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Yahoo! UI Library

Menu  2.2.0

Yahoo! UI Library > menu > YAHOO.widget.MenuItem

Class YAHOO.widget.MenuItem

Known Subclasses:
YAHOO.widget.ContextMenuItem YAHOO.widget.MenuBarItem
Creates an item for a menu.


YAHOO.widget.MenuItem ( p_oObject , p_oConfig )
p_oObject <String> String specifying the text of the menu item.
p_oObject <HTMLLIElement> Object specifying the <li> element of the menu item.
p_oObject <HTMLOptGroupElement> Object specifying the <optgroup> element of the menu item.
p_oObject <HTMLOptionElement> Object specifying the <option> element of the menu item.
p_oConfig <Object> Optional. Object literal specifying the configuration for the menu item. See configuration class documentation for more details.


_checkImage - private HTMLImageElement

Object reference to the menu item's checkmark image.
Default Value: null
Deprecated: Use _oCheckedIndicator.

_oAnchor - private HTMLAnchorElement

Object reference to the menu item's <a> element.
Default Value: null

_oCheckedIndicator - private HTMLElement

Object reference to the menu item's checkmark image.
Default Value: HTMLElement

_oHelpTextEM - private HTMLElement

Object reference to the menu item's help text <em> element.
Default Value: null

_oOnclickAttributeValue - private Object

Object reference to the menu item's current value for the "onclick" configuration attribute.
Default Value: null

_oSubmenu - private YAHOO.widget.Menu

Object reference to the menu item's submenu.
Default Value: null

_oText - private TextNode

Object reference to the menu item's text node.
Default Value: null

_sClassName - private String

The current value of the "classname" configuration attribute.
Default Value: null

browser - String

String representing the browser.


String representing the alt text for the image to be used for the checked image.
Default Value: "Checked."
Deprecated: Use CHECKED_TEXT.


String representing the path to the image to be used for the checked state.
Default Value: "nt/ic/ut/bsc/menuchk8_nrm_1.gif"
Deprecated: All checked indicator images are applied via a CSS background image. See "checkedindicator" class name in menu.css.

CHECKED_TEXT - final String

String representing the text to be used for the checked indicator element (<em>).
Default Value: "Checked."


String representing the alt text for the image to be used for the submenu arrow indicator.
Default Value: "Collapsed. Click to expand."


String representing the text for the <em> element used for the submenu arrow indicator.
Default Value: "Submenu collapsed. Click to expand submenu."

constructor - YAHOO.widget.MenuItem

Object reference to the menu item's constructor function.
Default Value: YAHOO.widget.MenuItem

CSS_CLASS_NAME - final String

String representing the CSS class(es) to be applied to the <li> element of the menu item.
Default Value: "yuimenuitem"


String representing the alt text for the image to be used for the checked image when the item is disabled.
Default Value: "Checked. (Item disabled.)"


String representing the path to the image to be used for the disabled checked state.
Default Value: "nt/ic/ut/bsc/menuchk8_dim_1.gif"
Deprecated: All checked indicator images are applied via a CSS background image.


String representing the text to be used for the checked indicator element (<em>) when the menu item is disabled.
Default Value: "Checked. (Item disabled.)"


String representing the alt text for the image to be used for the submenu arrow indicator when the menu item is disabled.
Default Value: "Disabled."


String representing the path to the image to be used for the submenu arrow indicator when the menu item is disabled.
Default Value: "nt/ic/ut/alt1/menuarorght8_dim_1.gif"
Deprecated: All submenu indicator images are applied via a CSS background image. See "submenuindicator" class name in menu.css.


String representing the text for the submenu arrow indicator element (<em>) when the menu item is disabled.
Default Value: "Submenu collapsed. (Item disabled.)."

element - HTMLLIElement

Object reference to the menu item's <li> element.
Default Value: HTMLLIElement


String representing the alt text for the image to be used for the submenu arrow indicator when the submenu is visible.
Default Value: "Expanded. Click to collapse."


