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Yahoo! UI Library

TreeView Widget  2.9.0

Yahoo! UI Library > treeview > TreeViewEd.js (source view)
(function () {
    var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
        Lang = YAHOO.lang,
        Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
        TV = YAHOO.widget.TreeView,
        TVproto = TV.prototype;

     * An object to store information used for in-line editing
     * for all Nodes of all TreeViews. It contains:
     * <ul>
    * <li>active {boolean}, whether there is an active cell editor </li>
    * <li>whoHasIt {YAHOO.widget.TreeView} TreeView instance that is currently using the editor</li>
    * <li>nodeType {string} value of static Node._type property, allows reuse of input element if node is of the same type.</li>
    * <li>editorPanel {HTMLelement (&lt;div&gt;)} element holding the in-line editor</li>
    * <li>inputContainer {HTMLelement (&lt;div&gt;)} element which will hold the type-specific input element(s) to be filled by the fillEditorContainer method</li>
    * <li>buttonsContainer {HTMLelement (&lt;div&gt;)} element which holds the &lt;button&gt; elements for Ok/Cancel.  If you don't want any of the buttons, hide it via CSS styles, don't destroy it</li>
    * <li>node {YAHOO.widget.Node} reference to the Node being edited</li>
    * <li>saveOnEnter {boolean}, whether the Enter key should be accepted as a Save command (Esc. is always taken as Cancel), disable for multi-line input elements </li>
    * <li>oldValue {any}  value before editing</li>
    * </ul>
    *  Editors are free to use this object to store additional data.
     * @property editorData
     * @static
     * @for YAHOO.widget.TreeView
    TV.editorData = {
        whoHasIt:null, // which TreeView has it
        node:null, // which Node is being edited
        // Each node type is free to add its own properties to this as it sees fit.

    * Validator function for edited data, called from the TreeView instance scope,
    * receives the arguments (newValue, oldValue, nodeInstance)
    * and returns either the validated (or type-converted) value or undefined.
    * An undefined return will prevent the editor from closing
    * @property validator
    * @type function
    * @default null
     * @for YAHOO.widget.TreeView
    TVproto.validator = null;

    * Entry point for initializing the editing plug-in.
    * TreeView will call this method on initializing if it exists
    * @method _initEditor
     * @for YAHOO.widget.TreeView
     * @private

    TVproto._initEditor = function () {
        * Fires when the user clicks on the ok button of a node editor
        * @event editorSaveEvent
        * @type CustomEvent
        * @param oArgs.newValue {mixed} the new value just entered
        * @param oArgs.oldValue {mixed} the value originally in the tree
        * @param oArgs.node {YAHOO.widget.Node} the node that has the focus
            * @for YAHOO.widget.TreeView
        this.createEvent("editorSaveEvent", this);

        * Fires when the user clicks on the cancel button of a node editor
        * @event editorCancelEvent
        * @type CustomEvent
        * @param {YAHOO.widget.Node} node the node that has the focus
            * @for YAHOO.widget.TreeView
        this.createEvent("editorCancelEvent", this);


    * Entry point of the editing plug-in.
    * TreeView will call this method if it exists when a node label is clicked
    * @method _nodeEditing
    * @param node {YAHOO.widget.Node} the node to be edited
    * @return {Boolean} true to indicate that the node is editable and prevent any further bubbling of the click.
     * @for YAHOO.widget.TreeView
     * @private

    TVproto._nodeEditing = function (node) {
        if (node.fillEditorContainer && node.editable) {
            var ed, topLeft, buttons, button, editorData = TV.editorData;
            editorData.active = true;
            editorData.whoHasIt = this;
            if (!editorData.nodeType) {
                // Fixes: http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui2/ticket/2528945
                editorData.editorPanel = ed = this.getEl().appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
                ed.tabIndex = 0;

                buttons = editorData.buttonsContainer = ed.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));
                button = buttons.appendChild(document.createElement('button'));
                button.innerHTML = ' ';
                button = buttons.appendChild(document.createElement('button'));
                button.innerHTML = ' ';
                Event.on(buttons, 'click', function (ev) {
                    var target = Event.getTarget(ev),
                        editorData = TV.editorData,
                        node = editorData.node,
                        self = editorData.whoHasIt;
                    self.logger.log('click on editor');
                    if (Dom.hasClass(target,'ygtvok')) {
                    if (Dom.hasClass(target,'ygtvcancel')) {

                editorData.inputContainer = ed.appendChild(document.createElement('div'));

                Event.on(ed,'keydown',function (ev) {
                    var editorData = TV.editorData,
                        KEY = YAHOO.util.KeyListener.KEY,
                        self = editorData.whoHasIt;
                    switch (ev.keyCode) {
                        case KEY.ENTER:
                            if (editorData.saveOnEnter) {
                        case KEY.ESCAPE:

            } else {
                ed = editorData.editorPanel;
            editorData.node = node;
            if (editorData.nodeType) {
                Dom.removeClass(ed,'ygtv-edit-' + editorData.nodeType);
            Dom.addClass(ed,' ygtv-edit-' + node._type);
            // Fixes: http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui2/ticket/2528945
            // up to here

            return true;  // If inline editor available, don't do anything else.

