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Yahoo! UI Library

DataSource Utility  2.2.2

Yahoo! UI Library > datasource > DataSource.js (source view)

 * The DataSource utility provides a common configurable interface for widgets
 * to access a variety of data, from JavaScript arrays to online servers over
 * XHR.
 * @module datasource
 * @requires yahoo, event
 * @optional xhr
 * @title DataSource Utility
 * @beta


 * The DataSource class defines and manages a live set of data for widgets to
 * interact with. Examples of live databases include in-memory
 * local data such as a JavaScript array, a JavaScript function, or JSON, or
 * remote data such as data retrieved through an XHR connection.
 * @class DataSource
 * @uses YAHOO.util.EventProvider
 * @constructor
 * @param oLiveData {Object} Pointer to live database
 * @param oConfigs {Object} (optional) Object literal of configuration values
YAHOO.util.DataSource = function(oLiveData, oConfigs) {
    // Set any config params passed in to override defaults
    if(oConfigs && (oConfigs.constructor == Object)) {
        for(var sConfig in oConfigs) {
            if(sConfig) {
                this[sConfig] = oConfigs[sConfig];

    if(!oLiveData) {
        YAHOO.log("Could not instantiate DataSource due to invalid live database.","error",this.toString());
    if(YAHOO.lang.isArray(oLiveData)) {
        this.dataType = YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSARRAY;
    else if(YAHOO.lang.isString(oLiveData)) {
        this.dataType = YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_XHR;
    else if(YAHOO.lang.isFunction(oLiveData)) {
        this.dataType = YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSFUNCTION;
    else if(YAHOO.lang.isObject(oLiveData)) {
        this.dataType = YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSON;
    else {
        this.dataType = YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_UNKNOWN;

    this.liveData = oLiveData;

    // Validate and initialize public configs
    var maxCacheEntries = this.maxCacheEntries;
    if(!YAHOO.lang.isNumber(maxCacheEntries) || (maxCacheEntries < 0)) {
        maxCacheEntries = 0;

    // Initialize local cache
    if(maxCacheEntries > 0 && !this._aCache) {
        this._aCache = [];
        YAHOO.log("Cache initialized","info",this.toString());

    this._sName = "instance" + YAHOO.util.DataSource._nIndex;
    YAHOO.log("DataSource initialized", "info", this.toString());

    // Custom Events

     * Fired when a request is made to the local cache.
     * @event cacheRequestEvent
     * @param oArgs.request {Object} The request object.
     * @param oArgs.callback {Function} The callback function.
     * @param oArgs.caller {Object} The parent object of the callback function.

     * Fired when data is retrieved from the local cache.
     * @event getCachedResponseEvent
     * @param oArgs.request {Object} The request object.
     * @param oArgs.response {Object} The response object.
     * @param oArgs.callback {Function} The callback function.
     * @param oArgs.caller {Object} The parent object of the callback function.

     * Fired when a request is sent to the live data source.
     * @event requestEvent
     * @param oArgs.request {Object} The request object.
     * @param oArgs.callback {Function} The callback function.
     * @param oArgs.caller {Object} The parent object of the callback function.

     * Fired when live data source sends response.
     * @event responseEvent
     * @param oArgs.request {Object} The request object.
     * @param oArgs.response {Object} The raw response object.
     * @param oArgs.callback {Function} The callback function.
     * @param oArgs.caller {Object} The parent object of the callback function.

     * Fired when response is parsed.
     * @event responseParseEvent
     * @param oArgs.request {Object} The request object.
     * @param oArgs.response {Object} The parsed response object.
     * @param oArgs.callback {Function} The callback function.
     * @param oArgs.caller {Object} The parent object of the callback function.

     * Fired when response is cached.
     * @event responseCacheEvent
     * @param oArgs.request {Object} The request object.
     * @param oArgs.response {Object} The parsed response object.
     * @param oArgs.callback {Function} The callback function.
     * @param oArgs.caller {Object} The parent object of the callback function.
     * Fired when an error is encountered with the live data source.
     * @event dataErrorEvent
     * @param oArgs.request {Object} The request object.
     * @param oArgs.callback {Function} The callback function.
     * @param oArgs.caller {Object} The parent object of the callback function.
     * @param oArgs.message {String} The error message.

