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Yahoo! UI Library

get  2.7.0

Yahoo! UI Library > get > YAHOO.util.Get

Class YAHOO.util.Get

Fetches and inserts one or more script or link nodes into the document


nidx - private int

node index used to generate unique node ids

POLL_FREQ - static int

The default poll freqency in ms, when needed
Default Value: 10

PURGE_THRESH - static int

The number of request required before an automatic purge. property PURGE_THRESH
Default Value: 20

purging - private boolean

interal property used to prevent multiple simultaneous purge processes

qidx - private int

queue index used to generate transaction ids

queues - private object

hash of queues to manage multiple requests

TIMEOUT - static int

The length time to poll for varName when loading a script in Safari 2.x before the transaction fails. property TIMEOUT
Default Value: 2000



private void _autoPurge ( )
Removes processed queues and corresponding nodes
Returns: void


private void _finalize ( id )
Called by the the helper for detecting script load in Safari
id <string> the transaction id
Returns: void


private void _finish ( id )
The request is complete, so executing the requester's callback
id <string> the id of the request
Returns: void


private HTMLElement _linkNode ( url , win )
Generates a link node
url <string> the url for the css file
win <Window> optional window to create the node in
Returns: HTMLElement
the generated node


private void _next ( id , loaded )
Loads the next item for a given request
id <string> the id of the request
loaded <string> the url that was just loaded, if any
Returns: void


private HTMLElement _node ( type , attr , win )
Generates an HTML element, this is not appended to a document
type <string> the type of element
attr <string> the attributes
win <Window> optional window to create the element in
Returns: HTMLElement
the generated node


private void _purge ( )
Removes the nodes for the specified queue
Returns: void


private void _returnData ( )
Returns the data payload for callback functions
Returns: void


private HTMLElement _scriptNode ( url , win )
Generates a script node
url <string> the url for the script file
win <Window> optional window to create the node in
Returns: HTMLElement
the generated node


private void _timeout ( id )
Timeout detected
id <string> the id of the request
Returns: void


private void _track ( type , n , id , url , win , qlength , trackfn )
Detects when a node has been loaded. In the case of script nodes, this does not guarantee that contained script is ready to use.
type <string> the type of node to track
n <HTMLElement> the node to track
id <string> the id of the request
url <string> the url that is being loaded
win <Window> the targeted window
qlength <object> the number of remaining items in the queue, including this one
trackfn <Function> function to execute when finished the default is _next
Returns: void


void abort ( either )
Abort a transaction
either <string|object> the tId or the object returned from script() or css()
Returns: void


static tId: string css ( url , opts )
Fetches and inserts one or more css link nodes into the head of the current document or the document in a specified window.
url <string> the url or urls to the css file(s)
opts <object> Options:
callback to execute when the css file(s) are finished loading The callback receives an object back with the following data:
the window the link nodes(s) were inserted into
the data object passed in when the request was made
An array containing references to the nodes that were inserted
A function that, when executed, will remove the nodes that were inserted
the execution context for the callbacks
a window other than the one the utility occupies
data that is supplied to the callbacks when the nodes(s) are loaded.
node or node id that will become the new node's nextSibling
Node charset, default utf-8
Returns: tId: string
an object containing info about the transaction


private void queue ( type , url , opts )
Saves the state for the request and begins loading the requested urls
type <string> the type of node to insert
url <string> the url to load
opts <object> the hash of options for this request
Returns: void


static tId: string script ( url , opts )
Fetches and inserts one or more script nodes into the head of the current document or the document in a specified window.
url <string|string[]> the url or urls to the script(s)
opts <object> Options:
callback to execute when the script(s) are finished loading The callback receives an object back with the following data:
the window the script(s) were inserted into
the data object passed in when the request was made
An array containing references to the nodes that were inserted
A function that, when executed, will remove the nodes that were inserted
callback to execute when the script load operation fails The callback receives an object back with the following data:
the window the script(s) were inserted into
the data object passed in when the request was made
An array containing references to the nodes that were inserted successfully
A function that, when executed, will remove any nodes that were inserted
callback to execute when a timeout occurs. The callback receives an object back with the following data:
the window the script(s) were inserted into
the data object passed in when the request was made
An array containing references to the nodes that were inserted
A function that, when executed, will remove the nodes that were inserted
the execution context for the callbacks
a window other than the one the utility occupies
setting to true will let the utilities cleanup routine purge the script once loaded
data that is supplied to the callback when the script(s) are loaded.
variable that should be available when a script is finished loading. Used to help Safari 2.x and below with script load detection. The type of this property should match what was passed into the url parameter: if loading a single url, a string can be supplied. If loading multiple scripts, you must supply an array that contains the variable name for each script.
node or node id that will become the new node's nextSibling
Node charset, default utf-8
Number of milliseconds to wait before aborting and firing the timeout event
// assumes yahoo, dom, and event are already on the page
   "http://yui.yahooapis.com/2.3.1/build/animation/animation-min.js"], {
    onSuccess: function(o) {
      YAHOO.log(o.data); // foo
      new YAHOO.util.DDProxy("dd1"); // also new o.reference("dd1"); would work
      this.log("won't cause error because YAHOO is the scope");
      this.log(o.nodes.length === 2) // true
      // o.purge(); // optionally remove the script nodes immediately
    onFailure: function(o) {
      YAHOO.log("transaction failed");
    data: "foo",
    timeout: 10000, // 10 second timeout
    scope: YAHOO,
    // win: otherframe // target another window/frame
    autopurge: true // allow the utility to choose when to remove the nodes
Returns: tId: string
an object containing info about the transaction

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