YUI recommends YUI3.
YUI 2 has been deprecated since 2011. This site acts as an archive for files and documentation.
This documentation is no longer maintained.
(function() {
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
Lang = YAHOO.lang;
* @module editor
* @description <p>Creates a rich custom Toolbar Button. Primarily used with the Rich Text Editor's Toolbar</p>
* @class ToolbarButtonAdvanced
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @requires yahoo, dom, element, event, container_core, menu, button
* Provides a toolbar button based on the button and menu widgets.
* @constructor
* @class ToolbarButtonAdvanced
* @param {String/HTMLElement} el The element to turn into a button.
* @param {Object} attrs Object liternal containing configuration parameters.
if (YAHOO.widget.Button) {
YAHOO.widget.ToolbarButtonAdvanced = YAHOO.widget.Button;
* @property buttonType
* @private
* @description Tells if the Button is a Rich Button or a Simple Button
YAHOO.widget.ToolbarButtonAdvanced.prototype.buttonType = 'rich';
* @method checkValue
* @param {String} value The value of the option that we want to mark as selected
* @description Select an option by value
YAHOO.widget.ToolbarButtonAdvanced.prototype.checkValue = function(value) {
var _menuItems = this.getMenu().getItems();
if (_menuItems.length === 0) {
_menuItems = this.getMenu().getItems();
for (var i = 0; i < _menuItems.length; i++) {
_menuItems[i].cfg.setProperty('checked', false);
if (_menuItems[i].value == value) {
_menuItems[i].cfg.setProperty('checked', true);
} else {
YAHOO.widget.ToolbarButtonAdvanced = function() {};
* @description <p>Creates a basic custom Toolbar Button. Primarily used with the Rich Text Editor's Toolbar</p><p>Provides a toolbar button based on the button and menu widgets, <select> elements are used in place of menu's.</p>
* @class ToolbarButton
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* @requires yahoo, dom, element, event
* @extends YAHOO.util.Element
* @constructor
* @param {String/HTMLElement} el The element to turn into a button.
* @param {Object} attrs Object liternal containing configuration parameters.
YAHOO.widget.ToolbarButton = function(el, attrs) {
YAHOO.log('ToolbarButton Initalizing', 'info', 'ToolbarButton');
YAHOO.log(arguments.length + ' arguments passed to constructor', 'info', 'Toolbar');
if (Lang.isObject(arguments[0]) && !Dom.get(el).nodeType) {
attrs = el;
var local_attrs = (attrs || {});
var oConfig = {
element: null,
attributes: local_attrs
if (!oConfig.attributes.type) {
oConfig.attributes.type = 'push';
oConfig.element = document.createElement('span');
oConfig.element.setAttribute('unselectable', 'on');
oConfig.element.className = 'yui-button yui-' + oConfig.attributes.type + '-button';
oConfig.element.innerHTML = '<span class="first-child"><a href="#">LABEL</a></span>';
oConfig.element.firstChild.firstChild.tabIndex = '-1';
oConfig.attributes.id = (oConfig.attributes.id || Dom.generateId());
oConfig.element.id = oConfig.attributes.id;
YAHOO.widget.ToolbarButton.superclass.constructor.call(this, oConfig.element, oConfig.attributes);
YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.widget.ToolbarButton, YAHOO.util.Element, {
* @property buttonType
* @private
* @description Tells if the Button is a Rich Button or a Simple Button
buttonType: 'normal',
* @method _handleMouseOver
* @private
* @description Adds classes to the button elements on mouseover (hover)
_handleMouseOver: function() {
if (!this.get('disabled')) {
this.addClass('yui-' + this.get('type') + '-button-hover');
* @method _handleMouseOut
* @private
* @description Removes classes from the button elements on mouseout (hover)
_handleMouseOut: function() {
this.removeClass('yui-' + this.get('type') + '-button-hover');
* @method checkValue
* @param {String} value The value of the option that we want to mark as selected
* @description Select an option by value
checkValue: function(value) {
if (this.get('type') == 'menu') {
var opts = this._button.options;
if (opts) {
for (var i = 0; i < opts.length; i++) {
if (opts[i].value == value) {
opts.selectedIndex = i;
* @method init
* @description The ToolbarButton class's initialization method
init: function(p_oElement, p_oAttributes) {
YAHOO.widget.ToolbarButton.superclass.init.call(this, p_oElement, p_oAttributes);
this.on('mouseover', this._handleMouseOver, this, true);
this.on('mouseout', this._handleMouseOut, this, true);
this.on('click', function(ev) {
return false;
}, this, true);
* @method initAttributes
* @description Initializes all of the configuration attributes used to create
* the toolbar.
