API Docs for: 0.10.0

File: lib/help.js

 * Copyright (c) 2011, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Code licensed under the BSD License:
 * https://github.com/yui/yuidoc/blob/master/LICENSE
'use strict';

YUI.add('help', function (Y) {

     * Shows the help text
     * @module yuidoc
     * @class Help

     * The help text to display
     * @private
     * @property help
     * @type Array
    var help = [
        'YUI Doc generates API documentation from a modified JavaDoc syntax.',
        'Current version ({VERSION})',
        'Usage: yuidoc <options> <input path>',
        'Common Options:',
        '  -c, --config, --configfile <filename>  A JSON config file to provide configuration data.',
        '           You can also create a yuidoc.json file and place it',
        '           anywhere under your source tree and YUI Doc will find it',
        '           and use it.',
        '  -e, --extension <comma sep list of file extensions> The list of file extensions to parse ',
        '           for api documentation. (defaults to .js)',
        '  -x, --exclude <comma sep list of directories> Directories to exclude from parsing ',
        '           (defaults to \'.DS_Store,.svn,CVS,.git,build_rollup_tmp,build_tmp\')',
        '  -v, --version Show the current YUIDoc version',
        '  --project-version Set the doc version for the template',
        '  -N, --no-color Turn off terminal colors (for automation)',
        '  -C, --no-code Turn off code generation (don\'t include source files in output)',
        '  -n, --norecurse Do not recurse directories (default is to recurse)',
        '  --no-sort Do not alphabetical sorting of attributes, events, methods, and properties',
        '  -S, --selleck Look for Selleck component data and attach to API meta data',
        '  -V, --view Dump the Handlebars.js view data instead of writing template files',
        '  -p, --parse-only Only parse the API docs and create the JSON data, do not render templates',
        '  -o, --outdir <directory path> Path to put the generated files (defaults to ./out)',
        '  -t, --themedir <directory path> Path to a custom theme directory containing Handlebars templates',
        '  -H, --helpers <comma separated list of paths to files> Require these file and add Handlebars helpers. See docs for more information',
        '  --charset CHARSET Use this as the default charset for all file operations. Defaults to \'utf8\'',
        '  -h, --help Show this help',
        '  -q, --quiet Supress logging output',
        '  -T, --theme <simple|default> Choose one of the built in themes (default is default)',
        '  --syntaxtype <js|coffee> Choose comment syntax type (default is js)',
        '  --server <port> Fire up the YUIDoc server for faster API doc developement. Pass optional port to listen on. (default is 3000)',
        '  --lint Lint your docs, will print parser warnings and exit code 1 if there are any',
        '  <input path> Supply a list of paths (shell globbing is handy here)',

     * Render the help message as a string
     * @method renderHelp
     * @return {String} The help screen to display
    Y.renderHelp = function () {
        return Y.Lang.sub(help, {
            VERSION: Y.packageInfo.version
     * Display the help message, write it to the screen and exit
     * @method showHelp
    Y.showHelp = function () {
        process.exit(0); //Shouldn't exit one on help