     * Fired when the local cache is flushed.
     * @event cacheFlushEvent

YAHOO.augment(YAHOO.util.DataSource, YAHOO.util.EventProvider);

// Public constants

 * Type is unknown.
 * @property TYPE_UNKNOWN
 * @type Number
 * @final
 * @default -1
YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_UNKNOWN = -1;

 * Type is a JavaScript Array.
 * @property TYPE_JSARRAY
 * @type Number
 * @final
 * @default 0
YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSARRAY = 0;

 * Type is a JavaScript Function.
 * @property TYPE_JSFUNCTION
 * @type Number
 * @final
 * @default 1
YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSFUNCTION = 1;

 * Type is hosted on a server via an XHR connection.
 * @property TYPE_XHR
 * @type Number
 * @final
 * @default 2
YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_XHR = 2;

 * Type is JSON.
 * @property TYPE_JSON
 * @type Number
 * @final
 * @default 3
YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSON = 3;

 * Type is XML.
 * @property TYPE_XML
 * @type Number
 * @final
 * @default 4
YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_XML = 4;

 * Type is plain text.
 * @property TYPE_TEXT
 * @type Number
 * @final
 * @default 5
YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_TEXT = 5;
 * Error message for invalid data responses.
 * @type String
 * @final
 * @default "Invalid data"
YAHOO.util.DataSource.ERROR_DATAINVALID = "Invalid data";

 * Error message for null data responses.
 * @property ERROR_DATANULL
 * @type String
 * @final
 * @default "Null data"
YAHOO.util.DataSource.ERROR_DATANULL = "Null data";

// Private member variables

 * Internal class variable to index multiple DataSource instances.
 * @property _nIndex
 * @type Number
 * @private
YAHOO.util.DataSource._nIndex = 0;

 * Name of DataSource instance.
 * @property _sName
 * @type String
 * @private
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype._sName = null;

 * Local cache of data result objects indexed chronologically.
 * @property _aCache
 * @type Object[]
 * @private
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype._aCache = null;

// Private methods

// Public member variables

 * Max size of the local cache.  Set to 0 to turn off caching.  Caching is
 * useful to reduce the number of server connections.  Recommended only for data
 * sources that return comprehensive results for queries or when stale data is
 * not an issue.
 * @property maxCacheEntries
 * @type Number
 * @default 0
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype.maxCacheEntries = 0;

 * Pointer to live database.
 * @property liveData
 * @type Object
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype.liveData = null;

 * If data is accessed over XHR via Connection Manager, the connection timeout is
 * configurable in milliseconds the XHR connection will wait for a server
 * response. A a value of zero indicates the XHR connection will wait forever.
 * Any value greater than zero will use the Connection utility's Auto-Abort
 * feature.
 * @property connTimeout
 * @type Number
 * @default 0
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype.connTimeout = null;

 * Alias to YUI Connection Manager. Allows implementers to specify their own
 * subclasses of the YUI Connection Manager utility.
 * @property connMgr
 * @type Object
 * @default YAHOO.util.Connect
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype.connMgr = YAHOO.util.Connect || null;

 * Where the live data is held.
 * @property dataType
 * @type Number
 * @default YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_UNKNOWN
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype.dataType = YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_UNKNOWN;

 * Format of response.
 * @property responseType
 * @type Number
 * @default YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_UNKNOWN
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype.responseType = YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_UNKNOWN;

 * Response schema object literal takes a combination of the following properties:
 * <dl>
 * <dt>resultsList</dt> <dd>Pointer to array of tabular data</dd>
 * <dt>resultNode</dt> <dd>Pointer to node name of row data (XML data only)</dd>
 * <dt>recordDelim</dt> <dd>Record delimiter (text data only)</dd>
 * <dt>fieldDelim</dt> <dd>Field delimiter (text data only)</dd>
 * <dt>fields</dt> <dd>Array of field names (aka keys), or array of object literals
 * such as: {key:"fieldname",converter:YAHOO.util.DataSource.convertDate}</dd>
 * </dl>
 * @property responseSchema
 * @type Object
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype.responseSchema = null;

