YUI recommends YUI3.

YUI 2 has been deprecated since 2011. This site acts as an archive for files and documentation.

This documentation is no longer maintained.

YUI Library Examples: AutoComplete Control: Searching Field A, Submitting Field B with itemSelectEvent

AutoComplete Control: Searching Field A, Submitting Field B with itemSelectEvent

This AutoComplete implementation points to a JavaScript array that is available in-memory, allowing for a zippy user interaction without the need for a server-side component. The data consists of an account name, and an account number. The AutoComplete allows the user to search by name, but by subscribing to the itemSelectEvent Custom Event, populates a hidden form field with the ID, which the server would need for processing the hypothetical submission.

Implementers who are working with data from third-party sources, user input data, or otherwise untrustworthy sources should be sure to read the Security Considerations section of the AutoComplete user guide.

Sample Code





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