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Yahoo! UI Library

Container  2.2.2

Yahoo! UI Library > container > OverlayManager.js (source view)

* OverlayManager is used for maintaining the focus status of multiple Overlays.* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @class OverlayManager
* @constructor
* @param {Array}	overlays	Optional. A collection of Overlays to register with the manager.
* @param {Object}	userConfig		The object literal representing the user configuration of the OverlayManager
YAHOO.widget.OverlayManager = function(userConfig) {

* The CSS class representing a focused Overlay
* @property YAHOO.widget.OverlayManager.CSS_FOCUSED
* @static
* @final
* @type String
YAHOO.widget.OverlayManager.CSS_FOCUSED = "focused";

YAHOO.widget.OverlayManager.prototype = {
	* The class's constructor function
	* @property contructor
	* @type Function
	constructor : YAHOO.widget.OverlayManager,

	* The array of Overlays that are currently registered
	* @property overlays
	* @type YAHOO.widget.Overlay[]
	overlays : null,

	* Initializes the default configuration of the OverlayManager
	* @method initDefaultConfig
	initDefaultConfig : function() {
		* The collection of registered Overlays in use by the OverlayManager
		* @config overlays
		* @type YAHOO.widget.Overlay[]
		* @default null
		this.cfg.addProperty("overlays", { suppressEvent:true } );

		* The default DOM event that should be used to focus an Overlay
		* @config focusevent
		* @type String
		* @default "mousedown"
		this.cfg.addProperty("focusevent", { value:"mousedown" } );

	* Initializes the OverlayManager
	* @method init
	* @param {YAHOO.widget.Overlay[]}	overlays	Optional. A collection of Overlays to register with the manager.
	* @param {Object}	userConfig		The object literal representing the user configuration of the OverlayManager
	init : function(userConfig) {
		* The OverlayManager's Config object used for monitoring configuration properties.
		* @property cfg
		* @type YAHOO.util.Config
		this.cfg = new YAHOO.util.Config(this);


		if (userConfig) {
			this.cfg.applyConfig(userConfig, true);

		* The currently activated Overlay
		* @property activeOverlay
		* @private
		* @type YAHOO.widget.Overlay
		var activeOverlay = null;

		* Returns the currently focused Overlay
		* @method getActive
		* @return {YAHOO.widget.Overlay}	The currently focused Overlay
		this.getActive = function() {
			return activeOverlay;

		* Focuses the specified Overlay
		* @method focus
		* @param {YAHOO.widget.Overlay} overlay	The Overlay to focus
		* @param {String} overlay	The id of the Overlay to focus
		this.focus = function(overlay) {

			var o = this.find(overlay);

			if (o) {

                if (activeOverlay != o) {

                    if(activeOverlay) {
                    activeOverlay = o;
                    YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(activeOverlay.element, YAHOO.widget.OverlayManager.CSS_FOCUSED);
                    var topZIndex = YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(this.overlays[0].element, "zIndex");
                    if (! isNaN(topZIndex) && this.overlays[0] != overlay) {
                        activeOverlay.cfg.setProperty("zIndex", (parseInt(topZIndex, 10) + 2));



		* Removes the specified Overlay from the manager
		* @method remove
		* @param {YAHOO.widget.Overlay}	overlay	The Overlay to remove
		* @param {String} overlay	The id of the Overlay to remove
		this.remove = function(overlay) {
			var o = this.find(overlay);
			if (o) {
				var originalZ = YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(o.element, "zIndex");
				o.cfg.setProperty("zIndex", -1000, true);
				this.overlays = this.overlays.slice(0, this.overlays.length-1);

                o.destroyEvent.unsubscribe(this._onOverlayDestroy, o);

                if (o.element) {

        			YAHOO.util.Event.removeListener(o.element, this.cfg.getProperty("focusevent"), this._onOverlayElementFocus);


				o.cfg.setProperty("zIndex", originalZ, true);
				o.cfg.setProperty("manager", null);


				o.focusEvent = null;
				o.blurEvent = null;

				o.focus = null;
				o.blur = null;