// Public static methods

 * Converts data from String to Number objects.
 * @method convertNumber
 * @method sData {String} Number string.
 * @return {Number} Number object.
 * @static
YAHOO.util.DataSource.convertNumber = function(sData) {
    return sData * 1;

 * Converts data from String to Date objects.
 * @method convertDate
 * @method sData {String} Date string.
 * @return {Date} Date object.
 * @static
YAHOO.util.DataSource.convertDate = function(sData) {
    var mm = sMarkup.substring(0,sMarkup.indexOf("/"));
    sMarkup = sMarkup.substring(sMarkup.indexOf("/")+1);
    var dd = sMarkup.substring(0,sMarkup.indexOf("/"));
    var yy = sMarkup.substring(sMarkup.indexOf("/")+1);
    return new Date(yy, mm, dd);

// Public methods

 * Public accessor to the unique name of the DataSource instance.
 * @method toString
 * @return {String} Unique name of the DataSource instance.
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype.toString = function() {
    return "DataSource " + this._sName;

 * Overridable method passes request to cache and returns cached response if any,
 * refreshing the hit in the cache as the newest item. Returns null if there is
 * no cache hit.
 * @method getCachedResponse
 * @param oRequest {Object} Request object.
 * @param oCallback {Function} Handler function to receive the response
 * @param oCaller {Object} The Calling object that is making the request
 * @return {Object} Cached response object or null.
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype.getCachedResponse = function(oRequest, oCallback, oCaller) {
    var aCache = this._aCache;
    var nCacheLength = (aCache) ? aCache.length : 0;
    var oResponse = null;

    // If cache is enabled...
    if((this.maxCacheEntries > 0) && aCache && (nCacheLength > 0)) {
        this.fireEvent("cacheRequestEvent", {request:oRequest,callback:oCallback,caller:oCaller});

        // Loop through each cached element
        for(var i = nCacheLength-1; i >= 0; i--) {
            var oCacheElem = aCache[i];

            // Defer cache hit logic to a public overridable method
            if(this.isCacheHit(oRequest,oCacheElem.request)) {
                // Grab the cached response
                oResponse = oCacheElem.response;
                // The cache returned a hit!
                // Remove element from its original location
                // Add as newest
                this.addToCache(oRequest, oResponse);
                this.fireEvent("cacheResponseEvent", {request:oRequest,response:oResponse,callback:oCallback,caller:oCaller});
    YAHOO.log("The cached response for \"" + oRequest + "\" is " + oResponse,"info",this.toString());
    return oResponse;

 * Default overridable method matches given request to given cached request.
 * Returns true if is a hit, returns false otherwise.  Implementers should
 * override this method to customize the cache-matching algorithm.
 * @method isCacheHit
 * @param oRequest {Object} Request object.
 * @param oCachedRequest {Object} Cached request object.
 * @return {Boolean} True if given request matches cached request, false otherwise.
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype.isCacheHit = function(oRequest, oCachedRequest) {
    return (oRequest === oCachedRequest);

 * Adds a new item to the cache. If cache is full, evicts the stalest item
 * before adding the new item.
 * @method addToCache
 * @param oRequest {Object} Request object.
 * @param oResponse {Object} Response object to cache.
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype.addToCache = function(oRequest, oResponse) {
    var aCache = this._aCache;
    if(!aCache) {

    //TODO: check for duplicate entries

    // If the cache is full, make room by removing stalest element (index=0)
    while(aCache.length >= this.maxCacheEntries) {

    // Add to cache in the newest position, at the end of the array
    var oCacheElem = {request:oRequest,response:oResponse};
    YAHOO.log("Cached response for \"" +  oRequest + "\"","info",this.toString());

 * Flushes cache.
 * @method flushCache
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype.flushCache = function() {
    if(this._aCache) {
        this._aCache = [];
        YAHOO.log("Flushed cache","info",this.toString());

 * First looks for cached response, then sends request to live data.
 * @method sendRequest
 * @param oRequest {Object} Request object
 * @param oCallback {Function} Handler function to receive the response
 * @param oCaller {Object} The Calling object that is making the request
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype.sendRequest = function(oRequest, oCallback, oCaller) {
    // First look in cache
    var oCachedResponse = this.getCachedResponse(oRequest, oCallback, oCaller);
    if(oCachedResponse) {
        oCallback.call(oCaller, oRequest, oCachedResponse);