String representing the text for the submenu arrow indicator element (<em>) when the submenu is visible.
Default Value: "Submenu expanded. Click to collapse submenu."

groupIndex - Number

Number indicating the index of the group to which the menu item belongs.
Default Value: null

id - String

Id of the menu item's root <li> element. This property should be set via the constructor using the configuration object literal. If an id is not specified, then one will be created using the "generateId" method of the Dom utility.
Default Value: null

imageRoot - String

String representing the root path for all of the menu item's images.
Deprecated: All menu item images are now applied via CSS background images.

IMG_ROOT - String

String representing the prefix path to use for non-secure images.
Default Value: "http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/"
Deprecated: All menu item images are now applied via CSS background images.


String representing the prefix path to use for securely served images.
Default Value: "https://a248.e.akamai.net/sec.yimg.com/i/"
Deprecated: All menu item images are now applied via CSS background images.

index - Number

Number indicating the ordinal position of the menu item in its group.
Default Value: null

isSecure - Boolean

Boolean representing whether or not the current browsing context is secure (HTTPS).
Deprecated: All menu item images are now applied via CSS background images.

parent - YAHOO.widget.Menu

Object reference to the menu item's parent menu.
Default Value: null


String representing the path to the image to be used for the selected checked state.
Default Value: "nt/ic/ut/bsc/menuchk8_hov_1.gif"
Deprecated: All checked indicator images are applied via a CSS background image. See "checkedindicator" class name in menu.css.


String representing the path to the image to be used for the submenu arrow indicator when the menu item is selected.
Default Value: "nt/ic/ut/alt1/menuarorght8_hov_1.gif"
Deprecated: All submenu indicator images are applied via a CSS background image. See "submenuindicator" class name in menu.css.

srcElement - HTMLLIElement| HTMLOptGroupElement|HTMLOptionElement

Object reference to the HTML element (either <li>, <optgroup> or <option>) used create the menu item.


String representing the path to the image to be used for the menu item's submenu arrow indicator.
Default Value: "nt/ic/ut/alt1/menuarorght8_nrm_1.gif"
Deprecated: All submenu indicator images are applied via a CSS background image. See "submenuindicator" class name in menu.css.

SUBMENU_TYPE - final YAHOO.widget.Menu

Object representing the type of menu to instantiate and add when parsing the child nodes of the menu item's source HTML element.

submenuIndicator - HTMLElement

Object reference to the <em> element used to create the submenu indicator for the menu item.
Default Value: HTMLElement

value - Object

Object reference to the menu item's value.
Default Value: null



private Boolean _checkDOMNode ( p_oObject )
Determines if an object is an HTML element.
p_oObject <Object> Object to be evaluated.
Returns: Boolean


private Boolean _checkString ( p_oObject )
Determines if an object is a string.
p_oObject <Object> Object to be evaluated.
Returns: Boolean


private void _createRootNodeStructure ( )
Creates the core DOM structure for the menu item.
Returns: void


private HTMLElement _getFirstElement ( p_oElement , p_sTagName )
Returns an HTML element's first HTML element node.
p_oElement <HTMLElement> Object reference specifying the element to be evaluated.
p_sTagName <String> Optional. String specifying the tagname of the element to be retrieved.
Returns: HTMLElement


private void _initSubTree ( )
Iterates the source element's childNodes collection and uses the child nodes to instantiate other menus.
Returns: void


private void _preloadImage ( p_sPath )
Preloads an image by creating an image element from the specified path and appending the image to the body of the document.
p_sPath <String> String specifying the path to the image.
Returns: void
Deprecated All menu item images are now applied via CSS background images.


