YUI recommends YUI3.

YUI 2 has been deprecated since 2011. This site acts as an archive for files and documentation.

This documentation is no longer maintained.

YUI Library Examples: Dom Collection: Exploring the Dom Collection's API

Dom Collection: Exploring the Dom Collection's API

In this example, the use of several key Dom Collection methods is explored. Given the markup in the source section, you can invoke any of the methods by clicking on them; the Source is updated, as is its in-browser appearance (Render). In the Outupt section, you can review the elements that are selected or affected (or, in a few cases, the JavaScript return value) of the function you invoked.






YUI Logger Output:

Note: You are viewing this example in debug mode with logging enabled. This can significantly slow performance.

Reload with logging
and debugging disabled.

More Dom Collection Resources:

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