    // Not in cache, so forward request to live data
    YAHOO.log("Making connection to live data for \"" + oRequest + "\"","info",this.toString());
    this.makeConnection(oRequest, oCallback, oCaller);

 * Overridable method provides default functionality to make a connection to
 * live data in order to send request. The response coming back is then
 * forwarded to the handleResponse function. This method should be customized
 * for more complex implementations.
 * @method makeConnection
 * @param oRequest {Object} Request object.
 * @param oCallback {Function} Handler function to receive the response
 * @param oCaller {Object} The Calling object that is making the request
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype.makeConnection = function(oRequest, oCallback, oCaller) {
    this.fireEvent("requestEvent", {request:oRequest,callback:oCallback,caller:oCaller});
    var oRawResponse = null;
    // How to make the connection depends on the type of data
    switch(this.dataType) {
        // If the live data is a JavaScript Array
        // simply forward the entire array to the handler
        case YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSARRAY:
        case YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSON:
            oRawResponse = this.liveData;
            this.handleResponse(oRequest, oRawResponse, oCallback, oCaller);
        // If the live data is a JavaScript Function
        // pass the request in as a parameter and
        // forward the return value to the handler
        case YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSFUNCTION:
            oRawResponse = this.liveData(oRequest);
            this.handleResponse(oRequest, oRawResponse, oCallback, oCaller);
        // If the live data is over Connection Manager
        // set up the callback object and
        // pass the request in as a URL query and
        // forward the response to the handler
        case YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_XHR:
             * Connection Manager success handler
             * @method _xhrSuccess
             * @param oResponse {Object} HTTPXMLRequest object
             * @private
            var _xhrSuccess = function(oResponse) {
                // If response ID does not match last made request ID,
                // silently fail and wait for the next response
                if(oResponse && (!this._oConn || (oResponse.tId != this._oConn.tId))) {
                    this.fireEvent("dataErrorEvent", {request:oRequest,callback:oCallback,caller:oCaller,message:YAHOO.util.DataSource.ERROR_DATAINVALID});
                    YAHOO.log(YAHOO.util.DataSource.ERROR_DATAINVALID, "error", this.toString());
                    return null;
                // Error if no response
                else if(!oResponse) {
                    this.fireEvent("dataErrorEvent", {request:oRequest,callback:oCallback,caller:oCaller,message:YAHOO.util.DataSource.ERROR_DATANULL});
                    YAHOO.log(YAHOO.util.DataSource.ERROR_DATANULL, "error", this.toString());

                    // Send error response back to the caller with the error flag on
                    oCallback.call(oCaller, oRequest, oResponse, true);

                    return null;
                // Forward to handler
                else {
                    this.handleResponse(oRequest, oResponse, oCallback, oCaller);

             * Connection Manager failure handler
             * @method _xhrFailure
             * @param oResponse {Object} HTTPXMLRequest object
             * @private
            var _xhrFailure = function(oResponse) {
                this.fireEvent("dataErrorEvent", {request:oRequest,callback:oCallback,caller:oCaller,message:YAHOO.util.DataSource.ERROR_DATAINVALID});
                YAHOO.log(YAHOO.util.DataSource.ERROR_DATAINVALID + ": " + oResponse.statusText, "error", this.toString());

                // Send failure response back to the caller with the error flag on
                oCallback.call(oCaller, oRequest, oResponse, true);
                return null;

             * Connection Manager callback object
             * @property _xhrCallback
             * @param oResponse {Object} HTTPXMLRequest object
             * @private
             var _xhrCallback = {
                scope: this

            //TODO: connTimeout config
            if(YAHOO.lang.isNumber(this.connTimeout) && (this.connTimeout > 0)) {
                _xhrCallback.timeout = this.connTimeout;

            //TODO: oConn config
            if(this._oConn && this.connMgr) {

            var sUri = this.liveData+"?"+oRequest;
            if(this.connMgr) {
                this._oConn = this.connMgr.asyncRequest("GET", sUri, _xhrCallback, null);
            else {
                YAHOO.log("Could not find a valid Connection Manager","error",this.toString());
                // Send null response back to the caller with the error flag on
                oCallback.call(oCaller, oRequest, null, true);

            //TODO: any default?