void blur ( )
Causes the menu item to lose focus and fires the onblur event.
Returns: void


void configChecked ( p_sType , p_aArgs , p_oItem )
Event handler for when the "checked" configuration property of the menu item changes.
p_sType <String> String representing the name of the event that was fired.
p_aArgs <Array> Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
p_oItem <YAHOO.widget.MenuItem> Object representing the menu item that fired the event.
Returns: void


void configClassName ( p_sType , p_aArgs , p_oItem )
Event handler for when the "classname" configuration property of a menu item changes.
p_sType <String> String representing the name of the event that was fired.
p_aArgs <Array> Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
p_oItem <YAHOO.widget.MenuItem> Object representing the menu item that fired the event.
Returns: void


void configDisabled ( p_sType , p_aArgs , p_oItem )
Event handler for when the "disabled" configuration property of the menu item changes.
p_sType <String> String representing the name of the event that was fired.
p_aArgs <Array> Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
p_oItem <YAHOO.widget.MenuItem> Object representing the menu item that fired the event.
Returns: void


void configEmphasis ( p_sType , p_aArgs , p_oItem )
Event handler for when the "emphasis" configuration property of the menu item changes.
p_sType <String> String representing the name of the event that was fired.
p_aArgs <Array> Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
p_oItem <YAHOO.widget.MenuItem> Object representing the menu item that fired the event.
Returns: void


void configHelpText ( p_sType , p_aArgs , p_oItem )
Event handler for when the "helptext" configuration property of the menu item changes.
p_sType <String> String representing the name of the event that was fired.
p_aArgs <Array> Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
p_oItem <YAHOO.widget.MenuItem> Object representing the menu item that fired the event.
Returns: void


void configOnClick ( p_sType , p_aArgs , p_oItem )
Event handler for when the "onclick" configuration property of the menu item changes.
p_sType <String> String representing the name of the event that was fired.
p_aArgs <Array> Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
p_oItem <YAHOO.widget.MenuItem> Object representing the menu item that fired the event.
Returns: void


void configSelected ( p_sType , p_aArgs , p_oItem )
Event handler for when the "selected" configuration property of the menu item changes.
p_sType <String> String representing the name of the event that was fired.
p_aArgs <Array> Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
p_oItem <YAHOO.widget.MenuItem> Object representing the menu item that fired the event.
Returns: void


void configStrongEmphasis ( p_sType , p_aArgs , p_oItem )
Event handler for when the "strongemphasis" configuration property of the menu item changes.
p_sType <String> String representing the name of the event that was fired.
p_aArgs <Array> Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
p_oItem <YAHOO.widget.MenuItem> Object representing the menu item that fired the event.
Returns: void


void configSubmenu ( p_sType , p_aArgs , p_oItem )
Event handler for when the "submenu" configuration property of the menu item changes.
p_sType <String> String representing the name of the event that was fired.
p_aArgs <Array> Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
p_oItem <YAHOO.widget.MenuItem> Object representing the menu item that fired the event.
Returns: void


void configTarget ( p_sType , p_aArgs , p_oItem )
Event handler for when the "target" configuration property of the menu item changes.
p_sType <String> String representing the name of the event that was fired.
p_aArgs <Array> Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
p_oItem <YAHOO.widget.MenuItem> Object representing the menu item that fired the event.
Returns: void


void configText ( p_sType , p_aArgs , p_oItem )
Event handler for when the "text" configuration property of the menu item changes.
p_sType <String> String representing the name of the event that was fired.
p_aArgs <Array> Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
p_oItem <YAHOO.widget.MenuItem> Object representing the menu item that fired the event.
Returns: void


void configURL ( p_sType , p_aArgs , p_oItem )
Event handler for when the "url" configuration property of the menu item changes.
p_sType <String> String representing the name of the event that was fired.
p_aArgs <Array> Array of arguments sent when the event was fired.
p_oItem <YAHOO.widget.MenuItem> Object representing the menu item that fired the event.
Returns: void


void destroy ( )
Removes the menu item's <li> element from its parent <ul> element.
Returns: void


void focus ( )
Causes the menu item to receive the focus and fires the focus event.
Returns: void


void getNextEnabledSibling ( )
Finds the menu item's next enabled sibling.
Returns: void


