a date field array [yyyy,mm,dd] to a JavaScript Date object.
* @method _fieldArraysAreEqual
* @private
* @param	{Number[]}	array1	The first date field array to compare
* @param	{Number[]}	array2	The first date field array to compare
* @return	{Boolean}	The boolean that represents the equality of the two arrays
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype._fieldArraysAreEqual = function(array1, array2) {
	var match = false;

	if (array1[0]==array2[0]&&array1[1]==array2[1]&&array1[2]==array2[2]) {

	return match;

* Gets the index of a date field array [yyyy,mm,dd] in the current list of selected dates.
* @method	_indexOfSelectedFieldArray
* @private
* @param	{Number[]}		find	The date field array to search for
* @return	{Number}			The index of the date field array within the collection of selected dates.
*								-1 will be returned if the date is not found.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype._indexOfSelectedFieldArray = function(find) {
	var selected = -1;
	var seldates = this.cfg.getProperty(YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG.SELECTED.key);

	for (var s=0;s<seldates.length;++s) {
		var sArray = seldates[s];
		if (find[0]==sArray[0]&&find[1]==sArray[1]&&find[2]==sArray[2]) {
			selected = s;

	return selected;

* Determines whether a given date is OOM (out of month).
* @method	isDateOOM
* @param	{Date}	date	The JavaScript Date object for which to check the OOM status
* @return	{Boolean}	true if the date is OOM
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.isDateOOM = function(date) {
	return (date.getMonth() != this.cfg.getProperty(YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG.PAGEDATE.key).getMonth());

* Determines whether a given date is OOB (out of bounds - less than the mindate or more than the maxdate).
* @method	isDateOOB
* @param	{Date}	date	The JavaScript Date object for which to check the OOB status
* @return	{Boolean}	true if the date is OOB
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.isDateOOB = function(date) {
	var defCfg = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG;
	var minDate = this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.MINDATE.key);
	var maxDate = this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.MAXDATE.key);
	var dm = YAHOO.widget.DateMath;
	if (minDate) {
		minDate = dm.clearTime(minDate);
	if (maxDate) {
		maxDate = dm.clearTime(maxDate);

	var clearedDate = new Date(date.getTime());
	clearedDate = dm.clearTime(clearedDate);

	return ((minDate && clearedDate.getTime() < minDate.getTime()) || (maxDate && clearedDate.getTime() > maxDate.getTime()));

 * Parses a pagedate configuration property value. The value can either be specified as a string of form "mm/yyyy" or a Date object 
 * and is parsed into a Date object normalized to the first day of the month. If no value is passed in, the month and year from today's date are used to create the Date object 
 * @method	_parsePageDate
 * @private
 * @param {Date|String}	date	Pagedate value which needs to be parsed
 * @return {Date}	The Date object representing the pagedate
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype._parsePageDate = function(date) {
	var parsedDate;
	var defCfg = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG;

	if (date) {
		if (date instanceof Date) {
			parsedDate = YAHOO.widget.DateMath.findMonthStart(date);
		} else {
			var month, year, aMonthYear;
			aMonthYear = date.split(this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER.key));
			month = parseInt(aMonthYear[this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.MY_MONTH_POSITION.key)-1], 10)-1;
			year = parseInt(aMonthYear[this.cfg.getProperty(defCfg.MY_YEAR_POSITION.key)-1], 10);
			parsedDate = new Date(year, month, 1);
	} else {
		parsedDate = new Date(this.today.getFullYear(), this.today.getMonth(), 1);
	return parsedDate;



* Event executed before a date is selected in the calendar widget.
* @deprecated Event handlers for this event should be susbcribed to beforeSelectEvent.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.onBeforeSelect = function() {
	if (this.cfg.getProperty(YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG.MULTI_SELECT.key) === false) {
		if (this.parent) {
			this.parent.callChildFunction("clearAllBodyCellStyles", this.Style.CSS_CELL_SELECTED);
		} else {

* Event executed when a date is selected in the calendar widget.
* @param	{Array}	selected	An array of date field arrays representing which date or dates were selected. Example: [ [2006,8,6],[2006,8,7],[2006,8,8] ]
* @deprecated Event handlers for this event should be susbcribed to selectEvent.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.onSelect = function(selected) { };

* Event executed before a date is deselected in the calendar widget.
* @deprecated Event handlers for this event should be susbcribed to beforeDeselectEvent.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.onBeforeDeselect = function() { };

* Event executed when a date is deselected in the calendar widget.
* @param	{Array}	selected	An array of date field arrays representing which date or dates were deselected. Example: [ [2006,8,6],[2006,8,7],[2006,8,8] ]
* @deprecated Event handlers for this event should be susbcribed to deselectEvent.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.onDeselect = function(deselected) { };