 * Handles raw data response from live data source.
 * @method handleResponse
 * @param oRequest {Object} Request object
 * @param oRawResponse {Object} The raw response from the live database
 * @param oCallback {Function} Handler function to receive the response
 * @param oCaller {Object} The calling object that is making the request
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype.handleResponse = function(oRequest, oRawResponse, oCallback, oCaller) {
    this.fireEvent("responseEvent", {request:oRequest,response:oRawResponse,callback:oCallback,caller:oCaller});
    YAHOO.log("The live data response for \"" + oRequest + "\" is " + oRawResponse,"info",this.toString());
    var xhr = (this.dataType == YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_XHR) ? true : false;
    var oParsedResponse = null;
    var bError = false;
    //TODO: break out into overridable methods
    switch(this.responseType) {
        case YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSARRAY:
            if(xhr && oRawResponse.responseText) {
                oRawResponse = oRawResponse.responseText;
            oParsedResponse = this.parseArrayData(oRequest, oRawResponse);
        case YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSON:
            if(xhr && oRawResponse.responseText) {
                oRawResponse = oRawResponse.responseText;
            oParsedResponse = this.parseJSONData(oRequest, oRawResponse);
        case YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_XML:
            if(xhr && oRawResponse.responseXML) {
                oRawResponse = oRawResponse.responseXML;
            oParsedResponse = this.parseXMLData(oRequest, oRawResponse);
        case YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_TEXT:
            if(xhr && oRawResponse.responseText) {
                oRawResponse = oRawResponse.responseText;
            oParsedResponse = this.parseTextData(oRequest, oRawResponse);
            //TODO: pass off to custom function
            //var contentType = oRawResponse.getResponseHeader["Content-Type"];
            YAHOO.log("Unknown response type","warn",this.toString());

    // Last chance to touch the raw response or the parsed response
    oParsedResponse = this.doBeforeCallback(oRequest, oRawResponse, oParsedResponse);

    if(oParsedResponse) {
        this.fireEvent("responseParseEvent", {request:oRequest,response:oParsedResponse,callback:oCallback,caller:oCaller});
        // Cache the response
        this.addToCache(oRequest, oParsedResponse);
    else {
        this.fireEvent("dataErrorEvent", {request:oRequest,callback:oCallback,caller:oCaller,message:YAHOO.util.DataSource.ERROR_DATANULL});
        YAHOO.log(YAHOO.util.DataSource.ERROR_DATANULL, "error", this.toString());
        // Send response back to the caller with the error flag on
        oParsedResponse.error = true;
    // Send the response back to the caller
    oCallback.call(oCaller, oRequest, oParsedResponse);

 * Overridable method gives implementers access to the original raw response and
 * the parsed response (parsed against the given schema) before the data
 * is added to the cache (if applicable) and then sent back to callback function.
 * This is your chance to access the raw response and/or populate the parsed
 * response with any custom data.
 * @method doBeforeCallback
 * @param oRequest {Object} Request object.
 * @param oRawResponse {Object} The raw response from the live database.
 * @param oParsedResponse {Object} The parsed response to return to calling object.
 * @return {Object} Parsed response object
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype.doBeforeCallback = function(oRequest, oRawResponse, oParsedResponse) {
    return oParsedResponse;

 * Overridable method parses raw array data into a response object.
 * @method parseArrayData
 * @param oRequest {Object} Request object.
 * @param oRawResponse {Object} The raw response from the live database.
 * @return {Object} Parsed response object.
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype.parseArrayData = function(oRequest, oRawResponse) {
    if(YAHOO.lang.isArray(oRawResponse) && YAHOO.lang.isArray(this.responseSchema.fields)) {
        var oParsedResponse = {results:[]};
        var fields = this.responseSchema.fields;
        for(var i=oRawResponse.length-1; i>-1; i--) {
            var oResult = {};
            for(var j=fields.length-1; j>-1; j--) {
                var field = fields[j];
                var key = field.key || field;
                var data = oRawResponse[i][j] || oRawResponse[i][key];
                if(field.converter) {
                    data = field.converter(data);
                oResult[key] = data;
        YAHOO.log("Parsed array data = " + oParsedResponse,"info",this.toString());
        return oParsedResponse;
    else {
        YAHOO.log("Array data could not be parsed" + oRawResponse,"error",this.toString());
        return null;

