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testing with yogi

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getting started

Testing with yogi will change your life, I'm not kidding! yogi makes it so simple and fast to test your module code that you will wonder where she has been all your life.

how yui is using it

For months now, yogi test has been powering the YUI/Travis-CI builds, as of this writing, she has executed an average of 7,200 PhantomJS tests (with grover) and 1,200 cli based tests (with YUITest on NodeJS) across 450+ builds. That's about 3.78 million tests! And that's just since August of 2012.

module testing from the command line or ci

With yogi, automated/cli YUI testing as never been easier. It's this simple:

$ cd yui3/src/json;
$ yogi test

yogi [info]  using yogi@0.0.35 on node@0.8.14
yogi [info]  using module: json
yogi [info]  prepping grover tests
yogi [info]  adding tests route
yogi [info]  listening on:
yogi [info]  starting cli tests for: json

Total tests: 70, Failures: 0, Skipped: 0, Time: 0.073 seconds

yogi [info]  yuitest tests complete
Starting Grover on 1 files with PhantomJS@1.7.0
  Running 15 concurrent tests at a time.
✔ [JSON]: Passed: 69 Failed: 0 Total: 69 (ignored 0) (0.823 seconds)
✔ [Total]: Passed: 69 Failed: 0 Total: 69 (ignored 0) (0.823 seconds)
  [Grover Execution Timer] 1.378 seconds
yogi [info]  grover tests complete


This works for any module in the YUI source tree and properly configured Gallery modules too!

code coverage support

yogi also supports istanbul code coverage reports too, and they are just as simple as this:

$ cd yui3/src/json;
$ yogi test --coverage --istanbul

yogi [info]  using yogi@0.0.35 on node@0.8.14
yogi [info]  using module: json
yogi [info]  prepping grover tests
yogi [info]  adding tests route
yogi [info]  listening on:
yogi [info]  starting cli tests for: json

Total tests: 70, Failures: 0, Skipped: 0, Time: 0.079 seconds

yogi [info]  yuitest tests complete
yogi [info]  turning on coverage support in grover
Starting Grover on 1 files with PhantomJS@1.7.0
  Running 15 concurrent tests at a time.
✔ [JSON]: Passed: 69 Failed: 0 Total: 69 (ignored 0) (0.829 seconds) 89%

File                    |   % Stmts |% Branches |   % Funcs |   % Lines |
   json-parse/          |     93.75 |     78.13 |      87.5 |     93.75 |
      json-parse.js     |     93.75 |     78.13 |      87.5 |     93.75 |
   json-stringify/      |     84.52 |     82.56 |     72.73 |     84.52 |
      json-stringify.js |     84.52 |     82.56 |     72.73 |     84.52 |
All files               |     87.07 |     81.36 |     78.95 |     87.07 |

=============================== Coverage summary ===============================
Statements   : 87.07% ( 101/116 )
Branches     : 81.36% ( 96/118 )
Functions    : 78.95% ( 15/19 )
Lines        : 87.07% ( 101/116 )
✔ [Total]: Passed: 69 Failed: 0 Total: 69 (ignored 0) (0.829 seconds)
  [Grover Execution Timer] 1.494 seconds
yogi [info]  grover tests complete


module testing in the browser

yogi comes with a very helpful server feature as well. You can execute: yogi serve and she will show you your tests (docs and api docs too).

$ cd yui3/src/json;
$ yogi serve --istanbul

yogi [info]  using yogi@0.0.35 on node@0.8.14
yogi [info]  using module: json
yogi [info]  adding tests route
yogi [info]  this is yui, using global path for all docs
yogi [info]  launching yuidoc --server 5001 --config /ssd/home/yui/src/yui3/src/common/api/yuidoc.json
yogi [info]  this is yui, using global path for all docs
yogi [info]  launching selleck --server 5002 --project /ssd/home/yui/src/yui3/src/common/docs/
yogi [info]  listening on:

Now you can visit to see your Selleck docs, your YUIDoc powered API docs as well as your tests.

also with coverage

When launching yogi serve, she will find all your module tests and show them to you. If you access the coverage versions of your tests, they will run and then show you the coverage report so you can see what you missed!