* Event executed when the user navigates to a different calendar page.
* @deprecated Event handlers for this event should be susbcribed to changePageEvent.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.onChangePage = function() {

* Event executed when the calendar widget is rendered.
* @deprecated Event handlers for this event should be susbcribed to renderEvent.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.onRender = function() { };

* Event executed when the calendar widget is reset to its original state.
* @deprecated Event handlers for this event should be susbcribed to resetEvemt.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.onReset = function() { this.render(); };

* Event executed when the calendar widget is completely cleared to the current month with no selections.
* @deprecated Event handlers for this event should be susbcribed to clearEvent.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.onClear = function() { this.render(); };

* Validates the calendar widget. This method has no default implementation
* and must be extended by subclassing the widget.
* @return	Should return true if the widget validates, and false if
* it doesn't.
* @type Boolean
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.validate = function() { return true; };



* Converts a date string to a date field array
* @private
* @param	{String}	sDate			Date string. Valid formats are mm/dd and mm/dd/yyyy.
* @return				A date field array representing the string passed to the method
* @type Array[](Number[])
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype._parseDate = function(sDate) {
	var aDate = sDate.split(this.Locale.DATE_FIELD_DELIMITER);
	var rArray;

	if (aDate.length == 2) {
		rArray = [aDate[this.Locale.MD_MONTH_POSITION-1],aDate[this.Locale.MD_DAY_POSITION-1]];
		rArray.type = YAHOO.widget.Calendar.MONTH_DAY;
	} else {
		rArray = [aDate[this.Locale.MDY_YEAR_POSITION-1],aDate[this.Locale.MDY_MONTH_POSITION-1],aDate[this.Locale.MDY_DAY_POSITION-1]];
		rArray.type = YAHOO.widget.Calendar.DATE;

	for (var i=0;i<rArray.length;i++) {
		rArray[i] = parseInt(rArray[i], 10);

	return rArray;

* Converts a multi or single-date string to an array of date field arrays
* @private
* @param	{String}	sDates		Date string with one or more comma-delimited dates. Valid formats are mm/dd, mm/dd/yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy-mm/dd/yyyy
* @return							An array of date field arrays
* @type Array[](Number[])
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype._parseDates = function(sDates) {
	var aReturn = [];

	var aDates = sDates.split(this.Locale.DATE_DELIMITER);
	for (var d=0;d<aDates.length;++d) {
		var sDate = aDates[d];

		if (sDate.indexOf(this.Locale.DATE_RANGE_DELIMITER) != -1) {
			// This is a range
			var aRange = sDate.split(this.Locale.DATE_RANGE_DELIMITER);

			var dateStart = this._parseDate(aRange[0]);
			var dateEnd = this._parseDate(aRange[1]);

			var fullRange = this._parseRange(dateStart, dateEnd);
			aReturn = aReturn.concat(fullRange);
		} else {
			// This is not a range
			var aDate = this._parseDate(sDate);
	return aReturn;

* Converts a date range to the full list of included dates
* @private
* @param	{Number[]}	startDate	Date field array representing the first date in the range
* @param	{Number[]}	endDate		Date field array representing the last date in the range
* @return							An array of date field arrays
* @type Array[](Number[])
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype._parseRange = function(startDate, endDate) {
	var dStart   = new Date(startDate[0],startDate[1]-1,startDate[2]);
	var dCurrent = YAHOO.widget.DateMath.add(new Date(startDate[0],startDate[1]-1,startDate[2]),YAHOO.widget.DateMath.DAY,1);
	var dEnd     = new Date(endDate[0],  endDate[1]-1,  endDate[2]);

	var results = [];
	while (dCurrent.getTime() <= dEnd.getTime()) {
		dCurrent = YAHOO.widget.DateMath.add(dCurrent,YAHOO.widget.DateMath.DAY,1);
	return results;



* Resets the render stack of the current calendar to its original pre-render value.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.resetRenderers = function() {
	this.renderStack = this._renderStack.concat();

* Clears the inner HTML, CSS class and style information from the specified cell.
* @method clearElement
* @param	{HTMLTableCellElement}	The cell to clear
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.clearElement = function(cell) {
	cell.innerHTML = "&#160;";

* Adds a renderer to the render stack. The function reference passed to this method will be executed
* when a date cell matches the conditions specified in the date string for this renderer.
* @method addRenderer
* @param	{String}	sDates		A date string to associate with the specified renderer. Valid formats
*									include date (12/24/2005), month/day (12/24), and range (12/1/2004-1/1/2005)
* @param	{Function}	fnRender	The function executed to render cells that match the render rules for this renderer.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.addRenderer = function(sDates, fnRender) {
	var aDates = this._parseDates(sDates);
	for (var i=0;i<aDates.length;++i) {
		var aDate = aDates[i];
		if (aDate.length == 2) { // this is either a range or a month/day combo
			if (aDate[0] instanceof Array) { // this is a range
			} else { // this is a month/day combo
		} else if (aDate.length == 3) {