 * Overridable method parses raw plain text data into a response object.
 * @method parseTextData
 * @param oRequest {Object} Request object
 * @param oRawResponse {Object} The raw response from the live database
 * @return {Object} Parsed response object
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype.parseTextData = function(oRequest, oRawResponse) {
    var oParsedResponse = {};
    if(YAHOO.lang.isString(oRawResponse) &&
            YAHOO.lang.isArray(this.responseSchema.fields) &&
            YAHOO.lang.isString(this.responseSchema.recordDelim) &&
            YAHOO.lang.isString(this.responseSchema.fieldDelim)) {
        oParsedResponse.results = [];
        var recDelim = this.responseSchema.recordDelim;
        var fieldDelim = this.responseSchema.fieldDelim;
        var fields = this.responseSchema.fields;
        if(oRawResponse.length > 0) {
            // Delete the last line delimiter at the end of the data if it exists
            var newLength = oRawResponse.length-recDelim.length;
            if(oRawResponse.substr(newLength) == recDelim) {
                oRawResponse = oRawResponse.substr(0, newLength);
            // Split along record delimiter to get an array of strings
            var recordsarray = oRawResponse.split(recDelim);
            // Cycle through each record, except the first which contains header info
            for(var i = recordsarray.length-1; i>-1; i--) {
                var oResult = {};
                for(var j=fields.length-1; j>-1; j--) {
                    // Split along field delimter to get each data value
                    var fielddataarray = recordsarray[i].split(fieldDelim);

                    // Remove quotation marks from edges, if applicable
                    var data = fielddataarray[j];
                    if(data.charAt(0) == "\"") {
                        data = data.substr(1);
                    if(data.charAt(data.length-1) == "\"") {
                        data = data.substr(0,data.length-1);
                    var field = fields[j];
                    var key = field.key || field;
                    if(field.converter) {
                        data = field.converter(data);
                    oResult[key] = data;
        YAHOO.log("Parsed text data = " + oParsedResponse,"info",this.toString());
    else {
        YAHOO.log("Text data could not be parsed" + oRawResponse,"error",this.toString());
        oParsedResponse.error = true;
    return oParsedResponse;

 * Overridable method parses raw XML data into a response object.
 * @method parseXMLData
 * @param oRequest {Object} Request object
 * @param oRawResponse {Object} The raw response from the live database
 * @return {Object} Parsed response object
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype.parseXMLData = function(oRequest, oRawResponse) {
        var bError = false;
        var oParsedResponse = {};
        var xmlList = (this.responseSchema.resultNode) ?
                oRawResponse.getElementsByTagName(this.responseSchema.resultNode) :
        if(!xmlList || !YAHOO.lang.isArray(this.responseSchema.fields)) {
            bError = true;
        // Loop through each result
        else {
            oParsedResponse.results = [];
            for(var k = xmlList.length-1; k >= 0 ; k--) {
                var result = xmlList.item(k);
                var oResult = {};
                // Loop through each data field in each result using the schema
                for(var m = this.responseSchema.fields.length-1; m >= 0 ; m--) {
                    var field = this.responseSchema.fields[m];
                    var key = field.key || field;
                    var data = null;
                    // Values may be held in an attribute...
                    var xmlAttr = result.attributes.getNamedItem(key);
                    if(xmlAttr) {
                        data = xmlAttr.value;
                    // ...or in a node
                    else {
                        var xmlNode = result.getElementsByTagName(key);
                        if(xmlNode && xmlNode.item(0) && xmlNode.item(0).firstChild) {
                            data = xmlNode.item(0).firstChild.nodeValue;
                        else {
                               data = "";
                    if(field.converter) {
                        data = field.converter(data);
                    // Capture the schema-mapped data field values into an array
                    oResult[key] = data;
                // Capture each array of values into an array of results
        if(bError) {
            YAHOO.log("JSON data could not be parsed" + oRawResponse,"error",this.toString());
            oParsedResponse.error = true;
        else {
            YAHOO.log("Parsed XML data = " + oParsedResponse,"info",this.toString());
        return oParsedResponse;

