Array of Records that are in the selected state.
Internal variable to track whether widget has focus.
- private HTMLElement
Container element reference. Is null unless the TABLE is built from scratch into the
provided container.
First TR element reference pointer.
- private HTMLElement
Last TR element reference pointer.
- private HTMLElement
- private static Number
Internal class variable to index multiple DataTable instances.
- private Number
- private YAHOO.widget.ColumnSet
- private YAHOO.widget.RecordSet
Internal object literal to track built-in paginator values.
Array of pagination container elements.
Internal variable to track paginator dropdown options.
Array of pagination SELECT elements.
Array of pagination link container elements.
Internal variable to track paginator page links.
Tracks total number of pages, calculated on the fly.
Id of anchor row for multiple selections.
- private String
Defines value of CAPTION attribute.
- static final String
Class name assigned to TBODY element that holds data rows.
Default Value: "yui-dt-body"
Class name assigned to TD elements of type "checkbox".
Default Value: "yui-dt-checkbox"
Class name assigned to TD elements of type "currency".
Default Value: "yui-dt-currency"
Class name assigned to pagination links for specific page numbers that are disabled.
Default Value: "yui-dt-currentpage"
- static final String
Class name assigned to TD elements of type "date".
Default Value: "yui-dt-date"
Class name assigned to editable TD elements.
Default Value: "yui-dt-editable"
Class name assigned to editor DIV elements.
Default Value: "yui-dt-editor"
Class name assigned to TD elements of type "email".
Default Value: "yui-dt-email"
Class name assigned to empty elements.
Default Value: "yui-dt-empty"
Class name assigned to elements with error messaging.
Default Value: "yui-dt-error"
- static final String
Class name assigned to even TR elements.
Default Value: "yui-dt-even"
Class name assigned to FIRST elements.
Default Value: "yui-dt-first"
Class name assigned to the pagination link "<<".
Default Value: "yui-dt-firstlink"
Class name assigned to the pagination link "<<" when it is disabled.
Default Value: "yui-dt-firstpage"
Class name assigned to container element within THEAD.
Class name assigned to resizer handle element within THEAD.
Default Value: "yui-dt-headresizer"
Class name assigned to text displayed within THEAD.
Default Value: "yui-dt-headtext"
Class name assigned to highlighted element.
Default Value: "yui-dt-highlight"
- static final String
Class name assigned to LAST elements.
Default Value: "yui-dt-last"
Class name assigned to the pagination link ">>".
Default Value: "yui-dt-lastlink"
Class name assigned to the pagination link ">>" when it is disabled.
Default Value: "yui-dt-lastpage"
- static final String
Class name assigned to TD elements of type "link".
Default Value: "yui-dt-link"
Class name assigned to loading message.
Default Value: "yui-dt-loading"
Class name assigned to the pagination link ">".
Default Value: "yui-dt-nextlink"
Class name assigned to the pagination link ">" when it is disabled.
Default Value: "yui-dt-nextpage"
Class name assigned to TD elements of type "number".
Default Value: "yui-dt-number"
- static final String
Class name assigned to odd TR elements.
Default Value: "yui-dt-odd"
Class name assigned to pagination links to specific page numbers.
Default Value: "yui-dt-pagelink"
Class name assigned to the pagination links container element.
Default Value: "yui-dt-pagelinks"
Class name assigned to the pagination SELECT element.
Default Value: "yui-dt-pageselect"
Class name assigned to the paginator container element.
Default Value: "yui-dt-paginator"
Class name assigned to the pagination link "<".
Default Value: "yui-dt-prevlink"
Class name assigned to the pagination link "<" when it is disabled.
Default Value: "yui-dt-prevpage"
Class name assigned to container of a scrollable DataTable.
Default Value: "yui-dt-scrollable"
Class name assigned to scrolling TBODY element of a scrollable DataTable.
Default Value: "yui-dt-scrollbody"
Class name assigned to selected elements.
Default Value: "yui-dt-selected"
Class name assigned to column headers of sortable Columns.
Default Value: "yui-dt-sortable"
Class name assigned to column headers when sorted in ascending order.
Default Value: "yui-dt-sortedbyasc"
Class name assigned to column headers when sorted in descending order.
Default Value: "yui-dt-sortedbydesc"
Class name assigned to TD elements of type "string".
Default Value: "yui-dt-string"
Class name assigned to TABLE element.
Default Value: "yui-dt"
- YAHOO.widget.ContextMenu
- YAHOO.util.DataSource
True if DataTable's width is a fixed size.
Default Value: false
Initial request to send to DataSource.
Default Value: ""
Deprecated: No longer used.
Deprecated: No longer used.
- static final String
Message to display if DataTable has no data.
Default Value: "No records found."
- static final String
Message to display while DataTable has data error.
Default Value: "Data error."
Message to display while DataTable is loading data.
Default Value: "Loading data..."
Deprecated: Deprecated. Please use paginatorOptions.currentPage
Deprecated: Deprecated. Please use paginatorOptions.pageLinks
Deprecated: Deprecated. Please use paginatorOptions.pageLinksStart.
Deprecated: Deprecated. Please use paginatorOptions.containers
True if built-in paginator is enabled.
Default Value: false
Object literal of initial paginator key:value properties.
Default Value: {}
Array of container elements to hold paginator UI, if enabled. If null,
2 containers will be created dynamically, one before and one after the
TABLE element.
Default Value: null
If built-in paginator is enabled, current page to display.
Default Value: 1
Values to show in the SELECT dropdown. Can be an array of numbers to populate
each OPTION's value and text with the same value, or an array of object
literals of syntax {value:myValue, text:myText} will populate OPTION with
corresponding value and text. A null value or empty array prevents the
dropdown from displayed altogether.
Maximum number of links to page numbers to show in paginator UI. Any pages
not linked would be available through the next/previous style links. A 0
value displays all page links. A negative value disables all page links.
Default Value: 0
If built-in paginator is enabled, each page will display up to the given
number of rows per page. A value less than 1 will display all available
Default Value: 500
True if only one row may be selected at a time.
Default Value: false
Deprecated: Deprecated. Please use paginatorOptions.rowsPerPage
Deprecated: Deprecated. Please use paginatorOptions.dropdownOptions
True if TBODY should scroll while THEAD remains fixed.
Default Value: false
Object literal holds sort metadata:
Deprecated: Deprecated. Please use paginatorOptions.startRecordIndex.
Defines value of SUMMARY attribute.