		* Removes focus from all registered Overlays in the manager
		* @method blurAll
		this.blurAll = function() {
			for (var o=0;o<this.overlays.length;o++) {

        this._onOverlayBlur = function(p_sType, p_aArgs) {
            activeOverlay = null;

		var overlays = this.cfg.getProperty("overlays");

		if (! this.overlays) {
			this.overlays = [];

		if (overlays) {

    * @method _onOverlayElementFocus
    * @description Event handler for the DOM event that is used to focus 
    * the Overlay instance as specified by the "focusevent" 
    * configuration property.
    * @private
    * @param {Event} p_oEvent Object representing the DOM event object passed 
    * back by the event utility (YAHOO.util.Event).
    _onOverlayElementFocus: function(p_oEvent) {
        var oTarget = YAHOO.util.Event.getTarget(p_oEvent),
            oClose = this.close;

        if (
            oClose && 
                oTarget == oClose ||  
                YAHOO.util.Dom.isAncestor(oClose, oTarget)
        ) {
        else {

    * @method _onOverlayDestroy
    * @description "destroy" event handler for the Overlay.
    * @private
    * @param {String} p_sType String representing the name of the event that 
    * was fired.
    * @param {Array} p_aArgs Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
    * @param {YAHOO.widget.Overlay} p_oOverlay Object representing the menu that 
    * fired the event.
    _onOverlayDestroy: function(p_sType, p_aArgs, p_oOverlay) {


	* Registers an Overlay or an array of Overlays with the manager. Upon registration, the Overlay receives functions for focus and blur, along with CustomEvents for each.
	* @method register
	* @param {YAHOO.widget.Overlay}	overlay		An Overlay to register with the manager.
	* @param {YAHOO.widget.Overlay[]}	overlay		An array of Overlays to register with the manager.
	* @return	{Boolean}	True if any Overlays are registered.
	register : function(overlay) {
		if (overlay instanceof YAHOO.widget.Overlay) {
			overlay.cfg.addProperty("manager", { value:this } );

			overlay.focusEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("focus", overlay);
			overlay.blurEvent = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent("blur", overlay);

			var mgr=this;

			overlay.focus = function() {

			overlay.blur = function() {
                if(mgr.getActive() == this) {
                    YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(this.element, YAHOO.widget.OverlayManager.CSS_FOCUSED);


            overlay.destroyEvent.subscribe(this._onOverlayDestroy, overlay, this);

			YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(overlay.element, this.cfg.getProperty("focusevent"), this._onOverlayElementFocus, null, overlay);

			var zIndex = YAHOO.util.Dom.getStyle(overlay.element, "zIndex");
			if (! isNaN(zIndex)) {
				overlay.cfg.setProperty("zIndex", parseInt(zIndex, 10));
			} else {
				overlay.cfg.setProperty("zIndex", 0);

			return true;
		} else if (overlay instanceof Array) {
			var regcount = 0;
			for (var i=0;i<overlay.length;i++) {
				if (this.register(overlay[i])) {
			if (regcount > 0) {
				return true;
		} else {
			return false;

	* Attempts to locate an Overlay by instance or ID.
	* @method find
	* @param {YAHOO.widget.Overlay}	overlay		An Overlay to locate within the manager
	* @param {String}	overlay		An Overlay id to locate within the manager
	* @return	{YAHOO.widget.Overlay}	The requested Overlay, if found, or null if it cannot be located.
	find : function(overlay) {
		if (overlay instanceof YAHOO.widget.Overlay) {
			for (var o=0;o<this.overlays.length;o++) {
				if (this.overlays[o] == overlay) {
					return this.overlays[o];
		} else if (typeof overlay == "string") {
			for (var p=0;p<this.overlays.length;p++) {
				if (this.overlays[p].id == overlay) {
					return this.overlays[p];
		return null;

	* Used for sorting the manager's Overlays by z-index.
	* @method compareZIndexDesc
	* @private
	* @return {Number}	0, 1, or -1, depending on where the Overlay should fall in the stacking order.
	compareZIndexDesc : function(o1, o2) {
		var zIndex1 = o1.cfg.getProperty("zIndex");
		var zIndex2 = o2.cfg.getProperty("zIndex");

		if (zIndex1 > zIndex2) {
			return -1;
		} else if (zIndex1 < zIndex2) {
			return 1;
		} else {
			return 0;

	* Shows all Overlays in the manager.
	* @method showAll
	showAll : function() {
		for (var o=0;o<this.overlays.length;o++) {

	* Hides all Overlays in the manager.
	* @method hideAll
	hideAll : function() {
		for (var o=0;o<this.overlays.length;o++) {

	* Returns a string representation of the object.
	* @method toString
	* @return {String}	The string representation of the OverlayManager
	toString : function() {
		return "OverlayManager";


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