 * Overridable method parses raw JSON data into a response object.
 * @method parseJSONData
 * @param oRequest {Object} Request object
 * @param oRawResponse {Object} The raw response from the live database
 * @return {Object} Parsed response object
YAHOO.util.DataSource.prototype.parseJSONData = function(oRequest, oRawResponse) {
    var oParsedResponse = {};
    if(oRawResponse && YAHOO.lang.isArray(this.responseSchema.fields)) {
        var fields = this.responseSchema.fields;
        var bError = false;
        oParsedResponse.results = [];
        var jsonObj,jsonList;

        // Parse JSON object out if it's a string
        if(YAHOO.lang.isString(oRawResponse)) {
            // Check for latest JSON lib but divert KHTML clients
            var isNotMac = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('khtml')== -1);
            if(oRawResponse.parseJSON && isNotMac) {
                // Use the new JSON utility if available
                jsonObj = oRawResponse.parseJSON();
                if(!jsonObj) {
                    bError = true;
            // Check for older JSON lib but divert KHTML clients
            else if(window.JSON && JSON.parse && isNotMac) {
                // Use the JSON utility if available
                jsonObj = JSON.parse(oRawResponse);
                if(!jsonObj) {
                    bError = true;
            // No JSON lib found so parse the string
            else {
                try {
                    // Trim leading spaces
                    while (oRawResponse.length > 0 &&
                            (oRawResponse.charAt(0) != "{") &&
                            (oRawResponse.charAt(0) != "[")) {
                        oRawResponse = oRawResponse.substring(1, oResponse.length);

                    if(oRawResponse.length > 0) {
                        // Strip extraneous stuff at the end
                        var objEnd = Math.max(oRawResponse.lastIndexOf("]"),oRawResponse.lastIndexOf("}"));
                        oRawResponse = oRawResponse.substring(0,objEnd+1);

                        // Turn the string into an object literal...
                        // ...eval is necessary here
                        jsonObj = eval("(" + oRawResponse + ")");
                        if(!jsonObj) {
                            bError = true;

                catch(e) {
                    bError = true;
        // Response must already be a JSON object
        else if(oRawResponse.constructor == Object) {
            jsonObj = oRawResponse;
        // Not a string or an object
        else {
            bError = true;
        // Now that we have a JSON object, parse a jsonList out of it
        if(jsonObj && jsonObj.constructor == Object) {
            try {
                // eval is necessary here since schema can be of unknown depth
                jsonList = eval("jsonObj." + this.responseSchema.resultsList);
            catch(e) {
                bError = true;

        if(bError || !jsonList) {
            YAHOO.log("JSON data could not be parsed" + oRawResponse,"error",this.toString());
            oParsedResponse.error = true;
        else if(!YAHOO.lang.isArray(jsonList)) {
            jsonList = [jsonList];

        // Loop through the array of all responses...
        for(var i = jsonList.length-1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
            var oResult = {};
            var jsonResult = jsonList[i];
            // ...and loop through each data field value of each response
            for(var j = fields.length-1; j >= 0 ; j--) {
                var field = fields[j];
                var key = field.key || field;
                // ...and capture data into an array mapped according to the schema...
                // eval is necessary here since schema can be of unknown depth
                var data = eval("jsonResult." + key);
                if((typeof data == "undefined") || (data === null)) {
                    data = "";
                //YAHOO.log("data: " + i + " value:" +j+" = "+dataFieldValue,"debug",this.toString());
                if(field.converter) {
                    data = field.converter(data);
                oResult[key] = data;
            // Capture the array of data field values in an array of results
        YAHOO.log("Parsed JSON data = " + oParsedResponse,"info",this.toString());
    else {
        YAHOO.log("JSON data could not be parsed" + oRawResponse,"error",this.toString());
        oParsedResponse.error = true;
    return oParsedResponse;

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