YAHOO.widget.MenuItem getPreviousEnabledSibling ( )
Finds the menu item's previous enabled sibling.
Returns: YAHOO.widget.MenuItem


void init ( p_oObject , p_oConfig )
The MenuItem class's initialization method. This method is automatically called by the constructor, and sets up all DOM references for pre-existing markup, and creates required markup if it is not already present.
p_oObject <String> String specifying the text of the menu item.
p_oObject <HTMLLIElement> Object specifying the <li> element of the menu item.
p_oObject <HTMLOptGroupElement> Object specifying the <optgroup> element of the menu item.
p_oObject <HTMLOptionElement> Object specifying the <option> element of the menu item.
p_oConfig <Object> Optional. Object literal specifying the configuration for the menu item. See configuration class documentation for more details.
Returns: void


void initDefaultConfig ( )
Initializes an item's configurable properties.
Returns: void


String toString ( )
Returns a string representing the menu item.
Returns: String



blurEvent ( )
Fires when the menu item loses the input focus.


clickEvent ( )
Fires when the user clicks the on the menu item. Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.


destroyEvent ( )
Fires when the menu item's <li> element is removed from its parent <ul> element.


focusEvent ( )
Fires when the menu item receives focus.


keyDownEvent ( )
Fires when the user presses a key when the menu item has focus. Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.


keyPressEvent ( )
Fires when the user presses an alphanumeric key when the menu item has focus. Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.


keyUpEvent ( )
Fires when the user releases a key when the menu item has focus. Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.


mouseDownEvent ( )
Fires when the user mouses down on the menu item. Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.


mouseOutEvent ( )
Fires when the mouse has left the menu item. Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.


mouseOverEvent ( )
Fires when the mouse has entered the menu item. Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.


mouseUpEvent ( )
Fires when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse is over the menu item. Passes back the DOM Event object as an argument.

Configuration Attributes

checked - Boolean

Boolean indicating if the menu item should be rendered with a checkmark.
Default Value: false

classname - String

CSS class to be applied to the menu item's root <li> element. The specified class(es) are appended in addition to the default class as specified by the menu item's CSS_CLASS_NAME constant.
Default Value: null

disabled - Boolean

Boolean indicating if the menu item should be disabled. (Disabled menu items are dimmed and will not respond to user input or fire events.)
Default Value: false

emphasis - Boolean

Boolean indicating if the text of the menu item will be rendered with emphasis. When building a menu from existing HTML the value of this property will be interpreted from the menu's markup.
Default Value: false

helptext - String| HTMLElement

String specifying additional instructional text to accompany the text for the nenu item.
Default Value: null

onclick - Object

Object literal representing the code to be executed when the button is clicked. Format:
fn: Function, // The handler to call when the event fires.
obj: Object, // An object to pass back to the handler.
scope: Object // The object to use for the scope of the handler.
Default Value: null

selected - Boolean

Boolean indicating if the menu item should be highlighted.
Default Value: false

strongemphasis - Boolean

Boolean indicating if the text of the menu item will be rendered with strong emphasis. When building a menu from existing HTML the value of this property will be interpreted from the menu's markup.
Default Value: false

submenu - Menu|String|Object| HTMLElement

Object specifying the submenu to be appended to the menu item. The value can be one of the following:
  • Object specifying a Menu instance.
  • Object literal specifying the menu to be created. Format: { id: [menu id], itemdata: [array of values for items] }.
  • String specifying the id attribute of the <div> element of the menu.
  • Object specifying the <div> element of the menu.
Default Value: null

target - String

String specifying the value for the "target" attribute of the menu item's anchor element. Specifying a target will require the user to click directly on the menu item's anchor node in order to cause the browser to navigate to the specified URL. When building a menu from existing HTML the value of this property will be interpreted from the menu's markup.
Default Value: null

text - String

String specifying the text label for the menu item. When building a menu from existing HTML the value of this property will be interpreted from the menu's markup.
Default Value: ""

url - String

String specifying the URL for the menu item's anchor's "href" attribute. When building a menu from existing HTML the value of this property will be interpreted from the menu's markup.
Default Value: "#"

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