* @param {Object} attr Object literal specifying a set of
* configuration attributes used to create the toolbar.
initAttributes: function(attr) {
YAHOO.widget.ToolbarButton.superclass.initAttributes.call(this, attr);
* @attribute value
* @description The value of the button
* @type String
this.setAttributeConfig('value', {
value: attr.value
* @attribute menu
* @description The menu attribute, see YAHOO.widget.Button
* @type Object
this.setAttributeConfig('menu', {
value: attr.menu || false
* @attribute type
* @description The type of button to create: push, menu, color, select, spin
* @type String
this.setAttributeConfig('type', {
value: attr.type,
writeOnce: true,
method: function(type) {
var el, opt;
if (!this._button) {
this._button = this.get('element').getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
switch (type) {
case 'select':
case 'menu':
el = document.createElement('select');
el.id = this.get('id');
var menu = this.get('menu');
for (var i = 0; i < menu.length; i++) {
opt = document.createElement('option');
opt.innerHTML = menu[i].text;
opt.value = menu[i].value;
if (menu[i].checked) {
opt.selected = true;
this._button.parentNode.replaceChild(el, this._button);
Event.on(el, 'change', this._handleSelect, this, true);
this._button = el;
* @attribute disabled
* @description Set the button into a disabled state
* @type String
this.setAttributeConfig('disabled', {
value: attr.disabled || false,
method: function(disabled) {
if (disabled) {
this.addClass('yui-' + this.get('type') + '-button-disabled');
} else {
this.removeClass('yui-' + this.get('type') + '-button-disabled');
if ((this.get('type') == 'menu') || (this.get('type') == 'select')) {
this._button.disabled = disabled;
* @attribute label
* @description The text label for the button
* @type String
this.setAttributeConfig('label', {
value: attr.label,
method: function(label) {
if (!this._button) {
this._button = this.get('element').getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
if (this.get('type') == 'push') {
this._button.innerHTML = label;
* @attribute title
* @description The title of the button
* @type String
this.setAttributeConfig('title', {
value: attr.title
* @config container
* @description The container that the button is rendered to, handled by Toolbar
* @type String
this.setAttributeConfig('container', {
value: null,
writeOnce: true,
method: function(cont) {
* @private
* @method _handleSelect
* @description The event fired when a change event gets fired on a select element
* @param {Event} ev The change event.
_handleSelect: function(ev) {
var tar = Event.getTarget(ev);
var value = tar.options[tar.selectedIndex].value;
this.fireEvent('change', {type: 'change', value: value });
* @method getMenu
* @description A stub function to mimic YAHOO.widget.Button's getMenu method
getMenu: function() {
return this.get('menu');
* @method destroy
* @description Destroy the button
destroy: function() {
Event.purgeElement(this.get('element'), true);
//Brutal Object Destroy
for (var i in this) {
if (Lang.hasOwnProperty(this, i)) {
this[i] = null;
* @method fireEvent
* @description Overridden fireEvent method to prevent DOM events from firing if the button is disabled.
fireEvent: function(p_sType, p_aArgs) {
// Disabled buttons should not respond to DOM events
if (this.DOM_EVENTS[p_sType] && this.get('disabled')) {
YAHOO.widget.ToolbarButton.superclass.fireEvent.call(this, p_sType, p_aArgs);
* @method toString
* @description Returns a string representing the toolbar.
* @return {String}
toString: function() {
return 'ToolbarButton (' + this.get('id') + ')';