* The private method used for adding cell renderers to the local render stack.
* This method is called by other methods that set the renderer type prior to the method call.
* @method _addRenderer
* @private
* @param	{String}	type		The type string that indicates the type of date renderer being added.
*									Values are YAHOO.widget.Calendar.DATE, YAHOO.widget.Calendar.MONTH_DAY, YAHOO.widget.Calendar.WEEKDAY,
*									YAHOO.widget.Calendar.RANGE, YAHOO.widget.Calendar.MONTH
* @param	{Array}		aDates		An array of dates used to construct the renderer. The format varies based
*									on the renderer type
* @param	{Function}	fnRender	The function executed to render cells that match the render rules for this renderer.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype._addRenderer = function(type, aDates, fnRender) {
	var add = [type,aDates,fnRender];
	this._renderStack = this.renderStack.concat();

* Adds a month to the render stack. The function reference passed to this method will be executed
* when a date cell matches the month passed to this method.
* @method addMonthRenderer
* @param	{Number}	month		The month (1-12) to associate with this renderer
* @param	{Function}	fnRender	The function executed to render cells that match the render rules for this renderer.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.addMonthRenderer = function(month, fnRender) {

* Adds a weekday to the render stack. The function reference passed to this method will be executed
* when a date cell matches the weekday passed to this method.
* @method addWeekdayRenderer
* @param	{Number}	weekday		The weekday (0-6) to associate with this renderer
* @param	{Function}	fnRender	The function executed to render cells that match the render rules for this renderer.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.addWeekdayRenderer = function(weekday, fnRender) {



* Removes all styles from all body cells in the current calendar table.
* @method clearAllBodyCellStyles
* @param	{style}		The CSS class name to remove from all calendar body cells
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.clearAllBodyCellStyles = function(style) {
	for (var c=0;c<this.cells.length;++c) {


* Sets the calendar's month explicitly
* @method setMonth
* @param {Number}	month		The numeric month, from 0 (January) to 11 (December)
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.setMonth = function(month) {
	var cfgPageDate = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG.PAGEDATE.key;
	var current = this.cfg.getProperty(cfgPageDate);
	current.setMonth(parseInt(month, 10));
	this.cfg.setProperty(cfgPageDate, current);

* Sets the calendar's year explicitly.
* @method setYear
* @param {Number}	year		The numeric 4-digit year
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.setYear = function(year) {
	var cfgPageDate = YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG.PAGEDATE.key;
	var current = this.cfg.getProperty(cfgPageDate);
	current.setFullYear(parseInt(year, 10));
	this.cfg.setProperty(cfgPageDate, current);

* Gets the list of currently selected dates from the calendar.
* @method getSelectedDates
* @return {Date[]} An array of currently selected JavaScript Date objects.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.getSelectedDates = function() {
	var returnDates = [];
	var selected = this.cfg.getProperty(YAHOO.widget.Calendar._DEFAULT_CONFIG.SELECTED.key);

	for (var d=0;d<selected.length;++d) {
		var dateArray = selected[d];

		var date = new Date(dateArray[0],dateArray[1]-1,dateArray[2]);

	returnDates.sort( function(a,b) { return a-b; } );
	return returnDates;


* Hides the Calendar's outer container from view.
* @method hide
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.hide = function() {
	this.oDomContainer.style.display = "none";

* Shows the Calendar's outer container.
* @method show
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.show = function() {
	this.oDomContainer.style.display = "block";

* Returns a string representing the current browser.
* @deprecated As of 2.3.0, environment information is available in YAHOO.env.ua
* @see YAHOO.env.ua
* @property browser
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.browser = function() {
			var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
				  if (ua.indexOf('opera')!=-1) { // Opera (check first in case of spoof)
					 return 'opera';
				  } else if (ua.indexOf('msie 7')!=-1) { // IE7
					 return 'ie7';
				  } else if (ua.indexOf('msie') !=-1) { // IE
					 return 'ie';
				  } else if (ua.indexOf('safari')!=-1) { // Safari (check before Gecko because it includes "like Gecko")
					 return 'safari';
				  } else if (ua.indexOf('gecko') != -1) { // Gecko
					 return 'gecko';
				  } else {
					 return false;
* Returns a string representation of the object.
* @method toString
* @return {String}	A string representation of the Calendar object.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar.prototype.toString = function() {
	return "Calendar " + this.id;

* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class Calendar_Core
* @extends YAHOO.widget.Calendar
* @deprecated The old Calendar_Core class is no longer necessary.
YAHOO.widget.Calendar_Core = YAHOO.widget.Calendar;

YAHOO.widget.Cal_Core = YAHOO.widget.Calendar;

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