    * Method to be associated with an event (clickEvent, dblClickEvent or enterKeyPressed) to pop up the contents editor
    *  It calls the corresponding node editNode method.
    * @method onEventEditNode
    * @param oArgs {object} Object passed as arguments to TreeView event listeners
    * @for YAHOO.widget.TreeView

    TVproto.onEventEditNode = function (oArgs) {
        if (oArgs instanceof YAHOO.widget.Node) {
        } else if (oArgs.node instanceof YAHOO.widget.Node) {
        return false;

    * Method to be called when the inline editing is finished and the editor is to be closed
    * @method _closeEditor
    * @param save {Boolean} true if the edited value is to be saved, false if discarded
    * @private
     * @for YAHOO.widget.TreeView

    TVproto._closeEditor = function (save) {
        var ed = TV.editorData,
            node = ed.node,
            close = true;
        // http://yuilibrary.com/projects/yui2/ticket/2528946
        // _closeEditor might now be called at any time, even when there is no label editor open
        // so we need to ensure there is one.
        if (!node || !ed.active) { return; }
        if (save) {
            close = ed.node.saveEditorValue(ed) !== false;
        } else {
            this.fireEvent( 'editorCancelEvent', node);

        if (close) {
            ed.active = false;

    *  Entry point for TreeView's destroy method to destroy whatever the editing plug-in has created
    * @method _destroyEditor
    * @private
     * @for YAHOO.widget.TreeView
    TVproto._destroyEditor = function() {
        var ed = TV.editorData;
        if (ed && ed.nodeType && (!ed.active || ed.whoHasIt === this)) {
            ed.nodeType = ed.editorPanel = ed.inputContainer = ed.buttonsContainer = ed.whoHasIt = ed.node = null;
            ed.active = false;

    var Nproto = YAHOO.widget.Node.prototype;

    * Signals if the label is editable.  (Ignored on TextNodes with href set.)
    * @property editable
    * @type boolean
         * @for YAHOO.widget.Node
    Nproto.editable = false;

    * pops up the contents editor, if there is one and the node is declared editable
    * @method editNode
     * @for YAHOO.widget.Node

    Nproto.editNode = function () {

    /** Placeholder for a function that should provide the inline node label editor.
     *   Leaving it set to null will indicate that this node type is not editable.
     * It should be overridden by nodes that provide inline editing.
     *  The Node-specific editing element (input box, textarea or whatever) should be inserted into editorData.inputContainer.
     * @method fillEditorContainer
     * @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData}  a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
     * @return void
     * @for YAHOO.widget.Node
    Nproto.fillEditorContainer = null;

    * Node-specific destroy function to empty the contents of the inline editor panel.
    * This function is the worst case alternative that will purge all possible events and remove the editor contents.
    * Method Event.purgeElement is somewhat costly so if it can be replaced by specifc Event.removeListeners, it is better to do so.
    * @method destroyEditorContents
     * @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData}  a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
     * @for YAHOO.widget.Node
    Nproto.destroyEditorContents = function (editorData) {
        // In the worst case, if the input editor (such as the Calendar) has no destroy method
        // we can only try to remove all possible events on it.
        editorData.inputContainer.innerHTML = '';

    * Saves the value entered into the editor.
    * @method saveEditorValue
     * @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData}  a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
     * @return {false or none} a return of exactly false will prevent the editor from closing
     * @for YAHOO.widget.Node
    Nproto.saveEditorValue = function (editorData) {
        var node = editorData.node,
            validator = node.tree.validator;

        value = this.getEditorValue(editorData);

        if (Lang.isFunction(validator)) {
            value = validator(value,editorData.oldValue,node);
            if (Lang.isUndefined(value)) {
                return false;

        if (this.tree.fireEvent( 'editorSaveEvent', {
        }) !== false) {

     * Returns the value(s) from the input element(s) .
     * Should be overridden by each node type.
     * @method getEditorValue
     * @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData}  a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
     * @return {any} value entered
     * @for YAHOO.widget.Node

     Nproto.getEditorValue = function (editorData) {

     * Finally displays the newly edited value(s) in the tree.
     * Should be overridden by each node type.
     * @method displayEditedValue
     * @param value {HTML} value to be displayed and stored in the node
     * This data is added to the node unescaped via the innerHTML property.
     * @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData}  a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
     * @for YAHOO.widget.Node
    Nproto.displayEditedValue = function (value,editorData) {

    var TNproto = YAHOO.widget.TextNode.prototype;

     *  Places an &lt;input&gt;  textbox in the input container and loads the label text into it.
     * @method fillEditorContainer
     * @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData}  a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
     * @return void
     * @for YAHOO.widget.TextNode
    TNproto.fillEditorContainer = function (editorData) {

        var input;
        // If last node edited is not of the same type as this one, delete it and fill it with our editor
        if (editorData.nodeType != this._type) {
            editorData.nodeType = this._type;
            editorData.saveOnEnter = true;

            editorData.inputElement = input = editorData.inputContainer.appendChild(document.createElement('input'));

        } else {
            // if the last node edited was of the same time, reuse the input element.
            input = editorData.inputElement;
        editorData.oldValue = this.label;
        input.value = this.label;

     * Returns the value from the input element.
     * Overrides Node.getEditorValue.
     * @method getEditorValue
     * @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData}  a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
     * @return {string} value entered
     * @for YAHOO.widget.TextNode

    TNproto.getEditorValue = function (editorData) {
        return editorData.inputElement.value;

     * Finally displays the newly edited value in the tree.
     * Overrides Node.displayEditedValue.
     * @method displayEditedValue
     * @param value {string} value to be displayed and stored in the node
     * @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData}  a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
     * @for YAHOO.widget.TextNode
    TNproto.displayEditedValue = function (value,editorData) {
        var node = editorData.node;
        node.label = value;
        node.getLabelEl().innerHTML = value;

    * Destroys the contents of the inline editor panel.
    * Overrides Node.destroyEditorContent.
    * Since we didn't set any event listeners on this inline editor, it is more efficient to avoid the generic method in Node.
    * @method destroyEditorContents
     * @param editorData {YAHOO.widget.TreeView.editorData}  a shortcut to the static object holding editing information
     * @for YAHOO.widget.TextNode
    TNproto.destroyEditorContents = function (editorData) {
        editorData.inputContainer.innerHTML = '';

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